Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 99 The criminal team is as iron as a cloud, you kid came to tear down the stage?

Jincheng Building.

2nd Floor.

The largest office in the middle.

The space here is not small, and it could have accommodated 20 people for a meeting.

But today, for the interview, only four simple tables were arranged, with a total of 4 lawyers sitting there.

Three of them were interviewing candidates almost non-stop, and immediately picked up the next one after one interview.

Only the one at the farthest corner would meet an interviewer almost every few minutes.

"Next person!"

"Next person!"

"Next person!"

Watching the other three colleagues interview one after another, Tie Ruyun's face was very melancholy.

But he also has this expression on weekdays, and today is no different from usual.

But he was thinking about whether his criminal team could recruit satisfactory people today, and whether he needed to relax some requirements.

After the lawyer at the next table asked an interviewer to leave, he had a rare break and took a sip of water.

"Tie Ruyun, your criminal team won't fail to recruit people this time, right? Let me warn you, even if you fail to recruit people, the high standards of our Jincheng Law Firm cannot be lowered. If you put some cats and dogs in, be careful. I will report you to the supervisor!"

After the lawyer next to him made a joke, he shouted outside regardless of the reaction of the next table: "Next!"

Immediately, applicants walked in, handed in their resumes and waited respectfully for interviews.

Tie Ruyun didn't argue or refute, just sat quietly in the corner, waiting for the applicants who came to his side.

However, he is in the criminal group. Under the influence of the general environment, there are not many people who study criminal law, and the number of people who come to the criminal group for interviews is much less than that of other groups.

Moreover, law students who have studied criminal law will basically choose public prosecution agencies such as the local prosecutor's office, and very few people choose criminal defense lawyers.

In their impression, criminal defense lawyers almost only take public interest cases and make no money at all.

I can only barely live on subsidies, and I still have a lot of small cases on hand, which is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and I often have to face the prosecutors of the local prosecutor's office, so the work pressure is huge.

So instead of choosing a defender, it is better to be the one who sues.

As the leader of the criminal team, Tie Ruyun also knows the situation of the criminal team in the entire litigation department, and the flow of newcomers is the greatest.

Some well-rounded people, even if they joined the litigation department, would seldom choose the criminal team, while those who had no experience joined the criminal team with an attitude of giving it a try, but they all chose to transfer and leave soon.

Jincheng Lawyer has an internal assessment system. If a newcomer fails the assessment, he can only be passed.

"Tie Ruyun, why haven't you recruited yet? Our litigation department's assessment is always covered by your criminal team. It seems that there is no one in your team now. Hurry up and recruit some people!"

At the next table, a lawyer also made a joke.

What he said made the lawyers at the left and right tables smile knowingly.

The assessment of the entire litigation department is to compare all the groups together.

In each performance, the evaluation criteria such as the winning rate, the number of cases received, and customer satisfaction are all at the bottom of the criminal group.

Jincheng implements the final elimination system, and the criminal team is the first to be eliminated.

Once the criminal team is gone, the people who are buried may fall to their side.

For the other teams in the litigation department, the criminal team is indispensable, and they are the ones who have the bottom line.

Now that the criminal team is empty, they all desperately hope that there will be a few people in the criminal team.

For nothing else, I just hope that the newcomers in the criminal team can help them get the last place in the assessment, so that my team can sit back and relax.

After hearing this, Tie Ruyun didn't refute, and didn't even raise his eyelids.

He is used to it, and he has long been used to being ridiculed by people from other teams in the litigation department.

"Hello, is this the interview seat for the criminal team?"

But suddenly, a discordant voice sounded in the office.

Tie Ruyun looked up, and saw a young man standing in front of him who was not very handsome, but looked very energetic.

He came for the interview, and even proposed the criminal team, which seems to be right.

"Yes, please sit down!"

Tie Ruyun put on a serious attitude, but he didn't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that the young man in front of him had looked at him so strangely for a moment.

In fact, he really guessed right.

"A little bit of ability, a little bit of ability, a little bit of ability, and this... a little contradictory?"

Zhang Wei looked at the four interviewing lawyers in the office. The first three were okay, and they were all at a good level.

As expected of a lawyer from Jincheng, the few lawyers who came to interview were not mediocre.

But the interviewer in front of him, the interviewer who said on the interview card that the criminal team was iron like cloud, had a dazed look on his face.

The aura on this person was so overwhelming that he couldn't bear to look directly at him. It was melancholy at best, but at worst...

How long has it been since you won a lawsuit? How can you be so gloomy?

As soon as he entered the door, Zhang Wei felt the aura from Tie Ruyun's body. He thought there was a dead body lying here.

I feel that the law firm is not suitable for you, the office of the bereaved daughter Mo Yuzhu is your home!

Zhang Wei complained, but he still put on a serious attitude and sat in front of Tie Ruyun.

"Excuse me, do you have any recommendations?"

"Oh, yes!"

Tie Ruyun asked, and Zhang Wei quickly passed Professor Luo's recommendation letter to the other party.

"Let me see...huh?"

Tie Ruyun was slightly surprised when he saw the signature of the recommendation letter.

This is actually Luo Feixiang's recommendation letter. Isn't this guy usually not writing recommendation letters for students?

In addition, he provoked the lawsuit before, although he won the lawsuit with the help of a mysterious lawyer surnamed Zhang, but he adjusted back so quickly?

A series of questions formed in Tie Ruyun's mind. After briefly reading the recommendation letter, he turned to Zhang Wei.

The letter of recommendation was plain, but it mentioned that Zhang Wei's court trial level was good and he was a good seed.

"Do you have a resume?"


Zhang Wei was honest and handed a resume to Tie Ruyun.

The latter quickly opened it.

"Well, you were a public defender in municipal court?"

Tie Ruyun saw that in Zhang Wei's case records, the first row was all cases from the Misdemeanor Division.

Most of those pleaded guilty, but a few won.

For this, he is quite satisfied, because for a newcomer, if you dare to go to court, you are already stronger than many people.

Even some new barristers are also nervous and make mistakes when they go to court for the first time.

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, has obviously crossed this step.

"Oh, the trial record is quite long!"

Tie Ruyun turned to the second page.

This time, he saw 4 felony cases, and the results marked behind were also successful!

"Have you defended felons? Manslaughter, first-degree murder, public poisoning, armed robbery, you've won them all?"


Zhang Wei nodded seriously, his expression made people feel that these seemed to be no big deal.

Fortunately, Zhang Wei only wrote the type of case and the trial result on his resume. Otherwise, if Tie Ruyun knew that the mysterious lawyer who helped Luo Feixiang win the lawsuit was right in front of him, his jaw would drop in shock.

At this moment, Tie Ruyun tried his best to restrain his ups and downs, and tried his best to behave calmly.

He took a few deep breaths, squeezed the five fingers of his right hand tightly, and then let go immediately.

But Zhang Wei saw all his actions.

What is this guy doing? He is obviously very excited, but he insists on pretending to be like I have seen all kinds of storms.


"So, may I ask, why did you choose our Jincheng?"

"The answer to this question, I guess you are tired of hearing it today?"

Facing Tie Ruyun's first question, Zhang Wei asked back.

Because of this question, most interviewers will ask it, and Zhang Wei is too lazy to say those answers that already have templates.

For example, the chicken soup type such as working hard and making progress every day; another example is the hardworking type such as I want to challenge myself and not afraid of difficulties; another example is the struggling type such as Jincheng is my goal, and I will not choose Jincheng.

Saying this made him feel ashamed.

"Ah, this..."

When Tie Ruyun heard Zhang Wei's answer, he was speechless for a while.

He wasn't the three at the next table, they were probably tired of listening to all kinds of answers, but how many people I interviewed today, I could probably count them on one hand.

"Well, that's a good point. I've heard too much of this answer..."

But on the surface, he still put on a "really so" expression.

Tie Ruyun continued to ask: "Why do you think I should keep you?"

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and smiled.

"I believe that my resume should be correct?"


This kid, why do you always like to answer questions with questions? Didn't you always teach you to answer questions well?

Tie Ruyun complained in his heart again.

"Interviewer, my resume says that I have court trial experience, and my winning rate is not low. I believe that among the newcomers, no one's winning rate can match me?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's answer, Tie Ruyun nodded unconsciously.

This winning rate, and it is still a tricky criminal charge, is indeed not low.

Even some lawyers who have been employed for 1-2 years have not won as many lawsuits as this kid.

Regarding this point, Tie Ruyun knew it well, and Zhang Wei naturally knew it too.

That's why he asked back, I already have such a resume, don't you want it?

"Interviewer, we can't just ask you questions, I think I should also learn about your criminal team!"

Then, Zhang Wei actually turned against the customer.


"Well, can I also ask you a few questions about the Criminal Division?"

Tie Ruyun was confused, did I pick you or you picked me?

But Zhang Wei was not embarrassed at all, and asked after smiling: "I would like to ask, how many powerful lawyers are there in Jincheng's criminal team?"


Zhang Wei's first question left Tie Ruyun speechless.

How many powerful lawyers are there in the criminal team? You make it sound like there are many people in our criminal team.

In fact, apart from him, the polished commander, there was no one in the criminal team.

But on the surface, it certainly cannot be answered that way.

"Ahem, our criminal team is taking a streamlined route..."


Zhang Wei nodded, thinking that it was Menqing in his heart.

Simplified, the implication is that there are very few people.

Tie Ruyun felt that something was wrong with Zhang Wei's expression, why did he look like a fool?

This kid, can you see something...

"Let me ask you a question instead. Since you chose our Jincheng and our criminal team, I want to ask you about your future career plans."

Zhang Wei smiled knowingly. The implication of this question is to ask how long you plan to work in the Criminal Division. Don't just think about changing jobs or transferring to other divisions.

"As long as there is a lawsuit, I don't care!" Zhang Wei replied casually, ignoring this.

Tie Ruyun was stunned, there is such an answer, do you think we are chatting?

"The position of our criminal team is very challenging. Your attitude is not good. Do you think you can support it?"

The implication of this question is, are you ready to be "masochistic" in the criminal team?

Once you join, all kinds of documents and work will come down, how soon can you get used to it?

"I want to ask, how long did it take for the people in your criminal team to leave before, and what is the average time?"


Zhang Wei asked another question that made Tie Ruyun embarrassed.

This question is really hard to answer. Once the truth is told, the situation of the criminal team will be completely exposed.

"Ahem, our criminal team has a lot of job turnover, so..."

"Oh, I see!"

Zhang Wei didn't listen to Tie Ruyun's explanation, because he already understood the implication.

"Then I think I can stay longer than all of them."

This is also a routine. Since you didn't specify the specific time, then I said to stay longer than them, and the answer was also vague.

At that time, if I really want to switch groups or leave, you won't be able to catch my pigtails!

Tie Ruyun felt that he had met an opponent. Was this kid deliberately trying to tear him down?

No, you have to fight back.

He thought for a while and asked, "You said you would stay longer than them. Our profession of lawyers is very hard, and we may have to work overtime. You have just graduated..."

"Nonsense, how can there be a lawyer who doesn't work overtime?"

Zhang Wei has learned to rush to answer, and responded in a natural tone.

Lawyers don't work overtime, they work from 9 to 5 every day, and they also take weekends off on weekends, can they still be called lawyers?

What is 996 called? It's called Fubao!

"So, you can afford to work overtime?"

"That depends on how busy the case is. For the sake of the client, I don't care if I stay up all night!"

Zhang Wei replied like this, but the implication is that if it is some trivial paperwork, don't delay my off-duty time.

"To be honest, it's the first time I've met an interviewer like you. Can you tell me about your shortcomings?"

This is another routine to examine Zhang Wei's understanding of himself, clarify his strengths and weaknesses in work, and at the same time allow Tie Ruyun to find a target to suppress Zhang Wei.

There are actually many tricks hidden in this question. Once the answerer says that he has no obvious shortcomings, the interviewer will think you are bragging.

If you really expose your weaknesses, the interviewer will focus on your weaknesses.

But this is a small problem for Zhang Wei.

"Actually, I really have shortcomings..."

Tie Ruyun got excited, and sat upright unconsciously.

I heard Zhang Wei slowly say: "The biggest shortcoming of me is that I am easily influenced by people around me. For example, if I follow good leaders, I will become as good as them. If I follow bad leaders, I will be as good as them. Might get lazy too."

After he finished speaking, he looked at Tie Ruyun and asked back: "But I believe that Jincheng Law Firm has a lot of talents. If I want to join the criminal team, I will definitely become better, so I want to ask, the leader of the criminal team Are there any glaring shortcomings?"

Good guy, it's back to me again!

Tie Ruyun never expected that all the questions he raised would be resolved one by one by Zhang Wei with ingenious answers, and even reversed the routine.

Isn't this just lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot!

"Ahem, it's hard for me to say anything about the criminal team..."

Tie Ruyun was a little embarrassed to speak.

But Zhang Wei insisted on it, or pursued the victory: "Impossible, they are all lawyers from Jincheng, but the interviewer doesn't know the criminal team. It shouldn't be. Could it be that the criminal team has some serious problems? Why don't you tell me?" Let me tell you."

"Ah, this..."

Tie Ruyun was speechless for a moment, completely unexpected that Zhang Wei used the routine he planned to ask.

What should he say, the criminal team is the only one, and its performance has been at the bottom of several teams in the litigation department all the year round.

"Interviewer?" Seeing that Tie Ruyun remained silent, Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows.

"Ahem, what, let's end today's interview, your performance is very good!"

Tie Ruyun knew that he had completely met his nemesis today.

A mere interview actually left a young man speechless.

No wonder this kid won the criminal lawsuit. The level of this question is really outrageous, and the key is to ask after other people's embarrassing things.

"Thank you for the interviewer's evaluation, then I look forward to the criminal team's reply!"

Zhang Wei thanked him and was about to leave.

But his movements suddenly stopped, and he leaned in front of Tie Ruyun, and whispered: "Interviewer, let's stop hiding, I know that the criminal team must be short of people, don't deny it, I can see it .”

"There will be a girl with big eyes coming for an interview. If it's convenient for you, you can give her a proper pass. She is a piece of jade in the rough, a good seedling, you know it!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he left the office regardless of Tie Ruyun's expression.

Tie Ruyun opened his mouth several times, but he didn't say anything.

He found that he seemed to be manipulated by a newcomer who came to interview today.

outside the door.

Zhang Wei and Lin Yumeng got together.

"Zhang Wei, how's it going inside, is the interviewer strict?"

"The interviewer is fine, but you have a problem."

Zhang Wei looked at the cute girl in front of him and asked, "Are you sure you want to join the criminal team, aren't you majoring in civil law?"

"Yes, but I also studied criminal law, and as you said, criminal procedure is the best way to train people, and I want to become a good lawyer, so I plan to join the criminal team like you!"


Zhang Wei didn't persuade her too much, since Lin Yumeng said so, he couldn't stop him.

Seeing Lin Yumeng walk into the office and sit in front of Tie Ruyun, Zhang Wei smiled and shook his head.

He thought in his heart, if the criminal team didn't have any lawyers, then he wouldn't mind having an extra apprentice.

After all, seeing good seedlings being ruined by some weak lawyers, it's better to be the guide yourself.

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