Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3432: With soul armor!

Naturally, Li Yuanba would not let the Golden Retriever Saint General wait for a long time. A little bit, he had already left the place and appeared opposite the Golden Retriever Saint General and confronted the Golden Retriever Saint General.

Suddenly, the eyes of both sides of Xinghe fell on Li Yuanba and the Golden Retriever Saint General, including the two creators.

Xiao Chen looked at the two of them, and he could feel the golden-haired saint general exuding the aura of Mount Tai. Relatively speaking, Li Yuanba was much weaker, but Xiao Chen was still full of confidence in Li Yuanba.

"Come on!" Li Yuanba looked at the golden-haired saint general, and said in a deep voice. At the same time, a layer of golden armor appeared on his body, and this golden armor gradually merged into Li Yuanba's body. Although Li Yuanba's aura remained unchanged, he did not know why. But I feel that Li Yuanba now is stronger than before.

"What is that?" Xiao Chen asked with some doubts.

"That is my unique method. I named it the soul-attached armor. When I traveled deep in the universe, I collected a lot of materials, including the corpses of the Kunpeng clan, and that armor was made of materials from the Kunpeng clan. If you make it and integrate it into your body, you can maximize the power of Li Yuanba Kunpeng!"

Xiao Ling explained that she was faintly proud. Although she could not promote Li Yuanba to the creator, she could infinitely increase Li Yuanba's power in the half-step creation.

"With soul armor!" A light flashed in Xiao Chen's eyes.

"In order to refine the soul armor for the ten great war gods, my sister is bleeding heavily this time, you must remember to make up for it."

"When you recover, I will treat you to a big meal!" Xiao Chen said.

"Then put it this way, I will definitely eat you down by then."

"Okay." Xiao Chen didn't expect that a big meal would satisfy Xiao Ling, but it was true that Xiao Ling had never seen anything, any treasure was **** in her eyes, and she was also a foodie when she was alive. Subconsciously, she has been greedy for a long time.

"Kunpeng Fist!"

After fusing the soul armor, Li Yuanba did not gossiping with the Golden Retriever Saint General, but went directly to the sky and punched it out. Suddenly countless fists appeared in all directions of the Golden Retriever Saint General, and then fell towards him.

"Small bugs, golden hair turns into needles!"

The Golden Retriever Saint General shouted with disdain, and the golden retrievers on his body instantly turned into spikes, facing his fists, to the point where he was now, even the golden retrievers on his body could easily kill a Mahayana powerful.

The fist collided with the Golden Retriever instantly, and directly offset in midair, but soon the Golden Retriever Saint General discovered that Li Yuanba's fist passed directly through his golden thorn and landed on him.

"Kunpeng is good at the power of space. After being integrated into the soul armor, he can use the power of space to the extreme no matter what means!" Xiao Ling said proudly.

"The method of attaching the soul armor is really powerful, and you deserve to be the creator of the galaxy universe." Listening to Xiao Ling's proud voice, Xiao Chen praised him, and Xiao Ling was instantly unhappy.

Xiao Chen smiled helplessly, his eyes still focused on the battle between Li Yuanba and the Golden Retriever Saint General.

Li Yuanba's fist fell on the Golden Retriever Saint General. Although he did not cause any harm to him, the Golden Retriever Saint General felt humiliated, and suddenly a burst of anger burst out.

The next moment, a sound like a lion roar came, the starry sky vibrated, the void shattered, and Li Yuanba's fists were all shattered. The strength of the Golden Retriever Saint General was terrifying!

Li Yuanba was also affected and flew out directly. After stabilizing his figure in midair, there was already some blood stains at the corners of his mouth.

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