Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3484: Descendants of mythological characters!

Xiao Chen was stunned, "How can I help?"

"Well, although you have accepted a lot of pets, the only ones who really cultivated are the Azure Emperor and the Black Bear. Do you know why?"

Xiao Ling asked suddenly.

"Huh?" Xiao Chen was a little confused.

"Since you have the memory of the earth, I believe you also know some of the characters in myths, they have really existed!" Xiao Ling said.

"So." Xiao Chen is not surprised. After all, he has already seen Monkey King. It is not surprising that the characters in those myths have existed. It's just that when the mythical characters are proposed at this time, what does it have to do with the Black Bear Qing Emperor? .

"Hei Xiong and Qing Di are the descendants of certain mythological characters, and the blood of these great gods is flowing in their bodies, otherwise their talents are strong, and it is impossible to break through the creation realm."

Xiao Lingdao, and his words caused Xiao Chen's pupils to shrink suddenly, and the blood of mythical characters was flowing in the body of the Azure Emperor Black Bear. How could this be possible!

"These mythical figures have long explored the depths of the universe, and even if they leave blood in other universes, there is nothing weird!" Xiao Ling continued to say, as if to help Xiao Chen's confusion.

"So how are you going to help them?" Xiao Chen asked, with some doubts in his heart.

"Before I help them, I still need to help you solve a doubt. Although I am the creator of the galaxy, the galaxy was not created by me. I am just a hard-fought successor, and the last creator left behind before leaving. Some of the magical instruments in mythological figures include the Xingtian axe of the Great Xingtian, the Sun-shooting bow of the Great God Houyi, and the Pangu axe of the Great Pangu!"

"Either Xingtian axe, sun-shooting bow, or Pangu axe, although it is only formed by the projection of the real magic weapon over countless years, it also has some of the powers of the original magic weapon, and the black bear has the blood of the Xingtian god, which can be activated. The power of Xing Tian Axe has greatly improved his power!"

"As for the Azure Emperor, you can activate the power of the sun-shooting bow!"

Xiao Ling's words caused Xiao Chen to fall into contemplation, successor? Moreover, when mentioning the Great God Xingtian, the Great God Houyi, and the Great God Pangu, Xiao Ling’s voice still has some worship. Obviously these mythological figures are stronger than Xiao Ling who is the creator. As for how strong they are, this is not Xiao Ling. Chen could imagine, he couldn't even beat a killer bee now.

"In that case, what are you waiting for!" Xiao Chen slowly stood up, after this period of recovery, he was already able to move!

"Oh, yes, this is the Pangu Axe. The Great God Pangu opened up the world and possessed an unrelenting aura and fighting spirit. Although you don't have the blood of the Great God Pangu, you can try to resonate with the Pangu axe by using the battle spirit. Can you get the Pangu axe? Recognition, it depends on your own ability!"

Xiao Ling suddenly took out an unremarkable iron axe. Xiao Chen looked at the Pangu axe in Xiao Ling's hand. He sank in with just one glance, a strong fighting spirit echoed in his mind, and he The bloodline of the God of War in the body of the battlefield and the world began to boil, and began to echo with the Pangu Axe.

Pangu axe automatically floated into Xiao Chen's hands. Seeing the terrifying war intent emanating from Xiao Chen's body, Xiao Ling smiled, "I didn't see it wrong, this kid can really activate Pan Gu axe's war intent, he deserves to be the **** of war. Blood!"

"Let's go, find someone else!" Xiao Chen suddenly shook the Pangu axe, and his whole body of fighting spirit was retracted into his body. Xiao Chen's face was already full of impatient expressions.

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