Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3479: A breath of despair!

"But Dad Xiao Chen, what about you?" There was grief flashing in Tian Xing'er's eyes, and she could naturally see that Xiao Chen had no dantian in his body. Without dantian, wouldn't it be a waste?

She watched how Xiao Chen had cultivated from the martial world step by step, how many hardships and life and death she had experienced, she knew very well how uncomfortable it was to suddenly become a useless person.

Xiao Chen looked at Tian Xing'er, naturally understood what she was thinking, and smiled gently: "Xing'er, don't worry, I am the killing **** Xiao Chen, even if I don't have a dantian, I will kill whoever wants to kill!"

In order to prove his own words, Xiao Chen raised his finger faintly, and then, a force shot out from the finger, directly piercing the head of a distant evil demon.

Xiao Chen converted all the power in the body into the power of the gods, and the power of the gods was not stored in the pubic area, but in every cell of the body, and the power that the body of the gods could store was beyond imagination. !

In other words, the presence or absence of Dantian doesn't have much to do with Xiao Chen. This is also the abnormality of Shenhuang Absolutely.


Feeling the surging power in Xiao Chen's body, Tian Xing'er blinked, and then carefully checked Xiao Chen, back and forth several times, and only after confirming that there was no problem with Xiao Chen's body, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"I didn't expect that your dantian could come back, but unfortunately, the result will not change." At this moment, Killer Bee suddenly spoke.

Hearing that, Xiao Chen and Tian Xing'er all looked at Killer Bee!

Xiao Chen didn't change his face, and Tian Xing'er broke out with a terrifying pressure, and the pressure swept across the galaxy. Under this pressure, the two sides of the war stopped one after another, even those who killed the red eye. , Also because of the sudden pressure, restored his sanity.

"The coercion of the creator!"

Gao Fumei and Shengyu looked in the direction of coercion, and their divine sense immediately went out. Everyone on the galaxy battlefield’s divine consciousness went out. At a glance, they saw the terrifying coercion exuding the serious sky star. And the killer bee who smiled faintly across Tian Xing'er!

"Looking at you like this, you still want to resist stubbornly. If that's the case, let you see what despair is!"

The Killer Bee said lightly, and then, with a dreadful expression, "Unblock the seal!"

As the killer bee's indifferent voice fell, a sound that seemed to be unlocking suddenly came, and then a set of scarlet armor appeared on the killer bee, and then this set of scarlet armor slowly separated from the killer bee.

As the scarlet armor was detached, an unusually depressing pressure suddenly appeared on the Killer Bee, as if the entire sky had been suppressed suddenly, and all the creatures felt a pressure full of killing.

If Tian Xing'er's coercion is to give people a feeling of surrender, then the coercion of Killer Bee is to give people a feeling of despair. There is no hope, it is the despair of falling into an eighteen abyss.

The face of the strong man in the Star Universe is full of despair, there is no hope!

The face of the evil demon powerhouse outside the territory is also full of despair, without a hint of hope.

"You are finally willing to use your real skills!"

Tian Xing'er said in a deep voice, exuding ten colorful rays of light on her body, like a light in the dark, illuminating the entire galaxy, and also illuminating all living beings. Although this light is insignificant compared with the darkness, it gives the darkness. The desperate creatures brought a glimmer of hope.

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