Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3456: Stop playing!

Then Xiao Chen slammed it, and a ball of flame fell on the meat, which instantly burned it clean, and another super powerhouse of the evil demon died in his hands.

"Boy, what did you do!"

Suddenly a super-powerful person noticed the movement here and suddenly furious.

"I told you, don't forget that there is still the killing god!" The lightsaber in Xiao Chen's hand turned a sword flower and looked at this foreign demon with a smile.

"Asshole, you **** it!"

The super strong said angrily, his face was full of murderous intent, and then he was no longer entangled with Si, but directly rushed towards Xiao Chen.

The super-powerful who just died was his friend. Although he lost half of his body, he could recover in their realm as long as it took a certain amount of time. But what he didn't expect was that when he dealt with the four differences, Xiao Chen actually took the opportunity to How could he not be angry if he was killed.

"Ha ha!"

Xiao Chen looked at the super-powerful person who rushed over and showed a bright smile, but this smile of Xiao Chen looked in front of the opponent, but it became Chi Guoguo's provocation.

"go to hell!"

This super strong man was furious. A Mahayana quadruple ant dared to provoke him and completely angered him. He did not use other moves, but just clenched his fists, intending to use the most direct, simplest and most violent method. Just use fists to solve Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen raised his fist looking at the other party, smiled in his heart, and also clenched his fist. The power in his body continued to converge toward his right fist!

This strong man also saw Xiao Chen's movements, his face was shocked, and then he felt a little ridiculous. A Mahayana ant even dared to face him head-on. What a fool, an idiot!

"Go to death, idiot boy!"

"Who is an idiot, you will know soon!" Xiao Chen still smiled, looking at the fist, Xiao Chen also punched out!


The next moment, the two fists collided fiercely, and the super strong man had a sneer on his face. He had already seen the scene where Xiao Chen was smashed by his punch.

Only a few breaths passed, Xiao Chen didn't break into fleshy flesh, there was still a faint smile on his face, but he felt something wrong.

The next moment, he felt a pain in his arm, and then a huge force came, and his whole body flew out directly, and he was blown away by Xiao Chen!

"Dark Ape!"

The power of darkness in his body erupted, and Xiao Chen had already turned into a dark ape. The next moment, the figure had disappeared. When he reappeared, he had already appeared under the strong man. Then he hit his back with a punch and smashed him upwards. He appeared above again, smashed his fists down, and hit it down again!

Since the opponent likes to use his fists, then he uses his fists to solve the opponent!

This super-powerful man despised Xiao Chen from the beginning, and he was doomed to end. Xiao Chen, who was transformed into a dark ape, was not comparable to ordinary powerhouses in terms of speed and strength, not to mention that Xiao Chen took the lead from the beginning. Opportunity, this super strong man is destined to be beaten without the strength to fight back.

"Xin Wang, what are you doing!"

Seeing this scene, other extraterritorial evil spirits suddenly reprimanded with anger. Some of them were only defensively beaten by the four different images. However, Xin was defeated well. They were also crushed and beaten against a Mahayana junior. Of course, they would not think Xiao Chen was Suppress the opponent with strength.

They only thought that Xin Fang was careless or playing with Xiao Chen, and suddenly said angrily again: "Xin Fang, stop playing, solve the kid, come and help us!"

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