Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 233 Zhou Xiaoli threatens again, tell a joke

What is social death?

Zhang Wei didn't say anything. Although Xia Qianjun wanted to ask, he finally held back.

Intuition told him, don't ask this question, otherwise it will be really embarrassing!

But he noticed that there was something wrong with the way Zhang Wei looked at the four of them.

As for what was wrong, Xia Qianjun couldn't figure it out.

He didn't want to know either.

He only knows one thing, whether he can clear up his grievances, he can only rely on Zhang Wei.

No matter what method the other party wants to use, he can't stop it.

After chatting with Hanhan's family for a while, Zhang Wei left because he had a lot to do.

The next court session is next Monday, so there are still three days to prepare on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

For Zhang Wei, this time is enough.

After he returned to the Lin Mansion, he had a good night's sleep to recharge his spirits.

The next day, Friday.

When Zhang Wei came to Jincheng Law Firm to check in, he found that the eyes of many people looking at him had changed.

"This is that Zhang Wei, who dares to take any case?"

"The person who helped the molested girl filed a lawsuit. I heard that he often hooks up with women himself."

"That's not the end. The daughter of our big boss is also in the criminal team, and she is also his apprentice. Isn't it easy to be poisoned by him?"

"When you say that, it seems to be true!"

"Ah, Mengmeng, my Miss Mengmeng..."

These people pointed behind their backs. Although they lowered their voices, Zhang Wei still heard something.

Good guy, another public opinion war.

When Zhang Wei walked through the office area of ​​the Litigation Department, he found that the same was true for the people in the civil affairs department and the business department.

They all looked at him with strange eyes, as if they were looking at scum.

"Old Tie, Xiao Li, Xiao Meng, good morning, I got up late today, so I'm a little late!"

Zhang Wei walked into the office and sat down at his desk.

As a result, he found that the three friends were not as usual, and they did not greet him.

After holding back for a long time, Tie Ruyun was the first to speak: "Zhang Wei, have you taken another outrageous case?"

"Old man, what is an outrageous case?"

Zhang Wei was surprised, why is it outrageous to help his uncle to file a lawsuit?

"Last night, Lisa's interview revealed that the guest interviewed in the weekend episode seems to be Ji Guoguo, the plaintiff in your case!"

"Why, that woman took money again?"

Zhang Weina knew a lot about Cheng Lisha.

Although this woman may be regarded as the first lady in the news anchor circle of Dongfang Metropolis, she has no professional ethics at all.

She will help whoever gives money.

Now William International must have dispatched the public relations department and invited Cheng Lisha to promote her case. This woman obviously received money from William International.

"I also watched the preview last night. Cheng Lisha's fans are calling you by name!"

Li Yueqin recalled, and opened another forum, which was almost full of netizens' comments on last night's program, and there were many comments about Zhang Wei.

"Don't worry, I'm thick-skinned enough!"

Zhang Wei smiled slightly, not caring about it at all.

For him, as long as he can win the case, how can the worldly eyes restrain him?

"Master, you really don't care. If I was scolded by netizens like this every day, I would have been afraid to see people."

"Xiaomeng, you are too thin-skinned, just exercise more. The master has given you a task. If you gain 30 catties, your skin is thick enough!"

"Yeah, 30 catties!"

Lin Yumeng touched her baby-fat face with an unhappy expression, "I'm already fat, and I want to lose weight..."

"Haha, you are not called fat, you are called blessed!"

"It's not fat, emmm... Master, you are so bad, just kidding me (>﹏<)"

"Lovely apprentice, isn't the master's punching bag ()"

The whole morning passed in a pleasant chat with my friends.

As a leader, as a colleague, Lao Tie, Xiao Li and the little apprentice, seeing Zhang Wei being so active, they all secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

They also thought that if Zhang Wei was bullied by Cheng Lisha's fans or Ji Guoguo netizens on the Internet, his mentality would explode.

But what they don't know is that since the program group interviewed by Lisa released the trailer yesterday, some fans have organized actions spontaneously and prepared to "violate" Zhang Wei.

However, due to the interference of a certain "mysterious force", this time the action did not occur.

Friday afternoon.

"Zhang Wei, someone is looking for you in the reception room, and the other party has named Zhang Wei!"

After Tie Cuilan hung up the phone at the front desk, she shouted to Zhang Wei.

"Someone looking for it?"

Zhang Wei was puzzled, since he was busy with Xia Qianjun's case today, he probably didn't look for it.

As a result, when he went downstairs and entered the reception room, he saw an unexpected person.

"Director Zhou, why are you here?"

The person who came was Zhou Xiaoli, the head of the emergency public relations department of the martial arts association and the spokesperson of the special operations team.

All in all, this woman's identity is very special, she has many titles, which can be understood as someone above her.

"The case between you and Xia Qianjun is our top priority now. I will definitely come over to find out the progress of the case!"

Zhou Xiaoli crossed her arms and crossed her legs, posing as a leader.

"I have to say that Li Qingmu is very good at judging the situation. He knows that this case is difficult to handle, so he chose to withdraw as soon as possible!"

"Originally in my plan, no one would take over this case. Even if a lawyer wanted to take over, it would be for the fame of the case. Such a person should be easy to deal with."

"My original plan was to find the lawyer who took the case, and then use our network to 'persuade' him to drop the case, or order him to persuade Xia Qianjun to reach a settlement."

"But what we didn't expect was that you took this case, and judging from your past record, you probably wouldn't listen to us."

When Zhou Xiaoli said this, she glanced over sharply: "Am I right, Lawyer Zhang?"

"Guide Zhou, look at what you said. Since I am Xia Qianjun's attorney, all actions must be in the best interests of the client. What do you mean by not listening to you? I am not a lawsuit for you in the first place?"

"As expected of Lawyer Zhang, the excuses are so flawless!"

Zhou Xiaoli sneered, and directly broke the news: "Did you know that last night some netizens organized an action to rape you online, but they were stopped by our information department, and we also detained several leaders of the action overnight. I believe Lawyer Zhang probably doesn’t know about this, right?”

"I really don't know, but I think you are overdoing it!"

Zhang Wei smiled and sat down calmly, "Actually, you can let them be violent online, so that I can counter-suit them for violating other people's privacy, destroying computer security, or even picking quarrels and provoking trouble, and then I can make a good fortune." What about the compensation!"

"Director Zhou, think about it, these people want to kill me, but in the end they have to pay me back, and they look like they hate me to death but can't kill me. Isn't this a wonderful picture?"


Zhou Xiaoli was completely speechless.

Zhang Wei is really not afraid of death, not even cyberbullying, and even thinks that other people cyberbullying him is to give him money.

But she couldn't deny this point. Zhang Wei's trial strength was very strong, and she knew this.

If Zhang Wei is allowed to find those people who organized cyber violence and sue them, there is indeed a high probability of winning the case. The other party will definitely lose the money, and may even go to jail for it.

"I was almost led astray by you. I didn't come here to talk to you. I just want to tell you that the above means to deal with this matter as soon as possible!"

Only then did Zhou Xiaoli remember her original purpose, and immediately expressed her intention.

"How quickly?"

"When the court opens next Monday, we want this case to end, otherwise we will not rule out directly intervening in this case!"

"How do you intervene?"

"Xia Qianjun used to be a member of the war department, and everything he did was for one thing, you know that?"

"I don't know, please ask Director Zhou to answer the doubts in my heart?"

"Everyone in the war department must obey orders!"

"What Director Zhou means is that you will directly order my client, Xia Qianjun, to accept the settlement?"


Zhang Wei understood, this is to use "force" on his uncle.

He tapped his fingers on the table, as if lost in thought.

Zhou Xiaoli was not used to him, and threatened again in a cold voice: "Lawyer Zhang, you should be aware of the power behind us, right?"

"Director Zhou, I want to ask, is Xia Qianjun one of your subordinates?"

"In a sense, yes."

"Then have you ever trusted your subordinates?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Xiaoli's complexion froze.

Zhang Wei asked in a low tone, "Have you ever thought that your subordinate is innocent, but you have never considered his innocence for the sake of the so-called righteousness?"

"In my opinion, everyone's rights are important, but the so-called face should not override personal interests."

"Director Zhou, I wonder if you've heard a joke?"

Zhou Xiaoli raised her eyebrows, but didn't respond.

Zhang Wei smiled and said: "In ancient times, there were three generals. They were more courageous than any of their soldiers, so they planted a flagpole on the ground. When it was windy, they each called their own soldiers. Climb up."

"The first general's soldier Howe climbed up without hesitation, and then the general told him to jump down, and he really jumped down, and broke his leg."

"The second general's soldier also climbed up without hesitation. The general told him to jump down, and he also jumped down without hesitation. As a result, he was blown to the stone by the wind and died directly."

"The third general asked his soldiers to go up and let him jump off with his head on the ground first. Guess what happened to the last soldier?"

Zhou Xiaoli didn't think much, and replied directly: "He did as he did, and then died!"

As if anticipating Zhou Xiaoli's answer, Zhang Wei shook his finger lightly: "The soldier said to the general: Fuck you, if you want to climb you, I will not wait for you!"

"You know, this is the real courage. In the end, the third soldier helped the general win the bet!"

"Hmph!" Zhou Xiaoli snorted coldly, but did not speak.

"Director Zhou, I hope you can understand what I intend to tell this story. In the story, the general actually sacrificed the lives of his soldiers for the sake of saving face. This is wrong!"

"Then it looks like we have nothing to talk about?"

"That's not true. In fact, Director Zhou and I can still chat. It's just your attitude. I don't like it very much!"

Zhou Xiaoli narrowed her eyes, but she couldn't see through Zhang Wei.

This kid looked young, but what he said was vague, of course it was difficult to guess the purpose.

"You said you can talk, what do you mean?"

"It's very simple. Don't you want the results to come out on Monday? I can assure you that this case will be over on Monday, which is consistent with your expectations!"

"What do you mean, are you trying to perfuse me, or are you really confident? I don't believe this case will be over on Monday!"

"No, I can guarantee that it will be over on Monday, because the plaintiff has no witnesses, and Monday is our self-evidence. I can end the fight within one day!"

"End the battle?"

Zhou Xiaoli sneered, and said sarcastically, "It's not a battlefield, it's a courtroom. How do you end the battle?"

"Who said that the court is not a battlefield?"

Zhang Wei also sneered, and sarcastically said: "The court is the battlefield for our lawyers, and now I am sure of victory!"

"By the way, Director Zhou, let me ask, are you familiar with Xia Qianjun?"

"Before joining the emergency public relations department, I was the chief dispatcher of the command and liaison department of the war department, and there happened to be Xia Qianjun and the others in the team in charge!"

"That's all right, Director Zhou, why don't you tell me about my uncle's situation when he was in the war department. The more I know about him, the more helpful it will be for the case!"

In the reception room, Zhang Wei ignored Zhou Xiaoli's sharp gaze, and started chatting with her instead.

Zhou Xiaoli didn't plan to cooperate at first, but considering Zhang Wei's confidence, she planned to give him a chance.

The two chatted a lot, then Zhou Xiaoli answered the phone and left directly.


Friday night.

Dongfangdu TV station, evening column.

"Hello viewers, I'm Cheng Lisha, welcome to Lisa's interview."

"Today's guest for Lisa's interview, we have invited Miss Ji Guoguo, who has recently become quite famous because of a case, the first two. Let her say hello to everyone."

"Hello, Miss Ji Guoguo!"

"Hello, host."

"Miss Ji, recently you thought that you were quite well-known on the Internet for the matter of fighting a pervert. Even as an Internet celebrity, your number of fans has exceeded 1.5 million. But as you gained popularity, some unscrupulous things appeared on the Internet. Harmonious voice, someone said that you directed and acted this incident, and falsely accused that boy in order to gain traffic and popularity?"

"This is all slander from black fans and competitors. I am a girl, how could I joke about my innocence? That pervert really molested me. Do you know how much courage it takes for me to testify in court? Facing that lawyer , how much sacrifice do I need?"

"As far as I know, the lawyer in charge of asking you questions on Thursday seems to be that Zhang Wei. He is famous for doing things for money and has a bad reputation. Before he filed a lawsuit for an insurance company and bullied the weak, he actually made a A cancer-stricken mother lost her only chance to survive, she is simply inferior in character and morally corrupt..."

"That's right, that's right, this lawyer named Zhang Wei doesn't look like a good person at first glance, the questions he asked are simply insulting me..."

Watching the live broadcast of the talk show, someone was speechless.

"Insulting you, insulting your IQ?"

Zhang Wei rubbed his forehead and sat quietly in his seat.

He wrote "Cheng Lisha" in his notebook.

"Cheng Lisha, congratulations, you are on my revenge list!"

After muttering like this, Zhang Wei closed the anchor room.

Anyway, he also knew that the following conversation would not be nutritious, and these two women must be trying to blackmail him, Mr. Zhang.

"Hey, it's so stressful. Go find Jessica for counseling on weekends. I need psychological treatment!"

After Zhang Wei thought so, he turned on his mobile phone and made a direct call to make an appointment for a psychological diagnosis and treatment.



United Financial Building, Jessica's office.

When Zhang Wei came here, Shumenshulu was waiting at the door.

But today he found something was wrong, the people at the door looked familiar.

"I remember, they are all from William International, the bodyguards named Laura?"

Zhang Wei took a careful look, and the group of bodyguards seemed to be aware of it, and they all looked at him.

The eyes of the two sides met in the air, and neither side gave way.

That felt like it was.

Bodyguard: What are you looking at?

Zhang Wei: What are you looking at?

Bodyguard: Take another look and try!

Zhang Wei: Just try it!

In the sight of the confrontation, sparks flickered faintly.

Fortunately, just when the atmosphere was tense, the door of the office opened.

"Goodbye Jessica, I hope you remember your choice!"

"Laura, please also respect my ethics!"

The eldest lady of William International, wearing a luxurious dress, walked out of the office with elegant steps and a high face.

As a result, as soon as she went out, she caught a glimpse of Zhang Wei out of the corner of her eye.

"Hmph, it really is you!"

Laura muttered coldly, then waved her hand, and the bodyguards surrounded her.

She didn't say much, she didn't even look at Zhang Wei, and left.


"Jessica, what is she?"

"Come in and talk!"

Jessica grabbed Zhang Wei's hand and brought him into the office.

After the two sat down with ease, Jessica sighed.

"Laura found out from somewhere that you are my client, and she wants to buy your diagnosis records!"

"Then you rejected her?"

"Of course, we have a confidential relationship between doctors and patients. I can't disclose the client's information!"

"But that's the young owner of William International, wouldn't you offend her by doing this?"

"Zhang, thank you for your concern, but I believe that even William International cannot force me to do things that violate the regulations. Besides, you and I are friends, and I will not betray my friend!"

"Jessica, you moved me so much, I can't even repay you, why don't you promise me with your body?"

"Zhang, don't be silly, it's not good to make jokes!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's ridicule, Jessica blushed pretty, like a bright red apple, extremely alluring.

"You didn't come here today to make fun of me, did you?"

"Yeah, I've been under a lot of pressure these days, and I urgently need psychological counseling."

"You will also feel the pressure. I thought your heart was made of iron?"

Although Jessica said so, she still made a "please" gesture.

"Come on, I'll give you a head massage!"

"I also want the knee pillow service, is that okay?"

"You're really... pushing your limits~"

"Actually, I think 'half a foot' is good enough."

Jessica: Σ(°△°|||)︴

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