Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3435: The means of the holy general!

The universe battlefield, over the galaxy!

Under the gaze of countless people, the body of the Golden Retriever Saint General was directly pierced by the spiral formed by Li Yuanba, and suddenly torn apart!

The Golden Retriever Saint will die?

Just as everyone thought so, another golden-haired saint heard a gloomy voice, "Li Yuanba, you really dare to do it!"

"It turns out that you not only destroyed the spirit of your twin brother, but your spirit is free to switch between the two."

Li Yuanba said coldly. He was sure that what he had just smashed was the body of the Golden Retriever Saint General, but he did not expect that the Golden Retriever Saint General could transfer his soul to his twin brothers, but he destroyed a body, also It was a broken arm of the Golden Retriever Saint General!

"Do you really think it's just that simple!" The Golden Retriever Saint General snorted coldly, and as his voice fell, the body that had just been torn apart suddenly turned into a golden fur armor, which was worn by the Golden Retriever Saint General.

Seeing this, Li Yuanba frowned suddenly!

"I am indestructible now, and your speed has no effect on me!"

The Golden Retriever Saint General said coldly, without any anger on his face, but with a serious and serious expression.

"Although the Golden Retriever Saint General is impulsive and easy to get angry, once he calms down, his strength will become unfathomable!"

Killer Bee said lightly.

Hearing that, Tian Xing'er and the other gods of war were all tense, looking at Li Yuanba with some worry.

"The breath of this golden retriever is different from before." Li Shan also narrowed his eyes.

"It's not that it's different, but it's a completely different person!" Xiao Chen said solemnly. Although he felt the difference, he didn't understand what was going on. However, Xiao Ling was different. She was a creator, and her eyes were natural. Out of the ordinary.

In fact, the Golden Retriever Saint General did not wipe out the spirits of his twin brothers, but swallowed them to form a two-body existence. In short, although there is only one spirit, there are two consciousnesses, usually both. The consciousness of the Golden Retriever Saint General is the master, and now it has become the master of the consciousness of his twin brother.

"Li Yuanba is in danger!" Xiao Chen was also a little worried.

Li Yuanba looked at the current Golden Retriever Saint General and took a deep breath, then his eyes condensed, Kunpeng Feiwu instantly started, and a cold light flashed across.

At this time, the Golden Retriever Saint General also moved, the same golden light flashed, and the two figures continued to interlace. Just now Li Yuanba unilaterally slinged the Golden Retriever Saint General with speed, but now the speed of the two is no longer comparable, Li Yuanba completely It doesn't take any advantage.

"The top ten sage generals are indeed well-deserved!" Tian Xing'er frowned slightly. The current situation is very unfavorable for the Tian Xing universe. The battle between Li Yuanba and the Golden Retriever Saint General is the first battle between the two sides. If Li Yuanba loses, he will fight The morale of the Star Universe has caused a great blow, so Li Yuanba absolutely cannot lose, whether it is for himself or for the Star Universe, he absolutely can't lose in this battle!

Boom boom boom!

The two figures continued to interlace, and at the same time the sound of collision continued. After hundreds of fights, the two suddenly separated. The Golden Retriever Saint General was dressed in a golden fur armor, majestic and majestic, without any scars on his body, even the gold fur armor did not have any traces.

But unlike the Golden Retriever Saint General, Li Yuanba not only had a restless breath, but also had many scars on his body, which were exactly the same as those he had left on the Golden Retriever Saint General before.

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