Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 875: Tianyu fairy beast!

"What's this? It's big!" Xiao Chen's eyes were shocked, and so did everyone behind him. It was the first time Xiao Chen saw such a huge fairy beast.

"This is the remnant soul of the Heavenly Feather Fairy Beast!" At this moment, Qi Chang came to everyone.

"Sky Feather Fairy Beast?"

"Yes, the Heavenly Feather Fairy Beast was once the mount of the first generation Patriarch of the Qi family. With the fall of the first generation Patriarch, the Heavenly Feather Fairy Beast has only a ray of remnant soul left behind. It was sealed in the token by the Qi family powerhouse. The blood of the family can unlock the seal."

"The Tianyu Pavilion is also named after the Tianyu Fairy Beast, and the treasures circulated in Tianyu Pavilion refer to the Tianyu Fairy Beast."

Qi Chang said, looking at the Tianyu Fairy Beast, full of respect, and said that Tianyu Fairy Beast died to protect Qi's family.

"Then the so-called Heavenly Feather Treasure contains the key to becoming an emperor, all of which are deceptive." Guan Yao looked at the Tianyu fairy beast, in addition to shock, there was a hint of doubt.

"This is not groundless. Rumor has it that the Tianyu fairy beast has the Kunpeng bloodline and likes to swallow it, and in its belly, a large number of powerful people are swallowed by it. In other words, the Tianyu fairy beast's belly is a small emperor tomb. ."

Qi Chang said seriously.


Hearing this, everyone was moved.

"Actually, the key to victory in this war lies with you!" Ignoring everyone's shock, Qi Chang looked at Xiao Chen and said solemnly.

"We?" Xiao Chen was taken aback. Although he was very powerful, he was still a little struggling against the high-ranking immortal emperor, and there were many immortal emperor strong against the hostile forces.

"Yes, that's you!" Qi Chang said affirmatively, even Guan Yao on the side was full of doubts.

"Why?" The questioner was not Xiao Chen, but Li Yuanba who had finally returned. When he came back, he saw the Heavenly Feather Fairy Beast that covered the sky and the sun, and the entire Tianyu City seemed to be plunged into darkness.

"You'll understand in a while," Qi Chang said, then looked up at the Tianyu Fairy Beast and muttered: "It's started!"

As Qi Chang's voice fell, the Heavenly Feather Fairy Beast in the sky opened a pair of indifferent and merciless eyes, a sharp voice spread throughout the entire Tianyu City, its sharp mouth opened, and it sucked fiercely.

Everyone felt a strong suction coming from the sharp mouth. As the suction came, many strong people also responded, but it was too late, no matter whether it was the immortal emperor or the immortal strong Fleeing, he could only watch himself being sucked into the mouth of Tianyu Fairy Beast.

"There is no need to resist, of course it is useless to resist." Qi Chang's voice rang when everyone panicked, and then she was sucked in calmly.

In less than a minute, all the strong on the martial arts field disappeared, only the huge Sky Feather Fairy Beast stayed in the air, but if someone was there, you could find that the eyes of the Heavenly Feather Fairy Beast had been slightly closed.

When Xiao Chen and others reacted, they found that they were on an island full of birds and flowers. The island was huge. If they hadn't known that they were sucked in, they would have thought it was a real island.

Xiao Chen looked at the vibrant island. Not only was it bright, but he could also hear the roar of fairy beasts from time to time. What made Xiao Chen feel extremely shocked was that he felt a strong immortality from the island. .

"It's such a strong immortal spirit, it's not weaker than that on the nameless island. I didn't expect the immortal world to have such a strange fairy beast." Xiao Chen also had to sigh.

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