Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 109 Is working overtime a blessing? analyze the case

Attorney General.

2nd floor, tea room.

On a small table for drinking tea, there is a flickering electric glow, and the flames are dancing.

Zhang Wei and Xiao Baihe's eyes met in the void, and this area felt anxious and distorted.

The tense atmosphere scared Tan Yingying and Lin Yumeng aside from making a sound.

Tan Yingying is afraid of Zhang Wei, and the psychological shadow of going to court for the first time is still there.

Lin Yumeng was afraid of Xiao Baihe, she felt that the woman in front of her was terrifying.

Do defense lawyers have to deal with such a terrifying prosecutor?

Is it too late for her to go home now?

"15 months!"

After a long time, Zhang Wei spoke first.

"We will not go to court and reach a plea agreement. This is my final bottom line!"

Although the agreement with Ying Qingli was for one year, Xiao Baihe refused to give in for a long time, and Zhang Wei could only give in for three months.

"Hmph, you really think I'm easy to pass!"

Xiao Baihe sneered and was about to refuse immediately.

But Tan Yingying pulled Xiao Baihe's sleeve with her hand.

"Sister Baihe, I actually think pleading guilty is pretty good, at least I don't have to go to court with Zhang Wei..."

"Yingying, what are you talking about, armed robbery, you will be dismissed in one year?"

Seeing Tan Yingying urging her in a low voice, Xiao Baihe really hates iron but not steel, you are actually afraid that Zhang Wei will come to this point.

"What is 1 year? It's obviously 15 months, and the sentence is 3 years, of which two years are suspended..." Zhang Wei quickly interjected.

"Get out, I'm talking to Yingying, it's none of your business!"

Xiao Baihe angrily reprimanded Zhang Wei, telling the latter to shut up.

After weighing it over and over again, Xiao Baihe winked at Tan Yingying, and then smiled "kindly" at Zhang Wei.

But this smile made Zhang Wei's heart "thump".

This is not a friendly expression, at least not something that a compromised person can show.

Xiao Baihe took a deep breath, and then said: "Although doing this may cause me to be reprimanded by the leader, I still want to do this..."

"Will you compromise?" Zhang Wei's eyes widened, and he couldn't believe it.

Xiao Baihe would actually make a deal with him, he felt that the sun was coming out from the west.

"500 yuan!"


"Didn't you hear clearly, I bet 500 fast, you~will~lose~"

"You, you want to bet with me?"

Zhang Wei finally understood that what Xiao Baihe said would be reprimanded by the leader, it turned out that it was not a plea bargain with him, but this matter.

"Why, you, Mr. Zhang, are also afraid sometimes?"

Xiao Baihe raised his eyebrows, and looked over with a provocative expression.

"Are you confident?" Zhang Wei naturally asked the other party without hesitation.

Xiao Baihe smiled, and his tone slowed down: "Your case should be given to your law firm by the Aid Association, right?"


"So you can earn a few hundred yuan at most in one case, and I will give you a chance to earn an extra 500 yuan, do you want it?"

For the first time, Zhang Wei felt that he was being pinched, and he clenched his hands subconsciously.

But soon, he let go again.

"Okay, I bet you!"

Zhang Wei smiled and raised a finger: "But I also have a request!"

"You said?" Xiao Baihe's eyes flashed, feeling a little curious.

"The chief lawyer in this case is my apprentice, and the chief prosecutor is also your apprentice, so there are two people on your side, and if each person pays 500, the bet will be doubled. You win, I lose, you 1000, and I win You also lose 1000 to me!"

As Zhang Wei said, he grabbed Lin Yumeng, who was bowing her head, and let her show her face in front of Xiao Baihe.

"You have already said that, so I will also add a condition. Since neither you nor I are the main person in charge of the case, let Tan Yingying and your little apprentice go to court, and we will listen and not interfere!"

"Very well, I just want to train my little apprentice, your request is no problem!"

"Then it's settled!"

"It's decided, the bet is 500 per person, and then they will have to decide the outcome in court!"

Zhang Wei left and pulled Lin Yumeng away from the local prosecutor's headquarters.

He wanted to go back and explain to Ying Qingli that the deal was not reached this time, and the prosecutor at the local prosecutor's headquarters insisted on going to court.

In the tea room.

"Sister Baihe, are you really going to sue Zhang Wei again? I'm so scared..."

Tan Yingying was still a little scared, especially when she saw Zhang Wei's smiling face, she panicked inside.

"Yingying, what are you afraid of? I won't interfere with him. Your opponent is his apprentice. That little girl looks like a newcomer. And with me this time, you are not fighting alone!"

Xiao Baihe immediately encouraged the other party, saying that everything is up to me.

"But don't you say you don't want to interfere?"

"Yeah, don't interfere, we prosecutors are all talking, I say you do it, isn't that all right?"

"Ah, this..."

Tan Yingying stared blankly at Xiao Baihe, but the latter showed a smile of success.

the other side.

Outside the detention center.

Zhang Wei explained the situation to Ying Qingli. Although the latter was a little disappointed, he understood his situation and didn't say much.

Anyway, in the end, they have to decide the outcome in court.

"Master, do I really want to go to court, but if I'm alone, I'm so scared..."

Lin Yumeng stood beside Zhang Wei with a frightened and apprehensive expression.

"Don't be afraid, I have everything!"

Zhang Wei quickly comforted him, signaling the other party to calm down.

"But, don't you say you don't want to interfere?"

"Yeah, don't interfere, but our lawyers are all talkers. I tell you to do it. Doesn't this break the bet and the rules?"

"Yeah, this..."

Lin Yumeng looked at Zhang Wei blankly, and saw that the latter showed a confident expression.


Jincheng Law Firm, criminal group.

When Zhang Wei and Lin Yumeng returned to the law firm, it was almost the end of get off work time.

The employees of Jincheng Building came out of the elevator one after another. They were not lawyers, and many grassroots employees did not work overtime.

"Xiaomeng, do you have to work overtime on weekends?"

Zhang Wei asked quickly.

"work overtime?"

Lin Yumeng tilted her head, somewhat unable to understand these two words.

"An excellent lawyer will think about the case even on weekdays, and even at home, the client's affairs are on his mind the most. So let me ask you, since you have a case in hand, do you need to work overtime on weekends?"


Seeing what Master said so righteously, Lin Yumeng also thought about it carefully, what would she do if she didn't work overtime on weekends?

Chatting with my mother at home, listening to her bragging about the gossip in the circle of rich wives, or how lucky I am playing mahjong today, and finding a big restaurant for dinner at night, the day passed like this.

"Well, master, I decided to work overtime on weekends. It's not because I'm bored at home, but because I want to be an excellent lawyer. I want to do my best for the client!"

Lin Yumeng nodded "firmly", and Zhang Wei was also very pleased.

This little apprentice is a talent to make!

"That's fine, but I have to ask the old man, does the company provide overtime subsidies on weekends?"

The two got on the elevator, and when they returned to the office of the Criminal Division, they immediately asked Lao Tie about working overtime.

"What, do you have to work overtime on weekends?"

Tie Ruyun exclaimed, attracting the attention of Li Yueqin, Jin Mingming and Tie Cuilan who were about to get off work.

The three of them were packing their things when they suddenly heard the sensitive word "overtime", with different expressions.

Jin Mingming frowned, and immediately shouted to Tie Ruyun: "Team leader, then I'll go back first, see you on Monday!"

He obviously resisted working overtime, especially working overtime for the criminal team who knew he wouldn't stay for long, it was even more impossible to work overtime!

If you have this spare time, you can invite some colleagues from other groups of the litigation department to communicate with each other on weekends and prepare for the future adjustment of your own group.

Li Yueqin showed hesitation, because the case at hand was quite urgent, and she was considering whether to work overtime as well.

Tie Cuilan glanced at Zhang Wei unexpectedly, because very few newcomers during the internship period choose to work overtime, they basically have five days off and two days off, and they leave as soon as they arrive on weekdays.

Asking them to work overtime is like asking them to die!

"To be honest, I don't encourage overtime work in principle, especially since you two are still newcomers..."


Seeing that Tie Ruyun hesitated to speak, Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows.

"How do you know I can't say it?"

Tie Ruyun was stunned for a moment, seeing that both of them were looking at him, he continued: "But our big boss said, when you stand at the highest place in the future, look back and see yourself working overtime when you were young, You will think that staying up late at that time was a blessing!"

"Oh my god, it sounds like an old capitalist!"

Zhang Wei complained in his heart, but he still said perfunctorily: "The big boss is right, working overtime is a blessing!"

"So, the big boss's wealth and status are all earned by himself?"

"That's not true. Jincheng Group was created by the boss's father. Our boss is the second generation. Jincheng Law Firm is inherited from his father!"

Fuck, wasting my feelings!

Zhang Wei was completely speechless.

You, Lin Xiangtian, are not self-made, but a rich second generation, so what you say is useless, it is not convincing at all!

"Since you guys decide to work overtime, I'll come over tomorrow too!"

Tie Ruyun glanced at Zhang Wei and Lin Yumeng, but understood their desire to work overtime.

"Old Tie, don't worry about it, the two of us can handle it!"

"This is not acceptable. How can an employee work overtime on weekends, but the leader rests at home!"

Seeing Tie Ruyun's insistence, Zhang Wei had no choice.

After they made an appointment to see each other at the law firm tomorrow, they all got off work.


Saturday morning.

Inside the Lin Mansion.

Zhang Wei is busy in the bed room, packing today's lunch into a food box.

But in front of him, Zhao Xiaoxiao got up early uncharacteristically, and drank the porridge he cooked in mouthfuls.

"The leader is here today, so bring one more person!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took an extra food box, planning to bring a lunch for Lao Tie as well.

"Speaking of the second girl, why did you get up so early today?"

"It's the weekend, I have an appointment with my sister to go shopping."

"Sister, how many dates have you made? Is Hanhan here?"

Zhang Wei looked at Zhao Xiaoxiao. As for the sisters she was talking about, they were naturally the ones who had dinner together years ago.

The ghost knows how these women have such a good relationship after eating, and now they all call each other sisters.

As for who the Hanhan in Zhang Wei's mouth is, Zhao Xiaoxiao naturally knows.

"Your eldest daughter is not here, the one with the biggest breasts is the blond woman who is dating me!"

"Oh, it's Jessica~"

Zhang Wei was slightly curious about Jessica asking Zhao Xiaoxiao to go out.

"By the way, what has Hanhan been doing lately?"

"You can't send messages yourself?"

"Aren't you busy with the case recently? Besides, she has joined the serious crime team now, and we are both very busy."

"Didn't you say it all, she joined the serious crime team, so naturally she is also busy with the case~"

Zhao Xiaoxiao raised her head, thought for a while, and said: "I remember your eldest daughter said that recently, all seven of their teams are investigating a gang involved in gangsters!"

"That seems to be busy!"

Zhang Wei nodded. He also understood the work of the serious crime team.

"That's ok, go shopping with Jessica today, and say hello to her for me by the way!"

"Hehe, don't think I don't know that you miss that big wave woman!"

Ignoring Zhao Xiaoxiao's cold stare, Zhang Wei packed up and set off directly.

One advantage of weekends compared to usual is that there is no morning peak.

Taking the subway that was not too congested, Zhang Wei came to Jincheng Building very early.

Take the elevator up to the 26th floor and come to the office of the Litigation Department.

Walking through the empty office area, he entered the office of the criminal team and started to work.

Randomly pulled a 2-meter-wide blank writing board outside, and he began to record the case information.

Ying Qingli was arrested at 10:14pm on Monday night.

According to his account, he was walking on the road, humming a song and preparing to eat supper, but was arrested by the field staff of the Wuxie Association, and he was completely confused.

And the martial arts association has a basis for arresting him.

Because there was an armed robbery in an underground parking lot near the place where Ying Qingli was arrested. The suspect robbed the victim's wallet and then fled. The field staff discovered it during the pursuit based on the clues after the report. Ying Qingli.

Then came the most critical point. The victim testified that Ying Qingli was the one who robbed him, and the victim was the only witness in this case.

According to the testimonies of the witnesses who were also the parties concerned, the Wushu Association naturally wanted to arrest Ying Qingli.

After entering the detention center, Ying Qingli proposed to seek a lawyer, the application was submitted, and finally the legal aid organization handed over the case to Jincheng.

"The ins and outs of the matter are very clear. Someone was robbed, and that person identified Ying Qingli. In theory, he is the criminal, but..."

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei paused, recalling what Xiao Baihe said in his mind.

"The location of the robbery was an underground parking lot, but there was plenty of light..."

He immediately walked to Lin Yumeng's work station, took out the case documents and publicized photos from the drawer, and pasted them on the clipboard one by one.

"There are lights in the underground parking lot, and the lights are sufficient. It is reasonable to say that the witnesses will not be wrong. But he should have been terrified at the time. The human body is a very magical thing. If you are too nervous and scared, you will have hallucinations. "

"The victim in this case was robbed with an armed weapon. When he saw a vicious person stabbing himself with a knife, he would definitely be nervous. He might almost pee his pants in fear. Could he be wrong?"

Zhang Wei naturally had doubts about the victim's confession.

It is a pity that as a defense lawyer, he is strictly prohibited from contacting other people involved in the case except his client outside the courtroom. If he wants to know the situation of the case, his only chance is to question the other party in court.

"It seems that if we want to know the details, we have to wait for the court hearing..."

Zhang Wei was helpless, and then continued to analyze the case.

While he was analyzing the case, someone else arrived.

Tie Ruyun also came early, but seeing Zhang Wei busy on the writing board, he didn't disturb him.

However, seeing Zhang Wei's concentrated appearance, he also felt a little emotional.

This kid was born to be a criminal defense lawyer. He not only has a high level of trial, but also has an unusual dedication to the case.

He was obviously not responsible for this case, but he still did his best.

If it was those people he brought before, and they heard that it was a public welfare case, and they were not responsible for it, they would be too lazy to deal with it.

After a while, Lin Yumeng also came.

She trotted all the way to the Criminal Division, and saw that Tie Ruyun and Zhang Wei were there.

"Ah, team leader, master, you all..."


Tie Ruyun quickly made a silence gesture, and his eyes signaled Lin Yumeng not to disturb her.

Didn't you see that kid Zhang Wei was thinking? You little girl has to look at the occasion if you want to talk!

Lin Yumeng understood, nodded, and immediately stood beside Tie Ruyun, looking at Zhang Wei with him.

After dozens of minutes, Zhang Wei finally stopped analyzing.

"I still have to go to the scene to see~"

He muttered, only to find that Lin Yumeng and Tie Ruyun had arrived when he turned his head.

"Hehe, Laotie and Xiaomeng are here!"

"It's not because you're thinking about the case, we didn't dare to disturb you!"

"There is nothing to disturb or not to disturb. This kind of case is like doing a decryption game. Sometimes the clues get stuck. If you come suddenly, you can think of the key to solving the case!"

Zhang Wei laughed and shared some experience.

"That's true, but your kid has just graduated from law school, why do you speak like an old lawyer?"

"Maybe it's because I brought my apprentice, so the conversation will naturally change!"

"Yeah, master is right!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly brought out Lin Yumeng to explain, and the latter naturally stood up and supported his "master".

"Okay then, what are you going to do today, what's your plan?"

Zhang Wei thought for a while, then glanced at Lin Yumeng again.

"This morning, Xiaomeng and I were in charge of rehearsing the questioning of the trial. I have a lot of questions that need to be answered. These questions need to be asked by Xiaomeng to the witnesses during the trial."

He glanced at Tie Ruyun again: "It happens that you are also here, old iron, so you come to be this witness!"


"That's right, but old man, will you be able to enter the psychology of the person involved? We need a witness who has just been robbed and is still in shock and a little terrified."

"This, it's a little difficult..."

Hearing Zhang Wei's request, Tie Ruyun showed embarrassment.

He is a lawyer, not a professional actor, and you ask so much, how can he act?

"Okay then, I'll guide you..."

As Zhang Wei said, he hooked his hands towards the two of them, and asked the little apprentice and Lao Tie to come closer.

Next, Zhang Wei is in charge of analysis and guidance, while Tie Ruyun needs to be substituted into the heart of the witness.

Lin Yumeng on the side took out her notebook and began to record all the questions Zhang Wei asked to ask.

After all, on the day of the trial, it was not Zhang Wei who was in court, but her.

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