Crazy, You Call This a Trainee Lawyer

Chapter 261 The client Yang Shao, the ten-year pending case (6500 monthly ticket plus update)

Yang Shao, who Zhang Wei is looking for, is now in Dongfangdu.

But he didn't come to Dongfang Capital on his own initiative, but came passively.

And it was brought back from the next city by the investigation department to assist in the investigation.

At this very moment, the Office of the Serious Crimes Team of the Oriental Martial Arts Association.

An interrogation room.

"Yang Chuanfang, in Dongfangdu ten years ago, everyone called you Young Master Yang. You were the young owner of Evergreen Hotel. At that time, in Dongfangdu, how many girls were fascinated by you!"

"And your father, Yang Changqing, is the owner of the Evergreen Hotel, and the Evergreen Hotel is even more amazing. It's the first star-rated hotel in the Eastern Capital, right?"

Lei Hu, the leader of Serious Cases 1, came out to interrogate the suspect himself today.

And the man sitting in front of him was Zhang Wei's target, Young Master Yang.

After asking for a while, the suspect didn't say a word.


There was a loud bang in the interrogation room.

It turned out that it was Lei Hu's slap, which slapped directly on the table in the interrogation room.


With a crisp sound, the chair fell apart and fell apart.

Even if Yang Shao has suffered from cyberbullying for 10 years, his psychological endurance is already beyond the reach of others. Seeing this scene now, he can't help but take a deep breath.

The power of this palm is so terrifying!

If this palm hits a person, wouldn't the person also fall apart?

"What a broken table, if you don't knock it, change it for me!"

With a big wave of Lei Hu's hand, he told his subordinates to quickly move the table.

This trick is also his usual routine.

He came suddenly in the interrogation room and caught the other party by surprise.

And because it was knocking on a table and a chair, even if something was broken, it could be covered by a moment of excitement.

Anyway, as long as you don't hit anyone, it doesn't matter if the defense is accompanied by a lawyer.

Taking advantage of the effort of changing chairs, the originally tense and oppressive atmosphere in the interrogation room was relaxed for a moment.

Yang Chuanfang could finally catch his breath.

Outside the interrogation room, there were also four people watching this scene.

"This Thunder Tiger is still the same!"

"Isn't this tiger always like this? Although you can't do anything to suspects, it's not illegal to do something in the interrogation room!"

"That's right, often as long as he shows his hand, the general suspects will be terrified!"

"This young master Yang hasn't peed his pants in fright yet, he's already very brave!"

If Zhang Wei were here, he would be very speechless.

Because the two people talking were his old acquaintances, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng.

And those who followed the two of them were also acquaintances among acquaintances.

"Xiao Baihe, Tan Yingying, you two are optimistic. This person is the main suspect in the case. When the time comes, you will be in charge of investigating this case. You must interrogate him properly!"

Following Zhao Chunming's order, Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying naturally nodded their heads.

The main prosecutor in the case is Xiao Baihe, and Tan Yingying is naturally the deputy.

The impact of this case is not small, especially in the recent period when it was discovered by the Internet again.

The local prosecutor's headquarters also attached great importance to the case, so they sent the ace prosecutor Xiao Baihe to take charge.

As for Tan Yingying, she is also the candidate for the old deputy. In addition, she performed well in the case of Zhu Tianying a while ago, so she got the chance to be the second deputy in this case.

"The only problem now is who will this Yang find as a lawyer. The impact of this case is so great that ordinary law firms will be concerned about their reputation, so they won't take this case!"

Zhao Chunming looked into the interrogation room and frowned slightly.

In fact, ordinary lawyers don't pay much attention to them at the headquarters of the local prosecutor's office.

Moreover, ordinary lawyers would not accept this case.

But if they are powerful figures, they really need to be cautious.

It's a pity that Yang Chuanfang's lawyer has been missing for a long time.

Ding dong!

Just then, the elevator doors opened.

"A lawyer is here~"

With a shout, a figure hurried into the office of the crime team.

"Hey, this voice!"

Hearing this extremely familiar voice and seeing the figure that appeared, no matter whether it was Zhao Chunming or Guo Wufeng, they were all stunned on the spot.

"Zhang Wei!"

Xiao Baihe opened his mouth slightly when he saw someone coming.

"Zhang... Zhang Wei!"

When Tan Yingying saw the person coming, her teeth began to chatter, her hands and feet trembled subconsciously.

"Hehe, they are all acquaintances!"

Looking at the four prosecutors in front of him, all of whom were old acquaintances, Zhang Wei naturally "smiled" and leaned forward.

"Come, come, here is my new business card, everyone is acquaintances, take it, you are welcome!"

Zhang Wei immediately took out four business cards from the business card book and handed them to the four people in front of him respectively.

"What the hell!"

"Wait, Ace Lawyer?"

"Jincheng Law Firm's ace lawyer Zhang Wei, or the criminal department's ace?"

"Zhang Wei, have you become the trump card?"

The four had different expressions, but when they saw the word "Ace" written on the business card, they all opened their eyes wide.

"Ahem, not bad!"

Zhang Wei smiled, and then shook his suit, "I am now the ace lawyer of Jincheng Law Firm, and I am affiliated with the Criminal Department, one of the six major departments of Jincheng!"

The ace lawyer, moreover, is from Jincheng.

Although they knew that Zhang Wei was a very good lawyer, Zhao Chunming and Guo Wufeng never expected that this kid would actually become the trump card during the internship period.

Even if it is attached to the newly established criminal department, there is a feeling of being stuck.

But Jincheng's trump card is already very telling.

Zhang Wei's level is also improving.

At the same time, the reputation of the other party has also been improved, which is not a good thing for the local prosecutor's headquarters.

"Oh, by the way, I'm going to see my client, everyone, take your time, if you run into trouble in the future, remember to call me!"

Zhang Wei bid farewell, regardless of the reactions of Zhao Chunming and the others, and went straight to the interrogation room.

Watching Zhang Wei leave, the four members of the local prosecutor's team had different expressions.

"Xiao Baihe, cheer me up on this case, and don't let the real culprit go!"

Zhao Chunming exhorted in a cold voice, and left together with Guo Wufeng, who had a slightly unwilling expression on his face.

As for Xiao Baihe and Tan Yingying, they are in charge of the prosecution of the case and still need to get the first-hand transcripts, so they have to wait here.

Interrogation room.

The atmosphere was still serious, especially the new chair was crumbling under the weight of Lei Hu's hands, as if it might follow in the footsteps of the "predecessors" at any time and suddenly fall apart.

Boom boom boom!

There was a knock on the door.

"Who is it!"

Lei Hu asked impatiently.

"It's me, Zhang Wei!"

"Zhang Wei?!"

Lei Hu remembered the voice, and winked at the subordinate beside him, who immediately went to open the door.

"Hey, Captain Lei, long time no see. Are you getting fat again? The chair under your butt seems to be telling me, come and save me!"

When Zhang Wei walked into the interrogation room, he only took a cursory glance and saw the rickety chair under Lei Hu's buttocks, so he couldn't help but tease him.

"You boy..."

"Ahem, Team Lei, we will have plenty of time to deal with each other in the future. This is my business card, please keep it!"

Zhang Wei took out three more business cards and handed them to Lei Hu and the subordinate next to him, and at the same time handed one to Yang Chuanfang.

"Ace lawyer Zhang Wei!"

Seeing the big characters on the front of the business card, Lei Hu couldn't help shouting.

As for other small words next to the business card, such as "Jincheng Law Firm", "Department of Criminal Affairs", etc., it is not important anymore.

The word "ace" alone is enough to explain the problem.

"Yes, our big boss said that my performance is outstanding, and he specially promoted me to be the ace lawyer of the criminal department of the new department. There will be many opportunities to deal with Team Lei in the future. We can have a cup of tea and sit down and chat together. Already!"

Zhang Wei looked at the many business cards left in the business card holder, and wondered if he should wander around the investigation department and send out all the business cards when he left later.

Anyway, in the back-office department of Jincheng Lawyer, Ace Lawyer can print as many business cards as he likes.

Ever since he had his own exclusive business card, Zhang Wei wished that everyone in the city could have one.

"Zhang Wei, Lawyer Zhang, it's possible that you are here..."

"That's right, I'm here to see my client, Mr. Yang, at the request of Editor-in-Chief Pei and Editor-in-Chief Guan of the Oriental Metropolis Entertainment Tabloid!"

After Zhang Weidao expressed his interest, he said to Yang Chuanfang: "Mr. Yang, I was entrusted to act as your defense lawyer. I wonder if you have hired other lawyers for this case?"

"This... is not..."

"That's good. I don't know if you want to hire me. If you agree, we can sign the entrustment agreement now!"


Yang Chuanfang didn't actually know Zhang Wei, but he nodded when he heard the other mentioned Editor-in-Chief Pei and Editor-in-Chief Guan.

He still knows these two.

"Okay, Captain Lei, please provide me and my client with a quiet and undisturbed room. I want to have a careful chat with him. Later, I will tell him some precautions and let him 'full 'Cooperate with the investigation department's inquiries and fulfill the obligations of a good citizen, please rest assured!"

Lei Hu frowned, but he had nothing to do with Zhang Wei, because this was all in compliance with the prescribed procedures.

And he knew that he would definitely get nothing from the inquiries later.

Because once the lawyer is around, as long as the suspect doesn't want to speak, the lawyer has a lot of ways to stall the investigation.

Even if he has the means, it can only scare some junior lawyers. For a "sophisticated" criminal defense veteran like Zhang Wei, these means are actually useless.

"Hmph, make room for them, and then go and inform Lin Ruonan that she will be in charge of the interrogation later!"

Lei Hu didn't intend to waste any more time, since Zhang Wei had come, he directly left the matter to his deputy team.

After all, the deputy...

If you don't do the dirty work, who will do it? Could it be that I, the captain, can't do it?

The next thing was simple, Zhang Wei took Yang Chuanfang to a room, and after talking for a while, the two began to take notes with Lin Ruonan.

When Lin Ruonan saw Zhang Wei, although he was a little surprised, he still finished the work very quickly.

Finally, after the transcript was recorded, Zhang Wei also left the investigation office with the client.


Wuxi parking lot.

Zhang Wei and Yang Chuanfang walked out of the office building of the Martial Arts Association together, chatting along the way.

"It is my great honor to know Lawyer Zhang!"

"It is also my honor to be able to file a lawsuit for Young Master Yang."

"Lawyer Zhang is joking. I am no longer Young Master Yang, and I am involved in lawsuits. It can be said that I cannot protect myself."

"Young Master Yang, in this case, in my opinion, the testimony of the new witness is not very binding, because the case has been separated by 10 years, who knows if he was blind 10 years ago, even if he didn't Looking at the eyes, it has been 10 years, and the memory can also make a fuss, anyway, he himself may not remember the situation at that time..."

As the two walked, they came to a red off-road vehicle.

"This is my car!"

"Oh, Young Master Yang, your car is pretty good, and it's a big brand. It costs a million dollars, right?"

"more than!"

Seeing Zhang Wei looking at his car with relish, Yang Chuanfang sighed and explained: "My car is a custom-made bulletproof car, and the price is five times that of the market. The delivery price at that time was 5 million, which is not considered landing. What about the cost!"

"An armored car?"

"Yeah, a bulletproof car, because during that time, I could say that I couldn't move an inch in the east, and people threw things at me when I went out, so I specially customized this bulletproof car..."

When Yang Chuanfang said this, he showed a look of embarrassment.

The Eastern Capital ten years ago was really a painful day for him.

"Young Master Yang, don't be nervous. We will go to the law firm to discuss your case in detail. When I asked you to take notes, you don't have to answer some questions that you don't want to answer, but when you arrive at our office, please explain it carefully. situation at the moment!"

"Okay, Lawyer Zhang, let's go then!"


Jincheng Law Firm, 25th floor.

Criminal department office, a conference room.

"No, no, please let me go!"

"Baby, you are mine, you will always be mine, I will not let you go, I want you to stay here forever!"


Accompanied by a shrill scream, the picture on the projection screen finally freezes at the scene of a handsome man brutally killing a beautiful woman.

Zhang Wei picked up the remote control, turned off the projector, and then explained with a flat expression:

"This one is the love and hatred drama "Hotel by the Sea", which was filmed and released ten years ago by Cheng Lisha as the screenwriter, as well as the planner and producer."

"Relying on this drama, she emerged in the media and show business at the same time, and gained huge traffic, becoming the unrivaled media rookie at that time!"

Following Zhang Wei's introduction, the two daughters, Li Yueqin and Lin Yumeng, who were also in the office, unconsciously glanced at Yang Chuanfang who was sitting across from U Xin's desk.

In their eyes, there was a little bit of fear.

Because according to what Cheng Lisha said, she adapted it based on a real case that caused a sensation in Dongfangdu at that time.

And the murderer of the case was right in front of their eyes.

Panicked, so scared~

Li Yueqin's face was still a little calm, but her trembling hands betrayed her heart.

Lin Yumeng shrank her head even more, trembling all over, like a little ostrich.

"Ahem, you two, can you calm down a bit, now Young Master Yang is our client and our client, show your consciousness as professional lawyers!"

Zhang Wei reprimanded him, then looked at Tie Ruyun, "Old Tie, come and sort out the details of the case!"

"Why didn't you come? I'm already the head of the department and a partner of the law firm. Why do you still order me?"

"Old man, do you want our criminal department to grow stronger?"

"Yes I do!"

"Then hurry up. If we win this case, the reputation of our Criminal Department will be heard all over the East. How many people will be crying and clamoring to join our Criminal Department? The picture must be beautiful, right?"

Tie Ruyun thought about it carefully, it seemed that the picture was indeed quite beautiful.

He was very helpless, and he was manipulated by Zhang Wei again.

But since the future is bright, so what if the reality is a little more painful.

Tie Ruyun could only open the file and read aloud word by word:

"10 years ago, during the summer vacation in August, the victim, Wen Xiaoyun, was invited by her boyfriend Yang Chuanfang to live in the Evergreen Hotel at that time. Many people saw the two going in and out in pairs in the Evergreen Hotel, acting together. For boyfriend and girlfriend relationship."

"On the 15th of the same month, Yang Chuanfang's birthday, Yang Chuanfang invited a group of friends to celebrate, including Wen Xiaoyun and several college roommates. The birthday party was held at the seaside mansion inside the Evergreen Hotel. There were said to be 50-100 participants people."

"According to the guests who attended the party at that time, on her birthday, Wen Xiaoyun had a fierce quarrel with the party host, Yang Chuanfang. Angrily left the party venue."

"Afterwards, Yang Chuanfang also left the mansion, the party disbanded halfway, and everyone witnessed Yang Chuanfang leaving."

"The next day, the roommate found that Wen Xiaoyun hadn't returned all night, so he reported the case. The investigation department dispatched to search for Wen Xiaoyun, but unfortunately there was no result..."

Tie Ruyun closed the document and looked at Yang Chuanfang, "Our client was listed as the first suspect by the investigation department at that time, but unfortunately they couldn't find Wen Xiaoyun's whereabouts in the end, and this case became an unsolved case at that time. "

"Because the incident took place at the Evergreen Hotel, coupled with Cheng Lisha's publicity and the filming and release of the drama, this case caused a huge sensation at the time."

Hearing this, Yang Chuanfang also smiled wryly, "At that time, whenever I went out, I would be chased and scolded as a murderer. Every day I would receive hundreds of text messages, and sometimes anonymous threatening phone calls!"

"But I really don't know how Xiaoyun left me... I drank too much wine at the time, so I went back to my room and slept until the next morning."

"Xiaoyun's sudden disappearance was told to me by others. At that time, I was in a trance because of alcohol..."

Yang Chuanfang's expression can't be said to be innocent, but it can also be said that there are no flaws.

Zhang Wei nodded and comforted: "Young Master Yang, I understand your feelings. Please recall carefully what details you left behind that day, such as why you quarreled, and when Wen Xiaoyun left, was there anything wrong?" People followed, did her roommates and girlfriends go out with her at that time?"

"I thought about all of this at the time, and asked about it, but unfortunately their answers were all in the negative. And it wasn't just me who asked, I believe that the people in the investigation department must have asked about these things at the time. Xiaoyun hasn't come back until now, she... ..."

When Yang Chuanfang said this, he covered his face with one hand, with a very painful expression on his face.

"Lawyer Zhang, can I go back to rest today, I feel like I need to make some adjustments!"

"Of course, you also have my business card, if you have any questions, remember to call me!"

After Zhang Wei exhorted, he sent Yang Chuanfang out of the law firm.

Watching the latter leave, his eyes gradually became serious.

This case doesn't seem to be easy...

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