Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3446: The old way!

"Moxi pointed!"

"The shield of devilish energy!" The horned monster snorted coldly, and the devilish energy formed a shield of horns in front of him. Moxi hit all the shields with one finger, and at this moment, Xiao Chen's feet got a little bit of devilish energy. Attached to the fist.

"The mountains and rivers of the demon swallowing mountains and rivers explode!" Xiao Chen snorted coldly and punched the shield. The devilish energy instantly exploded, directly bursting the horn shield, and then Xiao Chen directly hit the horn monster without losing strength.


The horned monster flew out instantly, and at the same time, the billowing devilish energy gathered towards his body. After he stabilized his figure, the devilish energy had already gathered in his body, forming a huge horned monster, coming with great pressure.

Xiao Chen looked at the huge horned monster and frowned slightly. It seemed that he underestimated the super power of the evil demon outside the territory. Although the punch just didn't make a full shot, it also consumed most of Xiao Chen's strength, but he was unable to take it. It didn't even cause much damage.

"The mountains and rivers of the magic swallowing the world exploded!" Xiao Chen's expression became cold, and then, several magic vortexes appeared around the huge horn monster. Then, these vortexes exploded directly, swallowing the horn monster.

"What a terrifying explosion!" Everyone was shocked.

"With the power of this explosion, I am afraid that even if I am in it, I will be seriously injured if I die!" Mo Tuo also had a serious look.

However, Xiao Chen frowned. After the explosion, a group of demonic energy appeared in front of everyone, and then again condensed like a horned monster.

"Boy, you are so cruel, how dare you hurt me like this!" the horn monster said coldly.

"It looks like you have to use the old method!"

Xiao Chen said calmly, faintly pointing at the horned monster. Then, Moxi activated his finger instantly, leaving finger holes in the huge horned monster. At this moment, a lot of magic energy appeared, repairing the finger hole.

"The Hand of God Desolate, launch!"

Xiao Chen's expression became cold, and he suddenly approached the horned monster, and the hand of Shenhuang instantly activated, and then the devilish energy on the horned monster suddenly condensed towards the vortex in the center of Xiao Chen's hand.

This is demon energy, not the power of destruction. The moment it entered Xiao Chen's body, it was absorbed and refined by Xiao Chen.

"What's the matter, kid what did you do!" Soon the horn monster discovered that it was wrong, and suddenly shouted.

"Moxi's finger!" Xiao Chen ignored it at all, but Moxi's finger kept activating, leaving finger holes in the horned monster. Then, the devilish energy continued to emanate and Xiao Chen absorbed.

"Boy, stop!" The horned monster roared, his body shrank continuously, and instantly shrank to his normal height, but he didn't dare to release the magic energy indefinitely, so he shrank the whole body.

"Do you think I can't do anything if I don't release the devilish energy?" Xiao Chen snorted coldly, and the spear appeared in his hand. In the next moment, Xiao Chen had already appeared behind the horned monster.


The next moment, the body of the horn monster exploded, and then the gun light flashed by, and Xiao Chen directly beat the horn monster into a pile of devil energy, and Xiao Chen had already rushed into the devil energy. Xiao Chen's body.

"What method is this?" Everyone looked at Xiao Chen, who was gradually revealing the devilish energy, with a dull expression, while other extraterritorial demons also looked at Xiao Chen dumbfounded.

The breath of the horn monster disappeared?

Is the horn monster dead?

"One is resolved, and there are four more. Do you go together or go one by one!" Xiao Chen looked at the other four super powers, holding a spear, and fighting vigorously. After absorbing the devilish energy, the body inside him The strength has been restored to its peak again.

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