Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 220 Luo Xiaobu calls for help, 500,000 claims

Monday, work day.

The happy weekend is over, and Zhang Wei still has something to say.

After all, time goes by so fast when you can go shopping and eat with a beautiful woman.

"Thank you radish, thank you for your missed appointment!"

In addition, his dissatisfaction with a certain pigeon spirit disappeared.

He even had some expectation in his heart, next time Luo Xiaobu invites himself again, can he release pigeons again?

With such a mood, Zhang Wei came to Jincheng Law Firm.

There is no way, the work still has to continue, after all, I am the one who wants to compete for the best employee of the year.

When he arrived at the criminal office, Zhang Wei found that Li Yueqin had arrived early in the morning.

However, unlike the previous week, the smile on Xiao Li's face was obviously more.

"Zhang Wei, good morning!"

Seeing Zhang Wei, she could still say hello with a smile, and her tone of voice contained a hint of joy that couldn't be concealed.

Obviously, she and Zhang Wei can share 150 million of the 300 million performance, which is enough for her to sweep away the haze.

"It's so early!"

"Well, after all, there is still the last week, and April is about to pass, and I still want to make another rush!"

"The 150 million performance is already there, and you still think about making another rush at the end of the month?"

"My father often told me that people can't be complacent. Although they have achieved a performance of 150 million yuan, the last week can't be wasted!"

Hearing what Li Yueqin said, Zhang Wei was very pleased.

Although these are useless chicken soup, it is also very good to see Xiao Li showing the vitality that young people should have.

Zhang Wei knew that Li Yueqin's current state would definitely be qualified for the job of a criminal defense lawyer, and he would definitely be able to handle some small cases.

Without him, if you won a case worth 300 million yuan, you are confident!

"Zhang Wei, Li Yueqin, you guys are here so early again!"

Not long after, the old iron came.


The little apprentice Lin Yumeng also arrived and called Zhang Wei sweetly.

The office of the Criminal Division was bustling again.

It's a new week, and it's the last week of April, everyone wants to rush.

Zhang Wei also sat at his desk and thought about what kind of case he should do in the last week, so as to bring a happy April to an end.

Thinking about it, one day passed.

Although he doesn't want to admit it, Zhang Wei also thinks that he seems, maybe, maybe, probably just fished for a day...

Just before the end of get off work time, Zhang Wei's cell phone rang again.

According to the caller ID, the person who called him was actually Luo Xiaobu.

"Good guy, I haven't looked for you yet, but you called me!"

Zhang Wei muttered and connected the phone.

"Carrot, what's the situation, what happened yesterday?"

"Zhang Wei, help! I need help! (I need help)"

On the phone, Luo Xiaobu's panicked voice came out, his tone mixed with panic and uneasiness.

It felt like he had been kidnapped by two homosexuals who were about to steal his sex.

"Carrot, what's the matter, you won't be kidnapped by gays, right?"

"No, but it's more dangerous than this. I need your help. I can't do it myself!"

"what can I do for you?"

Zhang Wei's mind flashed the image of himself being targeted by two homosexuals.

He suddenly felt the hairs all over his body stand on end, and goose bumps appeared on his body.

"Zhang Wei, I'm in the civil court of the city court, anyway, come and save me, I can only rely on you!"

Finally, Luo Xiaobu hung up the phone hastily.

On the contrary, Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief, in the city court, it will be fine.

In the city court, there can't be gays, right?

At the same time, Zhang Wei was also muttering, what did Luo Xiaobu commit, that he actually wanted to go to the city court, and it was still a civil court?

He really offended someone, hooked up with his girlfriend on the weekend?

But when he thought of Luo Xiaobu's conditions, Zhang Wei dismissed these "unrealistic" thoughts, and hurriedly took the subway to the city court.

municipal court.

"Old Lu, I want to ask you something."

"Oh, Zhang Wei, what's the matter, tell me?"

"I have a friend, his name is Luo Xiaobu, he seems to be in a civil court today, do you know which court he is in..."

As soon as Zhang Wei arrived at the city court, he asked for news from Tingwei Lao Lu whom he knew.

Soon, he knew Luo Xiaobu's position, in the defense bench.

There is no defense lawyer beside Luo Xiaobu, it seems that he is the defender himself!

When Zhang Wei rushed to the civil court, the judge on the trial bench had already started hammering.

"Now that the jury has been finalized, let's start the trial on time at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon, let's dismiss it now!"

The court began to disband, and the few people in the hearing booth left the court one after another.

Zhang Wei saw Luo Xiaobu in the dock, and his expression was very ugly at the moment.

In the plaintiff's seat, a middle-aged lawyer in a suit leaned over and said something to Luo Xiaobu, which made the latter's face even more ugly.

Zhang Wei still knew this middle-aged lawyer.

"Isn't this Yongjie's Lawyer Tian? From what it looks like, he and Luobo are still rivals?"

One of the top ten firms, Lawyer Tian of Yongjie Law Firm, is also the senior of Zhang Wei and Luo Xiaobu at the same school.

But helplessly, this time lawyer Tian was standing opposite Luo Xiaobu.

After talking to Luo Xiaobu for a few words, Lawyer Tian left with his people.

Behind him were several people in formal attire, and one of them looked at Luo Xiaobu very unkindly. They should be Lawyer Tian's clients.

Luo Xiaobu had a dejected look on his face, and then he caught a glimpse of someone out of the corner of his eye.

"Zhang Wei!" He looked joyful and rushed up.

"Luobo, what's the situation? You're in court again, and you're calling for help!"

"Hey, don't mention it, it was all yesterday...'

Hearing Zhang Wei's question, Luo Xiaobu sighed and looked helpless.

"Go, find a place, I want to hear your explanation, why did you release me yesterday!"

Zhang Wei patted each other on the shoulder, and then the two walked out of the city court together.

In a nearby drink shop, Zhang Wei and Luo Xiaobu ordered a cup of dessert and chatted while drinking.

Luo Xiaobu also vomited out all the bad things happened yesterday.

It turned out that yesterday, he didn't even intend to release Zhang Wei's pigeons at all, and he even arrived near the love kitchen in advance.

However, Luo Xiaobu was also inexperienced, so he was a few hours ahead of schedule, for fear that he would be late.

It turned out that it was too early, so he found another snack bar to wait, during which time he ate a lot because of nervousness.

Unexpectedly, he actually had diarrhea!

"At that time, I didn't pay attention, so I didn't control it, and rushed into the nearby shopping mall..."

"When I was about to be unable to suppress the original impulse, I saw the bathroom sign, so I rushed all the way in, and when I closed the door, I heard someone knocking on the door, but at that time, how could I Mind to listen."

Luo Xiaobu said, with a helpless expression on his face, "I didn't realize it until I finished stretching. This place doesn't seem like a bathroom, it seems to be..."

"It's the exhibition stand of someone else's shopping mall, right? You got a big size on the model room that someone else's company is going to show!"

Hearing Zhang Wei say this, Luo Xiaobu's fair face instantly turned extremely red.

It's so embarrassing, so embarrassing, so embarrassing!

He actually squatted in public to poop!

And it was seen by so many people on the first floor of the mall!

It's the ultimate social death scene!

"So, what's going on in today's civil court?"

"The other company wants to sue me, and entrusts Attorney Tian to activate the expedited processing, saying that they want me to compensate for the loss as soon as possible!"

"How much compensation?"


"Oh, why don't you pay them compensation?"

Hearing this number, Zhang Wei breathed a sigh of relief.

Isn't it just 500,000?

It's not much, so for you, Luo Xiaobu, you shouldn't need to call for help, right?

"Zhang Wei, that's 500,000 yuan. Even if my family can afford it, it's not a small sum, and..."

When Luo Xiaobu said this, his face suddenly collapsed, "And Zhang Wei, I'm afraid that after this incident gets out, I won't be able to be a human being anymore!"

"So you want to?" Zhang Wei looked calm.

"I thought, can you help me, help me talk to other companies, let them ask for less money, 30,000 or 50,000 is fine, but I really can't get 500,000."

"If it's 30,000 or 50,000, they will also add court fees, which obviously won't make it back, and..."

"But I'm really wronged. I didn't do it on purpose, and my work unit found out about it. Now I can't be a good person in my work unit!"

"But I'm not your defense lawyer either. Even if you submit a motion to change your defense now, the court will start tomorrow. In order to save time, the judge may not agree to your request!"

"Then, what should we do!"

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, Luo Xiaobu's face almost twisted into a chrysanthemum.

"Well, let me think of a way for you. You come to our law firm early tomorrow, and I will help you prepare some ideas for the court defense. Is that okay?"

"But my opponent is Da Shixing, lawyer Tian from Yongjie Law Firm, I'm afraid of myself..."

"Then what can I do? Since you have chosen to defend yourself, how can I help you? At most, I can give you advice?"

Zhang Wei also spread his hands, saying that he could only help so much.

"That's fine..."

Luo Xiaobu nodded and accepted his fate.

"By the way, I didn't come yesterday, have you seen Guoguo?"

"Who is Guoguo?"

"It's her!"

Luo Xiaobu clicked a screenshot on his phone and showed Zhang Wei a look.

"Oh, this woman, I saw it!"

"How about it, is she looking for me!"


Looking at Luo Xiaobu's expectant face, Zhang Wei felt that it was better not to hit him.

"Well, she seemed to be looking for someone yesterday, but unfortunately she didn't find it..."

Zhang Weiming said this on the face, but he added in his heart: "In the end, no one was found. This woman saw my brother-in-law and immediately forgot about you."

He didn't say these words.

Obviously, Luo Xiaobu is unlucky enough, so don't hit him anymore.

In the beverage store, the two finished drinking water and chatting.

"Zhang Wei, this time it's all up to you!"

"No, this time you have to rely on yourself, there is only so much I can help you with!"

The two separated and left each other.


Evening, Lin Mansion.

Zhang Wei opened the webpage and began to search for some keywords.

For example, keywords such as "pull in public", "shopping mall exhibition hall **", "fat man **".

Sure enough, he saw many videos of the day of the incident.

Some people even edited the video into jokes, with some funny titles, such as:

"On how fast the human body's limit speed is! "

"A nimble fat man appeared in the shopping mall, and he sprinted with all his strength for that! "

"Shock! Looking at his ferocious expression and coquettish movements, it is actually..."

These edited videos have a high number of hits.

Some of them are qualified, and they will slap Luo Xiaobu's face, but more people have never thought of this at all.

Below the video, many people commented on Luo Xiaobu's behavior, and some even posted his identity information.

"I know this kid. We are from the notary office in Dongfangdu. It seems to be a trainee notary in the Zhongcheng District office!"

"Yes, yes, I also remembered, he is from the notary office. At that time, the old man next door to me died, and they came to deal with the inheritance!"

"Good guy, the people in the notary office have such qualities?"

"Not to mention occupying other people's latrines, but also cheating, how do you let them make money, how can this exhibition hall continue?"

Zhang Wei searched for a while, and found that almost 99% of Luo Xiaobu's behavior on the Internet was ridicule and ridicule.

The person who speaks for him, that is a no.

But this is not surprising, the Internet has now become a place for netizens to vent their anger. Everyone is obsequious in reality, and they attack one by one on the Internet.

When they see things that don't please their eyes, they all turn into keyboard warriors, and some of them turn into reasonable people, but they are obviously reasonable, but in fact they all have their own subjective ideas, and they cannot be truly reasonable.

On the contrary, people who speak reason on the Internet will be sprayed as a saint, so the real rational people have almost disappeared, and the hostility on the Internet is very heavy.

After browsing through dozens of pieces of information, Zhang Wei already knew a lot about the Internet reviews of the whole matter.

As for the ins and outs of this matter, as Luo Xiaobu said, the surveillance of the shopping mall was also picked up by netizens, so it was hard for him to know.

There is nothing to say about this matter. Luo Xiaobu couldn't hold back his stomach anymore, but he stumbled across a bathroom sign by accident. Without thinking about it, he rushed into the bathroom exhibition hall of the cleaning products company.

He also knew what happened after that.

Luo Xiaobu squatted down in public to relieve himself. Naturally, he did not do it right, but in fact he did not have a major fault in essence.

But the cleaning supplies company has to claim 500,000 from him, which is the point of the problem.

"No matter how you look at it, the radish is an unintentional mistake. 500,000 is indeed too much!"

Although the company is also a victim, the attitude of grabbing carrots and pulling them hard is also somewhat unreasonable.

Zhang Wei felt that he really needed to help Luo Xiaobu.

But how can I help, or what will the lawyer Tian opposite me do?

Zhang Wei began to think, and at the same time opened the webpage again, intending to see how hot this matter has evolved on the Internet.

If possible, adding the influence of Internet public opinion into this case will also deliberately help Luo Xiaobu.

"Hey, this one..."

Among the many spoof videos, one video caught his attention.

"With such qualities as a notary, do you insult others in public? "

The title of this video is not conspicuous, but the publisher of the video made Zhang Wei's eyes light up slightly.

"Yes, this is my insurance!"

After watching the complete video, Zhang Wei's mouth outlined a strange arc.

He felt that no matter whether he won or lost in this case, Luo Xiaobu would not have to pay the 500,000 yuan.


The next day, morning.

When Zhang Wei came to Jincheng Law Firm, he was told by the front desk that someone was waiting for him.

No need to guess, he knew it was Luo Xiaobu.

In the reception room, Zhang Wei saw the latter.

But after a night, Luo Xiaobu's energy and spirit did not recover, and he looked very sluggish.

"Good guy, it's Tuesday, didn't you go to work to ask for leave?"

"What's the point if I don't go to work after such a big incident?"

"That's true. Does everyone in your unit know about it?"

"Yeah, the leader even asked me to handle this matter well, saying that if I can't handle it well, I don't have to go to work!"

Thinking of the impact of this incident, Luo Xiaobu wanted to cry but had no tears.

If one fails, not only will people die, but jobs will also be lost.

"That's fine. I want to make a deal with you. If you want to fight this case, it's actually not that difficult, but it's not like there's no chance. After you go to court, use these to defend yourself!"

Zhang Wei said, and handed the prepared materials to Luo Xiaobu.

"Thank you Zhang Wei, as long as you can help me!"

Seeing Zhang Wei helping him like this, Luo Xiaobu was very moved, and a big man burst into tears on the spot.

"By the way, Zhang Wei, there will be a court session with the "Good Cleaning Company" this afternoon, do you have a case this afternoon? "

Although Luo Xiaobu was asking, but he looked at Zhang Wei expectantly, the purpose was already obvious.

"Don't worry, Luobo, which one of us is with whom, your business is my business, and I will definitely listen in!"

"Thank you so much Zhang Wei, if you help me, I feel that I will definitely win today!"

"Confidence is a good thing, have to be self-aware, don't you know your level?"

Zhang Wei hesitated for a moment, but still didn't say the second half of the sentence, but kept it in his heart and muttered it again.

Next, the two were in the preparation room, starting a mock trial and proofreading their speeches.

One morning passed while the two of them were busy.


"Old Tie, I'm going to the court to help my friend in the court this afternoon, so please do your best!"

"Okay, you can do as you see, anyway, you are the master!"

"Where there is nothing, you are the leader!"

"Have you ever regarded me as a leader?"


After teasing a few words with Tie Ruyun, Zhang Wei and Luo Xiaobu set out to go to court.

Soon, the two came to the city court and walked into the civil court.

Coincidentally, just after they arrived, the plaintiff's good cleaning company also happened to arrive.

As the representative lawyer, Attorney Tian of Yongjie is also in the team of Good Cleaning Company.

He scanned the dock and saw someone who surprised him.

He doesn't care about Luo Xiaobu, because this kid is not very good.

But the people around Luo Xiaobu were different.

"He actually came too!"

Seeing that person, Lawyer Tian's face became extremely ugly.

Because the opponent's reputation is great, and the strength is even more terrifying.

Even if the opponent is his junior, but in the confrontation in the court, he never looks at the seniors and juniors.

Fortunately, when the trial was approaching, that person walked to the hearing stand and did not stay in the dock, which made Attorney Tian heave a sigh of relief.

He felt that his back was a little wet, and his body was also covered in cold sweat.

Such a small case, if you want to fight against that person, it will be terrifying.

Fortunately, it was a false alarm!

The author is licking his face again and pushing the book.

Push a book that is in charge of the same operation officer as me.

"Comedy I'm Serious" by Snow Champagne

In a situation where thoughts are being eroded, the reborn Chen Huanyu counts the handful of Wang Zang in his hand with confident eyes...

"In the field of cross talk, I am the best in sketches. In the field of actors, I am the best director. In the field of directors, I am the best at singing Beijing opera. In the field of Peking opera, I am the most funny in cross talk. ..."

"It's really not that I want to mix everything in my overall strength. The main reason is that so many traditional artists have passed on the painstaking efforts of their lifetime performances to me. I have to put them back together and carry them forward!"

I am Chen Huanyu, a comedian, I am serious about being funny!

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