Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 139 Zhang Weicheng's Public Enemy, the Pre-trial of the Insurance Company Case

Zhang Wei had no idea that the smoke of gunpowder that was about to fall on the criminal team was resolved by Bai Meiqi's few words.

And this time the insurance claim case alarmed Boss Shen and Bai Meiqi.

He is currently in the office, preparing for the upcoming pre-trial.

jingle bell~

Tie Cuilan heard the phone ringing and immediately connected.

"Yeah, okay, I'll notify Lawyer Zhang right away!"

After hanging up the phone, she turned around and said, "The pre-trial time has been set. Tomorrow at 2:30 pm, the 3C court of the city court."

"Tomorrow is earlier than I expected. This is an opportunity not given to us to prepare. And it happens to be in the middle court. It seems that the scale of this trial is not small!"

Hearing Tie Cuilan's words, Zhang Wei secretly thought that the situation seemed to be a bit unfavorable for his side.

"By the way, the court told me that the plaintiff changed its lawyer, and then the plaintiff initiated a pre-trial motion under the suggestion of the new lawyer, hoping to expedite the trial, and the judge also agreed to the plaintiff's request."

"New lawyer, it sounds like Wang Meiyan. Heizu doesn't intend to give us a break, but wants to make it more difficult for us in terms of time. As for this so-called motion, it should be that Wang Meiyan asked the plaintiff, Yao Liting, to apply for a lawsuit on the grounds of physical deterioration. Yes, it is impossible for a judge to reject the request of a critically ill patient!"

Listening to Zhang Wei's analysis, Tie Ruyun and Li Yueqin also felt the pressure.

"Speaking of Zhang Wei, do you have any countermeasures?"


Since the leader asked this question, Zhang Wei naturally couldn't hide it.

"First of all, this is a civil lawsuit, which means that the jury is composed of 6 people, and the plaintiff Fang Yao Liting needs the support of 5 jurors to win the case."

"You mean..." Tie Ruyun, Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng looked at each other.

"It's very simple. As long as I get the support of two or more jurors, the case will not be lost. As long as I don't lose the case, the insurance company will not have to lose money or pay a large amount of compensation, and I will win!"

"Master, do you speak like a heartless person?"

"Good apprentice, who do you say has no conscience? Your master and I are only thinking of clients. We are lawyers. Isn't our job to do our duty for clients?"

Hearing what the little apprentice said, Zhang Wei was the first to be dissatisfied.

Dude, I'm trying to figure out how to win a case for a client and you beat me like this?

Is this appropriate?

Obviously inappropriate!

"But are you sure you can get the support of more than two jurors?"

Tie Ruyun didn't believe it anymore, imitating Zhang Wei and raised a finger, "Are you afraid that you won't even be able to win a juror?"

"Let me tell you, when the trial starts, there will be a couple in the plaintiff's seat who are living in poverty due to illness. Among them, the wife Yao Liting is a terminally ill, damaged liver mother who is about to die soon."

"Besides, they still have two children who are in kindergarten. When the trial starts, those two children will sit in the hearing booth. If they still cry, who else will sympathize with you?"

"Yes, Zhang Wei, from what you said, the jurors you need are hard-hearted people. They want to abandon a dying mother and trust and sympathize with you and the insurance company you represent?"

Tie Ruyun and Li Yueqin spoke again, and gave Zhang Wei a double blow.

"Little apprentice, what do you think, don't even you support the master?"

Zhang Wei had no choice but to look at Lin Yumeng who didn't speak.

But the cute girl was also a little unhappy today, seeing Zhang Wei looking at her, she quickly turned her head away.

Well, the cute girl is not happy anymore, she seems to have a big opinion on Zhang Wei acting as an insurance company.

"What's the matter, don't you just act as an agent for the insurance company? I've become a public enemy of the office?"

Looking at the expressions of the friends, Zhang Wei was also depressed.

Co-authoring just such a case, the prestige I accumulated before has disappeared?

Not only Lao Tie and Xiao Li, but even the well-behaved and sensible little apprentices have objections to me?

"Okay, since you guys don't like me, I'll deal with this case by myself, and you can wait for news from me in the office..."

After Zhang Wei said that, he thought about it again, he couldn't let this group of friends be too relaxed, this is laziness.

"By the way, if the three of you don't want to come to my trial, then don't be idle and contact the person who wants to sue the cigar company. After this case, we will also take his case!"

"You really want to fight any case!"

Tie Ruyun sighed, but still nodded to Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng.

This case was also picked by Zhang Wei. In order to improve performance this month, he can only support it.

Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng will contact the plaintiff of that case and get in touch with the other party.

As for Zhang Wei, he started preparing for the trial and waited for tomorrow's preliminary trial to start.


The next day, Tuesday.

1 pm.

Zhang Wei set off from the law firm to the city court.

At the same time, the news that Zhang Wei, representing the insurance company, was about to file a lawsuit with a terminally ill mother also spread like wildfire.

Attorney General.

"Sister Baihe, Zhang Wei is going to sue again!"

"Zhang Wei, who is his opponent? Someone from our office?"

Hearing Tan Yingying's reminder, Xiao Baihe immediately stood up.

"No, this case is a civil lawsuit, a sincere insurance case?"

"Oh, Zhang Wei is going to represent the plaintiff and challenge the insurance company?"

Xiao Baihe couldn't believe that Zhang Wei, as a criminal lawyer, would actually file a civil lawsuit.

However, although this guy is a bit of a scumbag, his ethics as a lawyer are still very high. It is a good thing to file a lawsuit for a terminally ill mother.

"No, Sister Baihe, Zhang Wei represents Sincerity Insurance, and the plaintiff's mother is represented by Heizu's lawyer!"


Hearing Tan Yingying's supplementary explanation, Xiao Baihe was startled.

Zhang Wei represents the evil insurance company, and Black Foot represents the terminally ill mother?

Are you sure you got the script right?

Are you sure you're not mistaken about the identities of both parties?

Why is there something wrong with this plot?

Isn't the black foot law firm doing all kinds of dirty things for money?

Zhang Wei is not for justice, even our local prosecutors headquarters dare to provoke, when did they change their person?

"No, I have to digest this news..."

Xiao Baihe asked Tan Yingying to go back to work, then sat down with her forehead supported, slowly turned on the computer, and began to search for the case of Sincerity Insurance.

Soon, the news on the webpage was swiped, and many media were reporting the lawsuit.

As for the news headlines, they are very eye-catching.

"Who Shattered the Last Hope of a Terminally Ill Mother, the True Face of the Evil Insurance Company"

"Sincere insurance, the last straw that crushes cancer mothers!" "

"Sincere Insurance + Jincheng Law Firm, the confrontation between big capital and ordinary citizens, who will win?" "

"Please support this mother, let us speak out for the hope of the people! "

Well, after reading a few reports, Xiao Baihe immediately closed the webpage.

She admitted that after reading the report, she no longer intends to comment on Zhang Wei.

Because she was afraid that she would not be able to control herself, and wanted to strangle him to death.

"This guy, he really doesn't even want a conscience, sue the insurance company, go eat shit, garbage, scum!"

Xiao Baihe swears, this is the first time she has cursed so much, she really can't control it...

Blacksmith Technology, R\u0026D Department.

"Xiao Zhang recently accepted another lawsuit, let me take a look..."

The computer in front of Zhao Qingyan has a search function for specific terms, and when the news he cares about appears, it will be displayed automatically.

But just now, one of the entries triggered a reminder, and it triggered multiple times.

It shows that the popularity of this matter is not low, so that a lot of news has been retrieved.

"Sincere Insurance, Xiao Zhang is acting as an agent for... the insurance company!"

"His opponent is a member of Heizu Law Firm, and Heizu will represent the weak side?"

"Good guy, is the script reversed?"

Anyone who knows Zhang Wei and Heizu Law Firm will have such doubts when they see this news.

The reactions of Zhao Qingyan and Xiao Baihe can only be said to be normal.

very normal...

But no matter how the outside world speculates, Zhang Wei still came to the city court.

At the gate of the court, many media have already arrived.

"It's that Zhang Wei!"

Some media people have sharp eyes and saw Zhang Wei.

However, they all had a tacit understanding, and they didn't approach Zhang Wei to grab the first-hand news.

"Hey, I know you guys from the media. I won the Wang Yuqing case and scolded your media, but you all joined forces to block me, right?"

"This time I am standing on the strong side and helping the insurance company to fight the lawsuit. Do you think I will definitely lose? Let me guess, how many reports have each of you written, ten, twenty?"

Zhang Wei couldn't help but make a joke, but all he got was stares.

The media people looked at Zhang Wei with jokes, sarcasm, but also deep fear.

It was mainly in the case of Wang Yuqing last year, Zhang Wei slapped them in the face, it hurt too much.

So there is a default rule among the media, that is, don't provoke Zhang Wei too much, otherwise it is easy to be slapped in the face again.

But this time, they also tacitly.

You Zhang Wei's case will undoubtedly be lost, and when you lose the lawsuit, we can step on it as we want.

When you lose, we will start to settle accounts after autumn!

As for now, they would rather not have this first-hand news, and keep a little distance from Zhang Wei.

After all, in the eyes of media people, Zhang Wei is a difficult person who cannot be approached.

"Lawyer Wang from Blackfoot is here!"

Suddenly, a media person shouted, and everyone rushed to the other side.

This time, Blackfoot represented the weak side. Compared with the strong side, the speeches of the weak side could attract more attention, so the media people rushed to the other side, scrambling for success.

"A group of weeds!"

Zhang Wei sneered, and walked slowly into the gate of the city court.

Outside the court, Wang Meiyan generously accepted interviews from the media this time.

"Lawyer Wang, as Heizu's lawyer, why do you represent the plaintiff?"

"My friend from the media, what's the matter with me being a lawyer of Heizu? We, Heizu, have always valued our reputation. Isn't it our duty as a lawyer to help the disadvantaged?"

Hearing Wang Meiyan's words, many media people couldn't help complaining.

Aren't you black feet famous for taking money and doing things without looking at people?

Don't you accept any lawsuit as long as you make money no matter what the client does?

You don't feel ashamed when you say that?

Naturally, Wang Meiyan would not be ashamed. To be a lawyer in Heizu, the most important thing is to have a thick skin.

"Lawyer Wang, I heard that you are the plaintiff's new lawyer. May I ask why the plaintiff's previous lawyer gave up participating in this lawsuit?"

"My previous lawyer, he knew that he was not capable enough, and he thought that he could not help the client get the best benefit in this lawsuit, so he recommended our Blackfoot Law Firm, and I will help my client Ms. Yao Liting!"

Wang Meiyan spoke very well, but she was also pressing in her heart, "It's not because of our black feet. After some 'friendly exchanges', the lawyer was persuaded and had to give up his qualifications for litigation."

"Lawyer Wang, this time your opponent is Jincheng Law Firm, are you confident?"

"Of course, so what if it's Jincheng Law Firm. Today, our Blackfoot Law Firm represents justice, conscience, and hope..."

Looking at Wang Meiyan who was being interviewed at the gate, and listening to the other party say those words against his will, Zhang Wei also had to admire that the black-footed lawyer was really thick-skinned.

There is a set of words in this scene.

"Forget it, let's go to the preparation room first, and wait for Cheng Liang and the others to come over!"

Zhang Wei walked to the third floor and waited in the preparation room of Court C.

But outside the preparation room, he saw an unexpected person.

"Lawyer Bai, why are you here?"

The person waiting outside the preparation room was actually Bai Meiqi, the ace of the Jincheng Litigation Department.

"You know about the Sincere lawsuit, who did they try to turn to in the first place?"

"Since Lawyer Bai is here, the answer should be obvious, right?"

"You're right, but I rejected the case, and then threw it to the business team, and then they also rejected it. But what I didn't expect was that you picked up this case in the end."

"Lawyer Bai came to the court, did he come to cheer for me?"

"You think too much, I just want to see, how do you deal with a case that even I think is impossible to win?"

Bai Meiqi waved to Zhang Wei, and then walked towards the court, "I'm in the hearing booth, just let me see how you, a criminal lawyer, win a civil lawsuit, I hope you can open my eyes!"

"Are all the aces here to watch the battle?"

Zhang Wei touched his nose, it was a little itchy.

To be honest, although he was surprised that Bai Meiqi would be there, he was not afraid of losing this time.

Although in the eyes of everyone, this case is impossible to fight, but in Zhang Wei's view, he still has a chance of winning.

"Old Tie and the others don't know if they will come or not, but judging from their performance yesterday, they probably won't meet my client when they come..."

Zhang Wei muttered, and walked into the preparation room on his own.

Not long after, the customer came.

The representative of the insurance company is Cheng Liang, and the company's legal counsel is Sister Yang.

As for the financial Xiaofang, she is only responsible for signing the contract on Monday, and after the contract is signed, she has nothing to do.

The defendant's representative in court this time is Cheng Liang, Sister Yang will also appear in court as a legal counsel, and Zhang Wei is the attorney representing him in charge of litigation.


2:20 p.m.

The time for the pre-trial hearing was fast, and Zhang Wei, Cheng Liang, and Sister Yang came to the court and sat in the dock.

In the plaintiff's seat, Wang Meiyan showed Zhang Wei her signature femme fatale smile.

Beside him, the author is a woman with a sallow complexion who looks extremely weak.

This is obviously the plaintiff Yao Liting.

"Quick, say hello to mom!"

In the first row of the hearing stand, a man with two children waved to the plaintiff's stand.

The man is her husband Ding Chuntian, so the two children are naturally her sons.

Yao Liting seemed to have sensed something, turned around, and smiled at the two children and the man.

However, in the eyes of everyone in the court, this smile is full of sadness, especially when it comes to her physical condition, everyone who sees her will probably overflow with sympathy.

"Lawyer Zhang, why do I feel something is wrong?" Cheng Liang leaned towards Zhang Wei and muttered in a low voice.

"You are not talking nonsense. With the plaintiff like this, I can't bear it anymore. It doesn't matter whoever it is. Look at the jury box..."

Zhang Wei said, and pointed to the jury box.

Seeing the candidate jury, all eyes were on Yao Liting at the moment.

A few jurors also looked at Cheng Liang, but their eyes were mostly filled with unkindness, and there was even tangible hostility in their eyes.

"Lawyer Zhang, I will leave everything to you later!"

Feeling the hostility of the jury, Cheng Liang was a little uncomfortable.

Although he has participated in many lawsuits before, insurance companies are easy to be sued by customers after all, but there has never been a single time where the pressure is as great as it is today.

And this time the lawsuit is likely to be related to the life and death of Sincerity Insurance.

Because he also heard the news that Blackfoot Law Firm is contacting many former clients of Sincerity Insurance and wants to initiate a class action lawsuit.

They even bribed the media and publicly issued recruitment orders to find customers who had been rejected by Sincere Insurance.

Once the sincerity insurance loses this case, the consequence may be to pay a large amount of compensation, and then a black foot class action lawsuit will come.

At that time, Sincerity Insurance will go bankrupt due to sky-high compensation!

So Cheng Liang was under a lot of pressure at the moment.

This is related to his work and the life and death of the company!

"Stand up, judge Ni is invited to enter the arena!"

Just under the announcement of the court guard, a middle-aged woman in a black robe with a sullen face stepped onto the trial seat.

"It's Judge Ni Qiuping!"

Cheng Liang's eyes widened when he saw the person coming, and his back began to sweat.

"Is this judge famous?"

Looking at the female judge in court with a serious face, as if she had reached menopause, Zhang Wei asked in a low voice.

The main reason was that he had been in the criminal court before and was not familiar with the judges in the civil court.

"This Judge Ni, how should I put it, she's a little..."

Cheng Liang didn't know how to describe it, but his ugly expression told Zhang Wei that this judge was a bit tricky.

Similarly, Wang Meiyan also saw the judge.

"It's actually Judge Ni Qiuping. It seems that this time I have to keep a low profile and not give her a chance to get mad at me!"

Although Wang Meiyan was full of confidence in this trial, she also felt a little apprehensive after seeing this judge.

Obviously, this Judge Ni Qiuping has a great reputation in the civil court.

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