Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3430: Killer bee appears!

"I'm afraid I'm waiting for the creator of the evil demon outside the territory, that killer bee appears."

Xiao Chen said in a condensed voice, and as if he was correcting his words, a ray of light suddenly appeared on the other side of the galaxy, and then he came to the middle of the galaxy and turned into a young man with a black robe, narrow cheeks and blue eyes.

When Xiao Chen raised his head to look at Killer Bee, he felt a very terrifying crisis, but you must know that Killer Bee did not release any pressure at all, and did not look at Xiao Chen at all.

"Is this the power of the creator? Half-step creator and creator cannot be compared at all!" Xiao Chen was shocked in his heart. He was a leapfrog challenge from the beginning, and he had seen too many powerhouses stronger than his own cultivation base. But no one has ever given him such a powerful pressure.

"The old man is visiting, why not come out and meet!"

The sound of the killer bee resounded throughout the starry sky, and even in the ears of every powerful star in the universe. It was gentle and gentle, and there was no way to connect it with the killer bee.

"Killer bee, long time no see!"

Just as the killer bee's voice fell, an indifferent voice sounded, and then, a stunning beauty with a tall stature and exquisite features in a colorful fairy skirt stepped into the air.

After seeing the woman, the strong men of the Tianxing Universe all showed excitement and excitement. The stunning beauty in front of them was no one else, but the fusion Tianxinger.

"Is this the original face of Tian Xing'er?" Xiao Chen muttered, and the shadow of Tian Xing'er could be vaguely seen from his face, but now Tian Xing'er's breath and temperament have undergone earth-shaking changes, and it is no longer the same. The little girl called him Xiao Chen's father, but Tian Xing'er, the creator of the Tian Xing universe.

"Tian Xing'er, it's really getting more and more beautiful, seeing you, the whole person's mood has changed." Killer Bee smiled slightly, giving people a feeling of spring breeze.

Tian Xing'er looked at the Killer Bee and said indifferently: "If you don't pay attention to the Universe, I will be in a good mood."

"You know, it's impossible. Although you did make my heart move before, it makes me feel stronger when you become stronger." Killer Bee smiled slightly.

Tian Xing'er looked at Killer Bee with a complex color flashing on her face. In fact, no one knew that she had a relationship with Killer Bee. It was not long before she created the Star Universe. Because of her boredom, she went deep into the Star Universe. Explore everywhere, and encountered killer bees on the way.

For Tian Xing'er, who saw an outsider for the first time, everything was strange and curious, and she was also curious about Killer Bee.

So logically, the two traveled together. For Tian Xing'er, Killer Bee was also her teacher and friend, and she was also the first object she admired.

However, with the passage of time, as Tian Xing'er's strength increased, Killer Bee put forward the concept that he could increase his strength by devouring the other's creation power, and he bluntly proposed that he wanted to devour Tian Xing'er's creation power. .

Tian Xing'er looked at the Killer Bee in front of her in disbelief. She really couldn't understand that the man who had always had a gentle smile and was also a teacher and friend would suddenly act on her.

However, the Killer Bee did not directly attack the despicable things. Instead, he fought head-on with Tian Xing'er. Of course, Tian Xing'er was defeated. However, when Tian Xing'er was bound to die, the Killer Bee was involved in an inexplicable battle. , Let Tian Xing'er escape.

After returning to the Tianxing Universe, Tian Xing'er began to concentrate on cultivation. Due to the protection of the protective layer, the Tianxing Universe was always safe. It was not until the protective layer was destroyed by the **** of war Xiao Chen and Dou defeated the Buddha Sun Wukong that the Killer Bee found him.

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