Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 159 Lin Yufeng was suppressed, biased?

Backstage, studio.

Because the hall is conducting a mock trial, it has become a VIP observation room where the entire audience can be observed through the monitoring equipment in the hall.

Sitting here, you can clearly see every corner of the moot court through the dozen or so monitoring screens in front of you.

This is the exclusive location for the top executives of the Super Beverage Company.

They are the clients, and this mock trial is for them.

If they don't sit here, who else can sit here?

Of course, it is impossible for Lin Yufeng to let the client sit here alone.

He has to ensure that his eloquent demeanor in court can fall into the eyes of the client, and it is best to be accompanied by a qualified commentary.

No, the bosses of the project department and the litigation department accompanied the client at the same time.

This is also because Lin Yufeng's identity is here, otherwise the other people in the project department can't ask the boss of the project department to come out in person.

The boss of the project department, surnamed Ren, was called Ren Xingzhou. He looked younger than Shen Zhengyi, with a fat back, gold-rimmed glasses, and a shiny red tie on his chest.

As Zhang Wei finished his opening statement, he quickly winked at Shen Zhengyi.

The latter understood, and immediately said: "Just now is the plaintiff's opening statement, I have to say that this newcomer's court strength is still good, and he brought up all the moves that I could predict, which can be regarded as creating for Lin Shao. A lot of pressure."

Mr. Zheng from Super Beverage Company nodded, and then whispered to his subordinates behind him.

Super Beverage Company, this time is also at its best.

Not only the executive president was present in person, but also the company's legal director, financial director, safety director, and operation director were all present.

After communicating with his subordinates, Mr. Zheng asked: "Will the plaintiff's lawyer also ask these questions when they actually go to court?"

"Oh, that's not necessarily the case. It can only be said that some lawyers will bring it up during the opening statement, but ordinary lawyers will not consider it so thoroughly."

"But didn't you say that that kid is a newcomer?"


Shen Zhengyi and Ren Xingzhou looked at each other, both of them were at a loss for words.

It stands to reason that it is impossible for ordinary rookies to make so many statements in court and be able to block opponents' routines in advance.

This is a move that some veterans with rich litigation experience will think of, and this move should be used so smoothly, it is really impossible for ordinary people like Zhang Wei to do it at their fingertips.

So Shen Zhengyi and Ren Xingzhou were actually quite at a loss.

Because in their cognition, it is absolutely impossible for a newcomer to create any pressure on Lin Yufeng.

But the situation in the court trial obviously refreshed their cognition.

"President Zheng, don't worry, Young Master Lin will prove to you later the strength of our Jincheng law firm!"

Ren Xingzhou quickly responded, then took out a tissue from his pocket and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The scene, both sides of the hall.

Because of Zhang Wei's opening statement, the whole scene fell silent.

Among the people who came to watch the battle this time, there were many people from Jincheng Law Firm, and there were also excellent lawyers among them.

So as Zhang Wei finished his opening statement, many people were stunned for a moment.

"Isn't this a newcomer?"

"Such an opening statement that blocks the opponent's moves in advance, the rookie can't use it!"

"Young Master Lin, maybe something is in trouble?"

"Good guy, are you calling me a newcomer?"

Not to mention how to react around, how to guess.

Anyway, Lin Yufeng in the court fell into a passive state at the moment.

He tore off the first two pages of the notebook in a row, because what was written on it was exactly the two routines that Zhang Wei said.

Blame the cause of death on the deceased, and blame the cause of death on the family of the deceased.

As the other party said, as long as someone among the deceased or the family members of the deceased can take the blame, then his goal will be achieved.

But now, this trick is completely useless.

It's no wonder Lin Yufeng's face looks good!

"Lawyer Lin, it's your turn!"

At this moment, Judge Mi on the trial bench looked over.

The plaintiff's opening statement is over and it is your turn to speak.

"Well, that...I'm very surprised. The accusation made by the prosecution completely unfounded. How can I blame such a little girl?"

Lin Yufeng smiled perfunctorily, as if telling a joke.

However, his words obviously did not make any of the jurors laugh. They looked at Lin Yufeng's expression with indifference.

Lin Yufeng's smile froze, and he was a little bit stuck.

In the plaintiff's seat, Zhang Wei looked at this scene, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

"The eldest young master of Jincheng Law Firm, isn't he at this level?"

"That's it, that's it..."

Lin Yufeng walked back to the dock disheartened, but in the end he did not let the jury change their opinion of him.

Obviously, this young master of the Lin family was hit head-on by Zhang Wei!

On the trial seat, Judge Mi shook his head in his heart as he watched this scene.

"Young Master Lin, is your opponent really a rookie?"

He looked at Zhang Wei again with a serious expression.

Although as a judge, he must be fair, but this is not a real court, and he is also a senior partner invited by the Lin family, so at critical moments, he also has to consider Lin Yufeng.

But it's not that time yet, what he has to do is to maintain the progress of this trial.

"Plaintiff, please call the first witness!"

Zhang Wei nodded, got up and announced: "This court summons the first witness, the mother of the deceased Feng Xinxue!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone in the background was surprised.

Mr. Zheng looked at Shen Zhengyi and Ren Xingzhou, "Is there someone from the plaintiff?"

"No, we haven't received any visitor records in this regard, and it's impossible for the real plaintiff in this case to agree to the deceased's mother coming to our company?" Ren Xingzhou naturally shook his head.

Shen Zhengyi thought for a moment and guessed: "Maybe Zhang Wei invited the actor. Your company wants us to strive to be the most authentic and spend some money to hire someone to play the plaintiff's witness. This has also appeared in previous mock trials. .”

"Oh, that's right, the invited actor!" Mr. Zheng nodded, and asked a few words to the legal director next to him.

in court.

The witness walked into the venue under the leadership of Tie Ruyun.

"Ah, my daughter—"

"You died so badly, you were only 16 years old, why did you leave—"

"Hey, my dear daughter, why do you have the heart to leave mom alone, ah—"

As soon as the "witness" came to court, he began to perform, crying so much that it was heart-piercing.

Although the woman is not a professional actor, she is also proficient in acting on the spot, and her performance at this moment is somewhat sincere.

However, for some veterans of the trial, it can be seen after all that the acting skills of women are not real.

Even Zhang Wei couldn't stand it, and kept pushing in his heart: "Sister, don't be so exaggerated, your acting skills are a little exaggerated."

After the witness's crying subsided a little, Zhang Wei asked: "Witness, please tell us, what is your relationship with the deceased in this case?"

"She is my own daughter, the daughter I have raised so hard, such a lovely girl, why did she die, ah—"

With a heartbreaking scream, the woman cried again.

The corners of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched. He regretted giving 2000 yuan. This woman's acting skills are worth 500 yuan at most.

"Thank you for the witness' answer, now please listen to the second question, may I ask..."

"My daughter, my Xiaoxue, ah—"

Zhang Wei continued to ask questions, but the woman's answers were screams like killing a pig, and her voice was full of weeping.

Zhang Wei said that he would never ask this woman to be a witness in court again.

"Okay, my question is over!"

Many members of the jury looked at the woman with different expressions, but his questioning was over.

Overall, the effect is not bad.

The purpose of Zhang Wei to let the woman go to court is actually to sell miserably.

Asking the family members of the deceased to cry in court does not do much to promote the case. The only function is to earn tears and the sympathy of the jury.

At this point, the role of women is actually brought into play.

Of course, you have to ignore her poor acting skills.


Finally, it was Lin Yufeng's turn to take the stage.


"My lovely daughter Xiaoxue——"

Just after Lin Yufeng came to the stage, the woman suddenly screamed as if she saw her father and enemy killed.


Lin Yufeng was startled by the woman's cry, and the question he had just prepared was abruptly interrupted.

Zhang Wei looked at this scene, quite funny.

He quickly turned his head to look at the hearing booth, and locked on Tie Ruyun's position.

The two began to make empty eye contact.

Zhang Wei: Did you signal it?

Tie Ruyun: No, it was all her improvisation.

Zhang Wei: Understood!

Well, although this woman's acting skills are not perfect, if there is a moot court next time, it's not impossible to invite her to come again.

In the end, Lin Yufeng couldn't find a breakthrough in a mourning woman.

Every time he wanted to ask questions from a tricky angle, he was interrupted by the woman's "brutal" cry.

After a few times, Lin Yufeng also became depressed, and even protested in court.

"My lord, what does the witness mean, she..."

"My lord, my daughter died, can't I still cry, have you ever died a daughter, can you understand my pain, ah—"

What answered the judge and Lin Yufeng was a woman's cry, plus another scream.

Judge Mi has nothing to do with women. Of course, he has never killed his daughter, so he can only shake his head at Lin Yufeng in the end.

The cross-examination of the first witness is over, and in Zhang Wei's view, the effect is immediately full.

The woman's exaggerated acting skills really made the jury feel a certain amount of sympathy.

After all, he wasn't the jury, and they rarely even had a professional eye, so naturally they couldn't see that women's acting skills were actually unprofessional.

"Does the plaintiff have any witnesses to arraign?"

"Yes, we're calling an expert witness, an expert in pathology!"

Zhang Wei immediately called out the next witness.

This time the witness is a doctor, who is also one of the expert witnesses hired by Jincheng Law Firm, and this is the only expert witness invited by Zhang Wei.

Hearing that there were expert witnesses in court, the jury all looked over.

Witnesses in court.

"Hi doctor, have you read the forensic report of the deceased?"

"You sent the report yesterday, and I have read it!"

"Okay, doctor, what do you think is the cause of the deceased's death?"

"It is written in the report that it was caused by stomach cramps caused by caffeine poisoning, which caused vomiting. The vomit got stuck in the airway and trachea, and part of it was inhaled into the lungs. To put it simply, she was vomited by herself. The thing was choked to death, a very painful way to die."

Hearing this answer, Zhang Wei nodded.

He then took out the can of drink again and asked, "May I ask the witness, is it just such a small can in my hand that killed her?"

"Yes, don't underestimate this can, it doesn't look like a dangerous item, but in fact, the appearance will deceive you, it is very dangerous, but there are..."

"Against, lead witnesses to speculate!"

Lin Yufeng finally couldn't sit still, and quickly objected.

"The objection is valid!" Judge Mi glanced at Zhang Wei with a hint of warning in his eyes.

"Okay, Your Honor, my questioning is over!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, apologized to the judge, and then walked back to the plaintiff's seat.

"Defendant, it's your turn to cross-examine!" Judge Mi nodded and smiled at Lin Yufeng.

Lin Yufeng shook his suit, got up straight, and walked towards the witness stand.

"Witness, you are a pathologist and a doctor, right?"


"Witness, do you know that in the medical field, there is actually a set of standards to measure whether a person is healthy?"

"Are you talking about medical health standards, of course I know that?"

"That's good!"

Lin Yufeng nodded, and then picked up the remote control of the projector.

"Thanks to the photos provided by the plaintiff, we know something about the deceased Feng Xinxue's life, but after seeing the photos of the deceased, I always have a question, I hope you can answer."

Lin Yufeng pressed a button on the remote control, and a set of photos appeared on the projection screen.

On the screen, it was a little girl with a sweet smile but a slightly fat face.

"This is a photo of the deceased two years ago. From the perspective of a doctor, is Feng Xinxue in the photo healthy?"

The witness glanced at the photo, thought for a while and then nodded: "Well, very healthy!"


"be opposed to!"

Just when Lin Yufeng was about to continue asking questions, Zhang Wei stood up.

"The defense's question has nothing to do with the facts of the case. Your Excellency, does the photo of the deceased two years ago have anything to do with this case?"

Seeing that Zhang Wei dared to interrupt him, Lin Yufeng frowned slightly.

The judge originally wanted to agree, but after seeing Lin Yufeng's gloomy face, he hesitated.

"This court is also a little curious, Lawyer Lin, your question shouldn't be meaningless, right?"

In Zhang Wei's view, the judge's question is actually a bit biased.

"Of course not, my question has a lot to do with this case!"

Lin Yufeng gave a vague explanation, but Judge Mi nodded.

"The objection is invalid, and the defendant can continue to ask questions!"

Hearing the result, Zhang Wei narrowed his eyes and glanced at the judge.

But the other party said so, so he could only sit down.

"My fellow, if it was a criminal court, the question just now would have been dismissed long ago, how dare you guys!"

He could see it, because it wasn't a real court, and judges didn't need to be absolutely impartial, just like this Judge Mi.

He obviously favored Lin Yufeng.

Lin Yufeng finally laughed, showing a triumphant sneer at Zhang Wei.

"Witness, please continue to look at the screen!"

Following Lin Yufeng's operation, the picture on the screen changed, and it was still Feng Xinxue, but this time her face was much thinner, and her figure became slimmer, or more slender.

"Doctor, this is a recent photo of Feng Xinxue, please tell me how she is different from when she was 14?"

"Uh, she looks thinner, and this level of thinness is a little unhealthy..."

"Yes, the 16-year-old Feng Xinxue is 158 cm tall, but weighs less than 35 kg. In plain language, she is as thin as a bamboo pole!"

"be opposed to!"

Lin Yufeng's words were naturally opposed by Zhang Wei.

"The objection is invalid!" But Judge Mi didn't give Zhang Wei any face, and directly ruled that it was invalid.

Zhang Wei had no choice but to sit down and said that he had remembered Mi Haiyang.

"Witness, may I ask the statistics I reported just now, do you think Feng Xinxue is healthy?"

"With this data, I suspect that the deceased may have anorexia or something like that. She was too thin and had insufficient nutritional intake. Her body should be said to be very unhealthy."

Hearing the witness's answer, Lin Yufeng smiled, because his goal was basically achieved.

"So anorexia, does it cause cramps?"

"Yes, the stomach of anorexic patients is actually in an unhealthy state, which may cause cramps!"

"So I can think so. Is it an irrational judgment for the plaintiff to categorically attribute the death of the deceased to our product?"

"You are right. Regarding the cause of death, the firm report can only tell us the basis for judgment, but it cannot trace the source. Especially since the deceased's physical condition is not healthy, it is really not a rational judgment to blame it on the drink!"

Many people in the jury were surprised.

Several of the 12 jurors have already begun to think about whether the witness's words opened up another line of thought.

That is what Zhang Wei once mentioned, the problem is attributed to the deceased himself.

Could it be that the deceased really had something wrong with himself, and that it was his own fault that caused this tragedy?

This time, Lin Yufeng finally smiled, because his questioning really made the jury suspicious.

"My question is over!"

The goal was achieved, and he also walked back to the dock.

Seeing the change of wind direction, Zhang Wei immediately stood up: "We want to add..."

Boom boom boom!

But before Zhang Wei could speak, he was interrupted by Judge Mi hitting the cone.

He glanced at Zhang Wei, then ignored him, and announced directly: "It's noon, everyone, let's go have lunch, take an hour lunch break, and the trial will continue in the afternoon!"

Obviously, he interrupted Zhang Wei on purpose.

"Hmph, is this all you can do?"

Lin Yufeng walked up to Zhang Wei, sneered, and walked away.

Zhang Wei's face was a bit ugly, because he was about to ask more questions, but was interrupted by Mi Haiyang.

"Good guy, this is intentionally preventing me from asking questions. Isn't this witness a waste of time!"

The witness was an expert witness he invited, but in the end he helped the defendant, how could he bear it.

But the judge announced the adjournment, and if the court session resumes in the afternoon, since both the prosecution and the defense have completed the questioning, the witness will not need to appear in court.

So in the afternoon, Zhang Wei needed new witnesses.

But in the list of witnesses he provided, there were only these two people. Where did the third witness come from?

"You guys forced me to do this. I didn't want to be so extreme. I wanted to save some face for you, Young Master Lin!"

Zhang Weiwei glanced at the backstage studio meaningfully.

Since you are not benevolent, don't blame me for being unrighteous!

I do it just to win!

I don't care about anything else!

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