Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 180 I met my father-in-law at the scene, and my mother-in-law also came?

Oriental Capital.

Attorney General.

Office of the Felony Division.

The atmosphere in the office was serious, with a hint of silence, because a new case came and everyone was eager to move.

Zhao Chunming took the information in his hand, and wrote down the names of Zeng Xiang and Fang Yunshu on the writing board behind him.

"This case is the first homicide case that our local prosecutor's headquarters has been responsible for investigating since the start of work this year. The nature of the case is not complicated, but the suspect's method is vicious, and the social impact caused is extremely bad. You all understand the seriousness of this case!"

When Zhao Chunming said this, all the prosecutors present felt the pressure.

But when there is pressure, there is motivation!

Those who can join the local prosecutor's headquarters are basically the elites of law schools, and they obviously won't be hit by such a little pressure.

Besides, they have more or less heard the details of the case.

It was a case that could not be lost, and the testimony of the eyewitnesses was almost impeccable.

"Now, I'm going to choose the prosecutor in charge of this case!"

Following what Zhao Chunming said, everyone showed expectations.

As the first major criminal case years ago, and with a complete chain of evidence, everyone wanted to dispute this case.

"Director, let me come!"

"Director, I want to fight!"

"Director Zhao, I'm also applying for the battle!"

Just as Zhao Chunming was about to choose someone, some people couldn't resist and expressed their wishes.

Obviously, they all wanted to fight the case.

Big cases mean high exposure.

High exposure means that after the case is won, the reputation will increase.

Although they are prosecutors at the local prosecutor's headquarters, they are well-known and will have better development in the future.

"It's not good, Supervisor, the Serious Crime Squad has brought over the statement!"

At this moment, a panicked figure rushed in at the gate.

"Tan Yingying, why are you panicking? Just give me the confession. What's the problem?" Zhao Chunming's face turned cold when he saw this reckless newcomer.

But Tan Yingying couldn't care less about these things at the moment, after handing the statement in her hand to Zhao Chunming, she hurriedly leaned into his ear.

"Director, something is wrong. Team leader Lin Ruonan told me just now that the lawyer defending the suspect Fang Yunshu is Zhang Wei!"

"What, it's this kid again!"

Zhao Chunming didn't take it seriously at first, but after hearing Tan Yingying's report, his face suddenly became extremely stunned.

"This kid, hasn't been in the civil court recently, why..."

In the office, all the subordinates looked at each other in blank dismay, not understanding what news Zhao Chunming had heard, yet showing such an expression.


Zhao Chunming coughed and made everyone look at him.

"Just now the serious crime team finished recording the statement, but when the statement was recorded, the defense lawyer was also present, and you are familiar with this person!"

"Director, who is that person?" Someone asked quickly.

What they care about is naturally the identity of the opponent, but even if the opponent is very powerful, they are not afraid.

The evidence in this case is so strong, how could it be possible to lose?

"It is Zhang Wei who is in charge of defending Fang Yunshu for the defense. Let me explain in advance that it is either a person with the same name and surname, or Zhang Wei from the criminal team of Jincheng Law Firm, the Zhang Wei who keeps hurting the face of our local prosecutor's headquarters!"

When Zhao Chunming mentioned this name, he gritted his teeth, and even deliberately emphasized the other party's identity several times.

"Zhang Wei!"

"It's him again!"

"This guy, why are you here again!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's name, all the people in the Serious Crime Division Office trembled.

Without him, the opponent's record of fighting against the local prosecutor's headquarters several times was a complete victory.

Especially in the previous cases, the evidence was solid, and the advantage was in their hands.

But the result...

"Why, don't you say anything?"

Seeing the reaction of these subordinates, Zhao Chunming was honestly disappointed.

Isn't it Zhang Wei who actually scared you like this?

"Director, what, I have three or four cases that need to be investigated recently. I may not have time to participate in this case!"

"Director, I've thought about it carefully. I haven't been in a good state these days. Let's take it easy and give the opportunity to other colleagues this time!"

"Director, I haven't had much rest since the beginning of the new year. It happens that my cousin in the country is getting married in a few days. I want to ask for a few days off..."

"Your cousin is married, why don't I know?"

"Do it, do it..."

Those who were still fighting high and took the initiative to ask for a fight just now are all discouraged now.

Many people even lowered their heads, perhaps still muttering in their hearts, they can't see me, they can't see me, the supervisor can't see me...

Zhao Chunming was disappointed, very disappointed.

Just a mere Zhang Wei, let you be cowardly like this!

Jingle Bell!

But just as he was about to reprimand him, the phone in the office rang.

"Hmph, I'll clean you up later!"

He snorted coldly, walked back to the office, and immediately answered the phone.

"Prosecutor, why are you?"

"Yes, yes, the confession has just been obtained, and our office will definitely handle this case beautifully for you!"

"What, you have to personally arrange someone to take charge, but..."

"Yes, I know the opponent is Zhang Wei, that kid, but we..."

"Yes, yes, I will definitely cooperate!"

"You order, please order!"

"It's Lan Gaojian, you actually sent him out this time, yes yes yes, I understand, I understand..."

Zhao Chunming hung up the phone with a smile, and then his face became extremely serious.

The Attorney General himself called just now and appointed a senior prosecutor to take charge of the case.

In other words, there is no need for their Serious Crimes Office to send someone to take charge.

This case has nothing to do with their felony office, so there is no need to fight Zhang Wei, at worst, send a personal assistant to help the senior prosecutor.

This shows that the Attorney General no longer trusts their felony division office and believes that they are not enough to investigate this case.

In other words, the Chief Prosecutor was also afraid of Zhang Wei's reputation, and felt that he had to send a senior prosecutor to take charge of the case to give him a boost.

With mixed feelings, Zhao Chunming returned to the office again.

"The Chief Prosecutor called just now. We don't need to investigate this case. He will send Prosecutor Lan Gao to take action himself!"

Hearing that this case does not require the whole party to be responsible, some people unconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

But soon, they reacted.

The person in charge of the case turned out to be the senior prosecutor, Lan Gaojian.

"Zhao Jing, you are thoughtful and considerate. If Prosecutor Lan Gao needs an assistant, you will be responsible for helping him with this case!"

In the end, Zhao Chunming named a female prosecutor in the office and asked her to help the high prosecutor who came over later.

"Understood, Director!"

Zhao Jing nodded and accepted the order.

However, she was actually a bit conflicted in her heart, because every time she was an assistant, she was a tool person, responsible for delivering documents, remote-controlling the projector, playing some ppts and so on.

Especially in the lawsuit with Zhang Wei, she even had to help the other party put on slides, which made her very depressed.

I hope this time, it won't be like this...


at the same time.

The crime scene, Fang Yunshu's home.

After Fang Yunshu and Zeng Xiang divorced, the court awarded the woman the house they bought in Central when they got married.

The location of Fang Yunshu's residence is not bad, it is located in the middle ring.

Looking at this brownstone house along the street, Zhang Wei sighed, and then walked to the door.

"I don't know if I can get in with my face. Who is the field agent stationed here?"

Zhang Wei saw field personnel walking around in the house, and one of the houses was even sealed off.

"Xiao Zhang!"

Just when Zhang Wei was about to speak, he heard an unexpected voice.


Zhang Wei stared blankly at the field worker who made the noise, with a confused look on his face.

Good guy, the field worker stationed this time is actually Xia Donghai!

Xia Qianyue's father, his future father-in-law!

The two looked at each other in a daze across the blockade.

It is estimated that in their hearts, they are all calling for a good guy.

But the case still needs to be handled, and the scene still needs to be watched.

Zhang Wei quickly put on a smiling face, leaned forward and said, "Father-in-law, it turns out that you are the one who took care of the murder scene this time. It was really hard work. Have you eaten yet, how about I treat you to dinner?"

"Stop coming!"

Xia Donghai saw at a glance that Zhang Wei must have something in mind, so he quickly waved his hands, "Let's talk about something, don't try to get close to me!"


Now that the future father-in-law said so, Zhang Wei also saved the politeness and asked directly, "Father-in-law, I am the defense lawyer, and I want to see the murder scene!"

"Damn it, you kid takes all kinds of cases. How dare you fight this case?"

Xia Donghai froze for a moment, you dare to take a case that you must lose, it really is you!

Of course he didn't know that Zhang Wei took the case not because he felt sorry for Fang Yunshu, but because of Zhao Qingyan's request.

"Father-in-law, this scene..."

"Stop coming. It's not that your defense can't get the publicized evidence from the investigation department. It's enough for you to use those evidences for defense. What else do you need to see? And the scene has to be sealed off. Not everyone can come in casually." Let's investigate!"

Facing Zhang Wei, Xia Donghai sullenly refused to give any chance, "Besides, you are not a criminal investigation major, nor are you a professional investigator. What's the use of watching the scene?"

"Father-in-law, are you really not going to let me go?"

"Hmph, it's useless for you to call me father!"

Xia Donghai refused to enter, and even blocked the door with his body.


Zhang Wei had no choice but to back away, but he suddenly took out his phone and pretended to dial the number.

"Since my father-in-law won't give me a chance, I can only call your little Yueyue. She is an investigator of the serious crime team and your daughter. If she wants to see the scene, she should be able to come in!"

"After watching the scene, I will take Xiao Yueyue to go shopping. After shopping, I will have a candlelight dinner, and then I will go to the hotel to get a room and sleep together. It seems to be very beautiful..."

Seeing Zhang Wei muttering while preparing to make a phone call, Xia Donghai's face couldn't hold back.

Good guy, you are planning to attack my daughter in front of my old father.

It is simply unreasonable!

"Okay, I'll let you see, don't call my daughter, she's very busy in the crime squad!"

Faced with Zhang Wei's verbal "threats" and using his daughter as a threat, Xia Donghai had no choice but to compromise.

But obviously he would not let Zhang Wei go in alone, but would accompany him all the way.

Zhang Wei successfully entered the murder scene, Fang Yunshu's home.

The house is not small, one hundred and dozens of square meters, three bedrooms, two living rooms and two bathrooms. The disadvantage is that it is on the first floor, and there are a lot of passers-by at the door.

Zhang Wei went straight to the kitchen and saw some blood on the ground.

Based on Fang Yunshu's testimony, she saw her ex-husband Zeng Xiang in the kitchen after she returned from a trip, and the two met for the first time in the kitchen.

"Fang Yunshu was attacked by her ex-husband in the kitchen. The two had a physical conflict. Then Fang Yunshu pushed her husband down, and she ran to the living room to get the weapon, and her husband chased her out..."

Zhang Wei walked to the living room and saw a storage rack on the wall, on which there were originally bows and crossbows.

"After getting the weapon, Fang Yunshu launched an attack on Zeng Xiang who was chasing him. The first arrow hit the latter's knee. Zeng Xiang was hit and retreated to the kitchen, but Fang Yunshu chased into the kitchen afterwards and shot the second and third arrows! "

Looking at the blood stains left on the kitchen floor, Zhang Wei's eyes were serious.

"But it's not over yet. Zeng Xiang knew that Fang Yunshu was coming for real, and finally got scared and wanted to run away; but his leg was injured, so he couldn't run, so he could only drag one leg to crawl outside; on the way he crawled out , Fang Yun regained his composure, continued to chase, and made up the fourth and fifth arrows in the corridor..."

Looking at the bloodstains from the door to the corridor, Zhang Wei frowned.

"Finally, on the humanoid path outside the house, Zeng Xiang begged for mercy, shook his head repeatedly, and made a promise; but Fang Yunshu didn't give him a chance, and the last arrow killed him!"

Zhang Wei stretched out a finger and pointed at the blood on the ground.

This is the place where Zeng Xiang lost his life, and the murder scene is right here.

"You boy, what are you simulating? Since you are a participant in the case, the investigation department will tell you about these situations!"

Xia Donghai also chased him out, muttering to Zhang Wei.

"Father-in-law, don't you think something is wrong with this house?"

"what is the problem?"

"Security system, is this house sealed too tightly?"

Zhang Wei said, walked back into the house again, and began to check the doors, windows and security system.

Although this house is not big, it is tightly sealed. The doors and windows have a home control system, and they are all equipped with automatic technology locks.

Such a system only needs a remote control to open and close the doors and windows of the home.

Zhang Wei even saw special positioning pins on the windows of two rooms that are not commonly used.

"Let's not talk about the technology lock. The positioning pin is still against the window. Does it need to be so tight?"

Looking at the positioning pins that have not been removed, Zhang Wei is a little speechless.

"Yeah, I'm also surprised to see these things!" Xia Donghai at the side echoed.

The house is equipped with a security system, fingerprint recognition, technology locks on the doors and windows, and positioning pins fixed on the windows. This house is like a fortress.

"Did the family have dogs before?"

Zhang Wei saw a dog bowl in the place where the sundries were placed.

"I've read the records. Fang Yunshu seems to have raised a dog, but the pet door on the door of the house seems to be..."

Hearing Xia Donghai's narration, Zhang Wei hurried to the door.

I saw that the pet door on the gate was completely nailed to death.


Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei gasped.

How insecure is Fang Yunshu? The pet door is such a big space, unless someone else knows how to shrink bones, how could it be possible to enter through the pet door.

Judging from the results of the on-site investigation, some of what Fang Yunshu said could actually be true.

She was so frightened, obviously because she was afraid of Zeng Xiang, and even this woman was so guarded, it was because of the problems brought about by her ex-husband.

Zhang Wei was thinking about whether he needed to use spiritual reasons as a defense. He was thinking about the possibility of this method.

"Have you seen enough, kid?"

Seeing Zhang Wei's delay in leaving, Xia Donghai finally urged him.

"Oh, father-in-law, I've finished reading, and I'm ready to go now!"

Zhang Wei hurriedly responded, and then prepared to leave.

After all, the father-in-law has already given himself a lot of face, and he also checked the scene, so he naturally wanted to leave.

"Oh, by the way, just to remind you, the presiding judge of this case is Old Judge Chen of the Municipal Court!"

But before leaving, Xia Donghai held Zhang Wei back and reminded him.

"Father-in-law, this old Judge Chen, I don't know him, why are you telling me this?"

"I know you don't know judges, but what I want to tell you is that Qing Hua works as a clerk in the Municipal Court, and she is following Old Judge Chen!"

"Fuck, mother-in-law is coming too?"

Hearing the "explosive" news, Zhang Wei couldn't hold back immediately.

It's okay to meet your father-in-law at the murder scene, but you may also meet your mother-in-law in court, damn it...

All I can say is, what a coincidence!

Fortunately, the serious crime team 1 was the one who investigated the case. If the serious crime team 7 were to handle this case, it would be too much of a coincidence.

However, the son-in-law and father-in-law and mother-in-law participated in the same case in different identities at the same time, which has to be said to be too coincidental.

"That's all right, father-in-law, I'll take my leave first..."

After Zhang Wei heard the news, he hurriedly bid farewell to Xia Donghai and returned to the law firm.


Jincheng Law Firm, Criminal Division Office.

"Master, the court has sent the public evidence!"

Lin Yumeng and Li Yueqin moved two large boxes to Zhang Wei's desk.

"Oh, thank you for your hard work, get off work early!"

Zhang Wei turned his head from the evidence board, checked the time, and asked the two to get off work early.

Lin Yumeng shook her head, and hurriedly came forward: "Master, there is still some time, I want to ask, how are you going to defend that female murderer?"

Li Yueqin on the side also became interested, and her pace of getting ready to get off work also stopped.

"Of course it's a defense of innocence, I will use self-defense as the reason!"

"Justifiable self-defense, isn't that a defense that can only be used when it is clear that you will suffer personal injury, but the deceased does not seem to be carrying a weapon?"

"So I will prove that even if the deceased did not carry a weapon, he would pose a threat to my client's life!"

"How do you prove this?"

Lin Yumeng was puzzled, and muttered: "I think that your client is the one who is in danger. She is too ruthless in her attack. It is clear that she is going to kill someone. You should plead guilty, and maybe you can get a reduced sentence!"

Seeing his cute little apprentices think so, Zhang Wei felt a lot of pressure.

The little apprentice is dumb and cute, sometimes stupid and cute, she also represents the public's thoughts.

She thought Fang Yunshu was guilty, so the jury probably did the same.

"It seems that I have to prove that Zeng Xiang is indeed a threat to Fang Yunshu!"

The only breakthrough that Zhang Wei thought of was in front of the deceased. I don't know if Zhao Qingyan can testify in court to prove the personality of the deceased.

After all, the person who knows Zeng Xiang best, besides the client, may be Old Zhao.

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