Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3458: Two to one!

"Xin Fang, are you still alive?" the unicorn asked.

"Fortunately, I haven't died, but it's really painful. I haven't felt this pain for a long time!" Xin Fang's voice came over. Although the voice was calm, no one could hear the anger. He had forgotten it. It's been a long time since I was injured, let alone being injured by a Mahayana junior!

"Not dead yet!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"I'm not dead, but you are going to die!" Xin Fang stared at Xiao Chen and said coldly, while the wound on his body was slowly recovering.

Xiao Chen glanced at it, expressionless, the extraterritorial evil spirits were extremely tenacious in their vitality, such as super powers like Xin Fang, even more so, unless they were killed with one blow, they were completely eliminated before they recovered.

"It's a two-on-one, it seems that the situation is not in seconds!" Xiao Chen said lightly.

"One player, don't think of him as an ordinary Mahayana junior. Regardless of power or speed, his strength is not weaker than ours. Just show your true ability!"

Xin Fu said in a solemn voice, and as his voice fell, his body swelled for a while, and then, after painstakingly and completely beast, he turned into a Tyrannosaurus rex.

Hearing Xin Fang's voice, the unicorn also sank slightly, and the next moment, it was completely animalized and turned into a huge unicorn. The power on the unicorn flashed, and the two were ready to make a full shot!

"Interesting, since that's the case, let's have something more fun!" Xiao Chen smiled faintly, his body strength changed, and the demon power surged out, and Xiao Chen also changed from the dark ape to the demon ape. If it is pure power, it is still The strongest demon.

"Suffer to death!" Xin Wei yelled coldly and ran towards Xiao Chen. The huge dragon claws directly clamped on Xiao Chen. At this moment, the unicorn had appeared behind Xiao Chen, and the unicorn was directly stab at Xiao Chen. Come!

"Remember, I am the God of Killing Xiao Chen!" Xiao Chen sneered, Yao Yuan suddenly grasped Xin Fang's paws with both hands, and then a huge force struck, Xiao Chen directly lifted the Tyrannosaurus rex, and then fell back. , Xiao Chen threw the Tyrannosaurus rex behind him and slammed into the unicorn rushing over.

"Damn, what kind of monster is this kid, so powerful!"

The Tyrannosaurus and the Unicorn shook their heads, their eyes were full of ferocity, and then the Tyrannosaurus rex opened its huge mouth, and within his huge mouth, there is a powerful force constantly converging!

The unicorn on the unicorn's head also continues to gather strength, its power is getting stronger and stronger, and the movement is getting bigger and bigger.

Xiao Chen watched the movement of the two, without moving, but holding his arms in front of him. He planned to forcefully accept the moves of the two, of course not to be handsome or to be strong, but to turn the world through battle. Accumulate strength in the body, and then kill with one blow!

After Xiao Chen had done his defense, a power ball spouted from the giant mouth of the Tyrannosaurus Rex, and a beam of light shot out from the unicorn unicorn. The power ball directly converged with the light to form a stronger force and roared at Xiao Chen. go with.

"Come on!" Xiao Chen shouted, without any dodge, the next moment, this power directly engulfed Xiao Chen!

"Dare to accept our attack, this kid should be dead!" Xin Wei looked at Xiao Chen who was swallowed up by power, and said with some solemnity.

"Absolutely dead, this is a combined blow of the two of us!" The unicorn said affirmatively. With a combined blow of their two super powers, he did not believe that Xiao Chen could survive.

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