Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 660: Fight again with Wang Kun!

Hearing the words of the Lord, Wu Shuo cast a gloomy look at the three of them. He didn't dare to violate the words of the Lord, and then left the martial arts arena. He didn't have to participate in the next competition.

"Wu Shuo left the field. Those who didn't fight Wu Shuo will have one extra victory!" The Lord frowned slightly, obviously he was angry with Wu Shuo for leaving, after all, Wu Shuo was from his palace.

Wu Shuo has become the thirteenth place.

In the seventh round, Mu Qingxuan and Wang Kun still won. Xiao Chen won five games and surrendered. Then he won another game. He already had his place in the top ten seats.

Round eight!

The ninth round!

Tenth round!

Mu Qingxuan chose Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen chose to admit defeat without hesitation!

Eleventh round!

Mu Qingxuan chose Wang Kun, and Wang Kun chose to admit defeat!

Twelfth round!

Only Xiao Chen and Wang Kun are left!

Xiao Chen didn't care about ranking, and Wang Kun didn't care about ranking either. They only care about each other.

Xiao Chen and Wang Kun stood facing each other in the martial arts stage.

Everyone looked forward to the two of them.

"Do you know Wang Jian?" Xiao Chen asked lightly.

"Yes, since you know Wang Jian, it seems that Wang Jian is dead in your hands."

Wang Kun smiled slightly.

"Yes, I really didn't expect you to have such an identity." Xiao Chen's voice became a little cold.

"I didn't expect it, but no matter what identity is, it doesn't matter, does it? Today is our third fight, and it will be our last fight." Wang Kun said lightly.

"Yes, it should be over!" Xiao Chen sighed.

"Go up and fight, we can't support our fight here!"


Xiao Chen and Wang Kun stood up from the ground and flew directly into the sky.

"Xiao Chen, all grievances and grievances will be resolved today!" Wang Kun's voice rang.

Xiao Chen smiled slightly, and deep in his eyes, a cold murderous intent kept pouring out: "Wang Kun, I won't let you go this time!"

"It just so happens that I think so too!"

Wang Kun smiled faintly, the smile on his face instantly transformed into Ling Ran's killing intent, and suddenly a wave of violent immortal origin surged from his body like a stormy sea.

"Unparalleled Battle Spirit!" Xiao Chen yelled coldly in his heart, his body soared instantly, and he reached the fifth layer of Wusheng directly from Wusheng First Layer, and Xianyuan surged.

"Wu Sheng Fifth Layer, this is interesting!"

Wang Kunsenran smiled, and his index and middle fingers were brought together, and suddenly pointed at Xiao Chen.

"One finger breaks the sky!"

The majestic Xianyuan whistled out immediately, and the fingers formed by the Xianyuan fetched at Xiao Chen like lightning!

"Ten Vein Divine Sword!"

Xiao Chen stretched out his right hand, and there was a flickering sword glow between his five fingers. Between the surging immortal yuan, he directly collided with the finger formed by Wang Kun's immortal yuan, and both of them shook away instantly.

"Come and not to be indecent, you also take me a palm!" Xiao Chen sneered, and the eighteen palms of Jianglong appeared when the sun had just reached the sun, and waves of powerful power quickly filled with the sound of a dragon.

The golden dragon formed by the eighteen palms of the dragon roared, and the body of several tens of feet long directly faced Wang Kun.

"Eight palms!"

Feeling the strong and yang power contained in the golden dragon, Wang Kun's complexion changed slightly, the eight palms shot out instantly, and eight huge palm prints appeared in the air, and in that palm print, there was a hint of pitch black. It fell on Jinlong.

Bang bang bang!

The violent collision sound resounded in midair, and the ripples visible to the naked eye spread out, and finally the golden dragon and giant palm both disappeared in midair.

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