Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3452: Ten personal biography!

It was also because of this that attracted the attention of the super powers of the extraterritorial evil spirits. Dozens of the super powers of the extraterritorial evil spirits used methods to trap the ten colorful dragons, while several super powers moved towards Chen Yu and the others.

"Several beauties, don't worry, I will protect you!" The ten-color auspicious dragon not only attracted the attention of the evil demons outside the territories, but also naturally attracted the attention of the powerhouses in the sky star universe. Ten strong men are protecting them, and the head is an elegant young man. Whenever he looks at them with a serious face, his eyes flashes with surprise.

"When did Honghuang appear so many outstanding women, if they can follow me, it would be a wonderful thing, this time we must perform well!" The young man was amazed, clenching his fists secretly, if you let others I know that young people can have such thoughts in battle, but I don't know what their expressions are.

The identity of the youth is obviously extraordinary. Among the dozens of people, there are three super powers, but under the attack of the super powers of the evil demon outside the territory, they have begun to lose ground.

"Jing Hui, the situation is a bit bad, we must withdraw!" A super strong man fell in front of the young man, said somewhat solemnly.

"Several beauties, there are too many powerhouses of the evil demons outside the territory, you should withdraw first, and I will cover you with Kong Jinghui!" Kong Jinghui looked at Baiyue and others and said quickly.

"Thank you for your kindness, we can still fight!" Shunyue said solemnly, her face full of solemnity. She is no longer the straightforward little girl at the beginning, but a goddess who has grown into a majestic and magnificent goddess. As a senior sister, she shoulders the task of protecting the juniors and promoting the prestige of the master, how can she easily retreat at this time!

"Several beauties, don't be brave, I'm Kong Jinghui from the Kong family, I'll cover you, you quickly withdraw!"

Kong Jinghui said solemnly, and then stepped forward. At the same time, a powerful breath came from him. Although Kong Jinghui looked young, his breath was not weaker than the super powers of the Immortal Sect.

Kong Jinghui's complexion became cold, and behind him appeared a long colorful tail. The tail was slightly stretched out, which looked like a peacock, but it was only less than half unfolded. If you look so closely, it looks more like the tail of some birds.

"Jin Se Tian Hua!"

Kong Jinghui gave a cold snort, and then, feathers shot out from his tail, and then formed a colorful curtain that blocked the evil demons outside the territory and stopped all the attacks of the evil demons outside the territory.

"Withdraw!" Kong Jinghui yelled. The rest of the fall had begun to withdraw, and the other strong men also withdrew. It was not until they withdrew hundreds of miles away that they found that they did not withdraw with them at all, and they still stayed. In place.

"Damn it, why didn't they withdraw!" Kong Jinghui's expression changed as he wanted to rescue him, but was held back by the super powers around him.

"Jing Hui, you are a personal disciple of Master Kong Li. You bear a heavy responsibility. How can you put yourself in danger because of a few women!"

"These women are rare beauties. It would be a pity if they died here!" Kong Jinghui said unwillingly.

Seeing Kong Jinghui's expression, this super strong man already knew what he was making, and his face suddenly showed helplessness.

Although Kong Jinghui was surnamed Kong, his body was not a peacock, but a golden pheasant. By coincidence, he worshipped Kong Li as his teacher and was given the surname Kong.

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