Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 130 Taobao Treasure, Charity Aid Association

(I watched a game with my elders during the Chinese New Year yesterday, and I lost without accident, 3 to 1, and I was in a bad mood~)

A certain prophet: I don’t even want to lose my face!



Is there treasure in this chest on the ground?

Tie Ruyun naturally didn't believe it.

If you want to say that these cases are treasures, how can the commercial and civil affairs departments refuse to accept them, but just throw them on the ground as waste?

"Zhang Wei, the cases in this box are all unwanted cases, that is to say, they don't think these cases can make money..."

"That's because they thought that there are indeed many lawsuits that sound funny in these cases, but there are also many cases with large claims that we only need to use a pair of discerning eyes to discover!"

As Zhang Wei said, he took out all the cases from the box and handed them to Li Yueqin, Lin Yumeng, and Tie Ruyun respectively.

"Our task today is very simple, find the treasure we want among these cases!" Zhang Wei ordered after the distribution was over.

"You boy, dare to command me?"

Tie Ruyun looked at the stack of folders in front of him, feeling speechless in his heart.

Good guy, in this criminal group, are you the leader or am I the leader?

It's not the first time you kid has committed a crime, don't you have a point in your heart?

"Old man, let me ask you, do you want to improve the ranking of the criminal group?"

"Yes I do!"

"Do you want the criminal group to step on the top of the commercial and civil groups?"

"Yes I do!"

"Do you want to be appreciated by the big boss and promoted to junior partner?"

"Yes I do!"

Tie Ruyun answered these questions almost subconsciously.

"That's it!"

Zhang Wei spread his hands, and put the folder in his hand on the office seat, "Then what we have is the opportunity for our criminal team to take the lead!"

"There are obviously many good cases here, but the commercial and civil affairs teams don't accept them. This is a waste of money!"

"Fortunately, the client voted the case to our Jincheng. Didn't their team live up to the client's expectations?"

Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng nodded subconsciously after listening to Zhang Dawei's rationale.

But only Tie Ruyun felt a trace of doubt.

He always felt that Zhang Wei seemed to be fooling people.

"Well, although I want to upgrade, I want to improve the performance of Group 7, but I also know that people should be more pragmatic, these cases..."

"Old Tie, let's discuss these cases after we read them!"

Tie Ruyun wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Zhang Wei directly.

the other side.

Litigation Department, separate office.

As the lawyers in charge of the department, Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren both work in their own offices.

And now, the two of them are gathered in Li Qingshou's office, discussing something.

"Just now my assistant told me that a boy in the Criminal Division brought back a bunch of cases from the "garbage dump"! "

"Trash dump?"

Hearing this word, both Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren showed disgust.

The so-called garbage dump is not really a place to put garbage, but a bunch of useless cases.

In the eyes of professional lawyers, the demands of these cases are very unreasonable and outrageous, and ordinary lawyers will not accept them.

Although the case was submitted by the client, if the lawyer refuses to accept it, the case will only become invalid.

This is how the garbage dump got its name.

"The cases in the garbage dump are all of no value. Even if there are new lawyers to rummage occasionally, 99% of the cases are either lost or rejected by the court. Can you find anything of value?"

"It shouldn't be possible. Maybe the criminal team is too busy. Tie Ruyun asked that kid to find something to do in the garbage dump?"

"It's possible, but it's not a good thing that the criminal team is so idle?"

Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren looked at each other, and they both saw something in each other's eyes.

"Boss Shen said just now that the matter of the Public Welfare Aid Association has fallen to our litigation department. Let us select some lawyers to participate together with other law firms. What do you think, let the criminal team join?"

"The criminal team, but the Public Welfare Aid Association handles all civil cases. If you ask the criminal team to come over, they won't have any objections?"

"Hmph, so what if they have opinions. Don't forget, we are the leaders. Tie Ruyun is only a five-year lawyer, and both of us are junior partners of the law firm!"

"Understood, it just so happens that we each send part of a team to join the team, plus the criminal team, there are thirty people, and the number is enough!"

"Then it's settled. This time, all the members of the criminal team will be present at the public welfare aid meeting. The aid meeting will be held for a week, so spend a week of their time and see what kind of face Tie Ruyun will show! "

Li Qingshou and Wang Jianren were really not good guys. They actually discussed in the office to let the criminal team participate in the public welfare meeting.


Criminal Group, Office.

Zhang Wei and others, who had no idea that they were being tricked, were flipping through the documents they had scavenged from the "trash dump".

"My God, is it strange that this person wants to change his name to Zhang San?"

Lin Yumeng looked at the folder in her hand, especially after seeing the client's lawsuit, her face was perplexed.

"Changing the name, isn't that a good thing, Zhang San is not a big problem?"

After Zhang Wei on the side heard it, he thought about it and thought there was nothing wrong with this reason?

"No, what he wants is not the 'Zhang San', but this 'Zhang 3', which is a number!"

"Zhang 3?"

Zhang Wei hurried over and looked at the file.

Good guy, the client is going to change his name to 'Zhang 3'.

"This case has been passed and cannot be accepted. The name system and text database only have Long Guo characters, without numbers and punctuation marks. The cost of revision is too high. It is not worth expanding the entire name database for one person!"

After thinking for a while, Zhang Wei felt that the man who wanted to change his name to Zhang San was simply whimsical. This case deserved to be thrown into the garbage dump, so let it continue to eat ashes.

Li Yueqin at the side also opened up a case and came over, "How about this case, the client said that he was a king in his previous life, so he wants to register a country by himself and make himself the king?"

"I think Zoo and Arkham may be more suitable for him, pass it!"

Without even thinking about it, Zhang Wei waved his hand directly.

Just kidding, being a king by yourself is too much to ask!

Are you sure the asylum didn't realize it missed a patient?

In the leadership position, Tie Ruyun also found a case, "How about this, the divorce lawsuit, I think it's quite reliable?"

"Divorce litigation, why did the civil affairs team throw out this case?"

Although Zhang Wei doesn't like divorce lawsuits very much, he also knows that divorce cases are more profitable, especially if both husband and wife have careers, then the lawyer's fees will definitely not be low.

"Uncle Zhang and Aunt Wang have been married for 50 years. They finally had enough of each other and decided to divorce... Uh, we can't take this case..."

After seeing the case information, Zhang Wei was speechless again.

If you have been married for 50 years, even if the client gets married at the age of 20, he must be 70 years old.

"If it's a young couple, the divorce lawsuit is very profitable, but the divorce lawsuit of the elderly has too many variables. This case has to be handled by the neighborhood committee of the street, and we can't handle it!"

Zhang Wei shook his head and passed the divorce lawsuit.

He once saw his lawyer handle such a case, the lawsuit was halfway through, and the client actually withdrew the case because of some of the children's remarks!

Good guy, the lawyer fee is only charged a small part, the case is gone, what's the matter?

Generally, divorce lawsuits are risk agency or semi-risk agency. You help the client get the most rights and interests, and the attorney fees you receive are also high.

In other words, if you help the client get less benefits, or get no benefits, it is tantamount to working in vain.

This kind of elderly divorce case, unless one party is a rich man, if it is just two ordinary old people who want to divorce because of anger after a quarrel, who knows when they will reconcile and withdraw the case?

So ah, the risk is too great, don't consider it!

"Zhang Wei, how about this case?"

Tie Cuilan, who was sitting outside, also flipped through a folder and talked.

"What case?"

"It's the insurance company's case, about claims!"

"The insurance company, this is a big case, the civil affairs team doesn't want it?"

Hearing Tie Cuilan's explanation, Zhang Wei was surprised.

Although it is very difficult for an individual to claim a claim from an insurance company, it is not without the possibility of reconciliation.

Although there are only two things that the insurance company does not pay...that is, neither this nor that!

However, if an individual sues an insurance company, the general jury will be sympathetic, even if it has little effect on the verdict, but the jury's advantage can also be used to increase the settlement fee.

Basically, the worse the client is, the larger the settlement amount will be.

Zhang Wei is also surprised that the civil affairs team doesn't want this kind of case that will inevitably earn a settlement fee?

"No, this is lost by the commercial group, because the client is not an individual, but an insurance company!"

But Tie Cuilan's next sentence extinguished Zhang Wei's enthusiasm.

It turned out that it was really not a case of the civil affairs team, but a case of the business team!

Helping the insurance company to sue, that's really... Lighting the lamp in the toilet.

"Has the insurance company explained the circumstances of the case?"

"Let me take a look, it seems that a terminally ill patient cannot get insurance compensation, and his life is at stake..."

"Stop talking, this case is hard!"

When Zhang Wei heard words such as "terminally ill patient" and "life is at stake", he knew that the case was extremely difficult.

Once the case goes to trial, unless one of the jurors happens to be an insurance worker, the wind will be one-sided.

"Sister Cuilan, put this case aside for now. If we really can't find the treasure today, then let's go see this insurance company!"

Although Zhang Wei didn't pass the case completely, he didn't intend to pin his hopes on any insurance company, so he could only say that he would put it on hold for now.

If it was the last week of this month and there was really no other way, Zhang Wei might consider this case.

It's not unreasonable for this case to be thrown into the trash by the business team, and they probably know they can't win.

"Master, how about this case, the client claims compensation from the cigar company?"

"Cigar company, what is the claim?"

Hearing about Lin Yumeng's case, Zhang Wei's eyes lit up.

Because this time it does not represent the strong against the weak, but the weak against the strong.

The client is the victim's family, while the opponent is a company with deep pockets, which is another comparison with the insurance company just now.

"Wait, let me see, it looks like his lover died of lung cancer after smoking cigars, so the claim..."


Well, the light in Zhang Wei's eyes went out in an instant.

"Xiaomeng, this case is put together with the insurance company just now. There is really no way at the end of the month. Let's think about it..."

"Criminal team, there is a mission coming!"

Zhang Wei just wanted to say something, but a familiar voice came from outside the door.

Jin Mingming!

Because he was in the criminal group before, now he seems to be the mouthpiece for other groups to the criminal group.

"Team leader, the leader asked me to send a message to you. This time, your criminal team will also go to the charity aid meeting!"

"Jin Mingming, what did you say?"

Tie Ruyun couldn't believe Jin Mingming's words.

Public welfare aid associations are all civil assistance. When is it the criminal team's turn to participate?

The criminal team handles all criminal cases, so it's not appropriate for you to go to the charity aid club, right?

"Hmph, anyway, it's the leader's intention. When you are ready in the afternoon, go out with our 2nd group and the 6th group next door!"

Jin Mingming left these words and left without looking back.

His task was to spread the word, and since he had completed the task, he didn't bother to stay longer in the criminal team.

"The Public Welfare Aid Association, why do you need the criminal team to participate? Is this what the big boss means?"

Tie Ruyun sat on his seat, lost in thought.

"Old man, why should our criminal team be dispatched for public welfare assistance?"

"You ask me, I don't know..."

"You don't even know, so that means that this task was not our turn at the beginning?"

"That's right, the big boss arranges twice a year for public welfare assistance, and also prepares charity evenings and charity auctions, but these things have nothing to do with our criminal team. Previously, Boss Shen of the litigation department did not nominate our criminal team to participate. Our criminal team defaults not to participate in this kind of thing, right?"

"If Shin Zhengyi didn't mention it, it means that he didn't mean it. Apart from him, the only ones who can give orders are the pair of 'beasts and bitches', right?"

Li Qingshou, Wang Jianren!

Zhang Wei immediately thought of them.

Good guy, this is to see 7 groups preparing to sprint, so I secretly tripped them up!

"How long will this public welfare assistance meeting last?"

"Every year is a week. If the afternoon passes, it may end on Friday, or there may be someone on duty on Saturday and Sunday. After all, today is only Tuesday."

"That is to say, in the first week of March, all of our group can only be spent in this charity aid meeting?"

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes and began to think.

Charity Aid Association, as the name suggests, is doing public welfare, and it is impossible to charge lawyers' fees.

But in the same way, the Public Welfare Aid Association will not have any major cases to deal with.

Generally, it is to resolve some civil disputes, such as receiving a ticket and paying some fines, etc., or complaints such as children fighting, being bullied at work, or someone who feels that the company is not good.

Although it sounds nice to do public welfare, and the big boss also attaches great importance to it, it is impossible for him to participate in it himself. Anyway, he arranges his subordinates to do it.

The boss has face, but it is the subordinates who suffer. This is the essence of the public welfare aid association.

"Since it is the task of the big boss, we seem to be unable to refuse."

Zhang Wei is also helpless, but he still thinks about the good.

"However, old man, even if we go to the Charity Aid Association, it's not that we can't slap other groups in the face. On the contrary, if our performance can still exceed other groups at the end of the month, wouldn't they be even more hurt in the face!"

"That will have to wait until after attending the aid meeting, and you really think it's that simple to find a good case from among these cases?"

Tie Ruyun sighed, and ordered: "Okay, let's get ready too, and follow them to the public welfare aid meeting after dinner."

"We're busy this week!"

One morning, I passed in the "Taobao Treasure", but unfortunately I didn't find any good cases in the end.

Zhang Wei also had no choice but to write down the cases of the insurance company and the cigar company, and he would consider these two cases after dealing with the aid association.

After lunch, Jin Mingming came again.

"The leader asked me to inform you that the people who participated in the aid meeting are leaving!"

He dropped a sentence and returned to the business group 2 again.

The business group 2 and the civil group 6 next door have already begun to organize their staff.

When the criminal team arrived, led by Tie Ruyun, there were already about thirty people gathered here.

Among them, Tian Bin, the leader of the business group 2, was impressively listed, and the leader of the civil affairs group 6 did not go with him, obviously not participating in the aid meeting.

"The people from the Aid Society are all assembled, we will take the bus to go there later, and listen to my instructions when we arrive at the scene!"

Tian Bin became the person in charge at this moment and began to direct everyone's actions.

But his face is not very good-looking.

After all, to participate in the aid association, you have to run outside, which is thankless, and you are not as comfortable in a law firm.

"Let's go, go downstairs to the bus!"

A group of more than thirty people was mighty, and they quickly went downstairs and gathered on the bus outside the Jincheng Building.

Zhang Wei and others followed the 2nd group and 6th group onto the bus, and squeezed into the last position.

"Old man, why don't you go up and give orders? Aren't you and Tian Bin both lawyers for five years?"

Looking at Tian Bin who was on the bus and began to tell everyone how to do things, Zhang Wei quickly poked Tie Ruyun beside him.

"I don't have any experience in participating in aid associations. It would be more appropriate for Tian Bin to direct."

"Aren't you afraid that he will wear small shoes for us?"

"I believe in Team Leader Tian's character!"

"But I don't believe it..."

Zhang Wei looked at Tian Bin, and saw that the other party glanced in the direction of the criminal team from time to time, and his eyes were vaguely unfriendly.

Zhang Wei knew that this old boy definitely didn't have any good things on his mind.

In fact, it is true.

Tian Bin was very upset with the criminal team since he was "screamed" by Boss Shen for 30 minutes.

You are trained every month, why did you suddenly sprint in February?

Isn't this pushing me into the fire pit?

Thinking of Shen Zhengyi's lion's roar skill, Tian Bin was afraid for a while.

That's a senior partner, a high-level executive of the law firm. Naturally, he, a small group leader, dare not be jealous of the other party.

Therefore, Tian Bin transferred the anger of being reprimanded to Tie Ruyun.

It's all your criminal team's fault that caused me to be punished. This is Tian Bin's idea.

In particular, I heard that your criminal team has also taken many cases from the "garbage dump". Is this going to make another sprint?

If the performance of the criminal team is improved again, won't he be more dangerous next month?

The criminal group is at the bottom, there is no way, they are at this level.

But if Team 2 is at the bottom, then Tian Bin's position as team leader may be lost.

Therefore, both public and private, Tian Bin needs to prevent this from happening.

In addition, he also hated the people in Group 7 in his heart.

This time for the public welfare aid meeting, he must find some "things" for the people in the 7th group to do.

It can be regarded as revenge for himself!

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