Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3501: Fight for power!

"I am killing **** Xiao Chen, the smell of blood is my favorite taste!" Xiao Chen laughed loudly. He is a godless body, and the hand of godlessness can absorb and refine any power. The power of blood is also power. Don't believe that he can't refining!

Just in the blink of an eye, the power of the gods in Xiao Chen's body was already full of blood, and suddenly Xiao Chen burst into a **** red light, almost exactly the same as the killer bee, and the two were crazy to absorb the power of blood. The two are now Whoever fights absorbs more.

"How is it possible, what are you, you dare to fight for blood with me!" The Killer Bee was a little crazy. The blood power he finally gathered was robbed of half by Xiao Chen, and he wanted angrily Vomit blood!

"Killer bee, you are optimistic!" Xiao Chen smiled mysteriously, and the hand of the gods urged with all his strength. Xiao Chen's body was like a magnet, and the blood mist around him crazily rushed towards him, absorbing faster than the killer bee. !

"Asshole!" The Killer Bee roared and ended the **** secret method. The remaining extraterritorial evil spirit powerhouses felt the restlessness in their bodies disappear, and they all breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Xiao Chen, who was gradually emerging in the blood mist world. And the killer bee, both were stunned!

"It's so strong that it smells like a killer bee. What's the matter?" Sheng Yu looked at Xiao Chen, who was exuding scarlet blood, and didn't know what to say for a while!

"You should thank my boss for saving your lives!" Gao Fumei said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Shengyu was startled.

"It's very simple. The Killer Bee wanted to increase his power through the Blood Attraction Secret Art, but unfortunately he did not expect that the power of blood would be absorbed by my boss, and the absorption rate would be faster than him. If he doesn't stop the Blood Attraction With the secret technique, the gap between him and my boss will get bigger and bigger!"

Gao Fumei said indifferently, Sheng Yu and the others were trying their best to suppress the blood riots in their bodies, and they didn't see what happened, but she could see clearly that Xiao Chen was fighting for the power of the Killer Bee, and also robbed the Killer Bee. !

"No wonder, but this blood power can't be absorbed by ordinary people, is he really okay like this?" Sheng Yu said with some worry, absorbing a large amount of blood power, it is easy to lose reason.

"Don't worry, other people may lose their minds, but the boss won't, because the boss has the toughest mind!" Gao Fumei said lightly.

"It seems that your boss is really no ordinary person!" Sheng Yu murmured.

At this moment, Killer Bee looked at Xiao Chen, who was covered in blood and red light, and was so hated that he could not wait to tear Xiao Chen. His most powerful trump card was so ruined by Xiao Chen, he wanted to vomit blood!

Xiao Chen looked at the killer bee's gritted teeth, and couldn't wait to laugh three times. Shenhuang Absolute Body was indeed a powerful horse. The power of Shenhuang was refined by the power of blood. It was not vague at all. He felt that the power in his body wanted The explosion is normal, and the killer bee is the best catharsis target!


Xiao Chen suddenly punched the Killer Bee, full of explosive power and terrifying!

Killer Bee had nowhere to vent the anger in his heart at this time, so he raised his fists and collided fiercely with Xiao Chen. The two punched and punched each other, hundreds of times greater than the previous movement!

Both of them are venting, they have already hit the real fire, there is no dodge, only the fist and the fist!

"Big brother is really more courageous in the Vietnam war, and this kind of battle is my favorite way, and some killer bees have suffered!" The black bear gloated.

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