Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3819: It's finished!

"Serve." Qing Niu gritted his teeth, his face was full of humiliation, it was too painful, what is the origin of this little girl? How does she practice? In the early stage of the Solar Realm, can it really have such a strong power? One question after another appeared in his mind, but unfortunately, no one would explain it to him.

"Actually, I also want to fight against the pinnacle of the Sun Yao realm, can you still fight?" Luo Jun walked out and looked at Qing Niu.

"Yes." Qing Niu looked at Luo Jun, he didn't believe that there would be so many abnormalities.

"Then fight with me." Luo Jun took out a gentleman's sword and walked towards Qingniu faintly.

Qing Niu was holding the mace. This time he learned to behave and took the initiative to attack. He jumped directly on top of Luo Jun's head and made a move to push Taishan to the top.


The mace hit the ground so hard that the whole Killing God Village shook, and a big pit appeared directly on the ground. Qing Niu stared at the ground blankly. He did not see the figure of Luo Jun, or say , He didn't even see when Luo Jun disappeared.

"I'm here." Luo Jun's voice came from behind Qing Niu, and Qing Niu suddenly turned around and saw Luo Jun put the gentleman away.

"What do you mean? Don't fight anymore?" Qing Niu watched Luo Jun accept the Gentleman Sword, with doubts flashing on his face.

"I'm done, but you don't know it." Luo Jun said lightly.

"What do you mean?" Qing Niu looked confused.

Luo Jun looked at Qing Niu's chest. Qing Niu followed Luo Jun's gaze and lowered his head, and found that the clothes on his chest suddenly broke open, and under the opening, there was a sword mark, although there was no bleeding. , But it also frightened Qing Niu, he didn't know when he was cut off.

"Luo Jun's swordsmanship is getting faster and faster. Even if it's me, I'm afraid it's a bit inferior to him." Xiao Chen's eyes flashed, whether it is Luo Chang, Luo Jun, or Zhu Dachang, they all have extremely strong talents. , It is worth training, Xiao Chen is looking forward to their future.

"Isn't that great at the peak of the Solar Realm Realm." Luo Jun said lightly.

Qingniu was speechless.

"Actually, I also want to try the strength of the Sun Glory Realm peak powerhouse." At this moment, Zhu Dachang also walked out.

Qing Niu subconsciously looked at Zhu Dachang, his first thought was: Isn't he also abnormal?

Immediately after that, he eliminated the thoughts in his heart. With Xiao Chen, Luo Chang, and Luo Jun, he didn't believe that there were other big perverts that could leapfrogged to challenge in this little Killing God Village.

"I'll fight you." Qing Niu said.

"Come on then." Zhu Dagut directly urged the scales of the Nine Profound Scales. He knew that his strength was not as good as that of Luo Jun and Luo Chang, so he immediately showed the strongest hole card.

Blue Bull clenched the mace in his hand and his eyes were full of dignity. If someone told him before that he needed to go all out to deal with the initial stage of a Solar Realm peak, he would definitely sneer.

But now he believed it, because he was a living example.

"Take it." Zhu Dachang said in a deep voice. Now his whole body, except his eyes, is covered with golden nine profound scale armor, like a fat pig with golden armor.

Qing Niu was not polite either, holding a mace directly on Zhu Dachang's head, and Zhu Dachang's body sank directly into the ground.

Qing Niu looked at Zhu Dachang, and his heart sank again. This was the first time he had hit the enemy with all his strength. He was confident in his power. It stands to reason that even those with the same level of power would have his head blooming, but Zhu Dachang seems to be all right now.

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