Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3419: Supreme Elder Xiao Chen!

Space battlefield!

As Xiao Chen's voice fell, everyone was dumbfounded. How could they say it well, is it about to go to war?

But, the next moment, their expressions suddenly stagnated, ten war gods, seven monsters, ancestors of all races, listen to his orders, who does he think he is? Does he think he is a creator?

"Boy, are you suffering from madness?" Kong Bi looked at Xiao Chen and said without thinking. The ten great gods and seven monsters of the Tianxing Sect are all powerful and famous, they only listen to the creators. Order, an unknown kid also wants to order them, it's not a madness.

"Are you Xiao Chen?" However, Kong Li looked at Xiao Chen with a little surprise and thoughts flashed in his eyes.

"I didn't expect you to know me." Xiao Chen said lightly.

"Skystar Sect Kong Li, I have seen the Supreme Elder!" Kong Li bowed his hand and bowed slightly, Xiao Chen, is he the Supreme Elder Xiao Chen brought back by the Creator and the others after reincarnation? Mahayana First Heavy, this level of cultivation In his eyes, there is nothing, but after all, it is the Supreme Elder that his master personally admitted, and he still needs to have the etiquette.

"Elder Too, what the hell?" Many people were taken aback when they heard Kong Li's words, including Kong Bi, and his words were even more blurry.

"The Supreme Elder is not a ghost, but a human being. I am standing in front of you. I am the Supreme Elder Xiao Chen of the Sky Star Sect!"

Xiao Chen said slowly, his voice calm and powerful, ringing in the ears of every strong man.

"Sky Star Sect Li Yuanba, meet the Supreme Elder!"

Li Yuanba took the lead in saluting, arched his hands slightly, and then did not forget to glance back at Kunpeng Xiaosan and the others.

Kunpeng Xiaosan was messy, and the kid he was going to teach suddenly became his boss's boss, or the Supreme Elder of the Sky Star Sect, but he had lived for so many years, and he didn't know when there was an extra Supreme Elder in the Sky Star Sect.

However, he couldn't ignore Li Yuanba's eyes. The boss saluted him. There is no reason for him to do so, so he bowed his hand slightly.

"Meet the Supreme Elder!"

"Meet the Supreme Elder!"

The other people of Kunpengzong also saluted.

At this moment, Kong Li also glanced at Kong Bi and the others. Although Kong Bi was unwilling, he could only bow his hands.

Xiao Chen looked at the strong men who bowed their hands and saluted all around him. His original intention was to build up his might, so that the power of the strong men of the immortality can be used perfectly.

"Elder Supreme, come to the Sky Star Tower!" Just when Xiao Chen wanted to say something, Tian Xing'er's voice suddenly rang, and when he heard Tian Xing'er's voice, everyone's expressions were suddenly shaken. Even Tian Xing'er appeared, is it true that the boy in front of him is really too elder?

"Kong Li, settle the strong people of immortality teaching. Anyway, they are all children of the Universe." Tian Xing'er said again.

The Star Universe was created by her, and all the creatures in the Star Universe belonged to her children, otherwise she would not just expel the Immortal Sect.

"Yes, Master!" Kong Li led the command, Tian Xing'er spoke, and the strong who had grievances with the Eternal Life Sect were not reconciled, and could only obey orders.

Next, Li Yuanba took Xiao Chen to a giant city in the starry sky. This giant city was created by Tianxinger according to the Tianxing City, and was the base camp of the Tianxing Universe.

Xiao Chen came to a room and pushed open the door. There were some people sitting inside, including Tian Xing'er, Tian Yan'er, Tian Dao'er, Tian Ling'er, Tian Yue'er, Tian Ying'er, Tian Gui'er, Tian Yin'er, Tian Yi'er, Tian Kui'er, and ten palace masters, Chu Yunmeng, Ke'er, Xia Ruoxi, Duanmu Qinghan, Cheng Qingling, Shangguanying, Tang Yanran, Xiao Rou, Mu Qingxuan, and Chang Qianqian.

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