Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 110 Meet Boss Ying Qingli and make a case?

The morning passed quickly.

It's noon now, it's time for lunch.

Inside the Criminal Division Office.

"Wow, Zhang Wei, you actually know how to cook?"

"Team leader, the craftsmanship of the master is still very good~"

"Stop talking too much, you two, hurry up and eat, after the meal break, we have to go to the scene!"

Tie Ruyun couldn't help feeling that Zhang Wei had a lot of advantages besides being a little too casual towards him, speaking directly, and being neither big nor small.

He didn't expect that this kid looked young, but his cooking skills were so good, he almost caught up with the old lady who had been cooking for decades.

Lin Yumeng and Tie Ruyun ate very quickly, mainly because they could eat.

After eating and drinking, and simply tidying up, although Lin Yumeng wanted to leave immediately, Zhang Wei asked her to take a good rest.

"Take a nap at noon, you won't feel sleepy in the afternoon, and you can improve your work efficiency, even if you sleep for 15 minutes!"

This is the first work suggestion that Zhang Wei, as the master, put forward to the young apprentice.

He could naturally see that Lin Yumeng was very excited now, but the sequelae of not resting after eating and drinking would appear, and he might feel sleepy all afternoon.

Zhang Wei and Tie Ruyun also took a brief rest, and they were ready to set off after 30 minutes.

Tie Ruyun came by car, so naturally he drove the two to the scene.

The scene of the armed robbery was in the urban area of ​​the second ring road and an underground parking lot near the southern boundary of the city.

This place belongs to the second ring road, so the case was not handed over to the district prosecutor's office in the south of the city, but directly handled by the district prosecutor's headquarters.

This is especially true on crowded weekends, especially after lunch.

The original 30-minute journey took twice as long on the road before they arrived at the parking lot.

After getting out of the car, Zhang Wei scanned the surrounding area.

"This is an old shopping mall!"

The East is very big, and it has developed rapidly in recent years, with more than a dozen subway lines.

Because of this, the popularity of many large supermarkets in Dongfang Metropolis has also changed dramatically because of their proximity to the subway.

For example, this place was originally supposed to be a large supermarket near the second ring road, but because it is not close to the subway, the popularity is not as good as before.

Part of the concrete walls of the mall have begun to fall off, the posters on the walls have been smashed by the rain, and no one has replaced them, and the lift poles at the entrance of the parking lot have been knocked down.

"It's difficult!"

Zhang Wei said, and walked into the underground parking lot first.

The lighting inside the parking lot is fine, indeed, as Xiao Baihe said, the light is sufficient, which is also beyond Zhang Wei's expectations.

You said that you are a broken shopping mall, and it looks like it is bankrupt. Why are the lights in the underground parking lot all new?

"I remember that there were a lot of thefts and robberies here before. These lights should be installed with the money of the Urban Construction Department!"

Tie Ruyun gave the answer.

Naturally, shopping malls don't care about these lights, but because of security issues, the Urban Construction Department paid for them.

"Then what about the surveillance video?" Zhang Wei pointed to the surrounding surveillance equipment.

"Then you have to go to the security room!"

Tie Ru shook his head, he didn't know if the Urban Construction Department paid for monitoring.

During the security of the shopping mall, Zhang Wei and the three met an old security guard in his 60s.

"You are investigating the case. If you want to call the surveillance, it will be difficult..."

The old security guard showed embarrassment, and pointed to the monitoring screen in the security room: "You have also seen that the monitoring screen is basically spent, and the monitoring in the underground parking lot is also just a decoration."

Zhang Wei turned his head and saw that it was really the case. Some of the surveillance cameras inside the mall were blurred, and all the surveillance cameras in the basement were dark.

"Isn't that the only way to rely on the testimony of that eyewitness?"

The three of Zhang Wei were disappointed and returned to the underground parking lot again.

"According to the victim's testimony, he was in this position..."

Zhang Wei stood in a parking space in the middle of the parking lot, and there were many cars parked around. He glanced around, but he didn't find a breakthrough for a while.

There is no usable surveillance in this parking lot, so the investigation department can only trust the testimony of eyewitnesses.

And he testified against the client Ying Qingli, so the suspect is naturally the latter.

"Does Ying Qingli have any special features? He is fierce and has tattoos all over his body?"

Ying Qingli's characteristics should be said to be very eye-catching.

If he hadn't met the other party with his own eyes and asked a lot of questions in the interview room, Zhang Wei would have doubted whether Ying Qingli was really a prisoner.

"I'll simulate it again. The victim was here at the time. After the prisoner robbed his wallet, he rushed out all the way out of the underground parking lot..."

Zhang Wei simulated the prisoner's escape route, walked out of the parking lot, and went outside.

"According to the arrest record announced by the Wushu Association, they found Ying Qingli in the north, which is only a 10-minute walk from the shopping mall. If the suspect ran there, he would have enough time!"

Zhang Wei looked to the north, lost in thought.

"An armed robber, if he intends to rob suddenly, he will carefully hide and count the loot after the robbery, instead of running all the way. This way the target is bigger and it is easier to expose himself!"

"And the victim will definitely report the crime as soon as possible. The martial arts association's field service is very fast, and they should be able to arrive at the scene within 10 minutes. If they start a blanket search, they shouldn't be able to catch people, right?"

Thinking of this, Zhang Wei immediately turned around and asked, "According to the public announcement records, did the field office find the victim's wallet on Ying Qingli's body?"

"Like, no?"

Lin Yumeng was not sure, took out the document and looked it over again, before confirming: "Well, I checked, there is really nothing."

"There's none?"

Zhang Wei thought for a while, although this is a good rebuttal point, but Xiao Baihe will definitely rebut it again by saying that Ying Qingli lost his wallet halfway.

Even if the wallet is found, it cannot be used as conclusive evidence.

"If Ying Qingli isn't a robber, then the real culprit doesn't look like a sudden robbery, otherwise the martial arts association will definitely catch him!"

This is the conclusion drawn by Zhang Wei after analysis.

"No, my goal is not to catch the real culprit, that's a matter for the investigation department. My goal is to help Ying Qingli get rid of the charge of armed robbery!"

He suddenly slapped his head and almost forgot the "business".

I am a defense lawyer, not a criminal investigator of the investigation department.

"Let's go, there are no clues here. Let's go to Ying Qingli's way to see if we can find witnesses to prove that he came out of the rented house. We only need one witness to provide an alibi." Already!"

After Zhang Wei clarified his goal, the three set off again.

For the defense of innocence, all you need is an alibi, and it is the investigation department's job to find the real criminal.

3 hours later.

Near the house that Ying Qingli rented.

Three hours ago, Zhang Wei and the others decided to divide into three groups to inquire about the shops along the street, but now they have converged.

"It's so tiring. I ran around and no one saw your client!"

"Master, the shops on the road said they were closed at night, and the supermarkets that were not closed also said they didn't see this person. I didn't ask any clues."

"Me too, logically Ying Qingli should be very eye-catching?"

The three of Zhang Wei reported the situation separately, but the harvest was about zero.

"Someone should have seen it, but they didn't want to testify in court. Or they just didn't see it. After all, it was late at night and many shops were closed."

Zhang Wei analyzed for a while, but couldn't find any useful clues.

"Go to Ying Qingli's company and see if you can find someone to be his character witness."

"If my guess is correct, the prosecution will definitely focus on Ying Qingli's previous convictions. We need a witness who can prove that the client has changed his ways!"

Seeing that he couldn't find an alibi, Zhang Wei had no choice but to find him elsewhere.

"Are you going to the place where Ying Qingli works?"

But Tie Ruyun suddenly said: "Do you know the background of the company he works for? Do you really want to go to that place?"

"That's right, master, didn't the client say that his boss used to be..."

Lin Yumeng was also a little scared, with a worried look on her face.

"What are you afraid of? We are public interest lawyers, representing the Dongfangdu Lawyers Association behind us, and we are still from Jincheng, a small loan shark boss, how dare you touch us!"

"Besides, our purpose is to help Ying Qingli. Isn't he the boss' driver? Is their boss really hard-hearted?"

Zhang Wei is naturally not afraid of Ying Qingli's boss.

Seeing Zhang Wei's insistence, Tie Ruyun had no choice.

But he also knew that what Zhang Wei said was correct, a small loan shark boss should not have the courage to touch their Jincheng people... right?

Zhang Wei and the three drove to Ying Qingli's workplace.


at the same time.

In the southern part of the city, a certain road along the street.

An old van was parked on the side of the road, the black windows were closed, making it hard to see how many people were hiding in the car.

"Tamu, sit down honestly. It's already crowded here, and there's not enough room for monitoring equipment. You're so big, you're going to fall apart when you move the car!"

"But I want to go to the bathroom?"

"Hold on!"

Lao Xing looked at the aggrieved Tamu in the car, and immediately reprimanded him.

"Let me tell you, when I was on a stalking mission in the Serious Crime Squad, I didn't close my eyes for three days and three nights, and it was August, and the car was as hot as a sauna during the day..."

"Deputy team, don't you know how to turn on the air conditioner?" The girl sitting in the passenger seat interjected back.

This girl is none other than Xia Qianyue.

"Xiao Xia, look at such a dilapidated car, how can it have an air conditioner?"

Lao Xing pointed to this vehicle, and said with a wry smile: "It was back then, although our 7th group was equipped with vehicles, but when performing tracking tasks, the remaining vehicles were used by other groups, and the air conditioner was used every time. bad."

"Fortunately, it's only February now. If we carry out tracking missions in July and August, it's probably hot and sweaty again..."


Just as Lao Xing was feeling emotional, Wu Yong in the driver's seat interrupted him.

He picked up the walkie-talkie, and Ani's voice came from the other end.

"Captain, there is a black vehicle approaching, and the speed of the vehicle starts to slow down. It should be looking for the target."

"Are you sure?"

"Acknowledgement, because they're already parked."

Hearing Ani's words, Wu Yong frowned.

After staring at it for a few days, someone finally came.

"Quick, Ani discovered the situation through surveillance, we are on standby!"

Wu Yong ordered, and the atmosphere in the car suddenly became tense, and everyone looked forward.

I saw a vehicle parked on the side of the road, and then three people walked out of it.

"Hiss, that's Zhang Wei!"

"Why did this kid come here? He is still in contact with illegal money lending companies?"

"Didn't Xiaoxia say that he joined Jincheng Law Firm? What level of law firm is Jincheng? How could he deal with gangsters?"

Seeing Zhang Wei appearing, Wu Yong and the others were not calm.

"Just wait and see what happens, don't let the people inside notice us!" Wu Yong hurriedly ordered everyone in the 7th group to stand by.

But he was also wondering why Zhang Wei appeared here.


"Is it my illusion, why do I feel that someone is staring at us?"

As soon as he got out of the car, Zhang Wei felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, as if there were several pairs of eyes staring at him nearby.

"Didn't you say you're not afraid?"

Tie Ruyun muttered, thinking that Zhang Wei was actually scared when he said that.

"That can't, I'm really not afraid!"

Zhang Wei thought for a while, and then told Tie Ruyun: "But the necessary insurance is still needed! Old iron, you are waiting in the car, we will open the V letter chat window. If you hear any bad news, Just help me contact Team Wu of the Serious Crime Squad!"

"You really want to go in?"

Tie Ruyun reconfirmed that there is still time to leave now.

"Of course, we are lawyers, so we naturally have to serve our clients!"

Zhang Wei took Lin Yumeng directly to Ying Qingli's work place.

This is an old street near the second ring road in the south of the city. Although the facade of the house has been renovated, the appearance still has a sense of age.

The place where Ying Qingli works is on the second floor of an old house, and there is no company name listed on it.

According to Ying Qingli's account, their boss's financial business is all run by his subordinates outside, so there is no need for visitors.

When Zhang Wei and Lin Yumeng walked up to the second floor, they saw a few tattooed youths gathering at the stairs to play cards. They had colorfully dyed hair and looked very drawn.


One of the men who was watching the game of cards was supposed to be on guard. When he saw Zhang Wei approaching, he stopped them immediately.

"Yoho, you're wearing such a formal dress, and you're selling insurance?"

"Maybe it's a credit card business. They asked me to do it yesterday, and I asked them if they want my business!"

"This girl is not bad, how old is my little sister!"

This group of young people stopped playing cards, and when they saw Zhang Wei and Lin Yumeng appearing, they immediately began to joke around.

"Sorry, you guessed wrong, we are lawyers!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out Tie Ruyun's business card.


The man on guard took the business card and took a closer look, "Jincheng Law Firm, the Criminal Division?"

He is not a lawyer, so he doesn't know the weight of the word "Jincheng".

"We are Ying Qingli's defense lawyer. We are here to learn about his situation. I hope you will cooperate. By the way, is your boss here?"

"Is it the boss's driver's lawyer?" The man on guard had his eyes flickering slightly after hearing this.

His reaction was also noticed by Zhang Wei.

"Wait a minute, I'll inform our boss!"

The man winked at the young people, then walked to the inner room.

This group of young people immediately surrounded Zhang Wei and the two of them.

"Several, how is your relationship with Driver Ying?"

Naturally, Zhang Wei would not waste this opportunity and asked immediately.

"He's the boss' driver, and he doesn't know us well!"

"That's right, I heard that he was the boss's former younger brother, and now he only drives the boss alone!"

"We usually meet each other, so we call him Brother Li."

"By the way, Brother Li's lawsuit was helped by you. Seeing that you are so young, you are all students, right? Then Brother Li is out of luck. Maybe he will be in jail for a few years?"

Among them, a young man with yellow hair smiled, but his eyes were fixed on Lin Yumeng.

They are not interested in Zhang Wei, but they are naturally very interested in cute girls.

"Stop talking nonsense, please be quiet, what are you arguing about!"

The man on guard came back quickly and scolded the young people.

"Go, the boss let you in!"

Zhang Wei took Lin Yumeng and followed the man into the room.

There are two rooms, the outer one is a pile of sundries, and the inner one is a large office.

On a mahogany table, the author is a man with a cigar in his mouth, who can be seen as the boss.

However, Zhang Wei's gaze was fixed on the tea table next to him. There was a bald man with his legs crossed and a leisurely posture.

Zhang Wei discovered that this man's tattoo was very similar to Ying Qingli's, and they should be made by the same master.

It is not difficult to understand that the two of them are both following the same boss, they should have debuted together.

"Are you Ali's lawyer?"

The cigar-smoking man glanced at Zhang Wei and Lin Yumeng, and his gaze was fixed on Zhang Wei, while Lin Yumeng, who was shrinking behind Zhang Wei, was automatically ignored by him.

He could tell that the two had different auras and different experiences.

Zhang Wei was very calm from the beginning to the end. He should be in charge, and he has come into contact with many criminals, so he is not afraid when he sees him.

But Lin Yumeng was different, she acted timidly, she looked like a newcomer who just came out.

The master leads the apprentice, every industry is the same.

"Yes, we are the criminal team of Jincheng Law Firm, responsible for Ying Qingli's case!"

Zhang Wei handed over Tie Ruyun's business card, "This is the business card of our team leader, what is the name of the boss?"

"My surname is Wang, Wang Tianmeng, everyone on the road calls me Brother Meng!"

Wang Tianmeng raised his hand, and the man in charge of bringing Zhang Wei in took the business card and handed it to him.

"Lawyer Jincheng, that's a big law firm. Even a small person like me has heard of their name, but why would you take my driver's case?"

"This is what our big boss meant. He is also in charge of the legal aid organization in Dongfangdu. Otherwise, how could he be the president of the Lawyers Association!"

"Hahaha, you're right, the boss of Jincheng Law Firm is indeed the boss!"

Wang Tianmeng laughed, but a strange light flashed in his eyes.

And Zhang Wei kept staring at him, and also noticed some changes in his expression.

"Mr. Wang, we are here this time for your driver's case. Is there anyone who can vouch for his behavior, you or your subordinates?"

"This is going to be difficult. Even if my subordinates want to guarantee it, they probably won't believe it, right?"

Wang Tianmeng sneered and looked at the other two subordinates in the office.

Both of them laughed.

The meaning of this is also very obvious, we are not clean, how can we testify to Ying Qingli.

"As for Ying Qingli, what testimony can your company provide to help him?"

"I can't help you with this. Since Ali committed a crime, it's his own problem. We can't help you much!"

"But my client said that he is just your driver, and he has reformed himself..."

"Little lawyer, I don't know if you've heard a sentence, people who are fools on the road have no clean foundation!"

As Wang Tianmeng said, he winked at the man on guard.

"There's nothing we can do to help him, let's see him off!"

"Two, please leave, our boss has something to do next!"

Now that Wang Tianmeng saw off the guests, Zhang Wei had no choice but to drag Lin Yumeng out.

"Boss, there is a problem..."

When he walked out of the house, Zhang Wei looked back with suspicion in his eyes.

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