Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 124 This son, don't mind!

The scene of the trial.

Cross-examination continues.

Under Zhang Wei's hypothetical question, Captain Liu fell into a brief silence, and then gave an answer that did not surprise Zhang Wei.

"Captain Liu, according to your answer, I can think that when your son tells you something, you will tend to believe what he said is the truth, is that so?"


"Okay, then let's make a second assumption. If you know that my client Zhuo Xiaoting is as honest as your son, and there is no evidence to prove that she is lying, you will choose to believe that she has nothing to do with the stolen money. Contact, will you still arrest her?"


Hearing this hypothetical question, Team Leader Liu fell silent.

He looked at Xiao Baihe, who spread his hands with a slight movement.

The voiceover of this action: Anyway, the judge's attitude has been made clear, and my objection is just a waste of saliva, and you have to answer this question in the end.

"Here, I'm confused about your assumptions, Lawyer Zhang, and I actually don't know how I would choose..."

Hearing Team Leader Liu's answer, Zhang Wei smiled again.

"Thank you again for your honest answer!"

He walked up to Team Leader Liu, pointed to Zhuo Xiaoting and asked, "Then let's go back to this case. I would like to ask if you saw any physical evidence at the scene, or witness testimony, or any other circumstantial evidence that can prove that Zhuo Xiaoting Is Xiaoting lying?"

"I don't think so!" Team Leader Liu subconsciously shook his head.

"Then that is to say, if your son is in the same situation and with the same evidence in this case, we may not need to participate in this trial, and there will be no case about my client Zhuo Xiaoting, right?"

Team Leader Liu fell into silence again, and nodded after a long time, "Maybe, it really won't..."

His tone was also full of disbelief.

"Thank you for your answer, Team Leader Liu, my question ends here!"

Seeing that his goal had been achieved, Zhang Wei walked back to the defense bench.

Team leader Liu's reaction made everyone in the audience notice.

The jury was lost in thought, and there was a slight commotion in the hearing room.

Even Judge Wang in the trial seat looked at Zhang Wei with a little surprise.

This kid's question, unexpectedly able to force Captain Liu to be so unconfident, but he really has a skill!

"Sister Lily, what should we do, we seem to be at a disadvantage!"

Although Tan Yingying didn't dare to look at Zhang Wei, she also saw the change of wind direction.

Whether it was the judge's face or the jury's guess, as a prosecutor, she clearly captured them all.

"You don't need to tell me, I know it too!"

Xiao Baihe interrupted Tan Yingying's panic with a cold voice, stood up and said, "The prosecution wants to ask more questions!"

Regardless of the judge, she walked to the witness stand again.

"The defense lawyer's questions just now are just a series of good hypothetical questions, not the actual situation."

"Group Leader Liu, do you know that Zhuo Xiaoting, our client in this case, is as honest as your son?"

Team leader Liu didn't think for too long, and replied: "No, I don't know!"

"Do you believe she is innocent when she denies she has any connection to the stolen money?"

"I don't believe it either!"

Xiao Baihe nodded, then looked at the jury seat, and her tone gradually became more serious: "Based on the situation at the scene at that time, and your 30 years of experience in Wuxi Chaco, can you make any comment on Zhuo Xiaoting's trustworthiness?" Judgment?"

"I thought she was lying!"

Team Leader Liu responded immediately, and then added: "Because those stolen money and stolen goods are definitely not kept in your home for a day or two, if you know that there are these harmful things in your home, why don't you report them to our martial arts association. If you say you don't know, I have every reason to think you're lying!"

As soon as this remark came out, the jury also nodded.

Team Leader Liu's speech is indeed not without reason.

"Thank you for answering again!"

Xiao Baihe smiled, this time she had the upper hand.

When she was about to return to the prosecution's seat, Zhang Wei stood up again.

"The defense also asks for additional questions!"

Regardless of how the judge reacted, Zhang Wei walked to the witness stand.

"Group Leader Liu, since you have said so, then combined with your answer just now, under the same conditions, you will trust your son unconditionally!"

"No, no, lawyer Zhang, you know, maybe I was wrong just now!"

Team Leader Liu's expression became serious this time, he looked at Zhang Wei, and replied in a slightly low voice: "If I see my son holding something dangerous, a murder weapon, or a knife, Even with a gun!"

"Of course, I will naturally tend to trust my son, but if the stolen goods and money, or even the murder weapon are really in his hands, I express my suspicion that he has indeed committed a crime!"

Hearing this righteous speech, the corner of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched subconsciously.

"Is your son an honest man?"

"Yes, but I still say that, if the murder weapon or the stolen goods are in his hands, then I will not believe him without thinking, I must speak according to the facts!"

Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and asked, "Then what will you do?"

"If my son really committed a crime in the end, and it's a criminal case..."

"This son, don't worry about it!"


It wasn't just Zhang Wei who felt the difficulty, even a few of the jurors gasped.

This speech is really too "fatherly kindness and son filial piety".

Judge Wang also turned sideways, opened his mouth slightly, and looked at Team Leader Liu in a little surprise.

Old Liu, is this suitable for you?

Maybe your son is watching the text broadcast of this trial. If he knows your answer, how can you be a father?

"As expected of Team Leader Liu, your answer shocked me deeply!"

Zhang Wei also had to admit that Team Leader Liu was really amazing, and this answer really refreshed his understanding.

"But I think, if you can't even trust your own son, then wouldn't my client be at a loss for words?"

Team leader Liu didn't answer this question, and Judge Wang didn't remind him that he had to answer it.

Zhang Wei glanced at Team Leader Liu, and finally let out a sigh of relief.

"My additional questions are also over, thank the witnesses for their answers!"

He walked back to the defense bench and took his seat.

For a while, the atmosphere at the scene became heavy.

Judge Wang opened his mouth several times, but didn't say a word.

The jury seat was also silent, the discussion in the hearing seat also stopped, and everyone in the audience held their breath.

They are all waiting, waiting for the prosecution's second witness, because it is still the prosecution's case statement stage.

"The defense calls a second witness!"

Following Xiao Baihe's announcement, the second witness stepped onto the witness stand.

This is a woman, about forty years old, wearing a black suit, with her hands crossed, a little arrogant.

And she looked at the defense chair with a vaguely unfriendly look.

"Mrs. Fan, hello, you called our office in person before, saying that you want to testify in court!"

"Yes!" The woman's reply was concise and fast.

"Then please tell me why you want to participate in this case!"

"Hmph, those pornographic books sold have had a huge impact on my son's mental health. Of course I want to participate in this case!"

The woman's answer did not exceed Zhang Wei's expectations.

This woman came up with anger at first glance. Considering the nature of this case, it should be that someone in the family was affected by obscene materials.

And ordinary adults have self-control, so naturally there will be no major problems, so those who can be affected...

"My son is in high school, and his academic performance is among the best. He is a top student in a key class, and he will definitely be admitted to a prestigious school in the future!"

"As a result, his academic performance plummeted in the off-duty semester of the third year of high school. I went to the school to ask, and the teachers didn't know the reason. In the end, I had no choice but to talk to him and found out that he had been browsing those unhealthy information. This really pissed me off!"

"You say that a good student, originally excellent in character and learning, has a bright future, but because of those unhealthy things appearing, his good future will be ruined!"

"It's best for this group of people who killed thousands of knives to die!"

"Madam Fan, please don't get excited!"

Seeing that the woman became more and more excited as she talked, and even got a little "over the line", Xiao Baihe hurriedly interrupted.

However, on the jury, many elders agreed with the words of the woman.

Obviously, they are also parents.

This is also the result of Zhang Wei's deliberate screening. Those who stay behind who value their families will inevitably be influenced by the parent on the witness stand.

Then, under Xiao Baihe's question, the woman began to talk about her son being affected by the bad news, and her words gradually became more and more intense in the end.

"I'm just such a son. Seeing him almost destroying those things, I can't bear it, so I stand here today to tell everyone that those people are simply inhumane. They came to harm us for money. Our children, our next generation, we must not easily bypass them, we will send them all to prison, let them all go to prison for a lifetime!"

"Thank you Mrs. Fan for your answer, my question is over."

Xiao Baihe looked at the woman, sighed in his heart, and could only walk back to the prosecution seat.

"Sister Baihe, the testimony of this witness is very effective!" Tan Yingying who was on the side immediately came forward and said.

"I know, but this witness is too extreme. In fact, I didn't want her to testify in court at first!"

Xiao Baihe looked at the woman, quite helplessly.

She knew this witness, because she was the one who received the call after the other party called the local prosecutor's headquarters office for the first time.

But she didn't choose the other party as a witness, because the woman's words were too extreme, and she intended to choose another parent with a relatively mild personality.

But in the end, Zhao Chunming intervened and chose this woman.

And he told Xiao Baihe that the trial needs a strong witness and testimony that can bring impact.

This witness obviously suffices.

"A strong witness? The testimony is indeed strong, but whether it is strong or not is another matter..."

Seeing Zhang Wei walking towards the witness stand, Xiao Baihe always had a feeling in his heart that this witness might bring some bad influence.

"Hello, ma'am!"

"What's the matter, I have nothing to say to you!" The woman's answer was very extreme and her attitude was arrogant.

"Judge Wang, may I list this witness as a "hostile witness"? "

"Lawyer Zhang, the hostile witnesses demanded unfavorable testimony against the summoning party. You are not the summoning party. How is that possible?"

Judge Wang retorted, but warned the woman: "Witness, please answer the question carefully, otherwise I will betray you and contempt the court, and you will go to jail!"

This warning was obviously more beneficial than Zhang Wei's words. The woman's arms were no longer crossed, and her posture was slightly lowered.

Zhang Wei looked at the woman from top to bottom, and then asked with a smile:

"Mrs. Fan, are you divorced?"

"how do you know?"

The woman was a little surprised that her background information had been investigated by the other party.

"I saw ring marks on your fingers, but the marks are a bit faded, which means that you have been divorced for a few years?"

"so what?"

"Then the second question, what do you do for work?"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, and then asked the second question.

"I work as a management team in a medium-sized foreign-funded company, "CHO", you know? "

"If I remember correctly, that's short for 'Chief Human Resources Officer,' right? "

"That's right!" Seeing Zhang Wei's explanation, the woman raised her head again, proudly.

But after hearing about this position, although Zhang Wei was calm on the surface, his heart began to be ecstatic.

Good fellow, you woman is simply a gift from the prosecution!

"So, you are in charge of the human resources system in the company, and you are one of the top decision makers?"

"Well, you can say that!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei's attitude suddenly changed, becoming a little "humble", the woman was naturally happy to answer.

"So the whole company, responsible for employee promotion, manpower allocation, and job transfer, are you the one who decides?"


"You have the final say on the promotion and demotion of the employees below?"

"That's not right!"

"If an employee wants to be promoted and raise their salary, will you agree to it?"

"Of course not, we will do a strict review. If the other party doesn't have this ability, how can we talk about promotion and salary increase!"

"Strict review, then you must be very busy at work, right?"

"Of course I'm busy. There are hundreds of people in our company, and there are branches. We manage so many people. Can you not be busy?"

"Oh, that's right, you are indeed a leader!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, then looked towards the jury.

I saw a lot of people looking at the woman's face, and they were quite unhappy.

Without him, they recalled the scenes of being angered by the leaders in their own company, especially the experience of wanting to raise wages, wanting to be promoted and raised, but being rejected again and again.

It is because there are leaders like women that they cannot be promoted and raise their salaries, and they cannot sit in the office.

These days, after all, there are many migrant workers.

Among the migrant workers, there are only a small number of them who can be grateful to their bosses and leaders.

There is no capitalist who does not exploit his subordinates, and women are the hands of capitalists.

Seeing that many members of the jury were full of hostility towards women, Zhang Wei knew that this was not enough.

"Excuse the witness, since you are very busy, I would like to ask, how many days do you spend with your children in a year?"


This question seemed to have hit the woman's sore foot, and she fell silent.

"I think it should be a few days. After all, companies pay attention to efficiency. If you can achieve the position of CHO, I don't think your company will allow a family-oriented woman to sit in this position, right?"

"Objection!" Xiao Baihe finally couldn't bear it anymore, and objected.

"The work of the witness has nothing to do with this case!"

"Your Excellency, I think the work of the witness has a huge connection with this case. It is precisely because the witness is busy with work, neglects family education, and neglects the child, which causes her son to be affected by bad information. Although the child itself did nothing wrong What, but if parents are willing to spend more time with their children, then the tragedy will not happen."

Hearing Zhang Wei's explanation, Judge Wang nodded.

"The objection is invalid, and defense lawyers can continue to ask questions."

"Witness, how many days are you in the company and how many days are you at home with your children? I just want to ask this question. Please answer me, thank you."

This time, Zhang Wei's tone was relatively calm and not aggressive.

"I..." The woman couldn't answer the question.

Because she spends very few days with her children in a year.

"I hire a nanny. I pay a lot of living expenses for my children every month. Including various expenses, I have to spend more than 10,000 yuan a month for my children!"

"But you didn't answer my question. How many days do you spend with your children every year? Is it difficult to answer?"

Zhang Wei's tone remained calm, but the question remained the same.

"Probably... twenty days..."

"Twenty days?!"

Hearing this answer, Zhang Wei was surprised, with an exaggerated expression.

He walked up to the woman and asked in surprise: "There are 365 days in a year, but you don't even have one-tenth of the days you spend with your children?"

"But I want to work, otherwise who will earn money to support the family?"

"So instead of looking for problems in yourself, you go to blame others?"

The woman's argument was resolved by Zhang Wei with a sneer.

"I think that if you even spend a little more time with your child, this tragedy will not happen. Or if you pay more attention to your child and observe him more, you should be able to find the problem earlier, right?"

"but I……"

"Ma'am, you won't answer, because I know you can't!"

Zhang Wei looked at the woman and preached in the tone of an elder: "Sometimes, parents are the best teachers for children. They long for the company of their parents, but you choose to ignore your children's feelings and refuse to accompany them for the sake of your career." , do you know how painful your son's heart is?"

"I believe that your son didn't get in touch with those bad information on purpose, but because he lacked the guidance of your mother, so I think you are more responsible for your son's situation."

Although Zhang Wei's words were very plain, they made the woman bow her head.

Zhang Wei looked at the jury, and concluded: "Sometimes bad people are wrong, but it is also the responsibility of parents to educate children to identify bad people and unhealthy information. You say you are busy with your career and work, but you ignore the most precious thing. thing!"

"I believe that all the parents here should reflect on why every time your child has a problem, you always make excuses and throw the blame. You blame the programs on TV for beatings and killings, and blame the teachers for teaching them. Not good, blame the bad atmosphere in the school, but have you ever thought that the biggest problem is the one who neglects the children for the sake of the so-called career?"

Zhang Wei's words made many people bow their heads and reflect slightly.

Obviously these words have reached the hearts of many people.

As parents, they should really guide their children to the right path, instead of blindly throwing their children to teachers and schools.

The prosecution seat.

Xiao Baihe looked around blankly, always feeling that something was wrong.

Aren't we at the trial site? Why do I feel like I'm listening to a children's lecture taught by the Education Department?

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