Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 186 Zeng Xiang's Neighbor Appears in Court, Zhang Wei Comes to Break the Defense

(The third round of nucleic acid testing is going on in the community today. The author is going to be busy, standing guard + on duty, and it is estimated that he will be busy until late. In addition, he ran outside for a day yesterday, so he really didn’t have time to code. We tentatively plan to update it today, Mr. Reader Please don't send blades, slip away...)


Municipal court, conference room.

Zhang Wei and the others were eating lunch, but almost all court lunches were takeaway.

There were five people in the meeting room, Zhang Wei, Tie Ruyun, Lin Yumeng, Zhao Qingyan and the defendant Fang Yunshu.

During the meal, the meeting room was dull, and no one spoke.

Zhao Qingyan really didn't have any appetite. After taking a few mouthfuls of food, he hesitated to speak.

"Uncle Zhao, I know what you're going to ask. You've seen the court trial, so I can only say that it's not good for us!"

"Although I used some tricks at the last moment to make some female jurors feel sympathetic to Ms. Fang, it's a pity that this trick is almost a drop in the bucket..."

Zhang Wei quickly put down the hamburger in his hand and explained.

"Yes, I can see it too!"

Zhao Qingyan sighed, but he was still relieved and said: "If it was an ordinary lawyer, under the onslaught of that Lan Gao prosecutor, he would have surrendered long ago; that is, you boy, you can still hold on, and you can use it twice. The other party's witnesses were saved!"

"To be honest, if it wasn't for the court to keep quiet, I couldn't help but cheer for you, and your performance really impressed me!"

For Zhao Qingyan's exaggeration, Zhang Wei smiled lightly, but he was not complacent.

After all, the case has just begun, and the opponent's attacks will not stop!

"Yes, yes, Uncle Zhao, you know how powerful my master is!"

"Got it, the second girl of the Lin family!"

Lin Yumeng exaggerated Zhang Wei, which made Zhao Qingyan smile slightly.


But their conversation made Zhang Wei slightly taken aback.

Lin Yumeng and Zhao Qingyan knew each other?

But when he thought of Zhao Qingyan and the senior VIP clients of Jincheng Law Firm, he was relieved.

The big boss Lin Xiangtian and Zhao Qingyan obviously have friendship.

Then, as the daughter of the big boss, Lin Yumeng must have met Zhao Qingyan. It doesn't seem like a big problem for Lin Xiangtian to ask his daughter to call him uncle, right?

After figuring this out, Zhang Wei didn't worry about it, but was thinking about what to do in the afternoon trial.

"There are still many people on the prosecution's witness list. Although I don't know how many people he will call, it is a tough battle for us!"

Zhang Wei reminded Fang Yunshu and Zhao Qingyan to get ready.

The court hearing in the afternoon was not easy.

After all, today is Friday, and that Lan Gao prosecutor must want to let the jury think of Fang Yunshu's guilt during the weekend!

Zhao Qingyan and Fang Yunshu looked at each other, and they nodded at each other with a slightly dignified expression.

Tie Ruyun also felt the oppression of the atmosphere, only Lin Yumeng was still eating with her head down, heartless...


1:30 p.m.

The noon adjournment is over, and it's time for the court session.

"stand up!"

Following Ting Wei's announcement, everyone returned to their respective positions.

Zhang Wei smiled and nodded towards the clerk in the corner of the court.

It's a pity that what I got in exchange was Li Qinghua's white eyes and a hint of displeasure.

The attitude of the future mother-in-law gave Zhang Wei a secret headache.

This court trial is not only for the parties and Zhao Qingyan, he also has to perform in front of his future mother-in-law.

"The cross-examination of the prosecution witnesses in the morning is over, so now it is the prosecution's turn to continue the opening statement!"

After explaining the trial situation, Judge Chen looked at Lan Zhengye, "Prosecution, do you have any witnesses to call?"

"Of course, Your Honor!"

Lan Zhengye straightened his collar and got up to respond.

"The prosecution summoned Ms. Peng Liying to testify in court!"

Following Lan Zhengye's announcement, a short-haired young woman with a good figure walked up to the court with her waist twisted.

When she passed the seats of the prosecution and the defense, she nodded to Lan Zhengye, and then cast a contemptuous glance at the defense seat.

Zhang Wei captured that this woman looked at Fang Yunshu slightly unkindly.

"who is this?"

Fang Yunshu on the side really noticed something, and asked Zhang Wei in a low voice.

"She's your ex-husband's neighbor!"

Zhang Wei has done his homework, so he knows the identity of this woman.

Clearly, this woman is a character witness brought in by the prosecution.

Because Zeng Xiang and Fang Yunshu have no relatives in Dongfangdu, if they want to summon character witnesses, they can only choose from colleagues or neighbors. The prosecution's use of summoning Zeng Xiang's neighbors is also obvious.

"Hello, Ms. Peng, can you tell everyone about your relationship with the deceased Zeng Xiang?"

"I'm Ah Xiang's neighbor, and recently, I'm dating him!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people showed surprise expressions.

Especially in the defense section, Zhang Wei had a look of disbelief.


He looked at the woman on the witness stand, and then at Fang Yunshu who was also surprised beside him.

"Impossible, if your ex-husband is really stalking you, if he is a voyeur, it is impossible to have time to associate with another woman, right?"

"I, I don't know..."

Seeing Fang Yunshu shaking his head, Zhang Wei fell into deep thought.

Generally speaking, people like stalkers will not divert their attention to other things after identifying a goal.

In this case, since Zeng Xiang identified his ex-wife Fang Yunshu as his target, he would definitely not accept women other than her.

Zhang Wei admitted that the young woman in the court had a good figure and was of the plump type. She was more attractive than the thin Fang Yunshu, and the other party's age was also an advantage, but that was all.

Could Zeng Xiang be dating another woman while following and monitoring his ex-wife all the time?

"That's weird. Jessica and I have also talked about it. People like stalkers are target paranoid. Once they identify a target, they won't easily divert their attention..."

At this moment, Zhang Wei also had a difficult time, not knowing how to understand what this woman said.

Either the witness was lying, or Fang Yunshu was lying...

Just as Zhang Wei was thinking, the questioning in court also began.

"Excuse me, Ms. Peng, you..."

"You can call me Miss Peng, that's what Ah Xiang called me at the beginning, because I'm a few years younger than him, and he loves me like a younger sister!"

As soon as Lan Zhengye was about to speak, the witness jumped ahead and gave the defense chair a provocative look.

"Oh, okay, Miss Peng, since you've said everything, let me ask you, since you and Zeng Xiang are dating, who sent the invitation first?"

Ms. Peng didn't hesitate, and immediately replied: "Ah Xiang struck up a conversation with me first. We ran into each other at the bar that day, and it was also the first time we talked."

"I just broke up with my boyfriend at that time, and I went to the bar alone to relieve boredom at night, and he happened to be sitting next to me... By the way, he took the initiative to talk to me, and that's when I found out that he also talked with me My wife got divorced, and we both happened to be single again, so we sat and chatted for a while..."

Following the testimony of witnesses, some things about Zeng Xiang's life were also revealed.

According to Ms. Peng's description, Zeng Xiang is a humorous, gentle and considerate man.

To sum up, it is a great regret in life for any woman to dump him.

Although there is a lot of bragging here, the witnesses talked about a lot of little things in life, giving people a feeling that these things actually happened.

"Thanks for the witness' explanation!"

Lan Zhengye finally finished asking questions, but he didn't intend to just hand over the witness to Zhang Wei.

"According to Ms. Peng's testimony, we can clearly understand that the deceased Zeng Xiang was a humorous, talkative, and quite funny man. He ran an Internet studio and provided Internet security services for some small and medium-sized enterprises. Zeng Xiang had a good How can such a person follow his ex-wife?"

"Miss Peng also said that Zeng Xiang is dating her, and the defense has always wanted to portray the deceased Zeng Xiang as a stalker and a person who deserved what he deserved. This is slander in my opinion!"

Lan Zhengye pointed to the defense bench, and said word by word: "Please understand one thing. In our punishment, there are some introductions to criminal acts such as stalkers, and one of them clearly states that stalkers His behavior patterns all have a strong goal, once the goal is determined, it will be difficult for him to be distracted by external things!"

"If it is true as the defense said, Zeng Xiang is following the defendant Fang Yunshu, then in the eyes of the former, other than the defendant, there is no room for other women, let alone dating Ms. Peng?"

"Let's understand this in a more general way. Since there is a woman who wants to be with you and has a crush on you, why should you follow another woman who doesn't want to be with you?"

Speaking of this, Lan Zhengye looked at the defense chair provocatively, "So, all the defendant's testimony is actually lying, and they are all trying to excuse his murder!"

As soon as these words came out, Lan Zhengye had a fierce aura and pressed towards the defense seats.

Fang Yunshu originally lowered his head, but when he sensed this momentum, his body trembled slightly.

Then, in all directions, countless sharp eyes swept over.

Obviously, many people in the court were moved by Lan Zhengye's statement, and had doubts about Fang Yunshu's testimony.

"Your Honor, is this the prosecutor's closing statement?"

Zhang Wei got up quickly and spread his hands to the judge.

"Ahem, prosecutor, do I need to remind you that some things cannot be concluded until the case is over!"

Judge Chen looked at Lan Zhengye with a vaguely unkind expression on his face.

Although Zhang Wei is a bit skinny, at least he didn't do too much.

But you are so good, as a high-ranking prosecutor, you have repeated it again and again. Do you think I can bear you many times?

"Sorry, Your Honor, I take back my last sentence and end the question!"

Lan Zhengye confidently returned to his seat, causing Zhao Jing, who was sitting next to him, to be amazed.

As expected of a high-level inspection, they easily did what they couldn't do at the beginning!

He suppressed Zhang Wei!

In the hearing booth, some people were happy while others were sad.

"This kid, he's going to die today!"

Zhao Chunming sneered, this time he finally felt that the winning ticket was in his hands.

Tie Ruyun and Lin Yumeng next door had gloomy faces.

Their expressions even affected Zhao Qingyan who was next door. The latter's expression changed from "clear to cloudy" at the beginning to "cloudy" now, and gradually began to change to "cloudy with light rain".

The jury was also affected by Lan Zhengye's statement, and they all believed that it was impossible for Zeng Xiang to follow Fang Yunshu.

The testimony of the witnesses bears witness to this.

If the witness did not lie, then only the accused lied!

The wind in the courtroom changed again, and Zhang Wei and Fang Yunshu also noticed the problem with the jury.

"Lawyer Zhang, do they all think I'm lying?"

"Don't talk about them, I'm about to be persuaded by the prosecution!"

Zhang Wei complained in his heart, but his face remained unchanged, "Don't worry, even if this woman didn't lie, I still have a way to invalidate her testimony, just look at it!"

After a word of comfort, he walked to the witness stand under the gaze of the audience.

"This guy, what method will he use to defuse my offensive, I just happened to take a look?"

Lan Zhengye also sat on the seat, waiting and watching.

"Hello, Witness!"

Looking at the woman in front of him, Zhang Wei greeted him politely.

The woman didn't appreciate it, she held her head up and put on a show: "You can call me Miss Peng!"

"Oh, Peng... hello, big sister!"

Zhang Wei took advantage of the situation and yelled, which caused the woman's complexion to change dramatically.

"you you you you……"

She pointed at Zhang Wei, speechless angrily.

"What's the matter, Sister Peng, is my name correct?"

Zhang Wei pointed in Lan Zhengye's direction, "The prosecution lawyer, who is also the prosecutor of this case, is about the same age as you, so he should call you Ms. Peng."

"But look at how old I am. I just left law school last year, and I haven't graduated for a full year. I'm still a trainee lawyer. You asked me to call you Miss, didn't you take advantage of me?"

"You, you call me old..."

At this moment, the woman finally couldn't hold back anymore, her chest heaved violently due to anger.

"Sister Peng, don't get excited. This is a court scene. Please control your temper. If you act aggressively, the judges will sentence you to contempt of court!"

Zhang Wei warned, but the word "big sister" at the beginning added fuel to the fire again.

The woman gritted her teeth, clenched her five fingers tightly and then loosened them, and then clenched them again, but she couldn't get angry, she was so angry in her heart.

"Ahem, big sister, I won't tease you anymore, let's start the cross-examination!"

Zhang Wei adjusted his position and asked with a smile, "Witness, how long have you been with the deceased?"

"We've been dating for almost half a year!"

"Oh, half a year!"

Zhang Wei nodded, and pondered: "You said that Zeng Xiang is a humorous man, so you must have visited many places, right?"

"Of course, we not only visited the East, but also went to several cities next door. I also took a lot of photos?"

As the woman spoke, she looked at the defense bench as if showing off.

Zhang Wei noticed that every time he talked about Zeng Xiang, this woman was full of provocation and hostility towards Fang Yunshu.

"This point, maybe it can be used!"

He made up his mind, and then continued to ask: "I want to ask about the expenses of these trips, is it all..."

"It's all his money. He is rich, and the studio can earn millions every month. Not only did he take me on a trip, but he also gave me a lot of good things, such as brand-name bags and jewelry. , designer clothes..."

"Okay, okay, big sister, I understand!"

Seeing that the woman was about to brag, Zhang Wei interrupted quickly.

Immediately afterwards, his eyeballs rolled, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly asked: "Since you have such a good relationship, has he ever touched you?"

"Of course we did, let's hold hands and hug each other!"

"Uh, what I mean is not this, but some content that is easy to 404!"

"No, this issue has nothing to do with this case!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei's question was a bit out of line, Lan Zhengye immediately objected.

"Your Honor, the prosecution was the first to make a fuss about Zeng Xiang's private life. I just expanded it a bit?"

But Zhang Wei had expected it a long time ago, and also looked at the trial seat.

Judge Chen hesitated for a moment, thought of Lan Zhengye's speech just now, and made a decision in his heart.

"The objection is invalid, and the witness needs to continue to answer questions; but this court also explained to you that if the defense's questions involve some privacy, you can refuse to answer!"

Only then did Zhang Wei continue to look at the witness stand, "Elder sister, since you have already said that you and Zeng Xiang have such a good relationship, may I ask if you have further developed it?"

"This..." The woman hesitated, and hesitated to speak.

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei knew it well.

Similarly, Lan Zhengye and the jury at the prosecution's seat were also surprised.

Zeng Xiang has such a good relationship with you, and even took you out on a trip, but you didn't have any relationship?

This is unscientific, is this Zeng Xiang a man?

"Oh, big sister, looking at your expression, I seem to know the answer!"

Zhang Wei also spoke appropriately, looking at the woman with sympathy.

A man is nice to you but not interested in your body, it's just inexplicable...

No wonder Miss Peng was full of hostility to Fang Yunshu. The reason for her feelings was that Zeng Xiang's previous feelings for Fang Yunshu made this woman jealous.

Zhang Wei knew it well, walked to the front of the witness stand, and pointed to the defense stand.

"Sister Peng, let me ask you again now, do you have any resentment for Zeng Xiang not touching you?"

"And these resentments, because of Zeng Xiang's death, have no way to vent, and finally transferred to his ex-wife, who is my client, Ms. Fang Yunshu?"

"Sister Peng, please tell us in front of the court, do you hate my client?"

In the face of Zhang Wei's three consecutive solemn questions, everyone in the court also felt the importance of this question.

"This..." The woman was completely restless.

"Sister, please answer the question!"

Zhang Wei spoke again.

"Witness, this question concerns your integrity and the reliability of your testimony. Please answer seriously and don't hide anything!"

In the same way, Judge Chen also suddenly spoke up and helped Zhang Wei.


The woman opened her mouth, and in the end she felt ruthless, pointing at the defense bench and shouting, "Yes, I'm jealous of that woman, that bitch who sits there pretending to be pitiful!"

"Why does Ah Xiang still have you in his heart, why does he go on a trip with me, I hinted at him so much, but he still doesn't touch me, I'm jealous of you, jealous of your bitch..."

Seeing the woman finally confided in her mind, a victorious smile appeared on Zhang Wei's face.

This effect is what he wants, this woman's testimony is useless!

Not only that, but part of the woman's testimony also proved some things.

And these testimonies also indirectly helped him.

As the witnesses lost control and shouted hysterically, the wind in the courtroom changed again.

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