Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 211 Back to the villa again, the clues in the fireplace

that night.

Lin Mansion, Zhang Wei's room.

Zhang Weiping lay on the bed, lost in thought.

He was thinking about Thursday's trial, and he was thinking about the defense's approach.

The prosecution has no witnesses.

Mr. Ding, Aunt Xu and Su Canguang are all witnesses for the prosecution.

Unfortunately, among the three witnesses, Mr. Ding only proved that Zhu Tianying committed murder, Aunt Xu proved that Zhu Tianying had conflicts with Ren Xinwei, and the two often had conflicts.

But none of them could prove that Zhu Tianying murdered Ren Xinwei intentionally, nor was he an eyewitness to the murder, so they could not play any decisive role in the prosecution's charges.

Moreover, because of Hu Yaode's performance at the last moment, the impact of Zhu Tianying's derailment was even diluted a lot.

He portrayed Zhu Tianying as a poor woman who suffered domestic violence. She was frightened physically and mentally without comfort, so she cheated on Su Canguang, the master of Yangxintang.

"A woman who has been abused by domestic violence, who has been bullied and oppressed, seems to be excusable if she cheats?"

For some unknown reason, after hearing Hu Yaode's argument, Zhang Wei instinctively had this illusion.

He actually wanted to forgive Zhu Tianying for cheating, because Ren Xinwei must have scolded her and beat her, and even... wait!

Zhang Wei's mind suddenly had a flash of inspiration, and he thought of something.

He turned over and sat up, picture after picture, paragraph of text lingering in his mind.

"I remember the witness, Aunt Xu, said that Mr. Ren and the defendant had been arguing all the time. At the beginning, the quarrels were not frequent, but from the third year to the fourth year, the frequency of their quarrels gradually increased, and finally turned into quarrels over trivial matters. level, but..."

Zhang Wei started to replay, and murmured: "However, Aunt Xu never said that Ren Xinwei beat Zhu Tianying, and there was some cursing, but Ren Xinwei didn't do anything, right?"

"Hu Yaode asked Su Canguang in court, and Su Canguang said that those injuries were caused by beatings. When did Zhu Tianying go to Yangxin Tang for the first time?"

"Ren Xinwei is over 60 years old. As the owner of Ren's Films, he must have a lot of entertainment. Even if rich people can spend money to maintain their bodies, how strong can his bones be?"

Zhang Wei thought of a key point, got up from the bed, went to the desk to pick up the documents, and then lay down on the bed again.

After spreading the files out on the edge of the bed, Zhang Wei knew that tonight would be another sleepless night.

He began to look through all the public evidence, the report of the investigation department, and the photos of the murder scene.

What happened at the time of the incident, and all the activities of Zhu Tianying and Ren Xinwei before the incident were all intertwined in his mind.

Time is also passing fast.

It's getting dark, and it's almost dawn again...


Wednesday, work day.

Jincheng Law Firm, Criminal Division Office.

When Zhang Wei came to the office in a hurry, the three friends in the office were all shocked.

Because Zhang Wei always arrives early, why did he come so late today?


"Zhang Wei, you!"

"Master, how did you become a panda?"

Accompanied by three exclamations, the three young apprentices of Lao Tie all stared at Zhang Wei with wide-eyed eyes.

"I can't help it. I stayed up late yesterday and didn't close my eyes all night..."

With two dark circles under his eyes, Zhang Wei spoke weakly.

"Zhang Wei, why don't you take a break, or your body won't be able to handle it!"

"Yes, master, I will lend you my nap bed and blanket, you are so careful~"

Faced with the concern of the old iron and the young apprentice, Zhang Wei waved his hands and looked at Li Yueqin.

"Xiao Li, you will send a message to Xiao Tan and the others later, and make an appointment with them. We are going to the scene of the murder again. After we go, we... hey~"

Zhang Wei couldn't help feeling sleepy and yawned.

"Well, let's make an appointment in the afternoon. I'll get some sleep in the morning, otherwise I won't be able to handle it."

Although his heart is not sleepy, his body is really unable to bear it, so he no longer persists.

"Xiaomeng, give me your blanket, I want to sleep..."

"Ah, you really want it, I just said it casually..."

Seeing that Zhang Wei really wanted it, Lin Yumeng couldn't help gripping the blanket a little bit tighter.

This is her favorite pink blanket. She covers it up every time she takes a nap, but she has never lent it to anyone else.

But when he thought that Zhang Wei was his master, and the other party looked like he was going to die.

In the end, Lin Yumeng couldn't bear it anymore, so she reluctantly borrowed the folding bed and blanket for her afternoon nap.

Zhang Wei wasn't too polite, he just lay down and didn't care if it was working hours, anyway, it wasn't the first time he was fishing in the workplace.

12 o'clock noon.

Zhang Wei, who had slept for nearly 3 hours, finally regained some energy.

He subconsciously wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth with the blanket in his hand, but when he opened his eyes, he saw the little apprentice staring at him with a resentful expression.

"Master, that's my blanket..."

The little apprentice pouted, with an unhappy expression on his face, his eyes fixed on his blanket, especially the part that Zhang Wei used to wipe his mouth.

"I'll help you wash it later. I remember that there is also a washing machine downstairs in Jincheng Building, and it's self-service coin-operated. I'll give you the money..."

After apologizing to the little apprentice, Zhang Wei began to deal with business.

"Xiao Li, have you been notified?"

"Well, it's all done!"

"Okay then, let's go!"

Seeing that Tan Yingying had been notified, Zhang Wei took Li Yueqin and prepared to set off.

But just as he was about to leave, Lin Yumeng suddenly stopped in front of him.

"Master, my blanket~"

Zhang Wei couldn't bear the resentful gaze of the little apprentice, but endured the pain in his heart, and took out two coins from his pocket.


That afternoon, at Ren Xinwei's villa.

With the help of Tan Yingying and Xiao Baihe's prosecuting identities, they came to the murder scene again.

Xia Qianyue and Zhang Wei walked together, followed by Li Yueqin, while Xiao Baihe led Tan Yingying,

A group of five people entered the villa in a mighty manner.

"Go, go directly to the office!"

This time, Zhang Wei's purpose was very clear, and he went straight to the location of the murder.

After coming to the office with a real fire fireplace again, Zhang Wei went straight to the fireplace by the wall without hesitation.

He plunged into it, searching for something in the soot.

"Zhang Wei, why are you looking for this place? How could there be..."

"No, there are clues here!"

Xiao Baihe couldn't help joking, but was rejected by Zhang Wei shaking his head.

While searching, he said, "Don't you think this case is strange?"

"What's so strange?" Xia Qianyue blinked her lively eyes, a little curious.

"Why did Ren Xinwei impulsively kill Zhu Tianying in his office?"

"What's so strange about this? Zhu Tianying cheated on her and Ren Xinwei confronted her. How can a man bear this kind of anger? Isn't it normal to have murderous intentions?"

Xiao Baihe is very strange. Everyone who is in contact with criminal cases on weekdays is all insiders, and they don't understand the truth.

Between husband and wife, as long as one party is unfaithful, the probability of criminal cases is very high.

As a criminal defense lawyer, you don't understand such a simple truth?

"Ren Xinwei is rich, powerful and powerful. If he wants to kill Zhu Tianying, he has a hundred ways, but he chose the stupidest and most risky way!"

"You have already mentioned this issue, but when a person is angry, his reason will be temporarily suppressed, and it is not surprising to do anything impulsive!"

"Having said that, if I were Ren Xinwei, I could definitely outsource the matter of getting rid of my wife. Even if I didn't outsource it, wouldn't she, Zhu Tianying, like acting? I could definitely cause a little accident in the film and television base. It's much safer to kill the other party at home, right?"

Listening and listening, Xiao Baihe felt that the content of the conversation seemed wrong.

"Hey, hey, Zhang Wei, what do you want to say?"

"Have you ever thought that Ren Xinwei doesn't even know that his wife is cheating on him!"

"Ah, Aunt Xu guessed it all, how could Ren Xinwei not know?"

"Wrong, Aunt Xu is actually guessing. Didn't you see her performance in court? Every word she said depends on Zhu Tianying's face. Obviously, she is timid and cautious. She doesn't dare to offend the boss, and she certainly doesn't." Dare to directly tell Ren Xinwei some guesses!"

"Then why did she dare to speak again in court?"

"Because Ren Xinwei is dead, if she didn't say it, could it be that Ren Xinwei crawled out of the underworld to question her, why didn't he say it at the beginning?"


Xiao Baihe was frightened for a moment, she couldn't answer these words.

Instead, Xia Qianyue had already come to the fireplace.

"Zhang Wei, what are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for conclusive evidence!"

"for example?"

"for example……"

Zhang Wei looked back at Xia Qianyue, "Hanhan, how is your nose?"

"no problem?"

"Then give me a smell, is there any strange smell here!"

Zhang Wei said, pointing to the black burning thing under his body.

He stayed up all night yesterday. Although he had a rest, his condition was very bad, and his nose felt stuffed.

Xia Qianyue sniffed lightly with her nose, then raised her eyebrows, as if she had discovered something.

"It's very fragrant, but there is a little plastic smell here, that smell is very strange..."

"Can you really smell it?"

This time, it was Zhang Wei's turn to be surprised.

Could it be that this silly human-shaped hunting dog, so many days have passed since the incident happened, and he can really find clues in a pile of coke.

Xia Hanhan followed the visual clues, stepped into the fireplace, and then pointed to Zhang Wei's feet, "It's right here!"

Zhang Wei understood, took out latex gloves from his pocket, put them on and began to search.

After a while, he found the source of the smell in a pile of carbon ash, a pile of melted latex.

The latex was only the size of a thumb, and most of it was burnt and melted into a lump, but because of the melting around it, some things were preserved inside.

Zhang Wei brought the object in his hand to him and observed it carefully.

He found that there seemed to be some liquid inside the burnt, and there was a trace of charred blood on the surface of the latex.

"Good guy, this is the key evidence I'm looking for!"

Seeing this, Zhang Wei understood that his guess was correct.

This is the key evidence for Zhu Tianying's murder of Ren Xinwei, and it can only be found in this fireplace.

Zhu Tianying made a mistake!

A fatal mistake!

She didn't get the finishing touches done!

"Hurry up, notify the forensic department, no, directly notify Mo Yuzhu, let her prepare the laboratory, take the things over and start testing!"

"The court will be held tomorrow, and this laboratory test report must be made tomorrow!"

Zhang Wei started to arrange work, and they were busy all day long.

at the same time.

VIP Rehabilitation Center, Zhu Tianying's ward.

Hu Yaode and Jiang Fengzhen also came to visit Zhu Tianying today.

In fact, Zhu Tianying's condition has basically recovered with the help of the pure oxygen chamber and doctors.

Although she was stabbed several times, she avoided the vital points, so it was only a little bleeding at the time, and there was no sequelae.

With the money in place, the recovery will naturally be fast.

But Zhu Tianying didn't plan to leave the hospital.

Because it is very quiet in the rehabilitation center, but if she is discharged from the hospital, she will face countless paparazzi, reporters, and even the board of directors of Ren's Films.

She obviously won't leave here until she gets the entire Ren's Film Industry.

"Miss Zhu, the current situation is actually very favorable to you. The prosecution has not produced any substantial evidence to testify against you. Your actions are self-defense. This cannot be denied!"

Although Hu Yaode said that, Zhu Tianying's expression was not very good-looking.

"But my cheating was exposed, so what?"

She didn't really care about the murder of Ren Xinwei, because she thought she had already dealt with it.

The only thing she cares about is whether she can get the 60 billion assets of Ren's Films and Ren Xinwei's previous management power.

Zhu Tianying longed to reach the pinnacle of Ren's Pictures, longed to give orders, longed for the power to control everything.

And now, it could all be away from her.

Because of her derailment in marriage, the board of directors of Ren's Films will definitely make a fuss about it to criticize her inheritance rights.

"Miss Zhu, this matter is actually very easy to solve. Just like what I said in court, you had a relationship with Su Canguang because you didn't feel safe. In fact, you are also a victim of cheating. , as long as we grasp this point, after all, compared to you, the public actually has even less favorable impression of zb masters like Ren Xinwei!"

"We just need to randomly find some negative reports about Ren Xinwei's life. Even if he uttered a bad word and made some slightly aggressive actions, we can add fuel to the picture and portray him as a cruel and vicious person."

"Once Ren Xinwei's word-of-mouth plummets, his image in the eyes of the public will also become extremely bad, and then public opinion will turn to you again!"

After Hu Yaode finished speaking, he instructed Jiang Fengzhen: "You contact Cheng Lisha again, let her mobilize all the media, dig out all the black material about Ren Xinwei, and then take turns to report these things in two days today and tomorrow. Let everyone in Dongfang Capital know one thing, Ren Xinwei is a villain, he deserves to die!"

"Lawyer Hu, I can contact Cheng Lisha, but I need that to ask her to do something..."

As Jiang Fengzhen said, she made a gesture of rubbing her thumb against her index finger and middle finger,

The meaning is already obvious, it's fine to ask her for help, but you need to pay more.

Cheng Lisha is very famous, and she also likes to talk about the so-called "professional ethics" when she does things. To put it bluntly, she tells you that if you want me to do things, you have to pay enough chips.

After all, if I want to break my professional ethics, I have to ~add~money~

This fee is not low, at least it is impossible for Heizu Law Firm to reimburse the money.

And the person who pays must be...

Jiang Fengzhen and Hu Yaode all looked at Zhu Tianying.

You are the defendant in this case, and you have to pay the money.

Zhu Tianying's face turned green. The 60 billion yuan from Ren's Pictures has not yet been paid. As a result, the legal fees and "public relations fees" of the lawsuit alone are a huge sum of money.

She originally had 40 million, and now almost half of it has been removed.

"As long as I can get Ren's Films, I can afford no matter how big the price is, I will pay for it!"


Wednesday night.

In Lin's room.

Zhang Wei is preparing for tomorrow's trial.

But on the mobile phone, the messages from the V letter chat group were not read.

He couldn't bear it, and opened it to take a look.

999+ news.

Good guy, it's scary when a few women are chatting.

[Xiao Baihe: @Everyone, turn on the TV and watch the channel from the day before yesterday! 】

[Xia Qianyue: Another interview with Lisa? 】

[Xiao Baihe: Yes, and this time, people seem to be going to open fire on the deceased. There are a lot of scandals about Ren Xinwei's past on the Internet, and someone pretending to be his former wife is writing a small essay to accuse him! 】

When Zhang Wei saw the news, he immediately opened the webpage and searched on Vbo.

Sure enough, Ren Xinwei's search interest directly squeezed to the top of the list.

The second hot search is Ren Xinwei's domestic violence.

The third hot search is Ren Xinwei beating and insulting employees.

The eighth most searched is Ren Xinwei's bloody and tearful accusation in the early stage.

The tenth most searched item is Ren Xinwei's female secretary who broke the news about sexual harassment in the workplace.

Zhang Wei searched for Ren Xinwei's ex-wife, and hundreds of recommended accounts appeared "shua, shua, shua", and the information on each account said Ren Xinwei's ex-wife, chairman of Ren's Film Industry.

Under the dynamic comments of these accounts, there are all Internet trolls insulting Ren Xinwei, such as chaos and abandonment, inferior to animals, etc., anyway, they are all unsightly comments.

Although the Internet is not illegal, the anonymity of the Internet also magnifies the evil of human nature. Everything you see on the Internet will always refresh your moral lower limit.

"Good guy, these media people really have no limit. Where did Ren Xinwei get hundreds of wives?"

Zhang Wei closed the webpage, and he didn't bother to read it. Anyway, he could tell at a glance that this was a black foot method.

They are fighting the public opinion war again.

Ding Ding!

The news from the V letter discussion group came again.

[System prompt: Xiao Baihe invited Mo Yuzhu to join the group chat]

"Mo Yuzhu is here, isn't it?"

[Mo Yuzhu: The test reports for the water stains and bloodstains have come out. It's Ren Xinwei's blood. DNA was found in the water stains. I compared it with the ones at the scene. It's Zhu Tianying's! 】

[Zhang Wei: Good guy, he really is a good guy, he really is the most poisonous to women! 】

[Xiao Baihe:? ? ? 】

[Li Yueqin:? ? ? 】

[Mo Yuzhu:? ? ? 】

[Xia Qianyue:? ? ? 】

[Zhang Wei: Why, why are you so excited, do you all want to be women? 】

[Xiao Baihe: Go to hell! 】

[Mo Yuzhu: Remember to prepare a small umbrella, otherwise it will be easy to get tricked...]

[Xia Qianyue:? ? ? 】

[Li Yueqin:? ? ? 】

[Zhang Wei: Good guy, the old driver has to be you! @Mo Yuzhu]

[Mo Yuzhu: No way, I just understand a little bit (shy.jpg)]

Zhang Wei shook his head and put down his phone.

Now that Mo Yuzhu worked overtime to complete the test report, the case should be over!

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