Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 258 The trump card is the only one, but there is still a chance! (ask for monthly ticket plu

(Readers, you guys are amazing. I woke up early this morning with a monthly pass of 6,700. The author is happy, but also very painful, because the debt seems to be unpaid...emmm...)


Still in the dessert shop.

Lin Jincheng left, taking the middle-aged couple with him.

And Zhang Wei, accompanied by Xia Qianyue, drank three bowls of sweet soup.

He kept a cold face the whole time. Although he didn't show his heart, Xia Qianyue could naturally tell that someone was in a bad mood.

"Boss, have another bowl!"

"Zhang Wei, have you drank three bowls already?"

Xia Qianyue blinked her eyes, do you want to be full with dessert?

"Boss, pack!"

Zhang Wei rubbed his stomach, secretly said yes.

Then take a copy back and give it to the second girl to taste.

Just when the boss was about to pack the fourth copy, Zhang Wei finally couldn't help it.

"I never expected that everyone in the Lin family likes PUA in the workplace, let alone Lin Xiangtian, but I didn't expect the old man Lin Jincheng to do the same!"

"Zhang Wei, are you very upset, how about I beat them up for you!"

"Farewell, Hanhan, if you beat the old man, I can't defend you!"

"I'm just saying~"

Xia Qianyue puffed up her cheeks, showing a mischievous and cute expression.

"Okay, I understand what you mean, but I, Zhang Wei, won't let it go. After all, Lin Jincheng agreed to my request and promised to satisfy all my reasonable suggestions without violating the law firm's regulations. Then I have to go back and think about how to solve this problem now.”

"I, Zhang Wei, want to be an ace lawyer no matter what, if Jincheng Law Firm dares to let me go, then I will make them look good!"

In Zhang Wei's eyes, there was a raging fire burning vaguely.

"Okay, but if you need my help, remember to tell me, I will definitely support you!"

"Thank you, Hanhan."

As Zhang Wei said, he couldn't help but glance at the pretty girl in front of him.

"By the way, Hanhan, it's rare that you asked for leave today, why don't we go shopping together?"


After receiving the packaged sweet soup from the owner of the dessert shop, Zhang Wei left with Xia Qianyue in his arms.

The two went shopping like a couple, enjoying a rare day's rest.

In the evening, Zhang Wei returned to the Lin Mansion again.

The expected scene where the kitchen trash can was flooded with takeaway boxes did not happen. On the contrary, there were some vermicelli, wonton wrappers and minced meat scattered in the kitchen.

"This second girl is finally obedient!"

Seeing this scene, Zhang Wei was very happy.

At this moment, he felt quite relieved that his daughter had grown up.

Boom boom boom!

"What are you doing~"

Accompanied by the familiar knock on the door, the door of Zhao Xiaoxiao's room opened a crack.

When she saw Zhang Wei appearing, a trace of astonishment and a trace of miss flashed in her eyes.

"Second girl, I'm back, and I brought you a sweet soup, don't worry, I warmed it up in the kitchen for you, drink it while it's hot!"

"Hmph, you still have a conscience!"

Zhao Xiaoxiao finished the dessert and closed the door immediately.

But after a while, a voice came from inside: "Say you came back yesterday, why didn't you notify me right away?"

"I came back too late yesterday, and I was afraid of disturbing you, so I walked lightly and didn't say hello to you. When I got to the room, because I was too tired, I fell asleep in a hurry and forgot to say hello to you."

"Hmph, from today onwards, remember to cook on time, otherwise this lady will poke you to death with chopsticks!"


Zhang Wei easily agreed, and then prepared to go downstairs to work.

"Wow, it's so sweet, it's a good time~"

Hearing the voice coming from the room behind him, his mood instantly brightened.

Sure enough, if the "daughter" is happy, the "father" will be happy too.

Zhang Wei was facing this way, and while starting to prepare dinner, he was thinking about how to force Lin Jincheng and Lin Xiangtian to compromise.

"Lin Xiangtian obviously has no chance. This old boy is not serious at first glance. It is unrealistic to break through from him."

"Also, I suspect that the real big boss of Jincheng Law Firm is actually an old man like Lin Jincheng. Lin Xiangtian is just for show. Otherwise, how can there be a big boss who plays golf outside every day?"

"Now the only thing I can take advantage of is Lin Jincheng's so-called promise..."

"This is really difficult. Relying on other people's promises to break the situation, the other party may turn around and deny you at any time. This is really uncomfortable..."

Zhang Wei thought about it, and dinner was almost ready.

Although Zhao Xiaoxiao had already eaten dessert, Zhang Wei still called her down for dinner.

At the dinner table, Zhao Xiaoxiao ate delicious food, but looked at Zhang Wei who was frowning tightly, speechless.

"Are you in trouble? Tell me who offended you. I'll hack into his account and expose all his black materials!"

"Second girl, father is very pleased that you have such filial piety, but father can handle it by himself."

"Go away, go to hell, hum, ignore you!"

"Father is so scared~"

After a "friendly and friendly" interaction with his second daughter, Zhang Wei also became in a very good mood.

In the evening, in the room.

Zhang Wei thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't find a way to break the situation, so he could only sleep helplessly.

But in his sleep, he also talked in his sleep.

"A department can only have one trump card, only one trump card, one trump card..."

"Jincheng only has five major departments...the litigation department already has lawyer Bai, so there can't be another trump card..."

"Then what if Jincheng has a sixth department... um!"

Suddenly, Zhang Wei woke up from his dream.

"If Jincheng has a sixth department, if there is a sixth department, if there is..."

This sentence was whispered and repeated in his mouth, gradually turning into a raving.


The next day, Wednesday.

The 26th floor of Jincheng Law Firm, Litigation Department, Criminal Group Office.

9 o'clock sharp in the morning.

Zhang Wei came to the law firm in a hurry, and walked into the familiar office with a smile on his face.

"Good morning, friends!"

Unfortunately, the expected cheers did not come.

Zhang Wei froze for a moment, and found that the atmosphere in the office was a bit dull.

"Zhang Wei, you're back..."

"Zhang Wei, good morning..."

Tie Ruyun and Li Yueqin poked their heads out from the mountain of documents and greeted Zhang Wei feebly.


The always well-behaved little apprentice ran over with tears in his eyes.

"Xiaomeng, how are you doing?"

Zhang Wei quickly comforted him and asked the little apprentice how he was doing.

"Oh, don't mention it, ever since you went out to do missions, that pair of beasts and sluts has forced a lot of missions, the team leader and Xiao Li are almost dead busy!"

"They are so busy, why are you crying? By the way, you are not the daughter of our big boss's family. How dare they arrange tasks for you?"

"Although I don't have a task, seeing that the team leader is so busy and they all work in the same office, I feel embarrassed to be idle, so I decided to help them deal with it together."

Lin Yumeng said, crying and said: "Look at me, I don't even watch the drama I love most. I am busy every day until ninety o'clock in the evening. I can only fall asleep when I come home from work. The next day I have to get up early to go to work, it's too difficult for me..."

"Old iron, Xiao Li?"

Zhang Wei looked at the two of them with a flash of displeasure in his eyes.

Tie Ruyun is his leader, and Xiao Li is the most motivated partner in the group.

But as soon as he left, they were assigned so many tasks by the "beast and bitch" combination of the litigation department.

It is simply unreasonable!

Zhang Wei just scanned around, and knew that these were time-consuming, laborious and thankless clerical jobs for Nima.

The litigation department is planning to bury the entire criminal team with documents in the last few days of the month.

"Old Tie, you are the team leader, why don't you go to Boss Shen for feedback?"

"Our performance this month is not enough. Boss Shen also said, give us a little more work to keep us busy..."

Hearing Tie Ruyun's feeble answer, Zhang Wei smiled.

"Old Tie, don't do these tasks, from now on we don't need to listen to those two sluts!"

He interrupted Tie Ruyun, his face darkened, and said: "I, Zhang Wei, have left my words here today, and we have nothing to do with the litigation department from now on!"

"Ah, master, do you want to transfer to another group, or do you want to resign, don't you leave me?"

The little apprentice was shocked immediately when he heard Zhang Wei's words.

Nothing to do with the litigation department, so where else to go?

Either adjust the group or leave Jincheng, there is no other choice.

"Zhang Wei, don't be impulsive, you are still young, it's nothing for young people to suffer, and you are in our office, but the most free..."

"Wrong, old iron, I have a perfect plan!"

Zhang Wei waved his hand, then turned to look at the little apprentice.

"Xiaomeng, I know you have a way to contact your grandpa, right? I want to tell him that I have already made up my request!"

"Uh, master, how can I help you? I can't contact grandpa. Only my mother can contact grandpa at home..."

"Then you can call your mother, right?"

"Oh, that's fine."

Lin Yumeng immediately made a phone call and quickly relayed Zhang Wei's request.

the other side.

Zhang Wei's landlady hung up the phone and was stunned for a long time.

"Zhang Wei?"

Only then did she remember that she rented out her ancestral house to a young man named Zhang Wei.

I don't know if the young man who rents the house is the same person as the person who works in the same office as his daughter.

But without much hesitation, she dialed a number directly.

As soon as the call was connected, the landlady said directly: "Old man, Zhang Wei told you that he has already thought about his request."


On the other end of the phone, Lin Jincheng agreed and immediately hung up the phone.

"Hmph, the little granddaughter was really taken advantage of by that kid, but it's also good, my little granddaughter will stay under that kid's hands for a while, and the future can be expected!"

Lin Jincheng sneered, already having an idea in his mind.

Jincheng law firm.

Not long after the little apprentice made a call, the feedback came.

"Zhang Wei, someone at the front desk is looking for you!"

Tie Cuilan suddenly yelled to let Zhang Wei go down.

Zhang Wei naturally understood that the person who came to him this time was not the client, but Jincheng's "Supreme Emperor".

The old man's efficiency is naturally not to mention, when Zhang Wei came downstairs, he saw a clean old man dressed as a housekeeper waiting here.

Holding a smart phone in his hand, the old man turned on the video, and it was Lin Jincheng who appeared in the video.

"Go, find a quiet place, I want to hear your request!"

The old man took Zhang Wei directly into the most luxurious reception room.

After making sure that no one was around, Zhang Wei and Lin Jincheng met face to face through the screen.

"Tell me, what do you want?"

"Mr. Lin, after thinking about it for a long time, I finally found a way to make me an ace lawyer!"

"Oh, you still miss the ace lawyer?"

On the other side of the screen, Lin Jincheng sneered.

You boy, you are really tired of living, you want to make the old man break his promise and get fat?

"No, no, Mr. Lin, you misunderstood!"

Zhang Wei shook his head and said with a smile: "A department can only have one trump card. This is what you said, and I don't intend to make you break your promise!"

"Oh, so what are you going to do?"

"It's very simple!" Zhang Wei smiled slightly, "Although you said that a department can only have one trump card, but no one stipulates that Jincheng Law Firm can only have five departments?"

As soon as this remark came out, Lin Jincheng on the other side of the screen was stunned.

Yes, he did not stipulate that Jincheng Lawyer only has five departments.

But the five departments of the law firm are not because they have almost done their business, and there is no new business to develop.

"Mr. Lin, I found that although the business of Jincheng Law Firm is the number one in the Oriental Capital, and the scale of the law firm is also top-notch, the entire litigation department pays little attention to criminal cases. I think we can set up a criminal department to specialize in criminal cases. Responsible for the toughest criminal cases."

"Isn't there a criminal unit?"

"There are only a few people in the criminal team. Do you think it is enough? And I am not the one who said, what is the purpose of this criminal team? I believe you know it too. It is just a small group for your young son to support the scene. What future can there be? ?”

When Zhang Wei said this, he patted his chest and said: "But I believe that once Jincheng establishes a criminal department and recruits enough talents, all criminal cases in the entire Eastern Capital will come to us."

"Grandpa Lin may not know that criminal cases are the most profitable, and the opponents of criminal cases are all well-known local prosecutors in the East, and even the elites of the local prosecutor's headquarters. I believe that those who can stay in the criminal department will Become a truly unique existence!"

After Zhang Wei finished speaking, he looked at Lin Jincheng on the other side of the screen.

The latter's face was normal, his brows were slightly frowned, as if he was thinking about something.

"I admit that what you said really touched me a little bit. But can you guarantee that if the criminal department becomes the criminal department, it will be successful?"

"Of course, we just need to make a good start and make the criminal department famous!"

On the other side of the screen, Lin Jincheng narrowed his eyes, "It looks like you already have a plan!"

"Yes, I already have a plan in my mind, but before you agree, all of this is just empty talk!"

"Hahaha, good boy, to be honest, you are more capable than my two sons!"

Lin Jincheng nodded, and said casually: "Ah Fu, you know what to do next!"

"Understood, sir!"

The Qinghuang old man, who had been silent all this time, suddenly responded respectfully.

Lin Jincheng hung up the communication, and the old man also put away his mobile phone.

"Zhang Wei, right? I'm the master's housekeeper, Ah Fu. You are much younger than me, so you can call me Uncle Fu."

"Hello, Forbe."


Uncle Fu nodded, and then said: "Since the master has expressed his opinion, then let me accompany you to see the second young master!"

"Is Big Boss playing golf today?"

"No, he is upstairs today, and the master has notified him in advance. In fact, the master also knows that you are not a patient person. Every time you solve a problem, one night is enough to think about it!"

Fu Bo pointed to the top with a calm expression on his face.

Zhang Wei was a little surprised, but he was relieved when he thought of Lin Jincheng's methods.

In my previous lawsuits, it really only took a short time to solve the problem, but it was all with the help of "golden fingers".

"Okay then, Uncle Fu, please accompany me and meet the 'Big Boss' together!"

Zhang Wei smiled, and went to the top floor of Jincheng Building with Fu Bo.


Top floor office.

It was the familiar old place again, Lin Xiangtian and Lin Xiangrong were both there.

"I don't know why the old man called us here?"

"Who knows, but since Xiaowan's case is over, she should have other important matters with us!"

"I hope there will be no more tasks. I haven't played golf in the past few days, and my hands are almost rusty!"

Hearing Lin Xiangtian's complaint, Lin Xiangrong sneered in his heart.

What is your level of golf skills? You don't have a clue in your heart!

All hands are going to be rusty, your golf skills have nothing to do with whether your hands are hot or not, okay?

"Two directors Lin, someone wants to see you outside, he said his name is Zhang Wei!"

"What's the matter, this kid doesn't come sooner or later, but he comes when our old man is looking for us?"

Lin Xiangtian waved his hand and said impatiently: "Tell that kid, no see!"

"But Mr. Lin, that kid is accompanied by an old man. He said his name is Uncle Fu, which represents the master?"


Hearing this sentence, Lin Xiangtian couldn't hold back immediately, and looked at Lin Xiangrong.

Good guy, Uncle Fu is here, and he came with Zhang Wei.

"Let that kid in, wait a minute, be polite and don't neglect!"

Not long after, Zhang Wei walked into the top floor office with Fu Bo at the respectful invitation of the female assistant.


Seeing Uncle Fu, both Lin Xiangtian and Lin Xiangrong were very polite.

"Eldest Young Master, Second Young Master!"

Uncle Fu was also very polite to the two, bowing his hands and bowing in salute.

"Forbe, what does the old man mean..."

"Master said, listen to Zhang Wei!"

Uncle Fu pushed Zhang Wei out without wasting time.


Lin Xiangtian and Lin Xiangrong looked at each other again, and then both looked at Zhang Wei.

"Big boss, it's me!"

Seeing the opportunity, Zhang Wei cleared his throat and said solemnly, "I discussed it with Mrs. Lin, and he agreed to my request."

"By the way, my request is also very simple. In the future, Jincheng will no longer have five major departments, but six major departments. The extra department is called the criminal department, and I recommend Tie Ruyun, the former head of the criminal team, to be this department." Minister of Criminal Affairs!"

"What, Criminal Department!"

Hearing Zhang Wei's request, Lin Xiangtian was dumbfounded, but quickly shook his head.

"It's impossible, five departments are enough, the sixth department is completely..."

"Big boss, what are you talking about? Old Mrs. Lin promised me this. Do you think you can replace Mrs. Lin?"

As soon as these words came out, a strange light flashed in Fu Bo's eyes.


The coldness around Uncle Fu directly locked on Lin Xiangtian.

The latter seemed to feel it too, the fat on his face trembled slightly, and at the same time the chrysanthemum also vaguely felt a coolness.

"What, what my father means is what I mean. What the old man says is what he says. I have absolutely no objection!"

Under Uncle Fu's "friendly" gaze, Lin Xiangtian made a decisive statement.

Seeing that the "big boss" agreed, Zhang Wei showed a satisfied smile.

The thing of being the trump card is finally done!

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