Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3491: Confused Killer Bee!

Galaxy Battlefield!

Two stalwart figures stood in front of Tian Xing'er.

"Brother, are you coming or me?" Black Bear asked.

"Come on, I want to protect Xing'er!" Xiao Chen said, and then took a step back and stood in front of Tian Xing'er.

"Okay!" The black bear took a sudden step, the Xing Tian axe in his hand was raised high, looking at the scarlet stinger that fell, and suddenly cut out, the next moment, the entire scarlet stinger was directly divided into two!

Suddenly the entire starry sky became quiet!

Tian Xing'er looked at the figure of the black bear. For a while, she couldn't react. How strong the scarlet stinger was, she felt most clearly, but such a terrifying power was actually split in half by the black bear with an axe. How did he do it, where did he get this power!

"Did you see it? That person is my boss's brother. I can take that horrible trick. At least I am hopeful!" Gao Fumei said with some excitement as he looked at Shengyu with a slightly open mouth.

Shengyu nodded subconsciously, his face still full of shock.

At this time, the face of the strong immortal cult is also full of stunned. They have seen the evil gods, and they can feel how terrifying the killer bee's move was, but it was such a terrifying blow that it was broken by one move!

"This person seems to be brothers to Master Xiao Chen. He can break the creator's moves. He must be the creator. Naturally, Master Xiao Chen is also the creator. It seems that it is worthwhile for us to continue to wait!"

The one-eyed old man said with excitement, and the faces of Mo Tuo and others were also full of excitement.

A short astonishment appeared on Killer Bee’s face. He obviously did not expect that his attack would be broken. When he saw that it was a black bear that had broken him and attacked, he was suddenly taken aback, a little surprised and said: "It’s you guys. Ants?"

"Is it a surprise to see us, is it a surprise?" The black bear grinned.

"Unexpectedly, you are still alive, but your brains don't seem to work well. You finally got your life back. You didn't hide from a distance, and you ran back to die. Are you stupid?"

Killer Bee sneered.

"We are stupid, but it's your ass!" The black bear rolled his eyes. He now has the Xingtian Axe. There is a surging force in his body that has no place to vent, so he is not afraid of Killer Bees at all. He just wants to kill people. Bee have a good fight!

"Looking for death!" The Killer Bee had a cold face, and suddenly appeared in front of the black bear, kicked out, since it failed to kill them last time, then kill them again!


In the next moment, Killer Bee had already kicked the black bear fiercely. It just made the Killer Bee stupefied. The black bear was not kicked by him, but did not move at all. He was looking at him with a sneer!

"What's the matter?" Confusion appeared on the Killer Bee's face. Since he moved to kill him, he would certainly not show mercy. He kicked him, not to mention the black bear, even the creator of Tianxinger. It won't be good, but what's going on now?

"Hey, what's your expression? Confused, the dignified master creator, the only master killer bee, has a confused look on his face, what a hell!"

The black bear exaggerated, saying that the Xingtian axe in his hand had already slashed towards the killer bee. The killer bee suddenly woke up, jumped out, and appeared on the side, looking at the black bear with some uncertainty.

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