Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3425: Li Shan's shock!

"When the second brother was transformed into a human body, this guy was still a black bear. He felt that he was behind, and he was a little unwilling." Xiao Chen cast a glance at the black bear.

"It turned out to be so, but how did you become brothers with the evil demon outside the territory?" Li Shan asked the biggest doubt in her heart, because because of the relationship between the evil demon outside the territory and the sky star universe, after meeting it was a fight, how could it be formed brothers.

"This is a long story. Let's get some wine and food and have a good chat." Xiao Chen said, and then waved, a table of wine and food appeared.

After a long time, Li Shan looked at Xiao Chen and the black bear in amazement, her mouth was slightly open, she was really cute, if she saw her expression, she would be shocked, because her predecessor was the incarnation of the **** of heaven, indifferent and cruel Famous, how could he show such an expression.

But she was really shocked. The Xiao Chen and Black Bear in front of her had come from the Martial Realm to the Heart of the Great Wilderness step by step. Although she had never been to places like the Martial Realm, she also knew that such a place was because of Yuan Yuan. Not having enough energy, even breathing is very difficult, but these two people actually stood on the top of the prehistoric place step by step from that place. No wonder Xiao Chen didn’t change his face and never gave up, no matter what happened. He has gone through too many things.

"Xiao Chen, Qingdi, Black Bear, three brothers? I didn't expect that Li Shan would also have human feelings on this day." Li Shan was slightly moved. She returned to the incarnation of Tiansha, although she also has previous memories, but Tian Sha avatar will not have feelings, and she has always been indifferent and ruthless. She never thought of sitting at a table with people, drinking and chatting. This kind of life is much better than when Tian Sha avatars.

The small room was filled with a different kind of warmth, but this kind of warmth did not last long. Suddenly the door was violently knocked open. Three figures walked in. One of them looked like a dead fish-eyed youth. After the three people in the room, they immediately became angry.

"Li Shan, you dare to be with other men behind my back!"

The anger in the eyes of the youth is like a volcanic eruption.

Li Shan glanced at the young man, listening to the young man's questioning tone, somewhat inexplicable, "Who are you?"

"I'm Kong Xian, you, as my woman, are **** with other men. You still want to be shameless, or two little white faces. Today I must teach these two little white faces to let them understand, I Kong A virtuous woman, not everyone can think about it."

Kong Xian looked at Xiao Chen and Black Bear, and said viciously, and his words made Li Shan, Black Bear, and Xiao Chen all feel inexplicable.

Li Shan didn't know Kong Xian at all, how could she become Kong Xian's woman?

"Who is he, do you know?" Xiao Chen looked at Li Shan.

Li Shan shook her head, saying that she didn't know each other.

Xiao Chen looked at the black bear again, and the black bear frowned slightly. After a while, his eyes lifted and he glanced at Kong Xian.

"I know who he is. When I was walking around in Star City, he and Simei met him. He wanted to chase Simei. Simei ignored him. Then he thought that Simei was his woman. Found it here."

"It turns out to be a patient with delusional disorder." A sudden realization flashed across Xiao Chen's face, and then looked at Li Shan, "but you are quite attractive."

"Yes, I don't think so, but this guy seems to disturb our Yaxing, can I kill him?"

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