Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 252 Wang Li has a problem! Busy weekend survey (3500 monthly ticket plus update)

(Repay the 3,500 monthly pass first, let’s see if there is a chance for the rest today, and pay it back slowly...)



South Island City, a private medical institution.

In the VIP ward, Lin Xiangwan slowly woke up from a coma.

"Lawyer Zhang...cough cough..."

When Lin Xiangwan woke up, she was a little weak, and her speech was weak.

"Boss Lin, you're awake!"

Zhang Wei was leaning against the window at first, but when he saw the Master woke up, he walked slowly to the hospital bed.

"How is it going?"

"The doctor did a test for you, but he hasn't given me the test report yet, so I don't know what's going on with your body."

"No, I'm not talking about my coma, but..."

"I understand, what you want to ask is about the hearing!"

Zhang Wei understood in seconds, and said slowly: "It's bad, it's very bad, it's extremely bad!"

"How bad is it?"

"Before you fell into a coma, Prosecutor Lu had already proved that you had a motive for killing, and the report letter was enough to constitute the reason for killing; as for the process of killing, the Investigation Section has always known that you did it, so if we don't speak, the case will be closed." The case can be closed!"

Zhang Wei smiled awkwardly, this case is basically unsolvable.

Because the prosecution has found "conclusive" evidence of conviction.

Jia Shiqing wrote a report letter to his wife Lin Xiangwan. Lin Xiangwan naturally had to deal with the report letter...and the person who wrote it in order not to be investigated by the Finance Department!

Jia Shiqing's disposal seemed to be a matter of course.

Zhang Wei can be sure that if there is no conclusive evidence of exculpation, then after the trial, all 12 jurors will probably vote guilty.

Lin Xiangwan has been proven to have a motive for killing, and even the "defense jurors" probably won't believe her anymore.

"Ahem, then I must go to court!"

Lin Xiangwan sensed Zhang Wei's expression and understood that he was on the edge of a cliff, so she made a decision immediately.

"I have to tell everyone in court that I have no reason to kill, and I didn't kill that wimp!"

"You really didn't kill?"

"Lawyer Zhang, even you don't believe me?"

"To be honest, if I hadn't been in the lawsuit for so many years, if it was another lawyer, I would probably have run away with a bucket!"

Zhang Wei shook his head, then scratched his head and giggled.

Until now, Lin Xiangwan has not shown any expression that the conspiracy has been revealed, as if she has always been innocent.

Unfortunately, she knew it was useless, even if Zhang Wei believed her, it was useless.

As long as 12 jurors don't believe it, it's useless for God to believe it.

"The report is out!"

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside the ward.

Zhang Wei knew that it was the doctor in charge of Lin Xiangwan.

I saw a doctor in a white coat walk into the room, holding a report in his hand, with a serious expression on his face.

"Doctor, how is my client's condition?"

"Are you a lawyer?"

The latter glanced at Zhang Wei, then at Lin Xiangwan on the hospital bed, then shook his head and said, "The situation is not good, because Ms. Lin has been poisoned!"


This time, not only Lin Xiangwan was puzzled, but Zhang Wei was also shocked.

Why is it so old, and there is such a thing as poisoning?

Moreover, Lin Xiangwan is the president of a large group, and someone is in charge of food, clothing, housing and transportation, and will he be poisoned?

The doctor handed the test report to Zhang Wei, pointed to one of the columns and said, "It's a chronic neurotoxin. The initial dose was so weak that even some equipment couldn't detect it. The toxin in Ms. Lin's body is a neurotoxin. A long-term accumulation process!"

"Long term, how long is this time?"

"Originally we were not very good at guessing the change in this value, but thanks to Ms. Lin's habit of having a physical examination every month, judging from the physical examination data of the previous few months and the concentration of toxins in the blood in this test, the last three Yue's toxin accumulation has sped up a little!"

"3 months!"

Hearing this time, Zhang Wei was slightly taken aback.

Because the prosecution witness, Ms. Qiu, said that after she and Jia Shiqing hooked up, they broke up until three months ago.

In other words, after Jia Shiqing and Ms. Qiu broke up, the murderer who poisoned Lin Xiangwan for a long time decided to increase the dose.

The initial dose of the toxin is so small that even a physical examination cannot detect it.

In this way, the toxin gradually accumulated bit by bit, until it exploded now, Lin Xiangwan's body finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Doctor, will this chronic neurotoxin threaten my client's life?"

"If it was a month later, the toxins in Ms. Lin's body would have accumulated enough to be life-threatening, but fortunately her body had issued an alarm in advance, and she only needed to cooperate with dilution therapy for about 3-4 neutralization treatments. It is enough to dissolve the toxins in the body. As for the threat you asked, the biggest threat of this chronic neurotoxin is that it will actually affect Ms. Lin's memory, but it will have less impact on the body!"


"Then...the matter on the yacht, Lin Xiangwan will forget, is it also because of the influence of being poisoned?"

Zhang Wei frowned, realizing that things were not simple.

There is a person who has been secretly poisoning Lin Xiangwan, and to be satisfied with the poisoning, this person must be able to contact Lin Xiangwan for a long time.


Jia Shiqing, the villa nanny...

Zhang Wei immediately thought of these two people, but then rejected them.

Because Lin Xiangwan said that sometimes she was away from the villa for a long time, so she didn't even know that Jia Shiqing hooked up with the female neighbor.

"Ms. Lin, have you lived in the villa every day for the past three months?"

"Of course not. I spend less than half of the time I live in the villa every month..." Lin Xiangwan shook her head and recalled.

"That is to say, Jia Shiqing and the nanny can be ruled out... who would it be?"

In Zhang Wei's mind, a vague figure is gradually revealing its outline.

"Hi, I'm Wang Li, you can call me Xiao Li..."

"Lawyer Zhang, right? You can save my number. If you have anything, you can text me. I'm on call 24 hours a day!"

With a flash of inspiration, the person gradually became clear.

"Wang Li!"

In an instant, Zhang Wei called out the name.

Only she, Lin Xiangwan's personal assistant, is on call 24 hours a day and can contact Lin Xiangwan every day.

"Little Li?" Lin Xiangwan was also stunned, she obviously heard what Zhang Wei meant.

"How could she?"

"How is it impossible? Knowing people, knowing faces but not knowing their hearts, who can poison you for a long time, who else do you know besides her?"


Lin Xiangwan thought about it for a while, and it seemed to be true.

It was impossible for Jia Shiqing, because the two of them didn't see each other for a few days in a month.

The nanny is also wrong, because she lives at home for 30 days a month, and the time she lives at home is not even 15 days, and she has specially investigated the background of the nanny, and the background of the other party is innocent.

Then we all know by the method of elimination that the only person who poisoned is Wang Li.

"She dared, I'm going to question her, why she dared to..."

"Ms. Lin, don't get excited, you won't see Wang Li until this case is over!"

Zhang Wei said a word of comfort quietly, but finally told the other party a bad news.

"Why, she poisoned me, but I can't confront her face to face?"

"Because she is a prosecution witness, she is protected by the prosecution until the case is over. If we contact her in private, the prosecution will sue us for witness harassment!"

There is no way to do this. If you contact the other party’s witness in private, you may be prosecuted by your opponent for obstructing justice.

Once Lin Xiangwan contacts Wang Li, it is likely to give people the impression that she is afraid of being convicted and bribes witnesses. This is a typical guilty conscience.

If caught by the prosecution, Lin Xiangwan will definitely go to jail without waiting for the trial.

Zhang Wei guessed that Lu Wenwen must have arranged field personnel to protect Wang Li, in case she was "killed" by Lin Xiangwan.

"Ms. Lin, leave the investigation to me. Fortunately, there are two days left on the weekend. During these two days, you can receive the first treatment, let your body get better, and then think about other things!"

As Zhang Wei said, he gave Lin Xiangwan a few more instructions, and then left the hospital.

The situation on Lin Xiangwan's side has stabilized, but his task is not easy.

The trial will start next week, and Lin Xiangwan's situation is not optimistic. After Lu Wenwen brought out the report letter, the 12 jurors all turned to the prosecution side.

Now that the "true murderer" is known, Zhang Wei needs to find conclusive evidence that can prove the criminal behavior of the real murderer.

"Wang Li!"

Finally repeating these two words, Zhang Wei's eyes gradually turned cold.

He must expose the true face of this woman who eats inside and out.


South Island, a certain financial institution.

Zhang Wei is talking with the front desk lady.

"Hello, I'm Lin Xiangwan, general manager Lin's attorney, and I'm looking for your account manager!"

"Sorry, sir, today is the weekend, and many of our managers are off work."

"Then please check, who is the manager in charge of my client, and how can I find this person?"

"Okay, sir, the account manager in charge of Ms. Lin is Manager Ye, and her contact information and address are..."


South Island, somewhere in a high-end community.

"Xiaoye, this girl is very nice. The conditions are really good. She works in a large financial institution and earns a lot of money. She serves all the big bosses and rich people. If she hadn't quit the lease, I would really be happy. I want to tell her about a marriage!"

Zhang Wei looked at the landlady in front of him with a look of surprise: "The rent has been withdrawn?"

"Yeah, the rent has been withdrawn for more than a week. The monthly rent of my house is tens of thousands of yuan, and the location is also first-class. To be honest, I really can't bear Xiaoye. Such a big house, just her I live alone, if I rent it out again, maybe how many people will live in... By the way, young man, do you want to rent a house?"

"Uh, no need!"

Rejecting the landlord's aunt's kindness, Zhang Wei walked out of the community.

"Does the financial account manager make so much money? The monthly rent is 10,000 yuan, as well as living expenses. I heard from the landlord that Xiaoye has to buy bags and luxury goods every month, and drives a high-end car worth more than 500,000 yuan to and from get off work Che, this Xiaoye, I saw the work photos of their unit, isn't she too old?"

"Could it be... that you got rich?"

Zhang Wei rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

"Wait, there's nothing wrong with Xiao Ye, right? Lin Xiangwan said that she didn't know about the charity fund. She asked the account manager to take full responsibility for this. If there are anonymous funds in the account, the manager will notify. But Lin Xiangwan has never received a reminder. , then it is likely that there is something wrong with Xiaoye!"

"Looks like I have to go back to the bank again!"

Without stopping, Zhang Wei returned to his previous financial institution.

"Hello, I want to check the income and expenditure of my client Ms. Lin Xiangwan's charity fund in the recent period. Has anyone withdrawn the funds in it!"

"Okay, please wait a moment!"

Although the lady at the front desk and the receptionist were very puzzled, why did Zhang Wei come back.

But Lin Xiangwan is the VIP of the organization, so they can only follow suit.

Soon, the financial report of the charity fund was sorted out and handed over to Zhang Wei.

"Hey, it's actually Jia Shiqing!"

The money in the charity fund was indeed taken out by someone, and the person who took it out was none other than the deceased Jia Shiqing.

Before he was killed, as Lin Xiangwan's husband, he withdrew a large sum of money from the fund.

"It's really a huge sum of money, but he is dead, so who will own the money?"

Zhang Wei was already sure that the person behind this was Wang Li.

But to prove it was her, more evidence was needed.

"Hello, is it the second girl, are you busy on weekends?"

"Oh, oh, I see, of course I'm looking for you for something serious, I want you to help me investigate three people, Jia Shiqing, Wang Li, and Ye..."

"Yes, yes, I'm busy with a case, but I'm in a little trouble now, and I need your help."

"Okay, thank you second girl, dad loves you~"

Amidst the shouting and cursing from the second girl, Zhang Wei ended the call.

"Hey, are you Hanhan, are you busy on weekends?"

"Oh, I just want to ask you to help me find someone, he is my client's financial manager, but I suspect that she is stealing and cooperating with others to manipulate my client's financial account, and now she has also run away, I need to catch her return!"

"Yes, yes, I have encountered a little trouble in this case, but it doesn't matter, I already know how to fight back, now I just need to catch people, and then..."

"Okay, thank you Hanhan, I love you, mua~"

After finishing the call with Xia Qianyue, Zhang Wei also felt in a good mood.

"Evidence, evidence, and crucial evidence. Even if I can prove that Wang Li plotted against Lin Xiangwan, how can Jia Shiqing's death be avoided?"

"The most important thing is that I have to prove that it was not Lin Xiangwan who wanted to kill Jia Shiqing, but Jia Shiqing who wanted to kill her, and Lin Xiangwan turned back and killed her."

"Similarly, after proving that Jia Shiqing has murderous intentions towards Lin Xiangwan, I have to prove that Wang Li, a woman, also participated in it. How do I prove it?"

In Zhang Wei's mind, an inspiration flashed again.

He thought of a place.


Mochizuki Bay, villa.

Zhang Wei returned to Lin Xiangwan's residence, went straight to the second floor, and came to Jia Shiqing's room.

He rummaged through the room for a while, and then entered the meditation room next door.

This time, Zhang Wei turned into a human-shaped radar, stayed in the meditation room for several hours, and finally found a clue on the carpet.

"Not enough, not enough..."

Looking at a piece of yellow hair in his hand, Zhang Wei felt that this evidence could only prove a little bit of a problem, and it was not enough to free Lin Xiangwan from the charges.

"Go and see where the body was found!"

Zhang Wei soon came to Mingyue Port again, and found the place where Jia Shiqing's body was found.

This place has already been blocked, and the isolation zone is still sealed, and there is still a field worker on duty at the scene.

"Hello, I would like to ask, is this the place where Jia Shiqing's body was found?"

"Yes, who are you?"

"I'm a defense lawyer, I want to see this place, here's my lawyer's card!"

"The defense lawyer is the murderer?"

Although the field staff took a surprise look at Zhang Wei, they still let him go.

Because this place has been seen countless times by people from the investigation department, and the forensic team has also been busy, it can only be said that all the clues that should be found have been found.

And this is not the first murder scene, there is only one corpse, what clues can there be left?

Zhang Wei glanced at the beach where the body was found, but unfortunately, due to the impact of the waves, the traces of the scene had long since been diluted.

In the blockade, apart from the sand on the beach, there are only a few plastic bags that have washed ashore.

"I would like to ask, are these plastic bags washed up with Jia Shiqing's body?"

"Of course not. These plastic bags came from behind. I don't know who is so unqualified and litters the garbage in the sea. Do you know that the pollution of our waters has become more and more serious over the years!"

"Plastic bag?"

Zhang Wei looked at the several plastic bags at his feet. They were washed ashore just like this. Because of the blockade, no one came to deal with them.

"Before, I was thinking about a question. If Jia Shiqing, together with Wang Li and the account manager surnamed Ye, wanted to steal Lin Xiangwan's money together, and they were afraid that the matter would be exposed, so they wanted to kill Lin Xiangwan, how would they kill Lin Xiangwan? If it is poisonous, the dose of the toxin is too small, and if things are exposed, it may fail."

"So on the yacht, it was Jia Shiqing who attacked Lin Xiangwan. Although he was timid, but also because of this, he will definitely consider it, and he will definitely use methods that can't find traces..."

"I remember that in Jia Shiqing's novel, there seemed to be such a plot. Although I only glanced at it briefly, I still remembered... There is a possibility that these plastic bags are actually..."

Zhang Wei lowered his head, looked at the things at his feet, and fell into deep thought again.

"Hi, this is classmate Xiaomo, hello, hello..."

"Yes, I'm Zhang Wei. I'm in South Island now. I asked Hanhan for your number."

"That's the one. I want to ask, do you know any forensic pathology experts in South Island? Those who can do on-site forensics, it's best to get the results soon."

"Yes, yes, my case needs this very much. The court will be held next Monday, so I don't have much time left."

"Oh, you have a brother who happens to be working in the South Island, and is still in the laboratory. That's a good relationship. Please give me the contact information, thank you!"

Just after Zhang Wei hung up the phone, a message was sent to his mobile phone.

Seeing the content of the message, Zhang Wei finally smiled.

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