Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3405: Fighting moves!

As he said, Xiao Chen put his hands together, and at this moment, four giant palms appeared around them, and what was shocking was that the four giant palms turned out to be the palm prints of the Demon Buddha, exuding a terrifying power.

"The palm print of the Devil Buddha, the famous skill of the Devil Buddha, what is going on?"

Seeing this, everyone was shocked again, and Madha also opened his eyes wide. Is this the power of the Creator? Xiao Chen could use his fame stunt so easily.

"I still have many moves, such as the three-eyed clan's unique skills." Xiao Chen looked at the three-eyed old man and said lightly. He could feel that the three-eyed old man was very strong. If he could defeat the three-eyed old man, it would be the same for others. A huge deterrent.

"Really? Why don't I come to accompany you to make a move!" The three-eyed old man looked at Xiao Chen. Since he has been named, he naturally can't sit idly by.

"Okay, I also want to try, is it your three-eyed stunt or my three-eyed stunt?" Xiao Chen said lightly. As he spoke, an eye suddenly appeared between his forehead. With the system and the Shenhuang Absolute Body, he can use any power and any stunt.

The three-eyed old man's gaze condensed. He is the first generation ancestor of the three-eyed clan. Being so provoked by others has completely aroused the anger in his heart. With a sudden movement of his eyebrows, his whole body's strength gathered toward the eyebrows. .

Feeling the movement of the strength in the three-eyed old man, the other immortal cult powerhouses changed their expressions and instantly retreated, and the one-eyed and others all retreated, leaving the battlefield to Xiao Chen and the three-eyed old man.

Seeing the movements of the three-eyed old man, the power in Xiao Chen's body also condensed towards the eyes between his brows.

The strength of the two people's eyebrows and eyes is getting stronger and stronger, and their power is getting more and more terrifying.

When the aura of the two reached their peak, two rays of destruction were shot from their eyes at the same time. The next moment, the two rays of destruction directly met in the void, suddenly like the Big Bang, a terrifying wave. Passed to the surroundings, instantly engulfing Xiao Chen and the three-eyed old man!

"What a terrifying power, who is that kid, can release a terrifying light of destruction just like the three-eyed boss."

Those strong immortal cultists who had been hiding away long ago looked a bit solemn at the terrifying explosion.

"One-eyed, who is that kid?" At this moment, a strong man looked at the one-eyed old man and the others and asked, and when he heard this, others also looked at one-eyed.

Hearing this, the one-eyed face showed a faint arrogance, and said: "Do you know why we became like this?"

Everyone looked at One-Eyed in puzzlement.

"We were all cut like this by that adult." One-eyed proudly said, and the faces of Mo Tuo and others also showed pride, and the other people who watched were stunned.

"What the **** is going on with you, and who the kid is, can you just say it?" Another strong immortal cultivator said.

"Since you want to know, it's okay to tell you. Simply put, we are all defeated by the adult, and that adult is a creator who is stronger than the evil god!"

The one-eyed old man said seriously.

"What, how is it possible!"

Hearing this, the eyes of other powerful immortal cultists instantly widened, creators who are stronger than Lord Cthulhu, is this possible?

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