Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 3938: Black box operation!

"You!" Vice City Lord Liang pointed to Geng Yan, and just about to say something, he slapped her face.

"Do you still think no one can beat you?" Geng Yan was like a repeater, just one sentence back and forth.

"You dare to insult me ​​so much!" Deputy City Lord Liang said angrily, but the answer to him was still only a slap and a word.

"The city lord is really domineering." Xiao Chen couldn't help saying.

"Oh, my sister is more persistent. Once she decides something and doesn't achieve her goal, she will never give up. Believe it or not, if Vice City Lord Liang never admits her mistakes, my sister will continue to fight until she is old?" Geng Bo sighed. .

"This is too exaggerated." Xiao Chen smacked his tongue.

"It's not an exaggeration at all." Geng Bo said.

In just such a short time, Vice City Lord Liang received more than a dozen slaps, and he almost wanted to cry. No matter what he said, only one slap was obtained, and he hurriedly shouted, “Yes, yes, I admit There are people who can beat me in Haotian City."


Looking at Vice City Lord Liang’s pig face and hearing his begging for mercy, all the strong men in Haotian City showed joyful expressions. Aren’t you Vice City Lord Liang arrogant? Didn’t you Vice City Lord Liang look down on people? Beat it into a pig's head.

"Just admit it, what are you doing here?" Geng Yan said, only now entering the topic.

After discovering that Geng Yan was not doing it, Vice City Lord Liang finally breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was about to speak, Geng Bo had already spoken: "Sister, as usual, they are here to grab the spot."

"Scramble for places?" Geng Yan was startled slightly, glanced around, and said: "It turns out that it's the Begonia Feast. Which geniuses did I select from Haotian City this year?"

"You all stand up and let my sister take a look." Geng Bo said, the voice fell, Geng Yang, Bai Yun, and Xiao Chen all stood together, a total of ten people.

Geng Yan looked at Xiao Chen and the others, her beautiful brows furrowed, "Who hosted this begonia feast?"

"It's me." Geng Bo said.

"Are you sure there is no black box operation?" Geng Yan glanced at everyone, especially staying on Xiao Chen for an extra second, then looked at Geng Bo and asked lightly.

"Good sister, you don't know me yet, how could I operate in the dark." Geng Bo said hurriedly.

"Vice-City Lord Liang, since you are here to grab a spot, let your people challenge them as usual. As long as you win, the spot will be yours." Geng Yan glanced at everyone and then looked at Deputy City Lord Liang. Although she hated Vice City Lord Liang and others to grab the spot, she didn't want her Haotian City to be ashamed of the Imperial City.

"Okay." Deputy City Lord Liang nodded, and everyone returned to the auditorium. While Xiao Chen and other ten contestants entered the ring, the ten people brought by Deputy City Lord Liang walked across the ring.

"Let's start." Geng Yan said lightly.

Vice City Lord Liang nodded to the incoming people from Daliang City, and then a young man walked up and glanced at Xiao Chen's ten people, then pointed to Xiao Chen and said, "I want to challenge him."

Xiao Chen suddenly became speechless, stepped forward and stared at the young man: "Why are you challenging me?"

"Who makes your cultivation base the lowest." The young man said.

"Should I be bullied if I have the lowest cultivation level?" Xiao Chen said unconvinced.

"If you have a low cultivation base, you can only be bullied. Is this still necessary?" The young man sneered, "You don't need to talk nonsense, let's get started."

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