Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3409: accurate!

At this moment, the woman just said, Xiao Chen's tone of voice with commands made her feel a little uncomfortable, after all, his master is also an old man on the battlefield of the universe.

"Weiwei, don't talk nonsense!"

The old man hurriedly reprimanded, then looked at Xiao Chen and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, senior, my disciple is a little ignorant, I hope senior will forgive me."

Although he is the Seventh Mahayana, but even so, he can't stop the attacks of so many werewolves, but the young man in front of him turned his hands and wiped out all the werewolves. His strength is probably very terrifying, his strength is respected, his tone is not polite. Point is also normal.

"I won't meet some juniors." Xiao Chen said coldly.

"You are nothing more than a junior. Although you have some strength, it is really uncomfortable to pretend to be a senior."

However, Xiao Chen's words made others feel uncomfortable, and another female disciple suddenly snorted coldly.

Xiao Chen glanced at the two female disciples. They were good-looking, cold-tempered, and not too old. They seemed to be the geniuses of the younger generation. They were a little unhappy with the tone of Xiao Chen's orders.

Xiao Chen didn't plan to care about them. Except for them, it was not that no one knew the way back to the base camp, so he ignored them right now and walked towards the big army.

The two women just wanted to say something, but the old man glared fiercely, making them swallow all what they wanted to say.

At this moment, several figures suddenly appeared nearby, and one of the simple-looking youths came forward, looked at the woman named Weiwei, and said tenderly: "Weiwei, are you okay?"

"Ding Ziqiang!"

The five elders all looked at the simple and honest youth, had recognized the origin of each other, and suddenly smiled on their faces, with a pleased smile.

"I'm okay, how about self-improvement?" Weiwei's face suddenly smiled like a flower, and Ding Ziqiang couldn't help but become excited.

"You're fine." Ding Ziqiang smiled honestly.

"Senior Ziqiang, although Junior Sister Weiwei is fine, but he was bullied just now." At this moment, another woman suddenly spoke.

As the woman's voice fell, the old man's face suddenly changed and he gave the woman a fierce look, but the woman ignored him, just looking at Ding Ziqiang.

"What are you talking about, who is not long-eyed guy, dare to bully my Weiwei girl!" Ding Ziqiang was immediately angry, exuding a huge aura, even stronger than that of the old man.

The old man felt the breath of Ding Ziqiang, and his face suddenly showed a solemn look, but his disciple looked at Ding Ziqiang with some admiration.

"it's him!"

The woman pointed to Xiao Chen who stopped not far away.

"Did he bully you?" Ding Ziqiang glanced at Xiao Chen, then at Weiwei.

Weiwei thought of Xiao Chen's tone of command and the attitude of ignoring them just now, and her heart was very angry, so she nodded heavily, and completely forgot that if it wasn't for Xiao Chen just now, I am afraid that all five of them would have explained here.

"Okay, I will give him a severe lesson and take revenge for you!" Ding Ziqiang said, without asking the reason, the voice fell, and he walked viciously towards Xiao Chen.

The old man didn't want to be an ungrateful person, but Ding Ziqiang was not someone he could afford. He wanted to stop Ding Ziqiang, but he didn't dare.

Soon, Ding Ziqiang came in front of Xiao Chen, without saying anything, he hit Xiao Chen with a punch.

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