Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3615: The arrogance of the God of War Xiao Chen!

The God of War Xiao Chen said lightly, his aggressive and mocking eyes, as if he wanted to see through Qianmei Yilian.

Qianmei Yilian's expression changed, and a bitter hatred erupted in her eyes, "God of War Xiao Chen, since you know my condition, you should also know that I have nothing now. Are you afraid that I will kill you directly?"

"Of course I know, but I also know that you want revenge more in your heart, but based on your strength alone, revenge is just a joke. If you are my woman, I can help you take revenge."

The God of War Xiao Chen smiled faintly, as if he had eaten Qianmei Yilian. Although he has not broken through the Star Realm, he is the God of War Xiao Chen, and his future is promising. As long as Qianmei Yilian is not stupid, he will definitely agree. of.

Qianmei Yilian was silent, she did want revenge, but she had her pride, and she didn't want to cling to Xiao Chen, the **** of war.

God of War Xiao Chen watched Qianmei Yilian fall into silence, with a faint smile: "You are a wise man, you know how to choose, I am waiting for you."

When the words fell, the God of War Xiao Chen smiled, as if Qianmei Yilian was already his prey, and then left here directly.

Seeing that Qianmei Yilian was not in good condition, Mo Sheng, the hunter god, did not dare to talk to Xiao Chen, and left with his people. Soon, only Qianmei Yilian and the people from Killing Shenzhai were left nearby.

Xiao Chen looked at Qianmei Yilian and frowned slightly. The hatred that Qianmei Yilian had just unintentionally exploded, seemed to engulf people, and was even a hundred times stronger than the hatred when she wanted to kill Xiao Chen.

It seems that something happened to Qianmei Yilian on Xingyao Road, but what is it that makes her hate so deeply.

And at this moment, Qianmei Yilian suddenly looked over, a small star enchantment trapped Xiao Chen, and then before Xiao Chen could speak, he disappeared into Killing God Village with Xiao Chen, leaving only a look at each other. Killing everyone in Godzhai.

In a dark cave.

Xiao Chen looked at the indifferent Qianmei Yilian, "Little Witch, what do you want to do?"

"Double repair!" Qianmei Yilian said indifferently, without any emotion in her voice.

"What!" Xiao Chen was dumbfounded for an instant, Qianmei Yilian didn't kill him directly, he was already very strange, and now he wants to double repair with him again, he doesn't know what to say.

"You are my slave and I am your master. You must do what I ask you to do. You are not allowed to resist or say no!"

Qianmei Yilian said indifferently, and then she exuded a pink aura, which instantly enveloped Xiao Chen.

"It's going to be strong again!"

A day later, Qianmei Yilian walked out with indifference in her eyes, her cheeks with a trace of crimson, she was unique.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Chen walked out with an aggrieved expression, how could he be treated like this because he was provking someone.

Qianmei Yilian looked at Xiao Chen behind him, and Xinghui suddenly condensed a whip in his hand, and drew it towards Xiao Chen.

Xiao Chen didn't have any defense at all. He took a direct hit on his body and suddenly screamed in pain. He looked at Qianmei Yilian and said angrily: "Little Witch, why are you hitting me?"

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