Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3488: Attitudes of all parties!

"The boss will never die, he is a man who is good at creating miracles, he has been from the beginning!"

Gao Fumei did not get angry because of Shengyu's sneer, but said very firmly.

"I think you are crazy, you actually put hope on that kid!"

"I just put my hope on the boss, Shengyu, since you look down on my boss so much, why don't we make a bet!" Gao Fumei suddenly smiled, with a confident expression on her face.

Shengyu appeared in a short-term stupefaction. She didn't understand why Gao Fumei, one of the top ten war gods, would be so confident of a kid with only Mahayana cultivation base.

"How to bet?" Shengyu asked almost subconsciously.

"It's very simple. I said that the boss must be alive and be able to defeat your master. If you win, you will call me sister from now on. If you lose, I will kill you!"

Gao Fumei sonorously said, she has a blind trust in Xiao Chen.

Hearing that, Shengyu was taken aback, and then a stunning smile appeared on his face, "Giggle, interesting. If you lose, we will all die. Your life has no meaning to me. Although the bet is unfair, I accept this bet!"

"I'm looking forward to it, you call my sister!" Gao Fumei smiled.

"I am looking forward too!"


On the side of the extraterritorial evil spirits, Qing Xiao brought some extraterritorial evil spirits, looking at the direction of the battle, with worry on her face, "Big brother, can that kid really be reliable?"

At the same time, on the side of the Star Universe, the strong immortal cults have already joined together, "I said, is Master Xiao Chen really a strong in the creation realm?"

The one-eyed old man and the others looked a little heavy. They naturally saw the side of Xiao Chen being beaten by a killer bee. Suddenly, doubts appeared in their hearts. If Xiao Chen was really in the creation realm, how could it be so unbearable!

"Are we deceived?"

Some strong can't help but say.

"Regardless of whether Xiao Chen is a creator or not, this is not a place to stay for a long time. We left here immediately, but accepted Lord Cthulhu. If there is Lord Cthulhu, I believe that whether it is Killer Bee or Tianxinger, it is not an opponent of Lord Cthulhu! "

The three-eyed old man said solemnly, and many strong immortal cultists glanced at each other, and they all agreed with the three-eyed old man. They didn't have much sense of belonging to the Star Universe. They left at this time without any psychological burden.

The one-eyed old man, Mo Tuo, Black Iron Sword Demon, Wing Sha Tian Demon and others did not move. What Xiao Chen said at the time was conclusive, and there was so much evidence that they did not believe that Xiao Chen was lying to them, but the situation in front of them, But let them have to doubt.

"Let's take a look!" The one-eyed old man said solemnly, it takes a long time for the creation realm powerhouse to separate the battle. Although Tian Xing'er has fallen, but within a few days, it is impossible to tell the outcome. No matter what happens during this period, it is not surprising, maybe Xiao Chen is just storing power!

The one-eyed old man and others comforted themselves in their hearts, but they didn't know how much confidence they had in it.

The three-eyed old man and the others coldly glanced at the one-eyed and others, and did not persuade, but quietly left.

Time passed slowly, unconsciously, the Killer Bee and Tian Xing'er had fought for three days and three nights, and the whole galaxy was filled with despair, and the whole Galaxy, only the arrogant voice of the Killer Bee kept sounding.

"Hahaha, Tianxinger, this is despair. Those who follow me prosper against me will perish. I am the only master. No one can resist me!"

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