Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3498: Comparable!

"Sorry, let you down, I'm alive and well!" Just as the Killer Bee's words fell, Xiao Chen's faint voice was heard, and then he saw Xiao Chen, who was stabbed with poisonous stings, slowly Moving!

"But to be honest, it really hurts!" As Xiao Chen started to act, the poisonous thorns on his body began to fall off, and as the Nine Turns Divine Desolation decided to move, the toxins that entered the body slowly merged into the Divine Desolation Power!

Xiao Chen pulled out the stingers one by one, and the killer bee was a little startled. He was the killer bee, the most ferocious poison bee. The red light on his body belonged to the bee venom. He didn't expect it to be so powerful. When the bee venom entered Xiao Chen's body, Xiao Chen could still move!

"It's not dead yet, it's interesting!" The Killer Bee suddenly appeared in front of Xiao Chen, the red light on his body formed an axe, and it struck Xiao Chen's head!


Only the next moment, Xiao Chen held the Pangu axe, already blocking the killer bee's axe, and suddenly a terrifying force spread to the surroundings, Xiao Chen honestly accepted the killer bee's attack, and did not move!

"It's him, he is back!" Sheng Yu looked at Xiao Chen and Killer Bee, her heart was ups and downs, she had never had so many expressions!

"Calm, calm!" Gao Fumei said lightly. Although she was very excited in her heart, she was extremely calm!

"Yes, calm down!" Sheng Yu took a deep breath and forced herself to calm down!

At the same time, the One-Eyed and others of the Immortal Cult were very excited, "Master Xiao Chen, is this really capable?"

"Big Brother has always attacked, and Killer Bee can easily face it. Now Killer Bee is actively attacking, but it is easily blocked by Xiao Chen. It seems that it is not unreasonable for Big Brother to trust him!"

There was a glimmer of hope on Qing Xiao's face. Although he had fought with Killer Bee for a long time, no one had ever accepted such a ferocious move from Killer Bee. Xiao Chen was the first!

The Killer Bee's face sank, and the red light axe danced and chopped it down. However, every attack was blocked by Xiao Chen. The two axe heads kept colliding, and the strength was equal!

"How is it possible, who is this kid, and where does this power come from!" Killer Bee was shocked. With every blow he took, Xiao Chen hadn't been so strong before. what happened!

"What's wrong, Killer Bee, do you just have that strength?" Xiao Chen sneered. Although he blocked the Killer Bee's attack, he knew that it was not enough to kill the Killer Bee. He also needed to absorb the Killer Bee. The power of the God of War suit needs to be strengthened as the battle becomes stronger!

"Such aggression is useless for me!" Killer Bee sneered, and the next moment, the figure suddenly disappeared, appeared next to Xiao Chen, kicked Xiao Chen's head with one foot!

"Extreme general? You think too much, I just look down on you who brag!" Xiao Chen kicked out, and when Killer Bee kicked over, they collided hard!

"I'm bragging?" Killer Bee's face was cold, "Then I will let you see if I'm bragging!"

Killer Bee kicked again, and on this foot, it was full of scarlet light and full of terrifying power!

Xiao Chen's complexion condensed, and the power of the gods surging, a layer of earth-yellow light cloud covered his feet, and once again hit the killer bee's right foot! The power of terror spread around!

The scarlet light and the earthy yellow light are on the same level!

Killer Bee and Xiao Chen are as powerful as they are!

Everyone was horrified and speechless!

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