Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 249 Reasonable Doubts Are Shelved, The Prosecution's New Witness

Court scene.

On the trial seat, Lu Zhengting glanced at both the prosecution and the defense, but this time he decided to side with his daughter.

"This court believes that the defense's questions are instructive, and there is no evidence to support this, so the objection is valid!"

Now that Lu Zhengting has said so, Zhang Wei doesn't intend to get entangled in this.

He knew that although the existence of the father-daughter relationship made the judge have to worry about the impact.

But it is also impossible for Zhang Wei to use this matter to make a fuss all the time, so that Lu Zhengting can be restrained everywhere, which is not realistic.

After all, Lu Zhengting is a judge of the Municipal Court, and he also has his own professional ethics.

Similarly, the corners of Lu Wenwen's mouth raised slightly.

"Sure enough, as I expected, this Zhang Weizhen intends to throw the blame on the dead Jia Shiqing!"

She put on a "predicted" expression, a face full of confidence.

There is nothing more fulfilling than anticipating the enemy.

In the same way, Wei Min next door couldn't help nodding his head again and again, his eyes were full of amazement, and he almost had the words "Lu Gaojian is so good" etched on his face.

"Defence, do you have any questions?"

"Of course, Your Honor!"

Now that Lu Zhengting urged him, Zhang Wei had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk in front of the senior officer.

"Witness, do you know that because of your speech just now, you described my client, Ms. Lin, as a murderer?"

The senior officer was stunned, isn't this the truth?

Only her fingerprints were on the murder weapon. Didn't she hit the dead man's head with a fire extinguisher?

You defense lawyer, are you brave enough to ignore so much evidence and tell nonsense with your eyes open?

"I don't understand, what do you want to ask?"

"It's very simple, my client said, she doesn't remember, you know?"

"I know!"

The senior officer was a little speechless, but he still explained: "However, I have worked in the serious crime team for more than ten years, and I have met many suspects. Their first sentence is always I don't know, I don't remember, And I haven't..."

"Didn't kill anyone, right?" Zhang Wei raised his eyebrows.

"Yes, you are also a criminal defense lawyer, you should understand?"

"I don't understand!"

Zhang Wei's voice turned cold, and he choked on the senior officer on the spot.

"Your Honor, are they chatting?"

Lu Wenwen saw the two people in court chatting, and got up again.

Chatting in front of the judge, the public prosecutor, the jury, and more than a hundred people in the hearing booth, you are enough!

Lu Wenwen said that she couldn't take it anymore, if you continue to make trouble, I will hire someone!

"Cough, cough, defense lawyer, please be serious. This is a courtroom, not a tea lecture hall where I could attend tea lectures when I was a child!"

"Sorry, Your Honor, it's my fault!"

Zhang Wei immediately apologized, and the attitude of admitting his mistake was naturally nothing to say.

But then, he looked at the senior officer on the witness stand again.

"Senior officer, let's stop talking nonsense. I just want to ask you, when my client said she didn't remember anything, did you not believe her at all?"

"Yes, because my experience tells me that Ms. Lin is likely to have a problem. As I said before, if one of the husband and wife has an accident, the other is very likely to be the murderer. So after I confirmed the identity of the deceased, she decided to He has always been the number one suspect in my heart!"

"Then my client mentioned that she had a problem with her memory. Have you followed up on this matter?"

"Of course, I asked a psychiatrist to evaluate her, and the doctor told me that there was nothing wrong with Ms. Lin's mental state. She was only slightly frightened and overworked, so she felt weak. It was precisely because of the doctor's report that Let me be more sure that there is something wrong with Ms. Lin, so I immediately applied for an arrest warrant!"

"Is there no problem?"

Zhang Wei muttered, and then asked again: "Then after that, you listed my client as the only suspect in this case, right?"

"Yes!" Officer Gao nodded with affirmative tone.

"Senior officer, although I want to say that you did not do badly, but I think you missed another suspect!"


The senior officers were shocked, who did he miss?

He also asked the neighbors in the community. When he set off that night, someone saw only two people on the yacht.

That is, the deceased and the accused.

On the vast sea, is it possible that there are still people who got on the boat halfway?

"I would like to ask the witness, have you investigated and analyzed the traces of the fight on the yacht?"

"According to the investigation of the on-site forensic department, the trace of the fight is just an ordinary scuffle!"

"Then according to this, you have missed the most critical suspect!"

The senior officers are almost speechless, who is it?

"He is the deceased Jia Shiqing, my client's husband!"

Hearing what Zhang Wei said, everyone in the audience was speechless.

I thought you were holding back a big move, but I didn't expect to mention the deceased Jia Shiqing.

Are you going to dump the pot again?

They have been reminded several times about the prosecution, and they already have a hard time in their hearts.

"be opposed to!"

Seeing that Zhang Weizhen was planning to "smear" the deceased, Lu Wenwen naturally interrupted.

You want to throw the pot away, right? I won't let you succeed!

Since Zhang Wei dared to ask this question, of course he was prepared in his heart.

He also looked at the trial seat, and said seriously, "Your Excellency, I would like to raise a reasonable doubt!"


Seeing Zhang Wei's expression suddenly so serious, Lu Zhengting was a little uncertain for a moment.

However, after seeing many reporters in the back row of the hearing booth picking up their notebooks and preparing to write something, he became concerned again.

After weighing the pros and cons, Lu Zhengting nodded: "The objection is invalid, and this court approves the defense's question!"

Seeing that her own father did not support her, Lu Wenwen had no choice but to sit down.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for your understanding!"

After thanking Zhang Wei, he asked again: "Senior officer, have you investigated the possibility that my client is actually a victim, and Jia Shiqing was the one who took the initiative?"


The senior officer is confused, how can we prove this?

People are dead, and the bodies are still in the morgue.

The other witness is still your client, and the key point is that she has lost her memory.

Amnesia is a problem, and it is not easy to find out whether it is true or not.

But even if the amnesia is fake, can she still testify against herself?

She would definitely say that it was Jia Shiqing who made the first move.

So how do you want us to prove it?

Of course, these complaints cannot be said in court.

The senior officer sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "We have also considered what you said, but there is no way to prove it on the spot."

"But I also read the autopsy report. The dead Jia Shiqing's nails contained my client's skin tissue, and the signs of fighting on the deck proved that they wrestled together. That is to say, you can't rule out my client. Maybe it was the attacked party who had no choice but to fight back, which led to the death of the deceased?"


Seeing that the senior officer hesitated, Zhang Wei immediately said loudly to the jury: "We think this is a reasonable doubt, but the investigation department has not investigated this reasonable doubt!"

As soon as this remark came out, the 12-member jury finally responded.

Among them, the reaction of the "defense jury" was particularly strong. They seemed to be thinking about the possibility of this matter.

Even the "prosecution jury", at this moment, several people showed expressions of thought.

Apparently, they were all wondering if what the defense lawyers said was really possible on an empty yacht.

This scene was naturally seen by the prosecution.

"Objection!" Lu Wenwen stood up immediately, interrupting the bad wind.

"Your Excellency!" Zhang Wei also looked at the trial seat.

Lu Zhengting also frowned at this moment. He looked at Zhang Wei and asked quietly: "Defense lawyer, is there any evidence to support your inference?"

"He didn't ask the prosecution why he objected first!"

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, caught one point very keenly.

"Your Excellency, my theory has no evidence to support it yet, but I think neither the prosecution nor the investigation department can rule out this item. This is a reasonable doubt in this case!"

"Your Excellency, I think the defense is making unreasonable troubles. Since it is a proposal without evidence, the court can completely reject it!"

"Your Honor..."

"Your Honor..."

Lu Wenwen and Zhang Wei started arguing in court.


Seeing this, Lu Zhengting immediately struck the gavel.

"You two come up to me!"

He scolded, and let Zhang Wei and Lu Wenwen step forward.

After the two stepped forward, Lu Zhengting leaned forward and whispered: "You two, as lawyers for the prosecution and the defense, should know the most basic rules of the court, that is, you can only speak when it is your turn to speak, and make a lot of noise. What is the system?"

"Prosecution lawyer, although you are my daughter, I have to warn you, if you continue like this, I will directly ask you to leave the courtroom, and the rest of the speech will be completed by your deputy, do you understand! "

Lu Wenwen nodded as if admitting her mistake.

There is no way, the person in front of her is her own father, and she dare not refute.

Seeing that his daughter was subdued, Lu Zhengting looked at Zhang Wei: "Lawyer Zhang, I think it's your first time coming to the Nandao City Court, so I won't argue with you for the time being. Please remember, the court is not for you to quarrel. Please pay attention to this point!"

"Your Excellency, I can promise you not to quarrel, but please think about it, I raised a reasonable doubt just now, and the prosecution wants to get away with it!"

"What is fooling around? If you want to raise doubts, you need evidence to support your argument, but you don't even have evidence, so you just talk nonsense!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei wanted to continue, Lu Wenwen couldn't help it immediately, "Then can I also say that aliens actually appeared that night, and they manipulated Lin Xiangwan and Jia Shiqing, causing them to fight to the death, and finally Jia Shiqing died. And Lin Xiangwan's memory was washed away by aliens?"

Zhang Wei looked at Lu Wenwen with a dazed expression.

How could this high inspector have such a rich imagination?

It's a pity that you don't write a novel. I have already thought of the name for you. How about "Four Body Problems"?

"Actually, what Lu Gaojian said seems to be another possibility..."

Zhang Wei immediately responded to Lu Wenwen's wishes, and came to push the boat along the way.

"You two are enough!" At this moment, Lu Zhengting couldn't help it.

"Lawyer Zhang, I believe you are an excellent criminal defense lawyer, but you should know that to support reasonable doubts, you also need to provide evidence!"

After finishing speaking, he didn't want to look at Zhang Wei anymore, and the two said in an orderly tone: "In view of the points you two are arguing about, and the fact that the defense has no reasonable evidence to support it, this court has decided to shelve this doubtful point!"

on hold?

Hearing this result, Zhang Wei couldn't bear it.

Because now you are counting on this reasonable doubt, but you said you will shelve it. Does this not give me a chance to make a comeback?

Zhang Wei was very upset.

Sure enough, although Lu Zhengting would compromise on small matters, he would still support his daughter on some major matters.

For example, this time, he saw that the doubts raised by Zhang Wei might shake the mind of the jury, so he immediately chose to shelve it.

"Ahem, just now this court and the lawyers of the prosecution and defense have discussed and reached a tentative agreement. Because the arguments put forward by the defense are not supported by evidence, this court announces that this point of doubt will be put aside for the time being. Until there is no key evidence, The court will not accept this matter for now!"

"Jury, please listen carefully. The reasonable doubts mentioned by the defense lawyers just now have no evidence to support them. They are groundless guesses by the defense lawyers!"

Seeing that everyone in the jury seat heard it, Lu Zhengting nodded in satisfaction.

"Okay, you all go down!"

He waved his hand and sent Lu Wenwen and Zhang Wei back to their respective positions.

Zhang Wei was helpless, but he could only walk down the trial seat with Lu Wenwen.

"Lawyer Zhang, do you still need to ask more questions?"

"Your Excellency, since all doubts have been shelved, then we have no problem!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's statement, Lu Zhengting nodded to the senior officials on the witness stand, and the latter quickly took a stand while letting out a sigh of relief.

He walked very quickly, obviously afraid of Zhang Wei's question.

"Prosecution, do you have any witnesses?"

"Of course, we still have a witness!"

Lu Wenwen got up again and announced: "We request to summon the third witness, Ms. Qiu, to appear in court!"

"Ms. Qiu?"

At the defense table, Zhang Wei picked up the list of witnesses for the prosecution, and locked on a name called "Qiu Yanmei".

"It's her!" Zhang Wei has also investigated this person.

"who is this?"

But to his surprise, Lin Xiangwan on the side showed a puzzled expression instead.

"Isn't this your neighbor in Mochizuki Bay? I live in the same row as yours, but there seem to be five other families in the middle."

"Really, no wonder it looks familiar!"

Lin Xiangwan looked at the woman who got up from the hearing booth, and the doubt in her eyes finally faded.

"Big sister, is there really something wrong with your memory..." Zhang Wei was also a little speechless.

This is your neighbor, in the same neighborhood, you can't see it when you look down.

But when he thought that Lin Xiangwan had only been in the South Island for more than a year, and he had a lot of social activities on weekdays, he was relieved.

But he was even more curious. Since he wanted to find his client's neighbor to go to court, why didn't he find the next-door neighbor who lived closer instead of the one who was hardly next to him?

But in Zhang Wei's doubts, the witness finally went to court.

"Hello, Miss Qiu!"

Ms. Qiu looked in her early thirties. Although there were a few traces of time on her face, she was still a charming woman.


After Ms. Qiu sat down, she nodded and said hello to Lu Wenwen.

"Sister Qiu, you took the initiative to call my office. I want you to tell everyone in the court why you called us for prosecution?"

"Because I know that the defendant's husband, Jia Shiqing, actually died of murder, and she was the murderer!"

Ms. Qiu raised her hand and pointed at Lin Xiangwan who was sitting next to Zhang Wei.

"Objection, groundless accusation!" Naturally, Zhang Wei couldn't bear it, and immediately objected.

"Lawyer Zhang, don't worry, I believe that since the witness dared to say that, there must be a reason!"

Lu Wenwen sneered, her expression confident.

At the trial seat, Lu Zhengting wanted to say something, but after seeing Lu Wenwen's expression, he chose not to speak.

"Sister Qiu, since the defense lawyer says your accusation is groundless, please present the evidence so that he won't feel bad about it!"

Lu Wenwen not only made a joke, but also dissed Zhang Wei by the way, bringing up the doubts he had raised before but could not produce evidence for.

"I have video as evidence!" Sister Qiu responded immediately.

Lu Wenwen also nodded to Wei Min who was sitting on the prosecution table, and the latter fumbled on his notebook.

The projection screen behind the witness stand began to play a video.

"Honey, there are so many people here, save me some face..."

"What kind of face do you want? Do you still have face? You can't write a few words at home every day, and you won't even let me work in my company. Talk about chasing dreams, poetry and distant places, go lie to ghosts!"

"Jia Shiqing, you are useless, trash, rubbish, sexy..."


In the video, a woman yelled at Jia Shiqing, the deceased, and moved her hand while cursing, slapping the latter several times in succession.

As for Jia Shiqing, he didn't fight back at all, allowing the woman to punch and kick him.

Seriously, you can't fight back when you hit, and you can't fight back when you scold.

At the end of the video, the witness sister Qiu spoke:

"I secretly took pictures of this period during a gathering of owners held in Mochizuki Bay. At that time, the husband and wife had a quarrel, and the quarrel was very intense. I saw the defendant beating and scolding her husband during the whole process, and the latter dared not fight back at all... ..."

Following her narration, the way the jury looked at Lin Xiangwan changed again.

Similarly, Zhang Wei looked at Lin Xiangwan's actions in the video and was equally puzzled.

"I can ask you a question, when you..."

"There is no way a couple doesn't quarrel. I was in a bad mood that day. The project I was talking about was dismissed, and the company had financial problems. In addition, I saw my husband drinking and flirting with a few female neighbors. So I just..."

Zhang Wei nodded, he understood.

That's why Lin Xiangwan took Jia Shiqing as the object of his anger at that time, and this is how the scene in the video came about.

However, this explanation obviously cannot dispel the doubts of the jury.

Even Zhang Wei himself felt that this explanation was a bit far-fetched.

"Everyone on the jury, I believe you have also seen that the deceased Jia Shiqing was completely resigned to the defendant Lin Xiangwan. How could such a person threaten the defendant?"

Naturally, Lu Wenwen pursued the victory and used the testimony of witnesses to express the concept that Jia Shiqing was the victim.

Zhang Wei, on the other hand, was thinking about one thing.

There must be more than one person who has this video. Why did this sister Qiu show it?

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