Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 161 Is the product safe? President in court

No one in the court thought that Zhang Wei would summon someone from his opponent.

The witness he summoned turned out to be the director of operations of Super Energy Beverage Company.

Everyone present admired Zhang Wei's courage.

Good guy, your move is beyond everyone's expectations.

Even the opponent dares to summon, what else can you dare not in court.

But these are already pediatrics for Zhang Wei.

Summoning the opponent, this is not the first time he has done it!

All in all, with the end of the testimony of the director of operations, the wind direction of the court has once again turned to Zhang Wei's side.

The previous rebuttal evidence of the defense was the physical health of the deceased Feng Xinxue.

His death was not due to the products of the super drink company, but because he did not pay attention to protecting his body.

But after Zhang Wei summoned the director of operations, the result was different.

According to the "confession" of the director, Zhang Wei proved that Super Beverage Company has a beverage product called "Absolute Zero", which claims to be sugar-free and low-calorie, and it has miraculous effects on weight loss.

So the question is, is the physical condition of the deceased Feng Xinxue caused by drinking this product?

If so……

Then Feng Xinxue's deterioration of physical condition has absolutely something to do with Super Energy Beverage Company.

They have an inescapable responsibility!

Not only the plaintiff and the defendant, but even the people in the court and the hearing booth have noticed the change in wind direction.

The jurors looked at each other, looking for teammates who agreed with each other.

They looked at Zhang Wei with a hint of doubt, but they looked at Lin Yufeng with naked suspicion.

Obviously, they were dubious about Zhang Wei's words, but they generally agreed.

Then towards Lin Yufeng, and the super drink behind him, that is a little hostile.

"Your Honor, my opening statement is officially over, and now it's the defense's turn!"

At this time, Zhang Wei also announced the end of the opening statement.

When he sat back in his seat, he could feel the gloomy expression of Lin Yufeng next door.

"You kid give me a hard time thinking about how to fight back against me, but I guess you have nothing to do!"

He sneered in his heart, and then waited quietly for his opponent to make a move.

Lin Yufeng did exactly what Zhang Wei expected at this moment, he wanted to fight back but didn't know what to do.

Although he has also been in court, he has never met an opponent like Zhang Wei.

Don't follow the rules at all!

The current behavior is already extremely unfavorable to him.

"He summoned Director Sun, which I didn't expect, and Director Sun's testimony also makes the product's safety unable to be guaranteed. If this continues..."

Lin Yufeng's face was gloomy, and his eyes flickered with dissatisfaction with Zhang Wei and helplessness with the form.

"Since this is the case, we can only summon the high-level executives of the Super Drink Company to testify!"

For a moment, Lin Yufeng thought of a countermeasure.

Since your attack target is product security, then I will subpoena...

"Your Excellency, the defense is ready for the trial, and now call the first witness to appear in court!"

"Well, lawyer Lin, please!"

Seeing that Lin Yufeng had adjusted back, Judge Mi naturally nodded in agreement.

"The defense summoned the safety director of Super Energy Beverage Company to testify in court!"

Following Lin Yufeng's summons, someone came out from the backstage.

"Hello, Director Zhu!"

Lin Yufeng and the other party naturally knew each other, and greeted the person directly.

Director Zhu nodded in response, and then sat on the witness stand.

The defense began to testify.

"Director Zhu, as the safety consultant of Super Energy Beverage Company, do you need to personally check the company's products from production to market launch?"

"Yes, I am responsible for all aspects of safety!"

"Well, can you tell everyone in court how many scrutiny the company's products have to go through before they can be put on the market?"

Director Zhu nodded and organized the language: "Our company's products are absolutely safe, because they have strict safety indicators in every process from research and development to production, and all indicators are based on my country's food safety standards. Strict requirements, even some indicators are more than 2 times stricter than the average standard.”

As Director Zhu said, he looked at the jury and said, "Here, I would like to reveal to everyone that our company's products need to go through more than 10 months of food safety review from production to market launch, and all inspection standards are determined by food safety. The experts from the Administration come to complete the test, and the inspection standards of these experts are the highest level of safety standards."

"So I can tell you very clearly that whether it is 'Bull' or 'Absolute Zero', they are absolutely safe and controllable, and there is no problem with the product itself!"

The last sentence, Director Zhu said very loudly, as if to emphasize this point to the jury.

In fact, the jury also heard what he said, and three or four of them nodded in agreement.

Since people have mentioned the Food Safety Administration and the highest testing standards, the product is obviously fine.

Seeing that the wind direction of the court finally approached his side, Lin Yufeng nodded in satisfaction.

"Thank you Director Zhu for your answer, I have no more questions!"

He walked back to his seat, and at the same time showed a smug smile at Zhang Wei in the plaintiff's seat.

"show off?"

Zhang Wei sneered, and after Lin Yufeng sat down, he slowly got up.

"Director Zhu, hello, thank you for testifying in court. I believe your presence will also solve the doubts in my heart."

Because this is not a question, Director Zhu just looked at Zhang Wei without answering.

"Just now you mentioned the highest review standards of the Food Safety Administration. Are you sure that your company's products are all reviewed in accordance with the highest standards of food safety?"

"Of course, what's the problem?"

Faced with Director Zhu's rhetorical question, Zhang Wei smiled slightly, walked back to his seat, and picked up a document.

"This is strange. Why did I read in the document of the Food Safety Administration that you have applied for food safety inspection twice in the past two years, and the products tested are of the same type?"

"What's wrong with that?"

"Isn't this a problem? If a product passes the first test, why is the second test required? Is there any difference between the two before and after this product?"

Zhang Wei said, raised the document in Yang's hand, and then walked to the witness stand.

"Director Zhu, I still have a question. For the same product, in the report of the first test, the product was marked as 'food', but in the second test, why did the product classify as 'dietary'? What about supplements'?"

When Director Zhu heard Zhang Wei's words, his expression changed slightly.

"Uh, what do you mean?"

"I'm just curious. You are the director of food safety. You have to answer this question for me!"

Facing Zhang Wei's pressing questions, Director Zhu looked at Lin Yufeng, and then at Judge Mi.

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean by your question?"

Judge Mi didn't understand. What are these problems? Is it related to this case?

Zhang Wei raised a finger and announced in public: "Of course it is related, because this question will reveal to everyone the nature of the Super Energy Beverage Company's products!"

"But the question you raised is related to our company's business decision. These documents and contents are..."

"Director Zhu, these documents are backed up by the Food Safety Administration. I found them through the official websites of Qiandu and the Food Safety Administration. If I can find them, I can also find the real plaintiff's lawyer!"


Zhang Wei's words left Director Zhu speechless.

Mi Haiyang and Lin Yufeng wanted to interrupt, but when they heard Zhang Wei's words, they couldn't help it either.

No way, who makes the customer's request, is to strive for truth?

In the end, Mi Haiyang nodded to Director Zhu, motioning for him to answer the question.

Director Zhu hesitated for a moment, and said with difficulty: "Why the first test of our company's products is food, and the second test is dietary supplements. This is actually... actually because..."

"Because you took advantage of the loopholes in the food safety law, am I right?"

Seeing Director Zhu's words hesitated, Zhang Wei immediately rushed to talk.

"be opposed to!"

Naturally, Lin Yufeng would not allow Zhang Wei to "confuse the crowd" with his gossip, so he immediately stood up and interrupted.

But Zhang Wei glanced at the jury, approached Director Zhu at random, and asked questions continuously:

"If your company's products are inspected in accordance with the Food Safety Law, they will definitely fail to pass the food inspection, but you have added vitamin extracts to the ingredient list, so that the product can avoid the complicated inspection of food, so as to detect relatively loose dietary supplements. passed the drug test and was released to the market, right?"

"I read the documents of the Food Safety Administration. All of your products have passed the inspection of dietary supplements, but in recent years, none of your products have passed the food safety inspection. What is your purpose? I really think that we all Is it a fool?"

"In order to cope with the inspection, you do not hesitate to change the food properties of all products, so let me ask you here, if you send 'Bull' and 'Absolute Zero' for inspection according to the standards of food safety inspection, can they pass the inspection? Woolen cloth?"

"You must not be able to answer it, because you have the answer in your heart. Director Zhu, do you dare to answer my questions now, and answer my questions in front of everyone present!"

Facing Zhang Wei's series of pressing questions, Director Zhu's face became extremely ugly.


"This kid... his question... and these documents, how did they come here!"

Mr. Zheng's face also changed, becoming extremely stunned and also extremely ugly.

His confidants also got up one after another.

"President Zheng, this..."

Ren Xingzhou at the side picked up the toilet paper and began to wipe his sweat.

Shin Zhengyi also had sweat dripping from his forehead, and at the same time stared fiercely at Zhang Wei on the screen.

Don't ask me any more, you kid, you can't see what's going on in the backstage, President Zheng is about to blow up!

Once he blows up, what should I do?

Teammates, come to the rescue!

I need help here...

on site.

"I object, I object, I object!"

"Security, security, take him away!"

Lin Yufeng stood up from his seat and roared like a madman.

"I believe that everyone on the jury knows the purpose of my asking these questions, but it's a pity that Director Zhu can't answer, so I have nothing to say!"

Zhang Wei did not give Lin Yufeng and Mi Haiyang a chance: "I take back all the questions I just asked, and I will not express any opinion on Director Zhu's unanswerable behavior. I ask the judge to forgive my transgressive behavior just now. I am really very~very~ I'm very sorry..."

After Zhang Weilian said three extremes to emphasize his question, he returned to his seat

The cross-examination of Director Zhu is over, but the impact is quite huge.

The way the jury looked at Director Zhu changed.

You must be hiding something.

Why do your company’s products have to be tested as dietary supplements, which are obviously drinks and belong to the category of food?

Could it be that it is impossible for your products to pass the food testing standards?

Sending "Bull" and "Absolute Zero" for food testing, maybe it really won't pass?

Then Feng Xinxue who drank these two products, isn't it...

"Your Honor!"

Seeing that the wind direction on the scene was unfavorable to his side, Lin Yufeng could only stand up and ask the judge for help.

Mi Haiyang nodded, "Given the situation at the scene, this court has decided to adjourn for 10 minutes!"

Zhang Wei had a sneer on his face, looked at the two people who sang together, and did not raise any objections.

The point is that it is useless to mention it. The moot court is biased towards Lin Yufeng, and everyone can see it.

In fact, the more aggressive they were, the better it would be for Zhang Wei.

Who told these juries to have participated in the trial, are they all fools?

No, no, no one really thought the jury was made up of 12 idiots, did they?

If you think so, then you are really crazy.

As soon as Lin Yufeng called a timeout, he went straight to the backstage.


"Mr. Zheng, don't worry, there are 12 idiots sitting in the jury box. Our next proof will definitely make them change their minds!"

Lin Yufeng has already admitted that what he just said is not good for them, so he urgently needs a witness with weight to testify in court.

"Young Master Lin, I thought I didn't need to go this far!"

Mr. Zheng's complexion was very ugly, especially when he looked at Lin Yufeng, which was full of distrust.

"A new lawyer can suppress you like this. Isn't that the level of your consulting department?"

"Mr. Zheng, Zhang Wei was just an accident. This kid's court trial level..."

"I don't want to listen to your explanations, it makes me doubt your Jincheng's professional level!"

Shin Zhengyi explained quickly, but was interrupted by Mr. Zheng directly.

Then, he looked at the screen again, "To be honest, I don't think I'm a fool, and I can see the current situation!"

"Then what do you mean..." Lin Yufeng looked puzzled.

"I'll give you one last chance. If I can't change the situation when I go to court, I will reconsider my cooperation with you, Young Master Lin!"

"Mr. Zheng, I will definitely defeat that Zhang Wei and give you an explanation!"

Seeing Mr. Zheng's ultimatum, Lin Yufeng could only deal with it with an ugly face.

Mr. Zheng nodded, but he murmured in his heart, what's the use of defeating that kid, he is not the real plaintiff's lawyer.

But he also has a doubt. When it comes to the real court, is the plaintiff's lawyer really better than Zhang Wei?

The other party was also able to find so much evidence, and even went to the Food Safety Administration to look through so many documents, just to find the test publicity report of his company's products?

Will the plaintiff's lawyer's questioning and interrogation methods be as sharp and sharp as Zhang Wei's?

But these questions, there are no answers now.

The 10 minute recess is up.

Moot court is back!

"Your Excellency, the defense requests to summon Mr. Zheng, the CEO of Super Energy Beverage Company, to testify in court!"

"The court approves!"

Summoned by Lin Yufeng, President Zheng testified in court.

The CEO's self-certification has begun.

Lin Yufeng asked questions continuously, and Mr. Zheng answered fluently.

Zhang Wei could tell that the two of them had passed their temper in advance, and these issues had been discussed or simulated long ago.

However, these questions are not to prevent him, but to deal with the plaintiff in the real trial.

He also knew that generally speaking, these methods would not be used in mock court trials. It was his own pressing every step of the way that made Lin Yufeng not hesitate to expose Mr. Zheng's trump card.

"Lin Yufeng has been preparing for this case for more than 2 months. It is impossible not to have a little preparation, so I may ask some routine questions, which may not be effective!"

Zhang Wei sneered in his heart, if the routine questions didn't work, then he only needed to ask some unconventional questions.

He is very good at this kind of thing!

"My family, my father's generation, my grandpa's generation, they are all excellent entrepreneurs, they have grown the company, they are worthy of their conscience..."

"I am very sympathetic to what happened to the deceased. I deeply sympathize with her misfortune and what happened to her family. If there is anything I can do for them, I am obliged!"

Mr. Zheng finally finished his speech. Lin Yufeng's question almost made Mr. Zheng describe the past and present of Super Drink, including the hardships of his grandparents' entrepreneurial development, in detail, as if the trial was for a publicity.

And Zhang Wei surprisingly didn't interrupt them, or he knew that interrupting was useless, because the judge would not favor himself.

On the contrary, repeated interruptions may anger the jury who are listening to the story. This is a thankless task, and a good lawyer will avoid any offending jury.

"Thank you Mr. Zheng for your speech. As the executive president, you testified in court in person. We have fully felt our affection for your company!"

Lin Yufeng ended the questioning very politely, and Mr. Zheng also planned to get up and leave.

"Mr. Zheng, we still have cross-examination questions!"

Zhang Wei quickly raised his hand and said, why did you just leave, the good show hasn't started yet.

"Oh, sorry, I almost remembered, try to be real, right?"

Mr. Zheng hurriedly sat back. Although his face was calm, he looked at Zhang Wei with a hint of warning.

His eyes seemed to say, you just need to mean whatever you want, don't go too far!

Zhang Wei smiled, and walked forward to meet the other party's gaze.

What does Mr. Zheng and the interests of the law firm have to do with him?

His goal today is to win!

"Mr. Zheng, I don't have any other questions for you. I believe that even if I ask about your company's situation and your company's products, you will perfectly defuse my offensive, right?"

Mr. Zheng didn't respond, but his expression was extremely calm.

Obviously Zhang Wei guessed right.

"So I'm just asking a simple question, a very, very simple question, so simple that you can't answer it..."

As Zhang Wei said, he raised a finger, "Mr. Zheng, do you have children? How old are they?"

"I have a son, 13, and a daughter, 11."

"Well, we all know your company. Your company's safety department is doing everything possible to make the products meet safety standards. Then I want to ask, will you let your children drink the company's beverage products?"

As soon as this statement came out, all eyes of the audience were on Mr. Zheng.


Facing this question, Mr. Zheng hesitated for a moment.


Lin Yufeng in the dock never expected that Zhang Wei would ask such a question.

The jury, the hearing seats, the lawyers of Jincheng Law Firm, the leaders...

Everyone is puzzled, this question is indeed not difficult to answer.

Why did President Zheng show hesitation?

Seeing Mr. Zheng's performance like this, Zhang Wei was also shocked.

Is this the lore? I just asked casually, but I didn't expect the effect to be surprisingly good? about to win?

He quickly suppressed the astonishment in his heart, and then asked: "Mr. Zheng, if you promise that your company's products are absolutely~absolutely~safe, why don't you let your children drink it?"

"Or, your company's products are really problematic!"

Seeing that the court's wind direction began to change, he naturally would not let go of the opportunity to make up the knife.

This knife is ruthless and accurate, and...

Straight to the point!

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