As the imperial capital of the Yanhuang Kingdom, Yancheng has a long history.

On the outskirts of Yancheng, there is a whole volcanic group.

It is this mythical and boundless volcanic group that makes Yancheng’s climate spring all year round, maintaining a suitable temperature all year round.

It is said that this volcanic group was left by two mythical divine beasts that once existed, the [Nine-Colored Phoenix], and the [Eight Great Serpents].

There is no conclusive conclusion on the final outcome of the battle between these two divine beasts in the legend.

However, the people of Yanhuang Country all agree that the victory must be the [Nine-Colored Phoenix].

After all, in this world, every country has its own sacred beast totem.

And the [Nine-Colored Phoenix] is one of the two totems of the Yanhuang Kingdom.

In contrast, people like the dwarf country generally believe that the winner should be their totem divine beast [Eight Great Serpents].

Su Liang sat in the back seat of the bus by the window.

Next to him was Gao Shuang, and An Hongdou was sitting in front with a senior sister.

Unlike other seniors who were making a fuss at the moment, Su Liang just leaned his head against the window and silently stared at the clearly visible volcanic group outside the window.

Although the two worlds have many similarities, there are still many differences.

For example, the imperial capital is very different.

In his previous life on Earth, Su Liang had visited the imperial capital.

It is obviously the same geographical location as the Yancheng of the Blue Star Yanhuang Kingdom, but the environment and climate are very different.

“Eh, legend has it that this volcanic group in it was hit by [Nine-Colored Phoenix] with a move [Phoenix Meteor Shower]!”

Gao Shuang was also very excited to cross Su Liang, lying on the window, excitedly looking at the volcano group outside, saying well-known words.

Su Liang perfunctorily mmm-huh twice.

Phoenix meteor shower?

I also roared the sky strike.

Gao Shuang suddenly sat back in his seat and asked, “Brother Liang, who do you think should win this battle?” ”

Su Liang suddenly looked at Gao Shuang with idiotic eyes.

“Could it be that I can still think that the [Eight Great Snakes] won? I don’t want to be scolded to death yet. ”

After all, this is just a legend and a mythical story, and there are countless different versions of the detailed process alone.

Where can you analyze which divine beast won the victory?

It’s just that bringing in the feelings of the previous life, Su Liang is naturally willing to believe that it is the [Nine Colored Phoenix] who won.

It’s just that now on the Internet, there are also sane people who think that it is not necessarily the phoenix that wins, and it is also possible for the big snake to win.

Then it will be immediately called a dog by some of the more extreme people on the Internet.

Over time, this has changed its taste and become a topic of war.

For example, sweet and salty rice dumplings, sweet bean flowers, salty bean flowers and other salty and sweet party disputes.

While speaking, the bus had already entered the urban area of Yancheng.

Along the way, several buses that looked the same as their destination were passed.

I think it was probably taken by competitors from other cities.

In the end, all these buses stopped at the Yancheng Royal Beast Player Village.

This is the largest and highest specification Royal Beast Master Player Village in the entire Yanhuang Kingdom.

Su Liang, they just got off the bus, and the staff came to hand over to them, lead the way, carry luggage, etc.

Su Liang refused the kindness of the staff to help with the luggage.

With his physique, this big bag and suitcase actually weighs little in his hand.

And Sister Tahiko doesn’t like to let others touch her things very much.

This time, Principal Hai personally led the team, accompanied by Secretary Wang, Huang Huang and many other teachers.

Principal Hai had just led people into the gate of the contestant village when he suddenly stopped.

The face was also cloudy for a moment, and the black was about to rain.

The people who followed behind also stopped, and then looked up.

I saw that it was also a team led by an old woman who should be the principal.

In addition to Su Liang, Gao Shuang, and An Hongdou, the other students and teachers also changed their faces.

Cao Zheng was standing next to Su Liang and the three, knowing that they didn’t know much about it, so he explained in a low voice

“That’s the person from Firefly Private High School in Windy City, and the relationship between our Ice City No. 2 Middle School… It is even worse than Bingcheng No. 5 Middle School. ”

Gao Shuang was taken aback: “It’s worse than the relationship with Wuzhong?” Do such schools really exist? Principal, what kind of popularity is this?! ”

Cao Zheng suddenly glanced at Gao Shuang speechlessly.

And Principal Hai in front obviously heard it, and glanced back at him lightly.

Immediately, Gao Shuang’s whole body stirred up a layer of goosebumps, and he hid behind Su Liang, not daring to speak.

Su Liang looked at the big one meter nine who was half a head taller than himself hiding behind him, and he was also a little speechless.

“Hehehe, isn’t this the old man of the sea, I haven’t seen you for a year, and the students who came to help us with Firefly are promoted?”

The one who meets the narrow road wins quickly!

Principal Hai was beaten by Gao Shuang, and before he could speak, Principal Yi on the opposite side took the lead in opening his mouth to ridicule.

Principal Hai’s face suddenly darkened.

After holding back for a long time, he left only one sentence: “You will wait to lose this year!” ”

Then he left with people in a bit of a desertion.

The contestants’ village allocates large villas to major schools, and they are all large villas separated from students and teachers.

Principal Hai had been wearing a black face, and under the guidance of the staff, he came to the large villa assigned to them in the second middle school of Ice City.

He didn’t tell him anything, just left the students behind, and then left with a black face to go to the villa next door that belonged to the teachers.

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