“This is the treasure trove of the school, and it is really extravagant.”

As Secretary Wang opened the enchantment outside the treasure house, the three of them also saw the inside of the treasure house.

Similar to the small room of the previous awakening ceremony, the outside of the treasure house looks like an ordinary small house, but inside it is indeed a cave.

“A special space created by the spirit beasts of the space department?”

Su Liang walked in and looked around.

It’s like a treasure cave where medieval pirates hid their treasures.

It’s just that the pirate’s treasure cave is full of a large number of gold coins, and the treasure house in Ice City II is full of all kinds of spirit stones at a glance.

“Lot, is this all carved star stones?”

Gao Shuang also looked at the scene in the treasure house with a shocked face.

Carved star stone, it is said to be a rare spirit stone that engraves the power of the stars in the sky, which can greatly accelerate the cultivation and growth of spirit beasts.

The effect of assisting cultivation is much better than that of the inferior Star Soul Crystal.

It belongs to the kind of spirit stones that ordinary wage earners cannot afford.

But here, it is like garbage from a garbage dump, piled up like a hill.

Looking at Gao Shuang’s shocked look, Secretary Wang was not surprised at all.

Although Gao Shuang had been accepted as a disciple by the principal, it was only one day after all.

And Gao Shuang himself is just an ordinary working family, where have he seen such scenes.

On the contrary, Su Liang’s performance made Secretary Wang a little side-eyed.

According to the school’s data, Su Liang’s family is inferior to Gao Shuang, not an orphan but better than an orphan.

From the beginning, I have lived by myself and rolled around until now.

But now he is very calm, and his eyes directly skipped over this pile of seemingly shocking, but in fact it is the “least valuable” carved star stone.

His gaze began to wander over the other treasures around him, and he seemed to have begun to think about what equipment the headmaster had promised.

As for An Hongdou, he hasn’t even had any fluctuations in his eyes since he came in.

“Okay, you can freely choose a piece of equipment or treasure in this first layer, and then leave these carved star stones used here for cultivation in the rest of the time, and someone will send it after the meal arrives.”

Secretary Wang took the three to the center of the first floor of the treasure house, and after giving advice, he left directly.

“So, have you figured out what to choose?”

Gao Shuang looked at Su Liang and An Hongdou, as if he wanted to enliven the atmosphere.

An Hongdou just glanced at him lightly, did not speak, and walked to the other side.


Gao Shuang looked at Su Liang with some embarrassment.

Su Liang shrugged: “I didn’t think about it either.” ”

After speaking, he also walked to the other side.


Gao Shuang stood in place with a messy look, and then also picked a direction to choose his equipment.



When Secretary Wang once again opened the enchantment of the treasure house and entered it, the slight smile on his face instantly froze.

Am I in the wrong place?

What about carved star stones?

And what about a whole bunch of carved star stones?

How is there so much left?

“What’s going on?”

Secretary Wang looked at Gao Shuang, who was also numb, and asked.

Gao Shuang didn’t speak.

So Secretary Wang looked at An Hongdou, who had always been indifferent, but now it was An Hongdou who also looked shocked on his face.

An Hongdou did not speak, but silently looked at Su Liang.

Therefore, Secretary Wang’s gaze also followed to Su Liang.


Su Liang scratched his head and revealed an embarrassed but polite smile:

“I said that I just used the carved star stones to cultivate normally, and then when I came to my senses at the end, there would only be these carved star stones left, do you believe it?”

Secretary Wang looked at the carved star stones the size of a straw pile in a rural field, and he didn’t know what to say for a while.

“Xiao Wang, why haven’t you come back for so long? What’s going on? ”

The principal’s voice came from the door, and asked Secretary Wang to call a few children over, but they didn’t return for a long time, so the principal came over in person.

“Headmaster, this…”

The principal listened to Secretary Wang’s relay, and said with a look of indifference that the problem was not big.

“That’s it? The carved star stone is not valuable, it is a good thing that the cultivation is consumed, it means that the progress must be very large, well, go out and I will take you to the location of the secret realm. ”

“So many carved star stones are actually just worthless…”

Su Liang complained in his heart, but on the surface he still gave a thumbs up and complimented: “The principal is wise!” ”

These carved star stones were actually absorbed by Angel Yan, and according to Angel Yan, the power of the stars in these carved star stones is not pure, and the effect on her recovery of strength is not very large.

But talk is better than nothing, and small amounts add up.

So after an afternoon and a night, there was only so little carved star stone that was originally full of a hill.

Just like that, it was Su Liang’s good talk that persuaded the angel Yan on the refining carved star stone, and this was the rest.

Otherwise, I’m afraid there will be nothing left.


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