Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3401: Xiao Chen's acting skills!

In fact, it is not difficult to guess. After all, the Eternal Life Cult pursues immortality. If the Cthulhu alone suppresses them with strength, but does not promise eternal life, how could they believe in the Cthulhu.

"Countless years have passed, that kid still doesn't grow up. He has turned Slaughter Universe into a place where he only knows slaughter. Now he still wants to explore the Star Universe with his hands. It seems that he needs to beat him again." Xiao Chen said lightly. Although the voice was calm, it gave people a tone of dissatisfaction with the younger generation.

"Who is your excellency?" The one-eyed old man finally couldn't help asking, hitting the evil **** again. Could it be that this one hit the evil **** before? How strong is this one who can beat such a terrifying evil god.

Mo Tuo and the others also stared at Xiao Chen closely. He could use the power of the curse. He might really come from another universe.

"Since there is the Star Universe and the Killing Universe, can't there be other universes?" Xiao Chen asked indifferently.

"At the beginning, the evil **** boy, undoubtedly broke into my universe, and wanted to turn my universe into a world of slaughter. In the end, I gave him a severe lesson. If it weren't for watching that boy's cultivation not easy, I would have suppressed him. ."

Xiao Chen said with a special affair, as if all this had happened.

But the one-eyed old man and others were dumbfounded. One is that Xiao Chen's performance is very good, and the other is that Xiao Chen's words really make sense. If they can find the Killing Universe, there must be other Universes.

"Speaking of it, I still think about the universe I'm in." Xiao Chen said lightly, speaking of sadness on his face. In order to be more convincing, several objects appeared in his hand, a mobile phone, and A stereo, a lighter, a box of cigarettes, and these items were all bought by Xiao Chen from the Kengyuan Value Mall.

As he said, he silently lit a cigarette, sadness flashed in his eyes, and at the same time a lonely breath came out from him.

"What are these things?"

The one-eyed old man and others were taken aback for a moment, and then they heard the music from the stereo again, "How invincible is, how lonely..."

Listening to this voice, looking at Xiao Chen's lonely expression, they gradually became fascinated. They felt that the youth in front of them felt lonely because they were too invincible, and that these things in front of them, whether in the heavenly universe or the killing universe, they all I haven't seen it, there is only one possibility, these are the things in the universe where Xiao Chen lives.

At the same time, they thought of a possibility that they could suppress the Heretic God and still appear in the Star Universe. Then the one in front of them was probably also the creator of that universe, and he was even more powerful than the Heretic God.

"My lord, my little one has a doubt, why did you appear in the Star Universe?" the one-eyed old man asked, and his name was changed directly from the lord to the adult, even using honorifics.

Hearing that, Xiao Chen looked at the one-eyed old man, his loneliness was swept away, and he returned to his previous appearance, and said lightly: "Do you think I am strong? Do you think I am invincible?"

The one-eyed old man and others nodded subconsciously.

"Actually, you are wrong. The wrong is ridiculous. In the depths of the universe, there are many strong men who are too strong to be described. Perhaps I am strong in your eyes, but in fact I am weak because my universe is broken by other universes, and I I fled here. These things are all relics."

Xiao Chen said calmly, and with the loneliness and hatred flashing in his eyes, he once again received the trust of the one-eyed old man and others.

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