Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3465: Killing the gods!

However, Xiao Chen didn't have any intention to stop, still attacking Kong Bi and the others.

"Xiao Chen, stop, there are a large number of powerful evil demons nearby!" Kong Bi hurriedly shouted.

"So what?" Xiao Chen said indifferently, unmoved at all.

"We are our own people. This is not the time for us to fight internally. We should unite as one to resist the evil spirits outside the territory! Protect our homeland." Kong Bi said anxiously.

"When you just made the move, it seems that you never thought that we are your own people!" Xiao Chen sneered, human nature was selfish. When they were besieged just now, Kong Jinghui and others not only did not make a move, but also wanted to hold the moon off. With them, plus Kong Bi's killing intent on Beng Yue and himself, Xiao Chen didn't see any taste of his own.

And unite as one and take action together, fearing that as soon as Xiao Chen let go of them, they would run away.

"Xiao Chen, don't go too far!" Kong Bi found Xiao Chen unmoved, and said angrily.

"Is it too much? It's not too much for you!" Xiao Chen glanced at Yue Yue and the others who were adjusting their breaths. Looking at the pale face, Xiao Chen felt that he was still too light to act!

"Xiao Chen, what on earth do you want to do, you are not afraid that the evil demon from outside the territory will take advantage of this, and even you will not end well!" Kong Bi's expression was gloomy and terrible!

"I just want to break your arm! If the evil demon outside the territories takes action, I am not afraid to die with you!" Xiao Chen sneered, without stopping, instead the attack was more fierce.

"It's really interesting, too interesting!" The white-faced youth clapped his hands and laughed.

"My lord, don't we make a move?" a super strong asked in a deep voice.

"What's the hurry, when they fight and both lose, we are taking action, we can minimize the loss!" The white-faced youth said lightly, without sound transmission, not only the evil demons outside the territory can hear clearly, Kong Bi and the others can also hear clearly. !

"Xiao Chen, you heard that too, are you really going to fight us and lose both ends, and then get a bargain by the evil demon outside the territory?"

Kong Bi's face was pale.

"So what!" Xiao Chen sneered.

"You are the Supreme Elder of the Sky Star Sect. For a little bit of grudges, regardless of the overall situation, you have lost your power for nothing. What qualifications do you have to be the Supreme Elder of the Star Sect!" Kong Bi shouted righteously.

"I am the killing **** Xiao Chen. The principle of killing gods is that people don't offend me and I don't offend people. If people offend me, I will offend people. No matter who it is today, I can't stop me from cutting your arms!"

Xiao Chen's voice was extremely cold, his attitude was extremely firm, and his actions became more and more intense. Soon someone screamed, and more or less traces of the boomerang appeared on their bodies.

Kong Jinghui was even more miserable, and one arm had been cut off.

Kong Bi's face was ugly to death, his eyes flashed ruthlessly, and he gritted his teeth: "Xiao Chen stop, let's break our arm!"

Hearing Kong Bi's voice, all the boomerangs suddenly stopped, but the formation did not disperse. Xiao Chen looked at Kong Bi coldly and waited for his actions.

Kong Bi didn't hesitate, he was cruel, and a hand knife slashed on his left arm, and then his left arm flew out directly, only one arm was broken. When they reached their state, they recovered well.

It's just that the broken arm is a shame for Kong Bi and the others!

After seeing Kong Bi's broken arm, other super-powerfuls gritted their teeth, and directly knives up and down, cutting off their left arm.

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