Crazy Upgrade System

Chapter 892: Kill Tianning!

Three Xiao Chen walked out from behind the immortal puppet, one of them instantly turned into a giant with a hundred feet, and a huge sword appeared in his hand. Whether it was a giant or a giant, it was golden and shocking.

The broad sword cut directly at Tian Ning, with an extremely fierce aura, even Tian Ning's face changed drastically.

"Guardian of the gods!" Tianning roared, and Xianyuan surged, all for defense.

And the other Xiao Chen, Ling Tian appeared in his hand with a spear, and coldly shouted at another Immortal Emperor peak powerhouse: "A shot broke the sky!"

On the opposite side of Lihuo Kuang Xiao Chen, there were tens of thousands of immortal swords appearing all over his body, all reaching the sixth rank of the immortal rank, with unmatched sharp aura, firmly locked on Lihuo Kuang.

A big sword like a mountain range, with the momentum of slashing the sky and destroying the earth, slashed down at Tianning!

The people in the distance seemed to feel that the entire sky was going to be split apart, their hearts trembled, and only the big knife that crossed the sky was in their eyes.

"Do not!"

Tianning was horrified. The moment he touched the sword, he felt how terrifying the power on the sword. Even though he displayed the strongest defense, he was still cut in half like an eggshell hitting a stone. Ning was directly submerged under the knife.

With the four unparalleled supernatural powers, plus the power of the demon god, how strong Xiao Chen's power is now, even he himself didn't know.

Holding Ling Tian's avatar of Xiao Chen, when the cold voice fell, Ling Tian in his hand appeared in front of this immortal emperor peak power at an incredible speed.

This strong man looked terrified, and even though he only reacted slightly with the speed of this attack, he was pierced by the spear.

boom! boom!

After the two avatars displayed their magical powers, they disappeared. Xiao Chen stood between the four immortal puppets with no joy on his face, because he did not hear the system prompt.

"Boy, the old man remembers you!"

An angry voice came from under the barren mountain. It was Tianning. At this time, a broken and undecent armor appeared on his body. This was the most powerful defensive armor on his body. It was also obtained at a high price. I didn't expect it to be damaged here.

This made him angry and frightened, if it weren't for this armor, he might have been slashed directly.

Throwing a ruthless word, Tianning turned around and ran without hesitation, and the strong men of the heavenly family didn't care about it, just like the dog of the lost family.

"Want to run? Benzong did not agree!"

Xiao Chen looked at Tianning who had escaped dozens of miles away, and sneered. The next moment, Tianning's body appeared directly in front of Xiao Chen, and Xiao Chen pinched his neck and pressed it on the fairy puppet.

Tianning looked terrified, "What's the matter? What did you do? Why did I suddenly appear here?"

"If this is your last word, you can go on the road!" Xiao Chen sneered.

"You can't kill me, kill me, the strong immortal emperor of my heavenly family will definitely chase you down personally. At that time, you will have no way to escape!" Tianning roared in a li, he is the strongest immortal emperor. , Was pinched by a teenager, so he felt both angry and frightened!

"What about the emperor, if you get into this sect, you can kill it!"

Xiao Chen said coldly, and he wanted to choke Tianning to death!

At this moment, an extremely cold and arrogant voice sounded.


In that voice, there is a sense of command and command, full of arrogance!

It seemed that everyone had to listen to what he said, and even said he had to listen.

However, when he heard this voice, Xiao Chen's expression was cold, his hands pressed hard, and a loud voice sounded, Xiao Chen broke Tianning's neck without hesitation!

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