When everyone returns one after another, the official battle in the afternoon is almost about to begin.

Cao Zheng is in his third year of high school, which means that he has participated in two national competitions before this.

In my first freshman year of high school, I stepped on the tail of the 30th place and entered the main competition.

Then the first match of the main game encountered the people of Firefly Private High School and were directly eliminated.

In the second year of high school, he was the first person in the main competition to rank at Firefly Private High School.

The end result is still a loss.

Now, for the third and last time.

Cao Zheng took a deep breath and stood up, although his expression carried the same bitterness as Principal Hai, but his eyes were still firm.

Amid the cheers of others, Cao Zheng solemnly unscrewed the doorknob and left the private room.

Su Liang: “…”

He always had a sense of tragedy that Cao Zheng was rushing to the battlefield, and the strong man was gone?

Hu Song, a senior at Firefly Private High School.

He and Cao Zheng are also old rivals.

Last year, Cao Zheng was ranked him, and naturally he was also defeated in his hands.

Hu Song also looked at this old opponent and mocked unabashedly: “It seems that your journey to the national competition is coming to an end again.” ”

Cao Zheng glanced at him coldly and ignored him.

He waited for the referee to announce that he summoned his unicorn.

Seeing that Cao Zheng ignored himself, Hu Song also snorted coldly, and followed closely to summon a spirit beast.

【Exploding Tree】

[Attributes: Wood, Gold].

[Level: Miracle Level 2].

[Bloodline: Miracle Medium].

[Skill 1.Exploding Tree Fruit, 2.Detonating Body, 3.Leaf Bombing, 4.Landing and Rooting…].

This is a rare plant-like spirit beast.

And at a glance, it is a fortress-type spirit beast.

A giant tree that requires at least five people to hug, and the tree is full of fruit at a glance.

It’s just that upon closer inspection, the shape of these tree fruits looks like grenades.

Hu Song took the lead in letting the Exploding Tree attack using the [Exploding Tree Fruit].

The huge body of the exploding tree trembled slightly, and the tree fruit was like a grenade towards the unicorn.

Each exploding tree fruit of the exploding tree was obviously carefully calculated, blocking the unicorn’s escape route.

Let the unicorn look dangerous under the bombardment of exploding tree fruits.

Fortunately, the unicorn has the skill of [Breeze Willow], which is somewhat similar to one of the six styles of the navy in One Piece-paper painting.

You can always narrowly avoid the attack of an exploding tree.

And Cao Zheng also seized the opportunity for the unicorn to avoid the exploding tree fruit for a short moment, and let the unicorn use [Flash], a skill that can temporarily blind and affect the opponent’s eyesight.

Without vision, this explosive tree, which uses bomb throwing as the main means of output, suddenly has a greatly reduced threat, and the unicorn has also turned an offensive and gradually gained the upper hand.

“Senior Cao, isn’t it okay to fight? Suppress the opponent! ”

Inside the private room, Gao Shuang looked at this situation, a little puzzled why none of them won in five years.

Secretary Wang wanted to say more, and finally just sighed: “Keep watching.” ”

While the blinding effect caused by the [Flash] skill was still there, the unicorn launched a fierce attack on the exploding tree.

And the attack was quite effective, making the exploding tree look painful.

However, the good times did not last long, and when the blinding was over, the entire huge body of the exploding tree emitted a burst of green light full of life breath.

The original painful color of the exploding tree instantly disappeared, and it was replaced by a radiant look.

“Root! This is the grounding and rooting skill held by the Husong player’s exploding tree! ”

Seeing this scene, the commentator also explained excitedly:

“This is a skill that accumulates over time after release, and the more time you accumulate, the more physical strength you recover.

Looking at this situation, as soon as the Hu Song player’s exploding tree arrived on the field, he immediately used the grounding skill.

Only then did he use the accumulated energy to restore himself, canceling out all the attacks caused by the unicorn of Cao Zheng’s player when he was blinded before!

What a clever calculation this is, which prejudged the prediction of Cao Zheng’s players from the beginning! ”

Inside the private room, Gao Shuang’s back was shocked: “What? There is actually this skill! ”

It really is a high-blooded fort!

Su Liang thought in his heart, and then looked at Secretary Wang: “Did this Hu Song not show this skill last year?” Otherwise, Senior Cao should not have been hit. ”

Secretary Wang nodded with a heavy face:

“Last year, there was indeed no such trick, but last year, Cao Zheng’s unicorn would not flash this skill, and I originally thought that I could defeat Hu Song with this skill this year, but I didn’t expect it…”

Sure enough, I can’t escape this curse….

Cao Zheng was indeed the same as in previous years, and could not get rid of this curse.

After the exploding tree regained its physical strength, it no longer used the [Exploding Tree Fruit] attack, but changed to the [Leaf Bombing] skill.

In contrast, [Leaf Bombing] is more dense, but it is also less powerful than [Exploding Tree Fruit].

But [Leaf Bombing] is not a tree fruit, but a leaf as light as a feather.

Even if the unicorn uses the skill [Breeze Willow], it can’t dodge this sticky leaf.

In the end, the choice that the unicorn can make must be to bear the damage of the leaf explosion, forcibly break through to the exploding tree, and try to die together.

And Cao Zheng really planned so.

Otherwise, you can only watch the unicorn be trapped by these leaves until it loses its ability to fight.

When he saw that the unicorn had indeed forcibly broken through the coverage area of [Leaf Bombing], a fine light flashed in Hu Song’s eyes:

“Exploding Tree, [Detonating Body!] 】”

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