Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3411: Who are you little brother!

Space battlefield!

Ding Ziqiang looked at Xiao Chen in a daze. He had declared himself that he was the younger brother of the God of War Li Yuanba. Xiao Chen even dared to beat him. Is this a lunatic in front of him?

Not only Ding Ziqiang was a little dazed, but the people around who saw this scene were also a little dazed.

"I'm giving you a chance to make it clear who your boss is?" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"My boss is the God of War Li Yuanba!" As soon as Ding Ziqiang's voice fell, Xiao Chen had already slapped Ding Ziqiang in circles again.

"Do you know what you are doing?" We asked Xiao Chen slightly.

"He is the younger brother of Li Yuanba, the God of Ten Great Wars. Do you know who the God of Ten Great Wars is?" Another woman also questioned.

"I naturally know who the ten war gods are, but he is not worthy of being the younger brother of the **** of war Li Yuanba. He lost the face of the **** of war Li Yuanba. I naturally want to teach him on behalf of the **** of war Li Yuanba."

Xiao Chen said righteously that Li Yuanba counted him as half of his apprentice. He was also his younger brother, but his younger brother, and he dared to bully him. If he didn't teach him a lesson, the other party would not know what the sky and earth are.

"Where did the brat who didn't know the height of the sky and the earth dared to claim to teach people instead of the **** of war Li Yuanba, you are simply insulting the **** of war Li Yuanba!"

It's just that Xiao Chen's voice fell, which immediately caused dissatisfaction from the nearby strong people. Previously, Xiao Chen taught Ding Ziqiang and they did not take it seriously, because they were unhappy with Ding Ziqiang, but now Xiao Chen's behavior insults the reputation of the **** of war Li Yuanba. They can't stand it anymore.

"It's up to you to do what I do. If you have the ability, I will do it. If I don't have the ability, I will shut my mouth and watch your excitement with peace of mind."

Xiao Chen glanced at the strong people around him, and shouted coldly with disdain.

"What an arrogant kid!"

The surrounding powerhouses immediately became angry. They all fought life and death in the cosmic battlefield. They were all cold-blooded and ruthless. When have they seen such an arrogant kid, many people are eager to try and want to teach Xiao Chen a lesson. .

"grown ups!"

Only at this moment, the evil wing demon and the black iron sword demon fell by Xiao Chen's side, and glanced at the evil spirits around them, with a fierce expression on their faces. Stagnation, they can naturally feel that these two people are very strong.

"My lord, do you want us to solve these people?"

"I asked you to come here to let you kill? I'm saying I want to kill, and I need you to do it?" Xiao Chen rolled his eyes.

"Hehe, what the lord said is." The Wing Sha Tian Demon and the Black Iron Sword Demon gave a wry smile.

"Dare to ask senior, but the evil wing demon?"

At this moment, the elder of the five-member group looked at the Wing Shao Tian Demon, and asked with some uncertainty.

"Are you a descendant of the Wing Clan?" The Evil Wing Demon glanced at the old man and asked lightly.

"Junior Yi Shou is the current patriarch of the Yi Clan." Yi Shou looked at the Evil Wing Demon with excitement. The Evil Wing Demon did not veto it, which means that the person in front of him is indeed the strongest genius in the history of the Wing Clan. The wing evil demon can return to the wing clan, and the rise of that wing clan is just around the corner.

"It seems that the first generation of the Wing Clan is not as good as the first generation. The only seven-tier Mahayana can be the patriarch." Black Iron Sword Demon laughed.

"Shut up, at least there are descendants of the Wing Clan. You may have been annihilated by the Black Iron Demon Clan." The Evil Wing Demon glanced at the Black Iron Sword Demon coldly. He had offended many people and was created. It is no longer easy for the Wing Clan to survive after the expulsion.

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