Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3444: The power of a knife!

"Give your head down to me!" Xiao Chen yelled coldly, the big knife in his hand suddenly turned around, and the blade of the galaxy cut out.

Hearing Xiao Chen's voice, everyone lowered their heads subconsciously, and then, a star-filled blade light, with Xiao Chen as the center, passed over their heads, cut them away, and then expanded continuously, waiting to arrive outside the domain. When the evil demon was in front of him, a huge sword beam with a width of more than ten meters had already formed. It instantly slashed the evil spirits outside the territory and moved towards the distance. There were countless evil spirits outside the territory who had no time to dodge and were slashed by the sword shine.

"It's finished!" Xiao Chen put away the long knife lightly.


Everyone was taken aback, and they were a little puzzled. At this moment, they found that those extraterritorial demons that had been slashed by the starlight blade light instantly turned into starlight and fell into the galaxy, all around, instantly emptying out a huge radius of a hundred miles. space.

In other words, Xiao Chen eliminated all the evil spirits outside the territory within a hundred miles with a single stab, but it was normal. This stab directly consumed nearly half of Xiao Chen's strength, and Xiao Chen used the power of cutting to wipe out time and space. , The power of destruction, three powerful powers, you must know that these three powers, if you take out one of them, in the hands of Xiao Chen, they can all exert great power!

"I'm not blind, am I?"

"The extraterritorial demons within a hundred miles are gone!"

"Lord Kong Bi, they can't do it!"

Everyone stared at the surroundings with stunned mouths, they were shocked, and with one single stab, they killed countless extraterritorial demons.

"Boss!" Suddenly a strong man looked at Xiao Chen and his eyes were full of excitement. Even if Xiao Chen's cultivation base is lower than him, and his age is much younger, but the boss, he is willing to say this. .

Hearing this strong man's voice, other strong men finally reacted, looking at Xiao Chen, many strong men directly called the boss.

Xiao Chen nodded in satisfaction. In fact, it is not that he has to be the boss, but in the team model, in addition to fame, there is a special definition, that is, trust value. Simply put, the more team members trust Xiao Chen. , The team members beheaded the evil demon outside the territory, the more rewards Xiao Chen would get.

The ten great war gods, the seven monsters, the Xiao family army, and the ten personally passed them all have 100% trust. Although the eternal life teaching does not have 100% trust, they are similar. After all, in their hearts, Xiao Chen is the creator!

After discovering this, Xiao Chen had this idea. After all, this is a battlefield. Only those with strong strength can make people rely on and trust people.

Looking at the increased trust value, Xiao Chen was still very satisfied, but the open space he had just cut out was once again filled with evil spirits outside the territory, and this time was different. There were many powerful auras around him.

"grown ups!"

At this moment, a figure fell on the edge of Xiao Chen, it was Mo Tuo, but at this time he was a little embarrassed and there were many scars.

"Evil Buddha, Madha!"

When he saw Mo Tuo, someone beside Xiao Chen immediately recognized Mo Tuo's identity, and he suddenly uttered in shock.

"It seems that there are many strong men among the evil demons outside the territory, and even you are hurt like this!" Xiao Chen glanced at Mo Tuo and said lightly.

"The number of strong men among the evil demons outside the territorial universe is far greater than the sky star universe." Mo Tuo said in a deep voice. He was besieged by several strong men, two of whom were not weaker than him. At this moment, he happened to see the knife Xiao Chen slashed out.

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