Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 250 Ms. Qiu testified that the deceased cheated? (ask for monthly ticket plus change)

The wind direction of the court has changed again.

Sister Qiu, the witness, provided a video file.

In the document, Lin Xiangwan's attitude can only be described as rude, overbearing and even vicious.

In public, directly insulting, cursing, and swearing at her husband Jia Shiqing...

But even so, Jia Shiqing only whispered a few words, lowered his head, shrunk his hands, and looked resigned.

Such a person, how could he do something to attack Lin Xiangwan?

Of course, in Zhang Wei's eyes, these two things are actually irrelevant.

How you behave in public is one thing, how you behave when no one is around is another, and the two don't have to be equal.

Just like Zhang Wei's old enemy Cheng Lisha, when she hosted Lisa's interview, she was an upright media person who dared to tell the truth and was not afraid of power.

But in private, she is a despicable media person who takes money to do things and usually only talks about money.

The so-called integrity and selflessness, daring to speak out, is just a packaging for her own person.

Similarly, Jia Shiqing looks submissive to others, like a wimp, but that may also be an illusion he is putting on!

It is possible for everyone to be the former and the latter.

It's a pity that everyone in the court at this moment is willing to believe that Jia Shiqing is a weak person.

"Sister Qiu, thank you for the evidence you provided!"

"Prosecutor, I still have some words in my heart, I don't know if I can..."

"Of course, if it's something related to this case, I definitely hope you can tell us everything!"

After receiving Lu Wenwen's approval, Sister Qiu organized the speech again.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, he finally opened his mouth: "Actually, the defendant's husband, Jia Shiqing, is a very good person. He treats everyone kindly and is polite to everyone."

"On the contrary, the attitude of the defendant Lin Xiangwan is at least well-known in our community. Her attitude is very unfriendly, and she puts on a face to everyone. It feels like she has always looked down on us. This is not just me, mine Several neighbors think so too."

At the defense table, this time it was Zhang Wei who approached Lin Xiangwan.

"Is this really the case?"

"How would I know……"

The latter was equally puzzled and responded in a low voice.

"Speaking of those gatherings in the community, will you attend?"

"On the day I moved in, the community organized a home party. I was busy with socializing the rest of the time. Except for the time I got angry at Jia Shiqing, I don't remember any other parties!"


Hearing the person's answer, Zhang Wei understood.

Feelings You have a bad relationship with other families in the community, and you are a celebrity in South Island City. The wives of other families may be a little jealous of you. Now it is not unfounded to say that you have a cold attitude in court.

But even if the woman on the witness stand told the truth, it would be a very unfavorable testimony to Lin Xiangwan in the eyes of others.

Ms. Qiu's testimony did not actually reach the strength of valid evidence. She did not prove anything.

But she is equivalent to the character witness of the deceased Jia Shiqing and Lin Xiangwan, because she has been neighbors with them for more than a year, so she is somewhat familiar with the couple.

And since she said that Jia Shiqing is a good person and Lin Xiangwan is a "bad person", then the jury will definitely take her suggestion into consideration.

As for how many people really believe it, it's hard to judge.

Zhang Wei glanced at the jury box.

Among the "defense jury", many people looked at Ms. Qiu.

Among the "prosecution jury", many people lowered their heads, and some looked in other directions, as if they were thinking about other things.

"No, we can't continue, otherwise the defense jury will be persuaded by this woman!"

This is the disadvantage of the jurors selected by Zhang Wei. These people are easy to be influenced by others. If he can, so can other witnesses.

The current witness, after hearing her statement, many people in the jury accepted this almost ineffective testimony.

And these people are the people that Zhang Wei's side originally needed to win over.

in court.

Witness accounts continue.

"...Therefore, it is impossible for Jia Shiqing to do anything unfavorable to his wife, because he has a dream in his heart, which is to write an excellent work."

"In his words, he dreams of poetry and the distance, the world of words..."

When Ms. Qiu said this, a long-lost smile appeared on her face.

And this scene was also seen by Zhang Wei who had been staring at her.

"Oh, so that's the case..."

He finally understood why this woman would testify against his own side. It turned out that it was because...

"Lawyer Zhang, I feel that the jury is looking at me very unfriendly. Is there something wrong with our jury you said?"

Lin Xiangwan seemed to have noticed something, with a little worry on her face.

"Ms. Lin, don't worry, this is only temporary. After I conduct cross-examination, I guarantee that the testimony of this witness will become invalid!"

Zhang Wei looked at the woman on the witness stand with a sneer on his face.

"Thank you sister Qiu for your answer, the prosecution has no problem!"

Lu Wenwen finally finished asking questions, and then walked back to her seat.

Zhang Wei got up and walked to the witness stand.

"Hello, Ms. Qiu!"

For the woman in front of him, Zhang Wei's attitude was much colder, unlike Lu Wenwen who called her sister Qiu affectionately.

Ms. Qiu did not respond, and looked at the defense chair with a hint of hostility.

"Excuse me, Ms. Qiu, can I trust you?"


This question made Ms. Qiu slightly taken aback.

"No, pointless question!"

Lu Wenwen also took a wave of presence, expressing her dissatisfaction with Zhang Wei's question.

"Lawyer Zhang, what do you mean by asking this question?"

"Your Honor, it is meaningful for me to ask this question, and I need to confirm with the witness that her testimony is fair and impartial, based on facts, free from any interference, and nothing more!"

Seeing Zhang Wei's sincere attitude, Lu Zhengting nodded, and at the same time winked at the prosecutor's daughter, telling her to calm down a bit.

"The objection is invalid, and the defense can continue to ask questions!"

Lu Zhengting waved his hand, and Lu Wenwen could only sit down.

"Witness, please answer the question, can I trust you?"

"Of course, what I said is true!"

Ms. Qiu looked at Zhang Wei and said proactively.

"Well, I would like to ask, are you familiar with the deceased Jia Shiqing in this case, or do you have a good relationship?"

"We are familiar. We have been neighbors for more than a year. We usually see each other without looking up. As for whether the relationship is good or not, I think it's okay..."

"How good is it?"


Ms. Qiu was stunned, how should I answer this?

"Then let me ask another question, are you married?"

"My husband and I have been married for more than ten years."

"Then does your husband live in Mochizuki Bay?"

"He is in foreign trade business and often goes abroad..."

"Oh, I get it……"

Zhang Wei frowned, and then changed the tone: "So you got involved with my client's husband?"

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was in an uproar.

If you want to say something that is the most exciting and eye-catching, it is naturally something like cheating.

Especially in the courtroom, in front of the hearing, the jury, and even the judge, is there anything more exciting than exposing whether a woman is cheating?

At least the audience's attention is all concentrated at this moment.

"Object, the defense lawyers are imagining!" Naturally, Lu Wenwen couldn't bear it, and immediately stood up to object.

"Lawyer Zhang, you..."

"Your Excellency, I am asking this for the integrity of the witness, and if the witness really cheated on Jia Shiqing, then her testimony is completely inadmissible, right?"

Although Lu Zhengting really wanted to object, Zhang Wei's words were indeed reasonable.

After thinking for a long time, he could only nod helplessly, "The objection is invalid, the witness must answer this question, because it is related to the integrity of the witness!"

Zhang Wei smiled at the trial seat, then the smile disappeared quickly, and he put on a cold face, staring at the witness in front of him.

"Ms. Qiu, it's your turn to answer the question. Have you cheated on Jia Shiqing?"


This question, the average woman really can't answer, after all, this trial will be reported.

Although her husband is in foreign trade and goes abroad all the year round, it doesn't mean he doesn't know about it.

Once this matter gets out, wouldn't it be over!

"That's fine, I won't force it anymore, although I already know the answer from your hesitation."

Zhang Wei sneered and explained to the jury.

You are hesitating, obviously you have ghosts in your heart.

It looks like you must have cheated on Jia Shiqing.

I believe that under his suggestion, the jury should have a good idea.

"Your Honor, I think the testimony of this witness is completely unreliable, because she and Jia Shiqing have an unusually intimate relationship, so she will naturally testify against my client. Please carefully consider the credibility of this testimony... ..."

"No, I just have a better relationship with Jia Shiqing, what I said is true!"

Just when Zhang Wei made the request, Ms. Qiu suddenly became excited.

"Ms. Qiu, the good relationship you say is enough to affect the credibility of the testimony. You will obviously favor the deceased when you testify, and you will also be hostile to the defendant, that is, my client. Your testimony is not credible!"

Faced with Zhang Wei's aggression, Ms. Qiu cried in court: "No, my testimony is true, please believe me, please believe me..."

A crying woman is not convincing sometimes.

At least in Zhang Wei's view, that is the case.

However, he recalled it and found another cracking point.

"Ms. Qiu, don't cry, let me ask you something simple, you seem to have held a birthday party three months ago, right?"

Ms. Qiu's tears finally stopped.

Seeing Zhang Wei asking another question, she could only suppress her crying, nodded and said, "Yes, it was held."

"I saw an invitation letter for the birthday party in the house price of the deceased Jia Shiqing. You wrote it. It seems that your name is on the inviter?"

"It should be," Ms. Qiu nodded again.

"Then I'm wondering why you only wrote Jia Shiqing's name on the invitation letter, but not my client Lin Xiangwan's name?"

Zhang Wei pointed at the defense bench with a puzzled expression on his face.

"Because the defendant is busy all the time, I didn't invite her..."

"Really, but since we are neighbors, it is not a matter of convenience to invite the couple. Why did you deliberately not write the name of my client, but only invite her husband? This is very abnormal in my opinion thing?"

In the jury, many people nodded after hearing this.

Yeah, you're having a birthday party and you should invite all your friends from the neighborhood.

For example, the accused couple, it is reasonable to write the names of the couple.

In the end, you just wrote Jia Shiqing's name instead of Lin Xiangwan's name, and if you say you didn't cheat, there's nothing tricky about it, who would believe it?


"Ms. Qiu, I know you don't want to answer, but I also know one thing, that is, whether you invite me is one thing, but whether my client comes or not is another matter, and your attitude is too easy to guess! "

Zhang Wei couldn't help shaking his head while speaking.

You, a witness, come forward, isn't this discrediting Jia Shiqing?

"Ahem, jurors, everyone in the courtroom, what I want to explain is that although Ms. Qiu's testimony in court is not credible, she has at least proved one thing, that is, the deceased Jia Shiqing betrayed my client!"

Zhang Wei raised a finger and emphasized on the spot: "He cheated!"

"Lu Gaojian said just now that Jia Shiqing in the video is a cowardly person, a wimp, but in my opinion, everyone has two sides, at least he is submissive in front of others, but he dares to cheat on my client's back !"

"Similarly, since he dared to cheat, then who can guarantee that this man will not do other outrageous things, at least he can't stand my client, and murderous intent is not too much, right?"

"be opposed to!"

Seeing that Zhang Wei used the testimony of his own witnesses to smear the deceased, how could Lu Wenwen bear it.

"Your Excellency, what is the prosecution objecting to? I'm just making a reasonable inference based on the clues provided by Ms. Qiu?"

Zhang Wei sneered, and finally found the right opportunity to go crazy.

"Prosecutor, although the statement made by the defense lawyer contains some subjective speculation, it is still within the scope allowed by this court. If his statement is inappropriate, I will warn him, so please sit down!"

Lu Zhengting sighed, but could only let his daughter sit down.

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for your understanding!"

Zhang Wei thanked him, and then he was about to speak again.

"No, after the birthday party that day, my relationship with Jia Shiqing was broken, and he never looked for me again!"

But at this moment, Ms. Qiu spoke suddenly.

"What did you say?"

"I said that since that birthday party, Jia Shiqing hasn't looked for me anymore. He has already cut off contact with me. That day he came to tell me to end it!"

"Three months ago, you broke off the relationship?"

Ms. Qiu had an expression of indescribable helplessness, but she nodded.

Zhang Wei was puzzled by this answer.

But this does not affect his performance.

"All in all, thanks to the testimony of the witnesses, let us know Jia Shiqing's unknown side!"

"As for the video provided by the witness, I also have a question for Your Honor!"

Zhang Wei said, ignoring Lu Zhengting's puzzled eyes, and asked with a smile: "Your Excellency, have you ever quarreled with you and your wife?"


Lu Zhengting was stupefied, what a defense lawyer, you dare to ask me a question!

But after thinking about it for a while, he still held back his unhappiness and replied: "There is no husband and wife who don't quarrel. My wife and I have been married for more than 30 years. Although others have always praised us as a model couple, we occasionally quarrel... ..."

"Thank you, Your Excellency, for your answer. Then I can also say that quarrels between husband and wife are common, even for Judge Lu and his wife in this court. My client just happened to be in a bad mood that day and lost his temper with his husband. , is it also a normal thing?"

"And the content of the video is relatively one-sided. It only captures the scene where my client got angry. This video is somewhat misleading. I don't think this video can be used as valid evidence!"

The jury couldn't help but nod their heads.

The melon eaters at the hearing also felt that what Zhang Wei said made sense.

Lu Wenwen's face was gloomy, and Wei Min beside her could only say nothing.

It seems that the prosecution felt that the witness, Ms. Qiu, was shooting herself in the foot.

Not only did she fail to prove Lin Xiangwan's problem, but was discovered by Zhang Wei, which proved Jia Shiqing's cheating.

A cheating man is not worthy of sympathy.

Although Ms. Qiu finally said that the relationship between her and Jia Shiqing had been broken for three months.

But so what?

Cheating is cheating, and as long as it is revealed, the jury's sympathy for the deceased will fade.

"Ahem, it's getting late today, and this court has announced a temporary adjournment!"

It was not too early for Lu Zhengting to meet. After checking his notebook, he looked at both the prosecution and the defense: "Tomorrow at 3:30 pm, this court happens to be free. If the prosecution and the defense feel that the time is too late, we can start the court next Monday!"

"Your Excellency, the defense has no objection to the time for the hearing tomorrow afternoon!"

After the judge announced, Zhang Wei immediately agreed.

This surprised Lu Zhengting a little.

Are you in a hurry, kid? The tight schedule of the trial is obviously not good for your defense.

But you wish that the trial time would be opened as soon as possible. What do you mean?

"Where's the prosecution?"

"The prosecution has no objection, and agrees to open the court tomorrow!"

"That's fine. This court announced that the court will be held again at 3:30 pm tomorrow. Please don't be late!"

As Lu Zhengting hammered the hammer, the court began to dissolve.

"Thank you, Lawyer Zhang, I feel that the way the jury looks at me has changed a lot."

"Of course, but then again, do you know about your husband cheating?"

"This... I really don't know..."

When Lin Xiangwan answered this question, her face was a little embarrassed.

I am really too busy, with a lot of business activities and entertainments every day, how can I have time to care if my husband is cheating?

She even lived in the company for several weeks in a row because of her work. Anyway, she seldom went back to the villa in Mochizuki Bay.

I think it was at that time that Jia Shiqing hooked up with the female neighbor.

Zhang Wei chuckled, but didn't express his opinion.

He just thought about what the prosecution would do tomorrow.

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