Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 134 Cao Mu is dead? Who is responsible (3 more)

It was close to the end of get off work time, and Zhang Weicai returned to the law firm.

Since Tie Ruyun had already received the letter from V, he didn't ask Zhang Wei about his itinerary.

"Did the judge issue a restraining order?"


"Last night, that ex-husband went to the client's house?"

"Not only did he go, but he also used a knife. Fortunately, no one was injured!"

Although Zhang Wei said so, he still felt uncomfortable.

Even if the judge was determined not to sign the restraining order, there was nothing he, Attorney Zhang, could do.

Yang Huihui applied for a restraining order because she was afraid that her ex-husband would hurt her, but she was not injured, so the judge could not sign the restraining order.

This is an endless loop, and there is no way out.

"How are you these two days, will legal aid be easier?"

Zhang Wei left yesterday afternoon, and Zhang Wei was also busy with Yang Huihui's affairs all day on Thursday, so for two days, the old iron and the young apprentice, Li Yueqin and the three guarded the reception point.

In addition, Tian Bin may be a hindrance, the work of the criminal team must not be easy.

"We're alright~" Little apprentice Lin Yumeng's eyes flickered, but she motioned to reassure Zhang Wei.

"Hehe, have you guys forgotten that I can see through whether the defendant is lying?"

But Zhang Wei made a joke, and Lin Yumeng immediately fell silent.

The figures of Li Yueqin and Tie Ruyun were also taken aback, it seemed that Zhang Wei had guessed it right.

"Tian Bin is looking for a job for you again?"

"Master, Tian Bin is broken. He not only asked us to help the civil affairs team, but also ordered us to run around. He even asked the team leader to do the task of driving people. It's too bullying!"

Lin Yumeng finally didn't intend to bear it anymore, and directly told all about Tian Bin's bullying of the criminal team.

It turns out that since Tian Bin was tricked by Zhang Wei, he has been holding a grudge and waiting for an opportunity to retaliate.

On the day Zhang Wei accepted Yang Huihui's commission, he felt that Tian Bin had begun to take revenge.

A lot of people came to the reception point of the criminal team that day, and the criminal team was actually quite busy.

But the most outrageous thing is that today, Tian Bin actually directs the criminal team to do things as the person in charge.

As for the tasks, of course there are all kinds of tasks, but they are exhausted.

"I remember participating in the Charity Aid Association. It's not the business of our criminal team, is it?"

"But these are all arranged by the leader?"

"But if we have a case, I don't think we can delay the interests of the client because of public welfare matters?"


Tie Ruyun and the others looked at each other.

"You mean, you want to..."

"That's right, we can bring the case of the insurance company and the cigar company to the agenda!"

"But these two cases are very difficult, are you sure you want to go together?"

"No, come one by one. Let's start with the insurance company. You go to meet with the representative of the insurance company tomorrow to see what's going on with the case."

As Zhang Wei said, he glanced at Tie Ruyun, Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng.

"Li Yueqin, for the time being, you are here to name the case. I will ask the little apprentice to help you, and the old iron will be responsible for the driving. This way, the three of you will have tasks, and you don't have to go to any legal aid meeting!"

"Hey, hey, Zhang Wei, I'm the leader, so why don't you let me drive you?"

Hearing Tie Ruyun's objection, Zhang Wei smiled slightly.

"Let me ask you, among you three, who has handled medical disputes and insurance disputes?"


Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng looked at each other, Tie Ruyun remained silent.

The three of them have never handled similar cases, and even have very few opportunities to contact them.

"So, it doesn't matter which of you accepts it. In the end, I still have to do it?"

"But you just graduated, and you know how to deal with insurance disputes?"

"Actually, I know a little bit about everything..."

Although Zhang Wei said that this was a bit modest, in Tie Ruyun's eyes, his attitude was not modest at all.

"All in all, we've decided on the tasks. After Sister Cuilan registers for attendance later, we will all have tasks. If Tian Bin comes to you tomorrow, we will directly use the company's rules and regulations to slap him in the face!"

"Yeah, master is right, we don't need to be coolies after we accept the case!"

Lin Yumeng was naturally the happiest when she heard that she didn't have to go to the legal aid association or work as a coolie.

Soon, it's time to get off work.

Everyone dispersed.


that night.

11 o'clock sharp.

Jingle Bell……

Just as Zhang Wei fell asleep, he was woken up by the ringing of the phone.

The caller was Xia Qianyue, which surprised Zhang Wei.

"Hey, Hanhan, what's the matter?"

"Zhang Wei, something serious has happened, don't sleep, get up quickly..."

On the other end of the phone, Xia Qianyue's anxious voice came.

As the other party's lawsuit progressed, Zhang Wei's face became extremely astonished.

"Cao dead, the murderer is his son?"

After putting down the phone, Zhang Wei's expression was extremely exciting.

It turned out that in the evening, Cao Mu went to Yang Huihui's apartment again, and the person Zhang Wei entrusted Xia Qianyue to help arrange had just been seated.

What happened in the apartment, the field staff didn't know for the time being, but when the field staff arrived at the scene, Cao Mu was already out of breath.

Besides Cao Mu, there were only his ex-wife Yang Huihui and his son. The ex-wife looked terrified, while the son was holding the bow and crossbow that Cao Mu used to hunt when he was alive.

What killed Cao Mu was the arrow from the crossbow in his son's hand.

Cao Mu's life ended like this...

Chengnan District, Yang Huihui's apartment.

When Zhang Wei arrived, it was already Friday morning.

The apartment room at this moment has been sealed off by the martial arts association.

Because it was a homicide, it even alerted the crime squad.

No, at the door of the apartment, Zhang Wei saw Lao Xing who was yawning.

"Let me go, I'm Yang Huihui's lawyer!"

Although he didn't have a license to practice, Zhang Wei decided to swipe his face once.

"Old Xing, it's me, Zhang Wei, is Hanhan in there?"

"Hehe, why are you here, that woman inside is your client?"

Lao Xing also knew that Zhang Wei had joined the law firm, but the other party's practice certificate should not have arrived yet.

"Let him in, he is the client's lawyer."

After all, Zhang Wei is one of his own people, Lao Xing signaled, stopped Zhang Wei's field work and let him go.

"Xiao Xia is inside, investigating the scene with the captain, but there is nothing to investigate in this case, the murderer and the murder weapon are in the house, I can only say that this case was an accident, who would have thought that I would be sent away by my son Woolen cloth?"

"Yeah, an accident!"

When Zhang Wei said the word "accident", his face was very ugly.

Because this tragedy could have been completely avoided.

He entered the apartment and soon saw the body on the ground, it was Cao Mu.

"Mo Yuzhu, are you there?"

It was Xia Qianyue's best friend Mo Yuzhu who was in charge of examining the corpse.

"Hehe, everyone in the office is off work, and I'm the only one on duty. I was sadly called out by the serious crime team."

Mo Yuzhu didn't turn her head back, but muttered in a naughty tone: "I think this is exploitation in the workplace. Why do new interns spend more time on duty than regular workers? I still want to go home and watch dramas!"

"Don't stay up late, you will become a national treasure if you stay up any longer!"

Looking at Mo Yuzhu's messy black hair, dark circles under the eyes, and bloodless skin.

Zhang Wei was really afraid that this woman would be treated as a dead body by his colleagues while she was lying on his desk one day.

"Zhang Wei, come here!" On the other side, Xia Qianyue also saw Zhang Wei and hurriedly greeted him.

She was comforting Yang Huihui, so Zhang Wei naturally rushed over.

"Lawyer Zhang, you are finally here, what will happen to my son?"

As soon as Zhang Wei arrived, Yang Huihui became excited and asked about her son.

"Hanhan, where's Xiao Cao?"

Xiao Cao, of course, is the son of Cao Mu, whose full name is Cao Xiaoxiao.

"The murderer is being questioned by the captain, right in the room!" Xia Qianyue pointed to the room.

Zhang Wei looked at Yang Huihui helplessly, "This is very difficult, my client is you, not your son, and the current situation, I think everyone can see the situation."

"Hanhan, can I have a few words with the client alone?"

Xia Qianyue opened her mouth, but she could only back away.

"Ms. Yang, listen, you and your son will be taken to the headquarters of the Wushu Association later, before I come, you don't say anything, even if someone asks you if you want to drink water, you don't answer, understand? "

"Also, it's really late today. You and your son went to the martial arts association. If you can rest, you should have a good sleep. Otherwise, you and your son's mental state will not be able to answer any questions. I will also complain to you about this." Team Wu explained the situation."

"Finally, what I want to tell you is that your son is not a murderer. He is probably just trying to protect you, but I need to hear your son's explanation before I can make a judgment."

Zhang Wei held Yang Huihui's hand with a solemn expression.

"Now, go find your son. Although the work of the Wuxi Association is a routine inquiry, you can also refuse to answer the question. We will resolve this matter when you feel better tomorrow."

Yang Huihui nodded, and hurriedly approached the room to find her son.

Zhang Wei went to Cao Mu's corpse and asked about Mo Yuzhu's situation.

"A sword sealed the throat, the arrow of the crossbow shot through the throat, the blood stuck in the trachea, and he died of suffocation."

After Mo Yuzhu entered the working state, she was like a machine, talking about the situation in an emotionless tone.

"Let me go, let me go, I am the lawyer of the deceased Cao Mu!"

Suddenly, another person came outside the door.

Zhang Wei was no stranger to this person, and he was the man's lawyer who confronted him in court today, and he was also the lawyer representing the deceased Cao Mu.

When he took out his practice certificate and was able to enter the scene, he saw Cao Mu on the ground and Zhang Wei standing beside Cao Mu.

"This incident could have been avoided. Why didn't you tell the judge your client's mental state?"

Zhang Wei looked at the other party and asked in a cold voice.


"Now that the tragedy has happened, it doesn't make any sense for us to stay here!"

Zhang Wei didn't care about this person, and after talking to Xia Qianyue who was guarding the door, he left the apartment alone.

"Lawyer Zhang, wait a minute!"

When Zhang Wei went downstairs, he found that the man's lawyer had also chased him out.

"Lawyer Zhang, it's so late, why don't you find a place to have a drink with me?"

Hearing the other party's proposal, Zhang Wei did not object.

But when he arrived at a nearby bar, Zhang Wei only ordered a glass of orange juice, which surprised the other party.

How can a lawyer come to a bar without drinking? Don't you have a lot of work pressure?

"What's the name?"

"My surname is Yang!"

"Lawyer Yang, right? You should be aware of the current situation. I dare not say that I am not responsible, but I think the biggest responsibility lies with you. You concealed Cao Mu's mental state from the court. Just like I said at the beginning Same, he is dangerous!"

"Lawyer Zhang is right. I think I am indeed wrong. I am responsible for the client's death!"

Lawyer Yang took a sip of his wine and sighed with a decadent look on his face.

"I reflected on it. If I hadn't objected, maybe after the restraining order, he would not be able to get close to Yang Huihui, and today's accident would not have happened."

"You can't guarantee this. In my opinion, even if there is a restraining order, you should be aware of Cao Mu's character. Is he someone who would consider a restraining order?"


Lawyer Yang took another sip of wine, he really couldn't guarantee this.

"Now what we have to consider is not a dead person, but a living person!"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the apartment building outside the bar.

"Now, what we need to care about is Cao Xiaoxiao and the deceased's ex-wife Yang Huihui. They are the ones you and I should care about, right?"

"The prosecution may sue Cao Xiaoxiao for manslaughter, then I will use self-defense as a defense at that time, and Cao Xiaoxiao may be locked up in a juvenile detention center."

"If the prosecution is efficient, they may ask you about Cao Mu's temper tomorrow..."

Zhang Wei didn't say anything further. Although the case has not been filed yet, Zhang Wei can meet with Lawyer Yang.

But after the prosecution files the case, Attorney Yang will become a witness for the prosecution, and as a defense lawyer, he will no longer be able to meet privately with the other party.

"To be honest, I support justifiable defense because I know Cao Mu's temper. He lowered his eyebrows and pleasing eyes when he was running sales outside, but he is a radical person in his bones."

"Lawyer Zhang, you don't know why Cao Mu and Yang Huihui divorced, do you?"

Hearing what Lawyer Yang said, Zhang Wei felt suspicious.

"Oh, what you mean is that Cao Mu became mentally unstable because of the divorce?"

"No, he had similar symptoms a few years ago. Once he beat up a customer. The reason was that the customer wanted to return the product. I later settled the matter."

"Then I understand. You just need to tell the prosecutor the truth."

"Yes, I will definitely tell them the truth. This incident was originally my fault, and I have a great responsibility!"

Lawyer Yang finally drank the wine in the glass.

Zhang Wei patted him on the shoulder and left.


Friday morning.

The headquarters of the Wushu Association, the interrogation room of the serious crime team.

Zhang Wei and Yang Huihui met again.

"He came again at night, and he said that no matter what the court said, there was nothing to stop him!"

"After entering the room, he started smashing things again... I was panicked and scared..."

"Then, I saw a flower of blood on his neck... It seemed to explode, and the blood was splashed everywhere... Then I looked back and saw my son, it was him... it was the little boy Really, he used that crossbow... woo woo woo..."

Yang Huihui choked up, and she cried at the end.

She didn't sleep well all night, and her spirit has not recovered, Zhang Wei can naturally see this.

"Ms. Yang, listen to me!"

Zhang Wei quickly comforted him, then pointed outside: "Listen, your son is sleeping now, but I have already understood the situation, and my defense is self-defense!"

"Now I want to ask one thing clearly. Did your ex-husband, Cao Mu, say he wanted to kill you?"

"I don't remember exactly, but I remember him yelling and saying a lot of foul language as soon as he walked in the door, and I..."

"Ms. Yang, listen to me carefully, and listen to every word I say."

Zhang Wei got up from the opposite position, walked in front of her, and said slowly, "Although I didn't witness the incident with my own eyes, I will tell you what may happen next."

"If your son is charged with murder, he's in trouble!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's words, Yang Huihui became excited: "My son is only ten years old, how can they accuse him of murder!"

"Ms. Yang, listen to me, please don't get excited for now!"

Zhang Wei quickly comforted her and suppressed Yang Huihui's emotions with calm words.

When Yang Huihui calmed down again, he continued: "If your son's behavior is self-defense, then he will be fine. If he is defending others, such as protecting your mother, then he will be fine."

"But you have to be clear, whether it's defending yourself or defending others, the prerequisite is that your son thinks that your ex-husband Cao Mu will hurt you, himself, or any of you!"

"As I said just now, I didn't witness the crime scene with my own eyes, so I need to ask you, what exactly did Cao Mu say when he entered the apartment?"

"Because only you and your son heard what he said, and your son is so young, it is impossible to fully remember the situation at that time, so as the only adult who survived the scene, you are the witness who is responsible for stating what happened, you understand? ?”

"Now, do you understand the importance of this matter? Can you recall clearly what your ex-husband Cao Mu said to threaten you?"

Seeing Zhang Wei's solemn expression, Yang Huihui resisted the urge to cry and nodded.

"Yes, I can recall some... He, he said he was going to kill me... He said he was going to kill my whole family..."

Hearing this answer, Zhang Wei also nodded solemnly.

He doesn't know whether this answer is true, but he doesn't need to know it clearly, because no one can judge whether it is true or not.

The neighbors in Yang Huihui's apartment and the martial arts association have also routinely inquired, but no one has heard the specific situation at the scene.

Therefore, whether Yang Huihui's testimony is true or not, only she can judge.

"Okay, Ms. Yang, I will contact the local police next time. After you go out, stay with your son. He must be very anxious now and needs your mother to accompany him!"

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang, I'll go right away..."

Watching Yang Huihui leave, Zhang Wei was not in a good mood.

Because of this case, there is no so-called winner.

All the participants present are actually losers!

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