Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 123 Continuously questioning, questioning Team Leader Liu

Friday, court day.

This time, Tie Ruyun learned his lesson and stopped driving, but chose to take the subway with Zhang Wei and others.

No, they rushed to the city court early in the morning.

However, there were media people who rushed to interview with them.

"That's the defense lawyer from Jincheng Law Firm!"

"Hurry up, gather around, the first-hand interview is ours!"

"Lawyer, lawyer, please tell us, for this trial, your defense strategy is..."

Seeing the media people approaching, Zhang Wei immediately rushed to the gate of the court with Lin Yumeng and Li Yueqin.

"Old Tie, you are the team leader, stay here to deal with the media!"

When he was about halfway through the rush, Zhang Wei suddenly yelled, and then he rushed forward regardless of Tie Ruyun's expression.

A few seconds later, Tie Ruyun was surrounded by the media, and Zhang Wei and the three of them had already rushed into the gate of the court.

"Fuck, this kid actually dared to leave me behind to deal with the media, I'm the leader..."

Tie Ruyun had a resentful expression on his face. Facing the frenzied media, the depression in his heart almost showed on his face.

He is the leader of the criminal team, Zhang Wei's leader...

However, his complaints were quickly overwhelmed by the "continuous bombardment of questions" from the media.

Court gate.

Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying also just arrived.

"Yingying, why are there so many media gatherings over there?"

"I don't know either, Miss Lily."

"But just right, someone helped us attract firepower, let's go in quickly!"

Although Xiao Baihe didn't know who the unlucky guy who was besieged was, since the other party helped him attract the media, that was a good thing.

Anyway, as long as it's not me who is dealing with the media, it doesn't matter to anyone.

To be honest, she kind of hoped that that person belonged to Zhang Wei. Being blocked by the media so early in the morning, she probably would have psychological shadows all morning.

"Strange, why would I want that guy to be affected? Could it be that I, Xiao Baihe, can't beat him upright?"

Xiao Baihe felt a little contemptuous of the thoughts that flashed through her mind just now.

Who is she, the trump card of the prefectural prosecutor's headquarters in the Eastern Metropolis, would actually show timidity in her heart, this is simply unbearable.

It's all Zhang Wei's fault!

This case itself is already embarrassing enough, the opponent is still Zhang Wei, wouldn't it be even more embarrassing for her!

Why did Zhang Wei take this case, and why did she sue that girl?

Anyway, it's all Zhang Wei's fault!

Xiao Baihe turned all the boredom in her heart into anger towards Zhang Wei, and her mood improved a little.

Anyway, all you need is one fire target.

Zhang Wei is that goal!

Tan Yingying was watching Xiao Baihe from the side. Originally, she saw Xiao Baihe's complicated complexion and a little downcast, so she wanted to say something to cheer her up.

But within a short time, she saw that Xiao Baihe was full of fighting spirit and morale was high.

Tan Yingying could only keep her words on her lips and didn't say them out.

"Come on, let's go straight to the court!"

"Ah, oh, yes, Miss Lily."

The two went straight to the court scene.

When they arrived at the scene, they found that Zhang Wei had already arrived, but the defendant had not.

"Thank you, Xiao Baihe, you saved my apprentice a trip!"

Because the court hadn't started yet, after Zhang Wei put away the documents, he went to the prosecution's seat to say hello.

Seeing Zhang Wei approaching, Tan Yingying immediately shrank back to make room for the visitor.

"Hmph, I just don't want you to miss anything. If you want to defeat you, you have to come here in an upright manner, and the public evidence has to be provided to the defense. I just let Yingying go by the way!"

Xiao Baihe's answer was very "official".

"Well, I hope it works out as you wish."

Zhang Wei made a joke, then looked at the entrance of the court, the defendant came down led by Bai Ruoyun.

After dealing with the media, Tie Ruyun walked in while wiping the sweat from his brow.

Although it is not yet March, dealing with the media is a labor-intensive job, and Tie Ruyun felt tremendous pressure just now.

Because if you say a wrong sentence casually, it may be interpreted infinitely by the media.

He was afraid of being caught and hurt his feet, so he needed to think carefully about every sentence, which is not something ordinary people can do.

"Old man, why are you so stupid?"

Zhang Wei came to the hearing booth and made a joke with Tie Ruyun.

"You boy, you actually left me alone, you..."

"I'm going to bring the defendant to court, old man, just sit down on the hearing stand!"

Zhang Wei ignored Tie Ruyun's "resentment", and after signaling to Grandma Wang who was accompanying her, he took Zhuo Xiaoting straight to the defense table.

Not long after, the trial scene became lively.

The media people also swarmed in, squeezed into the middle court which was not that big.

The scene was a little congested.

"The local inspection headquarters is here!"

I don't know who yelled, and the crowd at the door dispersed automatically, allowing Zhao Chunming and others to pass.

The local prosecutor's headquarters is still full of aura, and every prosecutor exudes a cold temperament.

The originally noisy courtroom also became silent.

"One by one, just like a professional team, ready to send people down?"

Seeing Zhao Chunming and others arriving, Zhang Wei made a joke, which made Zhuo Xiaoting and others smile slightly.

The originally serious atmosphere was also resolved by Zhang Wei's words.

Fortunately, Zhao Chunming couldn't hear it, he just sat down quietly with others, and then took a look at Xiao Baihe.

But it was this glance that put tremendous pressure on the latter.

Zhao Chunming was watching this case the whole time.

After another ten minutes, the judge finally arrived.

"stand up!"

As Judge Wang sat on the trial seat, he scanned the audience.

The jury box is here, the defense box is here, and the prosecution box is here.

Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng, who supported the prosecution, and Tie Ruyun, Bai Ruoyun, and Grandma Wang who supported the defense also attended the hearing.

"Now that everyone is here, let's get started!"

With a wave of his hand, he announced the beginning of the trial.

"Statement of the prosecution case, please call your first witness."

"Okay, Judge Wang!"

Xiao Baihe nodded and signaled: "The prosecution summoned Team Leader Liu of the Serious Case Division 3 of the Investigation Section to testify in court!"

"This is the one who came here, for real!"

Zhang Wei sat in his seat and was not surprised to hear this witness.

After all, there are not many witnesses for the prosecution, but this one is a heavyweight.

After a while, Team Leader Liu sat on the witness stand.

Although he has a lot of gray hair on his forehead, he looks very energetic, and he is still smiling while sitting on the witness stand, very calm.

After all, he is a veteran officer with more than 30 years of criminal investigation experience, and he has not gone to court once or twice. In his eyes, this is probably a small scene.

"Hello, Team Leader Liu."

"Prosecutor, you are fine too."

"Group Leader Liu, as one of the main investigators of this case, I would like to ask you to tell everyone about the investigation of this case."

When Xiao Baihe said this, he paused for a moment, and after seeing everyone looking at him, he continued: "Because in the eyes of many people, this case doesn't seem to be a big deal, it's just selling some CDs, some books or comics for profit, Moreover, the defendant is a girl, and they feel that there is no need to mobilize so many people, or even use the criminal court."

"Actually, this case is not a small case. There is a huge trading network hidden behind it, and this network has brought extremely bad influence on Dongfangdu, especially among young people."

"As for the case itself, we have already told the media all the information we can make public, but since you asked this question, I can also tell it in court."

"Please be sure to tell the jurors the details of this case!"

Xiao Baihe looked solemn, and Team Leader Liu also understood what the prosecution meant.

"That's fine, this case will start from the time of Chinese New Year. During that time, we received reports from many parents that their children..."

Team Leader Liu talked for more than ten minutes before sorting out the situation of the case.

"According to our current investigation, the main suspects in this case have been confirmed, but such a large-scale arrest operation, it is impossible for there to be no news beforehand. At this stage, we have arrested nearly 70% of the suspects. , but most of the main suspects are at large. Although our Martial Arts Association has issued arrest warrants to hunt down the fugitives, but the results are currently...still waiting for feedback..."

"Thank you, Team Leader Liu, for your explanation. Regarding the situation of the case, let's stop here!"

Xiao Baihe thanked her, then pointed to the dock.

"Everyone may be wondering why we prosecuted the defendant, what connection did she have with the criminal gang in this case, and whether she was also involved in the crime. You must be curious about this, right?"

"Next, I'm going to ask Team Leader Liu about the defendant's situation."

Xiao Baihe nodded to Team Leader Liu, and began to ask questions: "May I ask Team Leader Liu, when you got the search warrant and conducted a 'lawful search' of the defendant's apartment, what did you see and find?"

"After we produced a search warrant, we entered the apartment and searched it. I entered the defendant's room and saw her there. And I saw her hiding some stolen goods with obscene covers in drawers and wardrobes, and also some stolen money. Put it in a pillowcase."

"It looks like someone stole the money and got it, right?"

"Yes, you can say that for the prosecution, and I won't deny it, because that's the truth!"

On the witness stand, Xiao Baihe and Team Leader Liu asked and answered questions.

At the defense table, someone couldn't sit still.

"Master, why don't you speak, and don't object?"

Lin Yumeng was a little puzzled. Zhang Wei liked to interrupt the prosecution before. Why did he keep silent at this time?

"Little apprentice, interrupting depends on the occasion. You listened attentively without looking at the jury. If you interrupt them at this time, wouldn't you annoy the jurors?"

Following what Zhang Wei said, Lin Yumeng looked at the jury, and indeed saw a group of people listening to the story attentively.

"You have to know that the purpose of the trial is to get the jurors. You can offend the judge, but you must not offend the jurors. You have to follow their wishes, you have to coax them, and you have to treat them like first love, you know ?"

"I don't understand, I have never been in love..."

The little apprentice was confused, this was a difficult point, and she was considering whether to write it down.

Zhang Wei looked at the little apprentice in surprise, the cute girl has never been in love?

He shook his head and dismissed the question. What needs to be focused on now is the trial scene.

"Group Leader Liu, when you entered the room, where did you see the pillowcase?"

"The pillowcase was on the defendant's hand."

"What about the stolen money?"

"Part is in the pillowcase, part is on her hand!"

"So was there anyone else in the room at the time?"

"No, she was the only one in the room. When we entered the apartment, there were the defendant and her grandma, the one on the hearing bench, but there was only the defendant in the room, and her grandma was sitting on the sofa in the living room."

Group leader Liu said, pointing to the hearing booth.

The jurors were also attracted and saw the serious Grandma Wang sitting with Bai Ruoyun.

"Thank you, Team Leader Liu, for your answer, my question is over!"

Xiao Baihe thanked her again and walked back to the prosecution seat.

Zhang Wei got up and walked to the witness stand.

"Excuse me, Team Leader Liu, did she say anything to you when you were about to arrest my defendant?"

"Objection, hearsay evidence!" Xiao Baihe directly objected without even sitting down.

"The objection is invalid, because during the arrest operation, Team Leader Liu acted together with the team members, and you cannot verify whether the outside team members also heard the defendant's words."

Judge Wang was slightly taken aback, because the invalidation of the objection was not said by himself, but by Zhang Wei.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang ~ Law ~ Teacher!"

Judge Wang glared at Zhang Wei, but said to Xiao Baihe: "The objection is invalid!"

Zhang Wei walked to the witness stand and spoke again: "Group Leader Liu, please answer my question, did my client say anything!"

Team Leader Liu looked at Zhang Wei in surprise, but he didn't expect that this kid would overwhelm Xiao Baihe with the first question.

But he had no problem, recalling: "She said these things belonged to her brother, and she wanted to hide them all when she heard that we came in to arrest her brother."

"Did she tell you a reason for hiding these things?"

"I remember she said that she did it for her brother and grandma."

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and pointed at the defendant, "Group Leader Liu, do you believe her?"

"To be honest, I really want to trust her, but our crime team's investigation is all about evidence, and I saw a person hiding stolen goods!"

"That is to say, you don't trust my client anymore?"

"Yes, I don't believe it!"

Seeing Team Leader Liu nodding, Zhang Wei continued to ask questions without pausing.

"Excuse me, what is the target of your search warrant?"

"The criminal gang in this case!"

"Then this criminal gang, I don't think my client's name should be among them?"

"That's not true, but it has the name of her brother Zhuo Dawu!"

"I know this, and I believe the jurors also know it, but Zhuo Dawu is not my client, Zhuo Xiaoting, and they also know this!"

Zhang Wei said, without giving Team Leader Liu a chance to answer, he sped up his speech:

"Excuse me, have you met my client Zhuo Xiaoting before?"

"I don't think so."

"And do you know anything about her?"

"No, I don't know her well."


Zhang Wei nodded, and then asked: "Then I think, you have no reason to think she is a dishonest person?"

"What do you mean by that question?"

Team Leader Liu was stunned by Zhang Wei's question. Does this question make sense?

"This is a simple question. Team leader Liu asks you to answer. Will you default to a dishonest person when you meet someone you have never met?"

"I thought, I'm not going to do that."

"Then like I said, you met my client Zhuo Xiaoting for the first time on the day of the search, but you thought she was lying?"


Team leader Liu fell into a brief silence, and he didn't expect Zhang Wei's repeated questions to be for such a purpose.

"Group Leader Liu, it shouldn't be difficult for you to answer this question. My client told you that none of the stolen goods belonged to me. The stolen money also belonged to my brother. She did this to protect her family, but you still arrested her. Already!"

"I think, yes!"

Faced with Zhang Wei's pressing questions, Team Leader Liu hesitated a bit in his answer.

"Group Leader Liu, I think you have more than 30 years of experience in detective work, and you should have arrested many criminals, right?"


"Then when these criminals are arrested by you, they all have a set of rhetoric. They all say that they are innocent. Even if the stolen goods are right in front of them, they will make some kind of sophistry in your opinion, right?"

"Yes, they always have an excuse, and only you can't think of it, there is nothing they can't say!"

"Objection!" Seeing that the two had been asking questions for a long time, Xiao Baihe finally couldn't help it.

"Judge Wang, do these questions have anything to do with this case?"

"Judge Wang, I think these questions are very necessary, because according to the actual arrest situation, the witness judges the integrity of my client based on his past experience in handling cases, so as the defendant's attorney, I have You have the right to ask questions about this behavior!"

Judge Wang glanced at Xiao Baihe, nodded at last, and said, "Lawyer Zhang is right, but the objection is invalid!"

After the judge said so, Xiao Baihe had no choice but to sit down.

"Group Leader Liu, do you have any objections to the reason I objected just now?"

"No!" Team Leader Liu shook his head.

"That means that you chose not to believe my client's explanation, right?"

"You're right."

"Then let's make a hypothetical, as far as I know you have two sons?"

"All acquaintances know this. My eldest son is 26, and my younger son is about to graduate from college. He is going out to find a job."

"Well, if one day, you walk into the elder son's room and see the elder son hiding obscene objects under his bed, or hiding a bloody knife, or hiding a gun..."

"be opposed to!"

Xiao Baihe objected again.

"The objection is invalid!" Judge Wang responded mechanically, and then his eyes signaled Zhang Wei to continue asking questions.

Zhang Wei continued to ask: "At that time your son was hiding something very dangerous, and you could see that his expression was flustered. He explained to you that the obscene items belonged to a friend, and the knife was stained with blood after killing a pig. The gun is a toy model gun. Now there is no evidence that your son is lying, would you doubt him?"

"For example, the possible results, do you think your son bought obscene items, or he injured or even killed someone, and did he hide dangerous weapons at home?"

"This..." Team Leader Liu was stopped by Zhang Wei's question.

After thinking for a long time, he replied:

"Maybe, I'll believe him..."

"Thank you for your honest answer, Team Leader Liu!"

Hearing this answer, Zhang Wei smiled.

But his questions are not over yet!

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